I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About

LOL Actually, a majority agreed that the orange douchebag should not be the current president of the United States!

Too bad you idiots and your dear leader cannot accept it. Suck it up, already. It's been more than 2 years. :itsok:
Actually you are wrong. and also DUPED.
How is Trump to blame for one million Covid deaths worldwide? It is debatable that Trump could have even saved lives here in the USA otherwise BIDEN WOULD HAVE DONE IT HIMSELF and saved the 600,000 deaths that occurred with him in office.

Trump sucks? Are you complaining about the man? Or are you actually looking at his policies and what he got done as president in office? Do tell me Trump's most sucky POLICIES and accomplishments AS PRESIDENT.
How is Trump to blame for one million Covid deaths worldwide?

Pull yourself together, idiot..

Nearly 7 million have died worldwide.

Or are you actually looking at his policies and what he got done as president in office? Do tell me Trump's most sucky POLICIES and accomplishments AS PRESIDENT

He has no accomplishments. He was a disaster, even before Covid.

That's why those who don't rely on FOX rank him at or near the very bottom.
It only goes to show you the amount of ignorant votes in this country. We have way too many people using the same criteria to vote on a President that they used to vote for their favorite American Idol contestant: how they look, how they speak, how attractive is their family and so forth.

I've been saying for the longest time what we really need to straighten out this country is a law requiring voters to take an easy multiple choice test before being allowed to vote. Fail the test and you have to wait until next election before you can vote again. No partisan questions, just simple ones that any voter should know like who is the VP? What party does the VP belong to? Who is the Speaker of the House? What party do they belong to? Is our country in debt? If so, by how much? Which party leads the Senate? Spending bills are created from what sector of government?

Republicans would welcome such a requirement, but Democrats would go ape shit. Democrats need stupid people to vote in order to gain or maintain power. That's why we have Biden today.

Did you cast 2 votes for a reality TV mogul?
What are we upset about.

1 Million dead from Covid.
65 Million jobs lost
265,000 small businesses shuttered.
riots in the streets
assaults on Democracy

No one misses Trump except for the die hards who can't admit they made a mistake.

It's why half your party wants to move on to DeSatan and hope that no one notices he's a twit.
I don't know how anyone can logically blame covid deaths on Trump. No sitting president could have been able to effectively manage what was about to come. The focus should have been how Covid started and forcing the hands of China to be transparent. But, most of you were okay that someone at a bat story, while everyone else was pointing at a lab that was actually doing gain of function research out of Wuhan as conspiracies. SMH

And all the shit that happened after covid, that you're pointing out is not Trump.

If I recall, economically the country was doing quite well. Foreign policy, I remember everyone scared that Trump would instigate WWIII. Instead, North Korea shut the fuck up and was there a new war? Gas was under $2.00 a gallon from where I'm at. Investments were growing. But only a couple of months into Biden's presidency, North Korea starts running their mouth again. Hmmm.

The left was so damn furious that the mafia candidate of choice, Hillary didn't win, that they went on this 4 year rampage point out every damn thing they could to sway public opinion rather than focus on what was actually happening to the country.

Look, the appeal of a candidate, coming into Washington, recognizing that the swamped did need to be drained, of them ALL, not just dems but also the republicans who have corrupted the system was golden. The attitude towards foreign and economic policies and keeping America first was good to hear.

The Problem:
Trump is an egotistical misogynistic asshole. He is a terrible human being. If he could have just stayed off of twitter, let his policies speak for themselves, he might have actually got the second term. But he couldn't help himself and the leftists ate it up day after day. Trump only has himself to blame. But he's too damn egotistical to admit it.
Stop talking to your mirror, and attempt to answer my questions. That will be the firat step in your deprogramming from the DUPED robot that you are.
You're a moron who has no idea what he's talking about.

Donald Trumps economic record, even before Covid, was shitty...
So far in 8 years of trying, and constant accusations and investigation, not one of the Trump haters--not the trial by media, not Congress, not any of those who have accused, sued or tried to prosecute him, not a single witness against him--has come up with a single crime he has committed that would hold up in any valid court of law. Nor have you.

Vague accusations or wishful thinking are tools of those who are hateful, wrong, malicious and/or evil.
You're entirely uninformed.

Grifty was shielded by a supine Senate.

Now that he is no longer protected by his office, he has been indicted, and is under investigation in several jurisdictions.
I don't know how anyone can logically blame covid deaths on Trump. No sitting president could have been able to effectively manage what was about to come. The focus should have been how Covid started and forcing the hands of China to be transparent. But, most of you were okay that someone at a bat story, while everyone else was pointing at a lab that was actually doing gain of function research out of Wuhan as conspiracies. SMH

And all the shit that happened after covid, that you're pointing out is not Trump.

If I recall, economically the country was doing quite well. Foreign policy, I remember everyone scared that Trump would instigate WWIII. Instead, North Korea shut the fuck up and was there a new war? Gas was under $2.00 a gallon from where I'm at. Investments were growing. But only a couple of months into Biden's presidency, North Korea starts running their mouth again. Hmmm.

The left was so damn furious that the mafia candidate of choice, Hillary didn't win, that they went on this 4 year rampage point out every damn thing they could to sway public opinion rather than focus on what was actually happening to the country.

