I still haven't seen a shred of evidence that Russia tampered with elections or colluded with Trump

This is my seventh thread on this topic, and I have asked for evidence that this entire Russia/Trump is based on SOMETHING, but so far, nothing.

Here's another chance.

Convince me.
I replied to you once on this topic, but you obviously didn't listen. What makes you think that the Special Prosecutor is going to make his evidence public just to satisfy you Trump fans? His investigation is secret, and he is NOT REQUIRED to disclose his evidence to the public. What, do you think he is going to send daily briefings to Faux News just to satisfy you non-believers? Wake up! Bigly!

His witch hunt is nothing but red meat for the snarling Khmer Rouge morons like you.

The hate-Trump media will spew all sorts of slander and libel, but there will never be anything more. You know it as well as I. You simply hope that this will fuel your treason and allow you to succeed in the coup you dream of.
Moron forgets that after his Comrade did the unthinkable and fired Comey... Mueller happened.
Your thin skinned whiny little bitch has only himself to blame.
Funny you dismiss all of our intelligence agencies to believe what you read onBreibart.
You're an idiot of the highest order.
When Mueller and his team find zero evidence...then that's that. Unless you want us to behave like the Right and do investigation after investigation after investigation.....

Oh look, Nazi Pete is out lifting it's leg again.

Mueller has already found zero evidence, but the nature of a witch hunt is to name the guilty party - Trump - and continue searching until a crime can be found or fabricated.

That's how you of the Khmer Rouge are conducting THIS witch hunt. Trump is guilty, we're not sure yet what he is guilty of, but that's irrelevant, he is guilty...
How do you know Mueller has " zero evidence?"
Don't run away from my Q pussy.

Post the evidence, retard...

Until evidence is presented, you hate fill little Brown Shirts have no evidence.
This bottom feeder uncensored is too much a pussy toanswer my question sohe deflects. Funny.
This idiot has no idea how professional investigations happen because he's too used to the dog and pony show he sees in the WH.

Poor little Khmer Rouge creep, has no evidence to support his slander and innuendo......
You said Mueller has no evidence but can't back it up with ANYTHING.
Typical deplorable bullshit.
Oh look, Nazi Pete is out lifting it's leg again.

Mueller has already found zero evidence, but the nature of a witch hunt is to name the guilty party - Trump - and continue searching until a crime can be found or fabricated.

That's how you of the Khmer Rouge are conducting THIS witch hunt. Trump is guilty, we're not sure yet what he is guilty of, but that's irrelevant, he is guilty...
How do you know Mueller has " zero evidence?"
Don't run away from my Q pussy.

Post the evidence, retard...

Until evidence is presented, you hate fill little Brown Shirts have no evidence.
This bottom feeder uncensored is too much a pussy toanswer my question sohe deflects. Funny.
This idiot has no idea how professional investigations happen because he's too used to the dog and pony show he sees in the WH.

Poor little Khmer Rouge creep, has no evidence to support his slander and innuendo......
You said Mueller has no evidence but can't back it up with ANYTHING.
Typical deplorable bullshit.
So what evidence does he have then?
Uncensored: Muller has no evidence
Me: Prove it.
Uncensored : I can't so I'll attack you.

Stupid is as stupid does.
How do you know Mueller has " zero evidence?"
Don't run away from my Q pussy.

Post the evidence, retard...

Until evidence is presented, you hate fill little Brown Shirts have no evidence.
This bottom feeder uncensored is too much a pussy toanswer my question sohe deflects. Funny.
This idiot has no idea how professional investigations happen because he's too used to the dog and pony show he sees in the WH.

Poor little Khmer Rouge creep, has no evidence to support his slander and innuendo......
You said Mueller has no evidence but can't back it up with ANYTHING.
Typical deplorable bullshit.
So what evidence does he have then?
How many times are you going to ask that stupid question? I've counted about 5 times.
You think I'm on the intelligence committee? Lol
Someone who is onthe intelligence committee has stated people will be going to prison so be prepared.
How do you know Mueller has " zero evidence?"
Don't run away from my Q pussy.

Post the evidence, retard...

