I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About

The first bit was an ANONYMOUS submission.

This isn't my first rodeo...I have seen all your crap before.
HA HA HA. The "first bit" -Oh, well, now you've got 999 more to go. Come back in a WEEK and let us know what you LEARNED.
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This isn't my first rodeo...I have seen all your crap before.
OH, so now you are claiming that you HAVE SEEN all this evidence posted, huh ? Well, looks like it's time for a QUIZ, to see if you are LYING.

You know who 1. Nathan Pease, 2. Gregory Stenstrom, and 3. Jesse Morgan are, and what their connection is to this thread, and the voter fraud issue ?

How about
4. Alexandra Seely
5. Zachary Larsen
6. Jesse Jacob
7. Robert Cushman
8. Steven Miller
9. Phill Kline
10. Russell Ramsland ??????????

Where and from whom did this quote (in a sworn affidavit) come from ?
""Beyond the legal requirements for maintaining ballot secrecy, both of us were concerned that the violations of the secrecy of the ballot that we witnessed could be or were being used to manipulate which ballots were placed in the 'problem ballots' box," In what state was this ?

What former assistant attorney general testified that he saw election fraud ?

In what city & state was this (sworn affadavit) ? >> "large swaths of ballots being counted the day after the election for voters who were not in the authorized list of names. In some cases, fake birth dates were being used to fill in birth dates."

What County Clerk's office in what city, gave instruction for this to be allowed ? >>
"Every ballot was being fraudulently and manually entered into the Electronic Poll Book (QVF), as having been born on January 1, 1900, This 'last' batch of ballots was processed in the 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. time frame. When I asked about this impossibility of each ballot having the same birthday occurring in 1900, I was told that was the instruction that came down from the _____________ County Clerk's office."

What judge, ? in what state ? said >> "“None of these allegations claim that the Trump campaign’s watchers were treated differently than the Biden campaign’s watchers,” without stopping to realize that ANY poll watchers being stopped from doing their job instantly INVALIDATES the entire election process for that entire day and everything would need to be done all over.
Although the allegations DID claim that Repubican poll watchers were who was restricted.

What did Phil Kline say ? David Shestokas - who's he ? Did he question something ?

In what 2 states were Fake Votes Reported in Multiples of 4,800 Votes in ,
6,000 in Identical Fashion ?

Who, holding what government office, in what state, unilaterally (ILLEGALLY) extended the existing deadline by three days, thus giving voters until November 12 to provide proof of their identity ? What judge presided over the Trump challenge ?

What was the ruling in that challenge ? What was the result of that ruling ?

Who, with what credentials, in what state, testified that 48,522 Republican ballots were received, but not counted ? EDS provided the analysis. what do the initials EDS stand for ?

In what state legislature hearing was it testified about "numerous military ballots that looked like “Xerox copies” and were all marked for Democrat Joe Biden. She said election workers manually entered fake birthdates on the records of non registered voters to override the system and allow their votes."

??????????????????????????????????? Duh!
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Hundreds of Jan 6 protestors have been ILLEGALLY locked up,
BS, they are traitors.
for long after the date expired (70 days) of when they could only be held until, without a trial having been held, in violation of the constitution and >>>

18 U.S. Code § 3161 - Time limits and exclusions | U.S. Code | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute (cornell.edu)
efendants in the January 6 Capitol riot cases have been complaining about their pretrial detention, as some of them could spend more than a year in jail before they face a jury.

A jury trial for Oathkeepers accused of conspiracy in carrying out the insurrection from nearly a year ago is scheduled to begin this April. It's set to involve those who have been in pretrial detention since their arrests at the beginning of 2021. While a judge raised concerns about the length of their pretrial incarceration, few have been released.

Title I of the Speedy Trial Act of 1974, 88 Stat. 2080, as amended August 2, 1979, 93 Stat. 328, is set forth in 18 U.S.C. §§ 3161-3174. The Act establishes time limits for completing the various stages of a federal criminal prosecution. The information or indictment must be filed within 30 days from the date of arrest or service of the summons. 18 U.S.C. § 3161(b). Trial must commence within 70 days from the date the information or indictment was filed, or from the date the defendant appears before an officer of the court in which the charge is pending, whichever is later. 18 U.S.C. § 3161(c)(1).

