I still haven't seen a shred of evidence that Russia tampered with elections or colluded with Trump

This is my seventh thread on this topic, and I have asked for evidence that this entire Russia/Trump is based on SOMETHING, but so far, nothing.

Here's another chance.

Convince me.
/---/ You need to develop a wild eyed sense of paranoia, denial of reality and a sense of entitlement. Then all the evidence is crystal clear.
Mueller and his team have evidence and a lot more. When it comes out you will shit your pants. But thanks for confirming you have no idea what's going on.
/---/ odd that none of it leaked out to bolster the libtard base.
One thing manywho are familiar with the evidence have said that there is a high likelihood Trump laundered money thru Russia.
Never occurred to you why the Comrade has attacked everyone except Putin?
Not much of a thinker are you.
Prove it. Stop lying and spinning.
Mueller and his team have evidence and a lot more. When it comes out you will shit your pants. But thanks for confirming you have no idea what's going on.
And when Mueller finds ZERO evidence of the evil nazi Trump's quilt what will you claim then?
I bet you'll make a thousand excuses for why Mueller didn't do his job right. After all, charging President Trump with colluding with the russians was an easy lay-up.
Face it asshole. You're a loser.
Any luck selling all those 'Hands Up Don't Shoot' hoodies on EBay yet???????? HAAAAA HAAAAA!
Need "evidence"? Trump's behavior is all the evidence you should need. Innocent people don't obsess over an investigation and do everything in their power to stop it.Crooked Donnie Small Hands doesn't even need to have committed a crime if he continues to obstruct the investigation. Also, nothing says innocent like "don't you dare look at my finances". That's like the murderer saying "don't look in the basement".
Trump never said any of that. You people keep posting this bullshit and never once is any proof of anything EVER shown. You just make up some other baseless lie and attack the people calling you out on it.

SCHMIDT: Last thing, if Mueller was looking at your finances and your family finances, unrelated to Russia — is that a red line?

HABERMAN: Would that be a breach of what his actual charge is?

TRUMP: I would say yeah. I would say yes.
Excerpts From The Times’s Interview With Trump
Lots of people have met with Russians. It's not illegal to talk to Russians.

Show me proof that a crime was committed.

All I ask is that you provide proof of this grand conspiracy theory.

Why can't you do that?
Why did they ALL lie about meeting with the Russians?
Why is that over your head?
Cater Page "lied" about MEETING WITH RUSSIANS!!!!!!! six years before Trump ran for the Presidency?
The doofus spent TEN HOURS in FBI interviews explaining why he was 'meetings' with THE RUSSIANS you MORON!
You are mentally ill pal. Get some help.
All I see in this thread is ranting and raving, and promises of evidence to come sometime in the future, but never revealed today.

This Meuller guy is sitting on a time bomb, because at some point he will be expected to do something.

Those who know Mueller say he's the LAST person you want on your ass. He's that good.
And the fact you don't think Trump is dirty on anything shows you live ina Pollyanna world.

Why is Trump so paranoid with this investigation?
Why is he obsessed with it?
Why does he act so guilty?
Three questions no deplorable wants to touch.
Did Trump tell you personally he was paranoid and obsessed, or is this another hopeful remark on your part? How is he acting guilty? Prove your claims man!
Omg... there you go again. Stupidity at its finest.
Why has trump been calling up many republicans furious they haven't been" protecting" him from these investigations?
These republicans are saying he's obsessed with it.
Once again.. you prove how uninformed you are.
I'm not putting you on PI until Mueller finds Trump innocent. Then I'll read your pathetic posts attempting to explain how Trump 'paid off' all of Mueller's 'crack team' or that they were "incompetent' and then I'll post once to you underscoring what a fucking moron you are and then I'll put you on PI forever asshole!
I already provided the long long list of the Trump Ad ties toRussia in this thread. Are you really gonna claim fat ass wasn't involved?

You provided mindless Soros hating points, with not one shred of evidence of any illegal or improper actions.

TRUMP DUN DRANK VODKA WUNS is the level of idiocy you offer.
All I asked for was one shred of evidence. This is the seventh thread I've asked for it, and so far nothing. I am beginning to think this whole Russia/Trump thing is complete bullshit, like UFOs and Bigfoot and 9/11 was an inside job.
By you refusing to answer any of my questions... shows you know there is a great deal of evidence but you refuse to accept it.
Here's one again.
Why has every member of the TrumpAd lied about meeting with Russians AFTER THEY GOT CAUGHT?
Runaway again.

Your hating points are not evidence. Innuendo, slander and libel are not evidence. All you can do is fling shit, Pol Pot. You of the demagogue-sociopath party have nothing but smear and sleaze to offer.
What was said at these meetings? Do you know?

Does it matter? This is a lot like the predator tv show.

