I support the assassination of ayatollah ali el-khameni and president ahmedinijad

Ed Spacer

Jan 16, 2012
Free the Iranian people.
free the middle east of the nuclear aggression by a rogue nation.
Precise strikes,elite teams.
Stop Israel from facing Holocaust II
no nation building.
No full scale war.
Precise targets.
Seek and destroy.
Of course you do, never mind that such a goal has never been part of any mission or rationale for our country to go to open war, ever. We do not officially kill any head of state, it's been done but it has been secret plausible deniability CIA stuff like we are using against them now.
Except you really expect us to NOT nation build after our strikes against Iraq and Afghan?

EDIT: Or we could go back into time and see the last time we overthrew the Iranian Regime.. Because that worked for us soooo well.
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It is a terrorist regime with no legitimacy. Even to it's own people.
It is their problem, they got to find the solution.

Trying to manipulate other countries regimes for our benefit has never worked well, and has often (Cuba, South Vietnam and Iran being the prime examples) ended very very badly.

Do I wish those loony toons ill and hope that the folks of Iran clean up that mess? Very much so. Will our pushing buttons help in anyway...? Experience teaches that it will generally make a worse mess than if we leave it alone. The primary goal is not to make the situation any worse
It is a terrorist regime with no legitimacy. Even to it's own people.

Why should we send the young men and women of this country to fight yet another battle that will do nothing but throw us more into debt and kill more service members?

We don't need to be the policemen of the world. Israel can defend itself and they know they can, they don't need our help.
At eleven U.S. presidents made an attempt of murder. Four presidents have been killed-Abraham Lincoln (1865), James Garfield (1881), William McKinley (1901) and John Kennedy (1963).

May 10, 2005, during Bush's speech in Freedom Square in Tbilisi, a Georgian citizen, Vladimir Arutyunyan, threw a grenade toward the stage. It did not explode by accident.

In March 2007, Jordan's military prosecutor's office announced the disclosure of a plot to assassinate U.S. President George W. Bush during his visit to the Kingdom in November 2006. Three Jordanians intended to undermine the U.S. Embassy in Amman, and Denmark at the moment when one of them will be the American president.

In March 2007, Colombian security forces claimed that have information about the planned attempt on George W. Bush during his visit to the country.

In June 2007 the Bulgarian secret service reported on the planned assassination of U.S. president during his visit to the Bulgarian capital.

DENVER, August 26, 2008, in the U.S. city of Denver, where he was pre-election congress of the U.S. Democratic Party, failed to prevent attack on U.S. presidential candidate Barack Obama.

I support the killing of U.S. presidents.

You're ass has been reported. I have contacted board admins,as well as authorities if this is real. I support the illegal occupiers impeachment and imprisonment, but this is over the top. Even for me. Hope someone like me doesn't pull an IP TRACE on your ass.
I support this country getting its head out of its ass,impeach the turd,imprisonment for crimes against the constitution and all,but,not cool at all. Let the justice system deal with him once he's out of office.
At eleven U.S. presidents made an attempt of murder. Four presidents have been killed-Abraham Lincoln (1865), James Garfield (1881), William McKinley (1901) and John Kennedy (1963).

May 10, 2005, during Bush's speech in Freedom Square in Tbilisi, a Georgian citizen, Vladimir Arutyunyan, threw a grenade toward the stage. It did not explode by accident.

In March 2007, Jordan's military prosecutor's office announced the disclosure of a plot to assassinate U.S. President George W. Bush during his visit to the Kingdom in November 2006. Three Jordanians intended to undermine the U.S. Embassy in Amman, and Denmark at the moment when one of them will be the American president.

In March 2007, Colombian security forces claimed that have information about the planned attempt on George W. Bush during his visit to the country.

In June 2007 the Bulgarian secret service reported on the planned assassination of U.S. president during his visit to the Bulgarian capital.

DENVER, August 26, 2008, in the U.S. city of Denver, where he was pre-election congress of the U.S. Democratic Party, failed to prevent attack on U.S. presidential candidate Barack Obama.

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You're ass has been reported. I have contacted board admins,as well as authorities if this is real. I support the illegal occupiers impeachment and imprisonment, but this is over the top. Even for me. Hope someone like me doesn't pull an IP TRACE on your ass.

Before you want to be something to this reach.

The call for the murder of the legitimate President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is terrorism, and you and your country in the future will be judged by an international tribunal.
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Of course you do, never mind that such a goal has never been part of any mission or rationale for our country to go to open war, ever. We do not officially kill any head of state, it's been done but it has been secret plausible deniability CIA stuff like we are using against them now.

No we just endorse and finance mobs that kill heads of state...
It is a terrorist regime with no legitimacy. Even to it's own people.

Why should we send the young men and women of this country to fight yet another battle that will do nothing but throw us more into debt and kill more service members?

We don't need to be the policemen of the world. Israel can defend itself and they know they can, they don't need our help.

Well, in his defense he did say "assassinate" not go to war...
Iranian regime must be stopped from the second Holocaust of the Jewish people,if that means the elimination of the religious authority and the elimination of ahmedinijad,then it should be done. You russkies are using the islamofacist tools to do your dirty work of communism. That's why you support them,they are your loyal customers.
Free the Iranian people.
free the middle east of the nuclear aggression by a rogue nation.
Precise strikes,elite teams.
Stop Israel from facing Holocaust II
no nation building.
No full scale war.
Precise targets.
Seek and destroy.
Precise, like the "Shock and Awe" in Iraq, which killed thousands of Iraqis?
I repeat,no full-scale war
Stop defending the imminent Holocaust of the Jewish people.
Precisely eliminate the problem.
Rest assured, part of any Israeli bombing campaign would be to drop a few on Adolfi-Nejad and Ayatollah Cockadoodle do doo!
America is afraid to attack Iran for the following reasons:
- Iran will soon be a nuclear weapon.
- Iran is not Iraq, and to bribe the military leadership as you have done in Iraq will not work.
- Iran, Russia will help the weapon, and it means to America will go the coffins of American soldiers in large numbers.
- Given the crisis in the U.S. for you it will be the last war, and the world will forget about the United States.

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