Certain pretrial delays are automatically excluded from the Act's time limits, such as delays caused by pretrial motions. 18 U.S.C. § 3161(h)(1)(F). In Henderson v. United States, 476 U.S. 321, 330 (1986), the Supreme Court held that § 3161(h)(1)(F) excludes "all time between the filing of a motion and the conclusion of the hearing on that motion, whether or not a delay in holding that hearing is 'reasonably necessary.'" The Act also excludes a reasonable period (up to 30 days) during which a motion is actually "under advisement" by the court. 18 U.S.C. § 3161 (h)(1)(J). Other delays excluded from the Act's time limits include delays caused by the unavailability of the defendant or an essential witness (18 U.S.C. § 3161(h)(3)); delays attributable to a co-defendant (18 U.S.C. § 3161(h)(7)); and delays attributable to the defendant's involvement in other proceedings, including delay resulting from an interlocutory appeal. 18 U.S.C. § 3161(h)(1)(E). (Note, however, that the 30-day defense preparation period provided for in § 3161(c)(2) is calculated without reference to the Section 3161(h) exclusions).
BS, they are traitors.

efendants in the January 6 Capitol riot cases have been complaining about their pretrial detention, as some of them could spend more than a year in jail before they face a jury.

A jury trial for Oathkeepers accused of conspiracy in carrying out the insurrection from nearly a year ago is scheduled to begin this April. It's set to involve those who have been in pretrial detention since their arrests at the beginning of 2021. While a judge raised concerns about the length of their pretrial incarceration, few have been released.

Title I of the Speedy Trial Act of 1974, 88 Stat. 2080, as amended August 2, 1979, 93 Stat. 328, is set forth in 18 U.S.C. §§ 3161-3174. The Act establishes time limits for completing the various stages of a federal criminal prosecution. The information or indictment must be filed within 30 days from the date of arrest or service of the summons. 18 U.S.C. § 3161(b). Trial must commence within 70 days from the date the information or indictment was filed, or from the date the defendant appears before an officer of the court in which the charge is pending, whichever is later. 18 U.S.C. § 3161(c)(1).

Certain pretrial delays are automatically excluded from the Act's time limits, such as delays caused by pretrial motions. 18 U.S.C. § 3161(h)(1)(F). In Henderson v. United States, 476 U.S. 321, 330 (1986), the Supreme Court held that § 3161(h)(1)(F) excludes "all time between the filing of a motion and the conclusion of the hearing on that motion, whether or not a delay in holding that hearing is 'reasonably necessary.'" The Act also excludes a reasonable period (up to 30 days) during which a motion is actually "under advisement" by the court. 18 U.S.C. § 3161 (h)(1)(J). Other delays excluded from the Act's time limits include delays caused by the unavailability of the defendant or an essential witness (18 U.S.C. § 3161(h)(3)); delays attributable to a co-defendant (18 U.S.C. § 3161(h)(7)); and delays attributable to the defendant's involvement in other proceedings, including delay resulting from an interlocutory appeal. 18 U.S.C. § 3161(h)(1)(E). (Note, however, that the 30-day defense preparation period provided for in § 3161(c)(2) is calculated without reference to the Section 3161(h) exclusions).
NO, it is NOT BS, and the law I posted (which you then also posted, for some strange reason) proves it.

All this stuff you posted is the same thing as the link I posted (US Code 3161- Time Limits & Exclusions), which you quoted.
And it confirms again what I said - that the Jan 6 protestors have been ILLEGALLY jailed , for much too long, without bail, and without a trial.

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The fact that when you make up crimes to take down a political foe, don't be surprised if Republicans do the same.
But we don't do that. Only your side does it. Then you lie about it to justify doing it. That's the fascist way.

We have evidence, so we presented it to the courts.

You have no evidence, so you can only push bad propaganda instead.

Go on, keep threatening to act badly. You already act as badly as you're capable of acting. If you were capable of the sleaze you threaten, you'd already be doing it, so your threat is empty.
NO, it is NOT BS, and the law I posted (which you then also posted, for some strange reason) proves it.