Until evidence is presented, you hate fill little Brown Shirts have no evidence.
This bottom feeder uncensored is too much a pussy toanswer my question sohe deflects. Funny.
This idiot has no idea how professional investigations happen because he's too used to the dog and pony show he sees in the WH.

Poor little Khmer Rouge creep, has no evidence to support his slander and innuendo......
You said Mueller has no evidence but can't back it up with ANYTHING.
Typical deplorable bullshit.
So what evidence does he have then?

It's a witch hunt, innuendo and slander is more than enough for our little Khmer Rouge traitors.

This is a coup, no need to do anything but smear.
Post the evidence, retard...

Until evidence is presented, you hate fill little Brown Shirts have no evidence.
This bottom feeder uncensored is too much a pussy toanswer my question sohe deflects. Funny.
This idiot has no idea how professional investigations happen because he's too used to the dog and pony show he sees in the WH.

Poor little Khmer Rouge creep, has no evidence to support his slander and innuendo......
You said Mueller has no evidence but can't back it up with ANYTHING.
Typical deplorable bullshit.
So what evidence does he have then?
How many times are you going to ask that stupid question? I've counted about 5 times.
You think I'm on the intelligence committee? Lol
Someone who is onthe intelligence committee has stated people will be going to prison so be prepared.

No, I think you're a traitor promoting a coup against the legally elected government of the United States - which is exactly what you are.
Post the evidence, retard...

Until evidence is presented, you hate fill little Brown Shirts have no evidence.
This bottom feeder uncensored is too much a pussy toanswer my question sohe deflects. Funny.
This idiot has no idea how professional investigations happen because he's too used to the dog and pony show he sees in the WH.

Poor little Khmer Rouge creep, has no evidence to support his slander and innuendo......
You said Mueller has no evidence but can't back it up with ANYTHING.
Typical deplorable bullshit.
So what evidence does he have then?
How many times are you going to ask that stupid question? I've counted about 5 times.
You think I'm on the intelligence committee? Lol
Someone who is onthe intelligence committee has stated people will be going to prison so be prepared.
You keep saying he has evidence and when someone disagrees you cuss them and troll them. So how do you know he has evidence? And who is this "someone" on the intelligence committee? Do they have a name? Do you have any facts other then your opinion and speculative media sources that are little more than he said she said??
It is really silly the way some of the posters here simply deny evidence as if it does not exist. The only unknown is whether that denial is caused by delusion or dishonesty.

It is odd the way all of the Stalinists here speak of evidence, when not a one of them can ever produce any....

The dishonesty is caused by the rage and hatred that consumes these creatures.
Liar. Evidence has been posted in this thread. You just aren't educated or intelligent enough to know what evidence is.

Lying about not having secret meetings and contacts with Russian officials and associates of officials is evidence of a cover-up. You may argue that it is circumstantial evidence, but it is still evidence. It's like if a neighbor tells you your kid started a fight at the park and your kid denies even being at the park. When the kid finally admits they were at the park that is evidence that they may have started a fight because you caught him or her lying.
It is really silly the way some of the posters here simply deny evidence as if it does not exist. The only unknown is whether that denial is caused by delusion or dishonesty.

It is odd the way all of the Stalinists here speak of evidence, when not a one of them can ever produce any....

The dishonesty is caused by the rage and hatred that consumes these creatures.
Liar. Evidence has been posted in this thread. You just aren't educated or intelligent enough to know what evidence is.

Lying about not having secret meetings and contacts with Russian officials and associates of officials is evidence of a cover-up. You may argue that it is circumstantial evidence, but it is still evidence. It's like if a neighbor tells you your kid started a fight at the park and your kid denies even being at the park. When the kid finally admits they were at the park that is evidence that they may have started a fight because you caught him or her lying.
Do you know anything that doesn't have undisclosed sources or someone said.... proof?
Liar. Evidence has been posted in this thread.


Innuendo, slander, and libel are not evidence.