Look, the appeal of a candidate, coming into Washington, recognizing that the swamped did need to be drained, of them ALL, not just dems but also the republicans who have corrupted the system was golden. The attitude towards foreign and economic policies and keeping America first was good to hear.

The Problem:
Trump is an egotistical misogynistic asshole. He is a terrible human being. If he could have just stayed off of twitter, let his policies speak for themselves, he might have actually got the second term. But he couldn't help himself and the leftists ate it up day after day. Trump only has himself to blame. But he's too damn egotistical to admit it.
Gas was under $2.00 a gallon from where I'm at
No, it wasn't...

Why does this idiotic slogan survive?

It goes both ways LOL

When HRC lost:
Pull yourself together, idiot..
You said it. I'm too stupid.

Nearly 7 million have died worldwide.
56 million people die a year normally every year, Horsehead.

He has no accomplishments.
Now you are just talking stupid, Stupid.

He was a disaster, even before Covid.
Poor baby, did no one fluff your pillow last night?

That's why those who don't rely on FOX rank him at or near the very bottom.
I don't rely on Fox and I rank him near the top.
Another one of your theories bites the dust.

Did you cast 2 votes for a reality TV mogul?

Yes, once in the first election and another for the second.

That TV mogul was ten times a better president than this dementia patient you people put into power by every metric: immigration, stock market growth, handling of covid, foreign relations, inflation.........

Now experts are saying that gasoline will be in the $4.00 a gallon range all this summer. Our local news stations are reporting that our electricity rates will almost double. Also predicted is yet another interest rate hike by the feds.

Yes, I miss those Trump years, and I hope others do as well. No honest person can say we are better off today than we were four years ago.
He was one of them, a social media darling sought out, fawned over, the guy everybody wanted to be photographed with, dozens of references and cameo appearances in movies and on television, before he came down the escalator with Melania that day.

But as a common sense reformer Republican who wanted a strong, free, prosperous American for all and who rejected the radical left, P.C. woke agenda, he was suddenly the enemy of the radical left as are all who share that vision and agenda.

That meant he was to be allowed no power. He must be destroyed. And since that very day they--most Democrats, media, most in education, scientific institution, big business, social media, entertainment--have accused, blamed, threatened, lied about him in their unholy, vicious, malicious, and evil attempt to destroy him.
Isn't that amazing. Trump rode the fence politically for years. Was a public celebrity, like him or not, he didn't care.

But, the minute he was going to run against HRC, suddenly his womanizing was a problem. He was a racist, bigot and a fascist.
Every bad tweet or SM post was scrutinized and demonized.
Yet, the left wanted the notorious H.R.C. in office. Another Clinton who's back door dealings and political shenanigans was well known. But the media didn't care. Trump was orange and evil and that's all they cared about, and to this day, all they care about.
Just wanting him to be guilty of something
We don't want him to be guilty of something.
We want him to be held accountable for his decisions.
You guys want to deny ANY wrongdoing.

My gawd, trump is a lying con man.
"No, I don't take any responsibility at ALL." djt
You said it. I'm too stupid.

56 million people die a year normally every year, Horsehead.

Now you are just talking stupid, Stupid.

Poor baby, did no one fluff your pillow last night?

I don't rely on Fox and I rank him near the top.
Another one of your theories bites the dust.
Go ahead, Funny Girl...

Make that case.
Isn't that amazing. Trump rode the fence politically for years. Was a public celebrity, like him or not, he didn't care.

But, the minute he was going to run against HRC, suddenly his womanizing was a problem. He was a racist, bigot and a fascist.
Every bad tweet or SM post was scrutinized and demonized.
Yet, the left wanted the notorious H.R.C. in office. Another Clinton who's back door dealings and political shenanigans was well known. But the media didn't care. Trump was orange and evil and that's all they cared about, and to this day, all they care about.
suddenly his womanizing was a problem.
Do you know ANYTHING about that asshole?
Yes.....except....none of them tried to storm the Capitol for her....or threatened a then VP Biden to overthrow the election.....

In fact, the people in the pictures bring up Hillary less than you right-wing alpha males do...but let me know when Hillary runs for office again tho...
We can go tit for tat. I didn't see any of the Dems stop the BLM movement as they absolutely destroyed cities and towns. I have no idea what the end game of Jan 6th was, but it was no "Insurrection" and the damage done, was minor compared to the Billions that the leftist allow to happen in this country.

What is your point in using terminology "right-wing alpha male" supposed to imply? Is that an insult to me? Am I supposed to feel bad? Are you trying to stereotype me? (I thought we weren't supposed to do that in our woke culture).

Oh, and don't be surprised if she's in the bill:
Yes, once in the first election and another for the second.

That TV mogul was ten times a better president than this dementia patient you people put into power by every metric: immigration, stock market growth, handling of covid, foreign relations, inflation.........

Now experts are saying that gasoline will be in the $4.00 a gallon range all this summer. Our local news stations are reporting that our electricity rates will almost double. Also predicted is yet another interest rate hike by the feds.

Yes, I miss those Trump years, and I hope others do as well. No honest person can say we are better off today than we were four years ago.

You're a moron.

You don't even know where to find the data.

Either post these metrics, with sources, or find another topic.

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