All this stuff you posted is the same thing as the link I posted (US Code 3161- Time Limits & Exclusions), which you quoted.
And it confirms again what I said - that the Jan 6 protestors have been ILLEGALLY jailed , for much too long, without bail, and without a trial.

You're FOS.
WTF do you think LAWYERS are for?
If they didn't bring up your argument, you're crazy..........or they are.
Evidently, extenuating circumstances, laws and motions of the courts, allowed the traitors to be held.
But You DON'T KNOW that the evidences I posted are false in any way, while not having looked at them. You havent read them, and have no idea what they say. All you do is DODGE them, and try to hide behind the usual, EMPTY "courts" argument, which doesn't stand up to the evidences posted here.

Just like 5th horseman, you display ZERO CREDIBILITY in this forum.

As for recounts, they are just as phony as the original counts. Ho hum.
Let's see. All US courts, including Trump appointed judges. Recount after recount.

........OR stuff posted on a tiny message board by some anonymous person.

I'll stick with the former, thank you.
But we don't do that. Only your side does it. Then you lie about it to justify doing it. That's the fascist way.

We have evidence, so we presented it to the courts.

You have no evidence, so you can only push bad propaganda instead.

Go on, keep threatening to act badly. You already act as badly as you're capable of acting. If you were capable of the sleaze you threaten, you'd already be doing it, so your threat is empty.

What do you mean you don't do that? Your Communist party is doing that right now.

The only evidence presented was to a grand jury which doesn't hear defense or counter arguments. And what evidence do you have? The only evidence Fat Alvin has is that of a lying attorney that was convicted of perjury. Even his own former lawyer stated the man is a serial liar, and yet he's Fat Alvin's star witness.

There is no evidence against Dementia because it's never been under investigation before. But remember we have testimony from their former business partner, Tony Bobulibski, over a dozen FBI or former FBI agents gone whistleblower, and now we find out from Fox that Hunter's business partners were at the White House over 80 times while he was VP. You know, those business partners Dementia claimed he never met? Then there is an issue how this guys son is selling his finger paintings for up to a half-million dollars each to anonymous buyers in where else? China.

So microwave yourself some pop corn and get that bottle of whine out. It's going to be a long year for you I suspect.
What do you mean you don't do that? Your Communist party is doing that right now.
I know you think that "communist" means "anyone TheParty told me not to like", but I assure you that's not the case. Words have meanings, and you don't use them correctly. That's one sign of being in a cult, using a special cult lingo.

The only evidence presented was to a grand jury which doesn't hear defense or counter arguments.
If the evidence is bad, that will come out in court, and the Democrats will be revealed to be corrupt.

We're not worried.

You sound terrified.

There is no evidence against Dementia because it's never been under investigation before.

And that's all you have.

The funny part? You actually expect to be taken seriously.
I know you think that "communist" means "anyone TheParty told me not to like", but I assure you that's not the case. Words have meanings, and you don't use them correctly. That's one sign of being in a cult, using a special cult lingo.

If the evidence is bad, that will come out in court, and the Democrats will be revealed to be corrupt.

We're not worried.

You sound terrified.


And that's all you have.

The funny part? You actually expect to be taken seriously.

No, the Democrat party are the Communists. If you don't believe me, just go to the US Communist party website and read their agenda. Very similar to the Democrats except for a few minor differences. Would you like a link? I have it if you're too lazy to do it yourself.

I don't think anything will come out in court if the hearing is moved to a fair court. In this court the judge is a known TDSr and his daughter worked for the Harris campaign during the last presidential election. If he had any integrity at all he'd allow the case to be moved out of NYC, but as we both know, Democrats have no integrity. This should be thrown out on day one given Fat Alvin ran on getting Trump for something......anything. Clear evidence there was bias in this case and it's all political.
You're FOS.
WTF do you think LAWYERS are for?
If they didn't bring up your argument, you're crazy..........or they are.
Evidently, extenuating circumstances, laws and motions of the courts, allowed the traitors to be held.
Yeah ? "Evidently" huh ? Well the word "evidently" comes from the word "evidence", so evidently you must have some evidence that there were some "extenuating circumstances, laws and motions of the courts", allowing the traitors to be held", right ? Right, Mr Evidently" ? Right ? Right ?