Smears like you of the Khmer Rouge post never have anything even approaching evidence of crimes or wrong doing. Most of the idiocy you post is of the level of whining that Don Jr. would dare look at evidence that the Mafia boss you serve was corrupt. The hypocrisy of this while you of the emotion driven cult of the left conduct a witch hunt to try and find something, anything to hang on Trump, who you declared guilty and are just trying to find or fabricate what he is guilty of.

You just aren't educated or intelligent enough to know what evidence is.

That's rich coming from a drooling mouth breather like you.

Lying about not having secret meetings and contacts with Russian officials and associates of officials is evidence of a cover-up.

Of course the one lying here is you. The Russian lawyer is not an official of any government, there is no "cover-up" and seeking negative information on the opposition is not a crime. After all, you little Brown Shirts do nothing else save search for dirt. You have declared Trump guilty, and by Allah you and your fellow Brown Shirts will find or fabricate what it is he' guilty of - we just have to give you time.

You may argue that it is circumstantial evidence, but it is still evidence. It's like if a neighbor tells you your kid started a fight at the park and your kid denies even being at the park. When the kid finally admits they were at the park that is evidence that they may have started a fight because you caught him or her lying.

I may argue that you deal in openly fabricated lies and in fact do,

The only evidence you present is that you are irrational and driven by an all-consuming hatred.

You think that you're justified in lying, getting Trump is the most important thing in the universe to you, hence bourgeois notions of fact and integrity are discarded by you of the Khmer Rouge.

You will never present evidence, circumstantial or otherwise of actual wrong doing, you will simply hurl invective as you use slander and libel in your treasonous quest to stage a coup against the legally elected government of the nation.
Do you know anything that doesn't have undisclosed sources or someone said.... proof?

It isn't just that the Khmer Rouge has no evidence to support their incessant slander and libel, it's more insidious in that if you actually sort through the mountains of Ad Hominem printed in hate blogs like the Washington Post you find that even the allegations areinnocuous.


This coup that the traitors are attempting is unhinged, the act of mindless thugs as their Gestapo, the Anti-First Amendment scum demonstrate with the Kristalnachts they engage in on a nearly daily basis. As you know, ANTIFA is nothing more nor less than the shock troops of the democratic party, the terrorist wing meant to corrupt normal life so that the treasonous bastards can stage their coup.
Liar. Evidence has been posted in this thread.


Innuendo, slander, and libel are not evidence.

Smears like you of the Khmer Rouge post never have anything even approaching evidence of crimes or wrong doing. Most of the idiocy you post is of the level of whining that Don Jr. would dare look at evidence that the Mafia boss you serve was corrupt. The hypocrisy of this while you of the emotion driven cult of the left conduct a witch hunt to try and find something, anything to hang on Trump, who you declared guilty and are just trying to find or fabricate what he is guilty of.

You just aren't educated or intelligent enough to know what evidence is.

That's rich coming from a drooling mouth breather like you.

Lying about not having secret meetings and contacts with Russian officials and associates of officials is evidence of a cover-up.

Of course the one lying here is you. The Russian lawyer is not an official of any government, there is no "cover-up" and seeking negative information on the opposition is not a crime. After all, you little Brown Shirts do nothing else save search for dirt. You have declared Trump guilty, and by Allah you and your fellow Brown Shirts will find or fabricate what it is he' guilty of - we just have to give you time.

You may argue that it is circumstantial evidence, but it is still evidence. It's like if a neighbor tells you your kid started a fight at the park and your kid denies even being at the park. When the kid finally admits they were at the park that is evidence that they may have started a fight because you caught him or her lying.

I may argue that you deal in openly fabricated lies and in fact do,

The only evidence you present is that you are irrational and driven by an all-consuming hatred.

You think that you're justified in lying, getting Trump is the most important thing in the universe to you, hence bourgeois notions of fact and integrity are discarded by you of the Khmer Rouge.

You will never present evidence, circumstantial or otherwise of actual wrong doing, you will simply hurl invective as you use slander and libel in your treasonous quest to stage a coup against the legally elected government of the nation.
You uncensored are a complete Moron,COMPLETELY
This is my seventh thread on this topic, and I have asked for evidence that this entire Russia/Trump is based on SOMETHING, but so far, nothing.

