I think a personal private relationships should be off limits


Gold Member
Apr 17, 2011
I really can care less if Clinton got a blow job in the white house. It shouldnt be none of our business. Of course he lied to congress is another story but it should have never come to that

I dont care if Hermain Cain has 50 girlfriends that is between him and his wife.

I dont care if Newts personal life.

All I care about is if they can get our country out of the mess we are in. Does your employer ask you if your having an affair. The media needs to stay out of the bedrooms of the candidates.
Barney Frank supports this thread

yeah, amazing how those kind of things are of no importance to republicans once the thing they use to attack dems on is suddenly being used against them.......

reminds me of how smokoing pot was a big deal to repubs until they got a candidate who did it, then no big deal.......

same for adultery and draft dodging.........
I really can care less if Clinton got a blow job in the white house. It shouldnt be none of our business. Of course he lied to congress is another story but it should have never come to that

I dont care if Hermain Cain has 50 girlfriends that is between him and his wife.

I dont care if Newts personal life.

All I care about is if they can get our country out of the mess we are in. Does your employer ask you if your having an affair. The media needs to stay out of the bedrooms of the candidates.

We are forced to decide on a candidate based on his/her words...and in an effort to determine if the candidate is honest and can be considered to be true to his/her words, we must be able to judge the character of the candidate.

I disagree...the actions of a candidate, whether personal or not, should be fair game.

If it were found out that a candidate discriminated against minorities while running his own business...wouldnt you want to know? If he were a male chauvanist and has actions in his past making it quite clear that he considered women second class citizens...wouldnt you want to know?

Now...dont get me wrong...we all make mistakes in life...some of us regret them and learn from them and others have no regrets....I am the first to consider one who errs and admits it and learns from it as one that deserves to be viewed in a better light.....

Yes...Newt made a few mistkes in his personal life...but I bleieve he has learned from them and is worthy of serious candidate consideration.

As a matter of fact...he has been the one I have been saying will win the nomination since his days of sigle digits in the polls.
So... what you are saying is that those women who came out to say that they were sexually harassed by Cain should be sued for libel because you think it should be off limits?

That the other women who admitted an extramarital affair with the guy should have her right to free speech denied? What's wrong with letting the truth come out on ANY candidate and letting the people decide?
So... what you are saying is that those women who came out to say that they were sexually harassed by Cain should be sued for libel because you think it should be off limits?

That the other women who admitted an extramarital affair with the guy should have her right to free speech denied? What's wrong with letting the truth come out on ANY candidate and letting the people decide?
Harassing and having an affair are two different things. I am not voting for Cain . I do not condone harrassing at all
yeah, amazing how those kind of things are of no importance to republicans once the thing they use to attack dems on is suddenly being used against them.......

reminds me of how smokoing pot was a big deal to repubs until they got a candidate who did it, then no big deal.......

same for adultery and draft dodging.........

You are just lucky Clinton didn't inhale. Then there's the stain.. oh nevermind.
They are, when it is a Democrat.... see Bill Cliinton... he was even accused of fucking RAPE... and Juanita Broderick was frigging sodomized by the press and the Dem's.

These liberal Dem's are the biggest filth bags going.
I don't care if the guy cheats on his wife. I think it is common with politicians but not for ministers and self professed men of god

I think unwanted sexual harassment is wrong and is fair game for questions
They are, when it is a Democrat.... see Bill Cliinton... he was even accused of fucking RAPE... and Juanita Broderick was frigging sodomized by the press and the Dem's.

These liberal Dem's are the biggest filth bags going.

In 1997, Broaddrick had filed a sworn affidavit with Paula Jones' lawyers, denying that Clinton had ever assaulted her: "During the 1992 Presidential campaign there were unfounded rumors and stories circulated that Mr. Clinton had made unwelcome sexual advances toward me in the late seventies... These allegations are untrue ...."

that juanita broderick, right?
Me too, until it become public. Cain need to go home and face his wife and do damage control which is more important this becoming president. Big a big diamond and go the fuck home.
I believe Ginger and not Cain. Too many women are coming out to have been a set by by anyone. Where there is smoke there is a fire.
If the character of these women matter then the character of Cain should matter also.
When nature calls men and women act if it is available. Human nature. It happens to the best of US no matter the race or (lost the word.)
I am going to be truthful, I could never run for public office. Not even president dog catcher.
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I will never forgive Clinton for forcing the democratic party into a position of defending his actions. Anyone here ever been cheated on? It takes a selfish unreliable person to betray you and then lie to your face. Think about that bitch or bastard that betrayed you, do they deserve to be in a position of trust?
They are, when it is a Democrat.... see Bill Cliinton... he was even accused of fucking RAPE... and Juanita Broderick was frigging sodomized by the press and the Dem's.

These liberal Dem's are the biggest filth bags going.

In 1997, Broaddrick had filed a sworn affidavit with Paula Jones' lawyers, denying that Clinton had ever assaulted her: "During the 1992 Presidential campaign there were unfounded rumors and stories circulated that Mr. Clinton had made unwelcome sexual advances toward me in the late seventies... These allegations are untrue ...."

that juanita broderick, right?

Right.. the same Broderick that recanted when interviewed by the FBI and that the House Judiciary committee stated that she had been pressured by the Clinton White House, saying "She was so terrified. And the reason she was terrified was because she saw what had happened to Kathleen Willey, Gennifer Flowers and all the rest of them."

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