So let's hear it. You got some "extenuating circumstances, laws and motions of the courts" to tell us about ? ....or YOU GOT NOTHING but a bunch of jibberish.
Yeah ? "Evidently" huh ? Well the word "evidently" comes from the word "evidence", so evidently you must have some evidence that there were some "extenuating circumstances, laws and motions of the courts", allowing the traitors to be held", right ? Right, Mr Evidently" ? Right ? Right ?

So let's hear it. You got some "extenuating circumstances, laws and motions of the courts" to tell us about ? ....or YOU GOT NOTHING but a bunch of jibberish.
Why didn't the traitors consult YOU?
You don't think their lawyers brought up the speedy trial law?
So.................the traitors hired incompetent lawyers?

Trump should hire YOU.
Let's see. All US courts, including Trump appointed judges. Recount after recount.

........OR stuff posted on a tiny message board by some anonymous person.

I'll stick with the former, thank you.
There you go with the :lame2: brain "courts" line again, as if that had some worthy foundation to it.
"Court cases" is what Democrats keep harping about, but they have a hollow argument. Ho hum. Some judges were biased Democrats. Some were anti-Trump RINOs, including a few whom Trump appointed. And some, like the Supreme Court, just didn't want to bring politics into the courtroom. And not "ALL" US courts ruled against Trump. Some ruled favorable to him. The "courts" argument doesn't have an ounce of credibility.

What DOES have credibility is >>> Post # s >>> 548....549.....550.....551
which you know nothing about.
Why didn't the traitors consult YOU?
You don't think their lawyers brought up the speedy trial law?
So.................the traitors hired incompetent lawyers?

Trump should hire YOU.
I don't know if they brought up the speedy trial law or not, I would imagine they did, but since this whole thing is concocted ILLEGALLY from top to bottom, on the side of Joe Biden and his frauduent elelction, why would anybody think having the defendants' lawyers bring it up would make a dent. The DOJ is doing what they want, and how they want.
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I don't know if they brought up the speedy trial law or not, I would imagine they did, but since this whole thing is concocted ILLEGALLY from top to bottom, on the side of Joe Biden and his frauduent elelction, why would anybody think having the defendants' lawyers bring it up would make a dent. The DOJ is doing what they want, and how they want.

PLENTY of ACCUSATIONS......So little proof.
I know you think that "communist" means "anyone TheParty told me not to like", but I assure you that's not the case. Words have meanings, and you don't use them correctly. That's one sign of being in a cult, using a special cult lingo.
Nobody on the planet is more notorious for inventing their own words, and creating their own language, than the looney left in America.
Here's a partial list of all the gooneybird words the Democrat cult has come up with over the years >>>
  • gay
  • pride
  • homophobe
  • Islamaphobe
  • transgender
  • gender dysphoria
  • assault weapon
  • undocumented
  • conspiracy theory
I'm sure there are many more, but I can't quite think of them right now. This is from years of trying to forget and ignore them.

PLENTY of ACCUSATIONS......So little proof.
The proof is that the protesters have been jailed much longer thn the time the law allows. Also many of the charges were ridiculous, Some people were charges with trespassing and other crimes involves with inside the capitol, and they never set foot in the building. Others were invited in and escorted through the building by police (videos showed) and then were charged with disrupting.

If a cop kills someone who wasn't a threat, he goes to jail
We all have cameras now, and they are being AUDITED.

So either they clean up their acts or they find new careers making license plates. Because they Love, love, love cops in prison.
Excusing the henious criminal's still I see, otherwise in your one-sided rant's.... You are a sick man JoeB.. Get help fast..
Sorry, but I never thought anybody would ask me such a stupid MF question so I didn't keep notes of the sites I go to. If something comes out I Google or Duck Duck it and read whatever is out there.
It shouldn't matter about sources. He needs to deal with the assertion, and then prove it wrong. They always ask for sources as some sort of distraction..

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