I still haven't seen a shred of evidence that Russia tampered with elections or colluded with Trump

Every time I come on this forum I'm amazed how little the Deplorables know about what has gone down with the Trump Ad and Russia for the past 12 months.
Then explain it to me. We've had over 100 posts so far, and you've explained nothing.
So you want to believe.
You still can't explain why Trump is so paranoid about these investigations.
You can't and won't.
Just like you can't call out your liar in chief when he repeatedly said he has no business dealings with Russia WHILE HE WAS PLANNING TO BUILD A TRUMP TOWER IN MOSCOW..
You're just a pathetic trump whore and it's been my pleasure exposing your bias, stupidity, and willful ignorance.
All you do is rant and rave, but you never give answers.
Well, all I can say is that there are many, many Russians living and working in the United States and it can't be illegal just to talk to them. Hell, I talked to a Russian myself a few months ago, he was our client on a personal injury case.
Those Russians WERENT living in America. They were confidents of Vladimir Putin.
Another giant face plant for you.
Do you have proof of that? Provide a link please.
Do you think the Russian Ambassador to the United States has ties toPutin? lmao

Sessions met with Russian envoy twice last year, encounters he later did not disclose
Julian Assasange has said that Russia was not the source of his leaks from the DNC.
Well, all I can say is that there are many, many Russians living and working in the United States and it can't be illegal just to talk to them. Hell, I talked to a Russian myself a few months ago, he was our client on a personal injury case.
Those Russians WERENT living in America. They were confidents of Vladimir Putin.
Another giant face plant for you.
Do you have proof of that? Provide a link please.
Do you think the Russian Ambassador to the United States has ties toPutin? lmao

Sessions met with Russian envoy twice last year, encounters he later did not disclose
Like I said, people meet with Russians every day in Washington.
Every time I come on this forum I'm amazed how little the Deplorables know about what has gone down with the Trump Ad and Russia for the past 12 months.
Then explain it to me. We've had over 100 posts so far, and you've explained nothing.
So you want to believe.
You still can't explain why Trump is so paranoid about these investigations.
You can't and won't.
Just like you can't call out your liar in chief when he repeatedly said he has no business dealings with Russia WHILE HE WAS PLANNING TO BUILD A TRUMP TOWER IN MOSCOW..
You're just a pathetic trump whore and it's been my pleasure exposing your bias, stupidity, and willful ignorance.
All you do is rant and rave, but you never give answers.
I've kicked your ass so badly it looks like a baboon's.
By your utter refusal to answer many of my questions proves you know I'm right but yiu don't have the integrity to admit it.
Well, all I can say is that there are many, many Russians living and working in the United States and it can't be illegal just to talk to them. Hell, I talked to a Russian myself a few months ago, he was our client on a personal injury case.
Those Russians WERENT living in America. They were confidents of Vladimir Putin.
Another giant face plant for you.
Do you have proof of that? Provide a link please.
Do you think the Russian Ambassador to the United States has ties toPutin? lmao

Sessions met with Russian envoy twice last year, encounters he later did not disclose
Like I said, people meet with Russians every day in Washington.
Do they lie about it? Once again you're caught red handed with your bias.
Reasonable, try to be reasonable and use logic rather than getting pwnd multiple times daily like you do. :p
Why is Trump pleading with republicans to protect him from the investigations?
Black rock won't say.
He can't on the grounds he would incriminate himself.
Bob Woodward: DT acts like a guilty man.

Deplorables: but he's innocent we just know it. Lol
BlackRock really really believes that the 20 times members of the Trump Ad lied about meeting with Russians was because they forgot to disclose it.

Blackrock also buys swampland in the Everglades.
Why is Trump pleading with republicans to protect him from the investigations?
Black rock won't say.
He can't on the grounds he would incriminate himself.
No one likes to be investigated, dumbass, even innocent people don't like being investigated.

Prosecutors use dirty tactics when they investigate you.

They investigated Martha Stewart for insider trading, and when they couldn't nail her on that, they convicted her for lying to the FBI.

They did the same number on Scooter Libby, convicting him because his story changed.

Innocent people go to prison all the time, because prosecutors are often unethical people who don't mind hurting innocent people to forward their careers.
Why would Trump inquire about pardoning himself if he's innocent of everything?
Blackrock won't say.
Why has Trump fired 3 people who was involved in investigating him?
Blackrock won't say.
Donald Trump’s actions regarding Russia reveal a consciousness of guilt. Guilt of what? I have no idea, but his behavior reveals something beyond innocence. While most of the particulars are unknown, the circumstantial evidence is getting overwhelming. Here is what is beyond dispute:

Trump showed an unusual and unnecessary affinity for Russia throughout the presidential campaign. He was deferential to Putin, reflexively hostile toward NATO (Putin’s most reliable geo-political check), and he went out of his way to equate US and Russian misdeeds.

