I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About

After 4 years of incredible successes of the Trump administration, all despite constant Democrat obstruction and harrassment, everybody in America should agree that the current president of the United States should be Donald Trump.

This is especially true in light of the 2 disasters we have occupying the White House right now (Biden & Harris). But even putting that aside, I just dont understand what it is that the Trump haters have against this man, who made our country great again, after 8 miserable years of racial turmoil, the rise of ISIS, and economic decline of the Obama administration.

Mystifying. :dunno:

They are mindless sheep who ingest corporate propaganda and then regurgitate it indiscriminately.

And that propaganda is telling them anyone who disagrees with the "Narrative" is a racist transphobic KKK Nazi.

Facts, objective observations, rational inquiry - all of this is abandoned in a cacophony inflicted by "THE MESSAGE".

Some of us were able to escape the mental prison when they overplayed their hand. (BLM/Antifa riots, mass lockdowns, vaccine mandates etc.)

We could see through the illusion because of just how un-American the Leftist assault on our institutions had become.

Sadly, many of us could not see it - and still don't. Whether it's out of pure fear, stupidity, or both: many act as if nothing has changed, and the only strange thing is TRUMP. It's as if all the outrage that should be aimed at the elites, the Globalists, and the Uniparty - has been absorbed by Orange Man amidst the biggest game of "SQUIRREL!" distraction I've ever witnessed.

Reinforce that with the constant assurance that "we are the good guys!", and it's a hopeless perpetual feedback loop of cerebral rot and blind acquiescence to the completely irrational.

And that's it.
TV told them to hate so they hate.

It really IS that simple.

I figured that out when leftists told me to my face that "walls don't work". Then to my horror they all rolled up their sleeve and allowed an EXPERIMENTAL SOMETHING to be injected into them by an $8 an hour walmart employee.


Because TV told them to.

Beat me to it!
If you're only pointing to the single point of gas, yes, at one point it was $1.89 a gallon. I remember specifically point it out. So tell me again that I'm wrong.
If you're only pointing to the single point of gas,
Of "time", you mean.

How stupid would you have to be to do so when talking about something as volatile as gasoline prices?

In 2018, it hit $3/gall.
They are mindless sheep who ingest corporate propaganda and then regurgitate it indiscriminately.

And that propaganda is telling them anyone who disagrees with the "Narrative" is a racist transphobic KKK Nazi.

Facts, objective observations, rational inquiry - all of this is abandoned in a cacophony inflicted by "THE MESSAGE".

Some of us were able to escape the mental prison when they overplayed their hand. (BLM/Antifa riots, mass lockdowns, vaccine mandates etc.)

We could see through the illusion because of just how un-American the Leftist assault on our institutions had become.

Sadly, many of us could not see it - and still don't. Whether it's out of pure fear, stupidity, or both: many act as if nothing has changed, and the only strange thing is TRUMP. It's as if all the outrage that should be aimed at the elites, the Globalists, and the Uniparty - has been absorbed by Orange Man amidst the biggest game of "SQUIRREL!" distraction I've ever witnessed.

Reinforce that with the constant assurance that "we are the good guys!", and it's a hopeless perpetual feedback loop of cerebral rot and blind acquiescence to the completely irrational.

And that's it.
Facts, objective observations, rational inquiry
Still waiting.
Still waiting.

Oh look, there's one now.

I used to be you.


Why do Dems hate Trump?

1. Dems used the MSM to SILENCE opposition. Trump openly mocked and taunted Dem's MSM as Fake News breaking down that wall.
2. Dems used 'climate change' to drive tax increases and FORCE their world view and agenda on others. Trump destroyed it.
3. Trump dared call out Dems for rigging elections.
4. Trump called Dem leaders stupid morons.

Trump was a one-man wrecking ball that smashed the Dems entire world.
306>232. Some smashing there.
Of "time", you mean.

How stupid would you have to be to do so when talking about something as volatile as gasoline prices?

In 2018, it hit $3/gall.
Maybe where you're at. Gas prices vary all over the country and were well below $2.00 a gallon here.
Did you cast 2 votes for a reality TV mogul?

It takes talent and enterprise to host a prime time hit TV show. You are on your own flying by the seat of your pants creating a living for yourself and many others. What do you think the chances are of Joe Biden ever hosting a TV show much less a hit? How many years did Joe Biden ever earn a living on his own without a safety net creating wealth for himself and others instead of sucking off the public teat?

It takes talent and enterprise to host a prime time hit TV show. You are on your own flying by the seat of your pants creating a living for yourself and many others. What do you think the chances are of Joe Biden ever hosting a TV show much less a hit? How many years did Joe Biden ever earn a living on his own without a safety net creating wealth for himself and others instead of sucking off the public teat?

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Stop making stuff up

How Mark Burnett Resurrected Donald Trump as an Icon of American Success
You're entirely uninformed.

Grifty was shielded by a supine Senate.

Now that he is no longer protected by his office, he has been indicted, and is under investigation in several jurisdictions.
Indicted for a crime NO other person in public office has ever been indicted for, one that is years past the statutes of limitation, and which the D.A. upgraded from a minor misdemeanor if even that to a felony on his own volition because of his extreme TDS. It's possible you run that D.A. a close second in that regard.
Isn't that amazing. Trump rode the fence politically for years. Was a public celebrity, like him or not, he didn't care.

But, the minute he was going to run against HRC, suddenly his womanizing was a problem. He was a racist, bigot and a fascist.
Every bad tweet or SM post was scrutinized and demonized.
Yet, the left wanted the notorious H.R.C. in office. Another Clinton who's back door dealings and political shenanigans was well known. But the media didn't care. Trump was orange and evil and that's all they cared about, and to this day, all they care about.
And that's a fact.
We don't want him to be guilty of something.
We want him to be held accountable for his decisions.
You guys want to deny ANY wrongdoing.

My gawd, trump is a lying con man.
"No, I don't take any responsibility at ALL." djt
Except that you can't name a single lie or a single con. And before you even start, expressing one's opinion about anything is NOT a lie or a con.

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