I think I agree. A Biden impeachment is a lock.

You're a gay retard with a tennis racket.

Concentrate on stayin' outta yer own way, then you can concentrate on more complicated endeavors, capische'?

Don't hold back now, share all of the silly, ignorant idiocy floating around in your head.
I don't see him being impeached, as corrupted as our government is currently. But an ongoing Impeachment inquiry will keep all of the Biden family corruption and traitorous actions front and center which is key. Americans have short memories and if it's not in front of their face, they tend to think it's not important.
Front and center only at Fox and co. Maybe. Meanwhile Trump's trial is gonna be televised and will dominate every news cycle

I agree. This President, like his predecessor, is going to get impeached. Unlike his predecessor, Biden will likely only get impeached once. Unlike either of Trump’s impeachments, the one we can now safely predict against Biden will be properly predicated.

Also, just as neither of the baseless impeachments against Trump led to Senate convictions, this legitimate (likely) one against Biden won’t, either.
No shit retard ^^^^

Did it take you hours to type up that useless bit?
Horseshit, you damn well know impeachment effort against Biden is a fucking loser play.

You just hate to hear it from me.

I'm not sure it's a loser play, so much as I'm confident it isn't a winning one.

Which provides way better odds than you've ever had...
If an impeachment is only worthwhile if it leads to the ejection of the incumbent from Office, then no impeachment is worthwhile (qualifies maybe by the Nixon resignation).

If the point of an honest impeachment is more than just obtaining a Senate conviction and the removal of the incumbent, then I applaud this pending one.

I don’t buy the “historical stain on his record” stuff, since the Trump impeachments are actually only stains on the House.

I agree. This President, like his predecessor, is going to get impeached. Unlike his predecessor, Biden will likely only get impeached once. Unlike either of Trump’s impeachments, the one we can now safely predict against Biden will be properly predicated.

Also, just as neither of the baseless impeachments against Trump led to Senate convictions, this legitimate (likely) one against Biden won’t, either.
I'd make a bet that it won't happen but we all know what a welcher you are.
Will Dems cry again when the case is laughed out of court?
Give trump his trial.
I stand by the courts eventual verdict.
Will you.

I promise I won't cry if "the case is laughed out of court."
Will you accept the guilty verdict? LOLLLOLLLLOOLL......Hell No you won't.

Trump lost the election, trump will lose in court.
It will be glorious.

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