When the Trump campaign decided to get organized and head off more technical challenges at the impending GOP convention, Trump reached for Paul Manafort, a political operative with extensive financial and political ties to Russian interests.

During the run-up to the Republican National Convention, a GOP delegate attempted to amend the platform to include a passage on the provision of weapons and “lethal” assistance to Ukraine in its struggle against Russian-backed insurrections. This amendment would have squared the platform with recent Republican proposals in Congress, which were squashed by the Obama Administration. Trump operatives, who took very little interest in the platform in general, demanded the language be altered.

Trump taps Michael Flynn as his National Security Advisor. Flynn is forced to resign after concealing his meetings with Russian officials during the transition period.

The FBI opens an investigation into Russian connections to the most recent presidential election. Michael Flynn gets caught up in that investigation due to his previously concealed meetings.

Donald Trump fires James Comey, Director of the FBI.

Donald Trump meets with the Russian Foreign Minister and Ambassador in the Oval Office. He excludes American media but allows Russian media to be present. There, Trump discloses sensitive information gathered from vulnerable sources. White House officials contact the NSA and CIA to contain any potential fallout from Trump’s disclosure.

There are lots of other hanging threads that are disputed. Did Trump’s revelation to the Russians endanger American assets? Were the Russians the source for the DNC hack that damaged Mrs. Clinton’s campaign? Did Trump fire Comey because of the Russia investigation? Did Comey ask for more resources for the investigation? Did Trump pressure Comey to end the investigation before he was fired? Does Trump have financial connections to Russian investors?

To me, the pattern is disturbing and reveals an unusual relationship between Trump, or his operatives, and Russia, a nation implacably opposed to American interests, even without resolving open questions. The precise nature of that relationship is unknown based on current information, but Trump’s actions more than suggest something untoward.

Consider an alternative scenario. If it were true that Donald Trump had no shady connection to Russia, how would he behave? I think it is quite simple. He would answer any question. He would demand answers to open questions. He would demand an independent, well-funded investigation into Russian activities and he, and his staff, would cooperate with that investigation fully. He would turn over every stone so there could be no question left about any presumed connection he might have to Putin and his henchmen.

Instead, the President, and his team, have engaged in relentless equivocation. They have denied things not alleged. They have questioned the validity of “the news” without engaging its substance.

The smoke that rings the White House has a distinctly vodka-soaked tinge. There is so much smoke now that I fear there must be a fire, of some kind, somewhere. Republicans in Congress have an opportunity right now. Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell must stand shoulder to shoulder to demand and fund independent investigations into the White House and its connections to Russia. Congress must begin to demand all relevant documentation from the FBI and White House about Comey’s firing. Congress must demand any recordings, notes, or transcripts of any White House meeting involving Comey, Trump, the Russians, or any topic related to Russia. Congress must subpoena the relevant actors, put them under oath, and question them, relentlessly, about their dealings with Russia.

If Trump is innocent, that will become apparent. If he is not, that will also become apparent. Now is not the time for partisan rancor, but for truth so obvious no one but the most ideologically calloused could call it fake.

Trump and the Consciousness of Guilt
Why will Trump attack private citizens, world leaders, his own intellligence agencies, fellow republicans etc etc but under no circumstance will he attack or have anything negative to say about a ruthless dictator, Vlad Putin?

Blackrock won't say
Trump's obsessed with the Russian investigation and his behavior gets more erratic by the day because of it.
Fox News poll out yesterday: 56% of the country think Trump is ruining the country.

For you math illiterates... that's more than half. Lol

Sure it does, Pol Pot.

It's not YOU that is erratic and consumed with hate... :eusa_whistle:

You evil fuckers are insane, flat out.
You should be gagged and censored,Unsensored...NOW

Well, maybe your Anti-First Amendment Gestapo can do that? :dunno:
Lets Hope

That sounded better when you goons said it in the original German, Seig Heil.
Need "evidence"? Trump's behavior is all the evidence you should need. Innocent people don't obsess over an investigation and do everything in their power to stop it.Crooked Donnie Small Hands doesn't even need to have committed a crime if he continues to obstruct the investigation. Also, nothing says innocent like "don't you dare look at my finances". That's like the murderer saying "don't look in the basement".
This is my seventh thread on this topic, and I have asked for evidence that this entire Russia/Trump is based on SOMETHING, but so far, nothing.

Here's another chance.

Convince me.
I'm sorry....can you tell us when you became an inside member of Mueller's investigative team?
Need "evidence"? Trump's behavior is all the evidence you should need. Innocent people don't obsess over an investigation and do everything in their power to stop it.Crooked Donnie Small Hands doesn't even need to have committed a crime if he continues to obstruct the investigation. Also, nothing says innocent like "don't you dare look at my finances". That's like the murderer saying "don't look in the basement".
Trump never said any of that. You people keep posting this bullshit and never once is any proof of anything EVER shown. You just make up some other baseless lie and attack the people calling you out on it.

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