To Catch a Predator was an American reality television series that features hidden camera investigations by the television newsmagazine program Dateline NBC. It was devoted to impersonating underage people (generally ages 13–15) and detaining male adults who contacted them over the Internet for sexual liaisons. People were lured to meet with a decoy under the pretense of sexual contact and then confronted.

Showing up, proves their intentions.

So you are saying that there was an intent to get proof of Hillary taking bribes from Russia?

Well dayum

Uh stupid, why would the opposition NOT go after proof of that?
It is really silly the way some of the posters here simply deny evidence as if it does not exist. The only unknown is whether that denial is caused by delusion or dishonesty.
I've kicked your ass so badly it looks like a baboon's.
By your utter refusal to answer many of my questions proves you know I'm right but yiu don't have the integrity to admit it.

Oh yes, we are all impressed by you posting irrelevant hate, that wins every time... :eusa_whistle:
Well, all I can say is that there are many, many Russians living and working in the United States and it can't be illegal just to talk to them. Hell, I talked to a Russian myself a few months ago, he was our client on a personal injury case.
Those Russians WERENT living in America. They were confidents of Vladimir Putin.
Another giant face plant for you.
Do you have proof of that? Provide a link please.
Do you think the Russian Ambassador to the United States has ties toPutin? lmao

Sessions met with Russian envoy twice last year, encounters he later did not disclose
Like I said, people meet with Russians every day in Washington.
Do they lie about it? Once again you're caught red handed with your bias.

You of the Khmer Rouge lie about everything.
Mueller and his team have evidence and a lot more. When it comes out you will shit your pants. But thanks for confirming you have no idea what's going on.
Oh, do tell.

Do you really want this to be the norm going forward? Do you really think this will stop with the Trump administration? This is a precedent that most will find damaging in the years to come. But, I don't care, because it de-legitimizes the U.S. and that is one step closer to Texas independence.
It is really silly the way some of the posters here simply deny evidence as if it does not exist. The only unknown is whether that denial is caused by delusion or dishonesty.

It is odd the way all of the Stalinists here speak of evidence, when not a one of them can ever produce any....

The dishonesty is caused by the rage and hatred that consumes these creatures.
Why is Trump pleading with republicans to protect him from the investigations?
Black rock won't say.
He can't on the grounds he would incriminate himself.

Oh? Do feel free to post proof of your idiotic claim.

A legitimate source would be good, but even the hate-Trump media will do a little to support these absurd fabrications of yours.
This is my seventh thread on this topic, and I have asked for evidence that this entire Russia/Trump is based on SOMETHING, but so far, nothing.

Here's another chance.

Convince me.
Just maybe you don't have the evidence that mueller does.
And he should show a white high school boy?
Mueller and his team have evidence and a lot more. When it comes out you will shit your pants. But thanks for confirming you have no idea what's going on.
Let's see the evidence then.

Show it to me.
I'm not part of the intelligence investigation, genius. But let's see if you can connect the dots.

I don't know, it's hard for me to see any Trump ties to Russia, except for the Flynn thing,

and the Manafort thing,

And the Tillerson thing,

and the Sessions thing,

and the Kushner thing,

and the Carter page thing,

and the Roger Stone thing

and the Felix Sater thing,

and the Boris Epshteyn thing,

and the Rosneft thing,

and the Gazprom thing,

and the Sergey Gorkov thing,

and the Azerbaijan thing,

and the Donald Trump Jr. thing,

and the Sergey Kislyak thing,

and the Russian Affiliated Interests thing,

and the Russian Business Interests thing,

and the Emoluments clause thing,

and the Alex Schnaider thing,

and the DNC hack thing,

and the Guccifer 2.0 thing,

and the Mike Pence "I don't know anything" thing,

and the Russian mysteriously dying thing,

and the Trump's public request to hack Hillary's email thing,

and the Trump's house sale for $100 million at the bottom of the housing bust to the Russian fertilizer King thing,

and the Russian Fertilizer King's plane showing up in Concord, NC during Trump rally campaign thing,

and the Nuñes sudden flight to the White House in the night thing,

and the Nuñes personal investments in the Russian winery thing,

and the Cypress bank thing,

and the Trump not releasing his tax returns thing,

and the Republican party's rejection of an amendment to require Trump to show his taxes thing,

and the election hacking thing,

and the GOP platform change to the Ukraine thing,

and the Steele Dossier thing,

and the Leninist Bannon thing,

and the Sally Yates can't testify thing,

and the intelligence community's investigative reports thing,

and the Trump's constant reassurance that the Russian connection is all "fake news" thing,

So there's probably nothing there since the swamp has been drained, these people would never lie probably why Nuñes cancelled the investigation meetings all of this must be normal just a bunch of separate dots with absolutely no connection.
Nice to see the swamp has been drained and replaced by Wall Street billionaires.
I'm waiting for. The golden shower video

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