Here's another chance.

Convince me.

Tampered? That's all well-documented by U.S intelligence agencies. Try using google to get caught up with current events.

Colluded -- not really a crime, but conspiracy is… There is an independent counsel investigation, maybe you heard of that. They are pretty good at maintaining the integrity of the investigation and thus no leaks. Even when indictments are handed down, we won't hear much of specific details until trial.

The "proof" you're asking for is why we have trials, so it can be aired in a legal manner.

The big question, did the Russians operate off specific instructions or "asks" from Trump or anyone in campaign. And did any money change hands - Trump to Russian hackers.

What we think we know and what we can prove... Prior knowledge, intent, willful conduct… these need to be well documented and backed up by testimony. It takes time.

But good news, the best forensic accountants at the IRS are pouring over Trumps financials and tax returns. Maybe that's why he seems less peppy lately.
This is my seventh thread on this topic, and I have asked for evidence that this entire Russia/Trump is based on SOMETHING, but so far, nothing.

Here's another chance.

Convince me.

Tampered? That's all well-documented by U.S intelligence agencies. Try using google to get caught up with current events.

Colluded -- not really a crime, but conspiracy is… There is an independent counsel investigation, maybe you heard of that. They are pretty good at maintaining the integrity of the investigation and thus no leaks. Even when indictments are handed down, we won't hear much of specific details until trial.

The "proof" you're asking for is why we have trials, so it can be aired in a legal manner.

The big question, did the Russians operate off specific instructions or "asks" from Trump or anyone in campaign. And did any money change hands - Trump to Russian hackers.

What we think we know and what we can prove... Prior knowledge, intent, willful conduct… these need to be well documented and backed up by testimony. It takes time.

But good news, the best forensic accountants at the IRS are pouring over Trumps financials and tax returns. Maybe that's why he seems less peppy lately.
The big question was do you have evidence, and you still refuse to provide it. You do come up with more subterfuge and spin though.
Mueller and his team have evidence and a lot more. When it comes out you will shit your pants. But thanks for confirming you have no idea what's going on.
And when Mueller finds ZERO evidence of the evil nazi Trump's quilt what will you claim then?
I bet you'll make a thousand excuses for why Mueller didn't do his job right. After all, charging President Trump with colluding with the russians was an easy lay-up.
Face it asshole. You're a loser.
Any luck selling all those 'Hands Up Don't Shoot' hoodies on EBay yet???????? HAAAAA HAAAAA!
Dope doesn't know of TRump's long history of corrupt and illegal business practices and think he turned over a new leaf when he campaigned and became president.
Just recently he paid out $25 million to the students he defrauded with his bogus University.
There's no question this criminal colluded with Russians just like Sessions, Trump Jr., Manafort, Flynn etc did.
This is my seventh thread on this topic, and I have asked for evidence that this entire Russia/Trump is based on SOMETHING, but so far, nothing.

Here's another chance.

Convince me.

Tampered? That's all well-documented by U.S intelligence agencies. Try using google to get caught up with current events.

Colluded -- not really a crime, but conspiracy is… There is an independent counsel investigation, maybe you heard of that. They are pretty good at maintaining the integrity of the investigation and thus no leaks. Even when indictments are handed down, we won't hear much of specific details until trial.

The "proof" you're asking for is why we have trials, so it can be aired in a legal manner.

The big question, did the Russians operate off specific instructions or "asks" from Trump or anyone in campaign. And did any money change hands - Trump to Russian hackers.

What we think we know and what we can prove... Prior knowledge, intent, willful conduct… these need to be well documented and backed up by testimony. It takes time.

But good news, the best forensic accountants at the IRS are pouring over Trumps financials and tax returns. Maybe that's why he seems less peppy lately.
The big question was do you have evidence, and you still refuse to provide it. You do come up with more subterfuge and spin though.
Lil Mikey still devoted and loyal to the Trump Crime family. Isn't that sweet.
Members on intelligence committee: there will be members of the Trump ad. going to prison.
I've sent this schmuck the links before. Watch him ask for them again. Lol

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