I think I'm gonna drive down to Mexico City and vote in the next local election.... or maybe Iran...

Yup, it's my right as a sovereign non citizen to vote in any country I like!

Wait..... it isn't you say?

Only works in the United States of Ignorant Liberal Policy?

What if I identify as the locally worshiped animal? Then maybe?

Please do.

So you look forward to showing dem hypocrisy?

More that he just go to Iran or Mexico. Oh while in Mexico get that wall money!

Once more in english please.

Just go to Iran and/or Mexico, go now. While in Mexico get that wall money.
Yup, it's my right as a sovereign non citizen to vote in any country I like!

Wait..... it isn't you say?

Only works in the United States of Ignorant Liberal Policy?

What if I identify as the locally worshiped animal? Then maybe?
You could move to Puerto Rico and pay no US taxes ( You'll get hit with about 30% local tax but that's it and no capital gains or estate tax.) and still vote.
Yup, it's my right as a sovereign non citizen to vote in any country I like!

Wait..... it isn't you say?

Only works in the United States of Ignorant Liberal Policy?

What if I identify as the locally worshiped animal? Then maybe?

What if they don't let you into Mexico because of your criminal history?

Wetbacks have a criminal history the second they cross our border illegally.
Unless of course they've already committed a crime and ran for the border and came back.........,five fucken times.
Yup, it's my right as a sovereign non citizen to vote in any country I like!

Wait..... it isn't you say?

Only works in the United States of Ignorant Liberal Policy?

What if I identify as the locally worshiped animal? Then maybe?

Please do.

So you look forward to showing dem hypocrisy?

More that he just go to Iran or Mexico. Oh while in Mexico get that wall money!

Once more in english please.

Just go to Iran and/or Mexico, go now. While in Mexico get that wall money.

Uneducated boob!!
The wall will pay for it self halfwit.
No damn wonder you morons cant make money in the market,you cant see past next weeks weed money.
Yup, it's my right as a sovereign non citizen to vote in any country I like!

Wait..... it isn't you say?

Only works in the United States of Ignorant Liberal Policy?

What if I identify as the locally worshiped animal? Then maybe?

What if they don't let you into Mexico because of your criminal history?
I'll just sneak in bruh! But once there all is good! American liberals set the standard.

As shitty as Americans think Mexico is, believe it or not, they have high standards for expats to live there.
Hell,I dont have anything better to do,and I could use a road trip.
It sure would be interesting to see the outcome.

I gotta cousin in San Diego-ish. :dunno:

Is he a Conservative and can we shack up?

Yes! No shit! :04:

He has room..

Ya know I'm only half kidding..
Been known to go on a walkabout on occasion. The last one was roaming the Nevada desert into California.
Of course I found a hotel once in Calipornia and left the state immediately in the morning.
Yup, it's my right as a sovereign non citizen to vote in any country I like!

Wait..... it isn't you say?

Only works in the United States of Ignorant Liberal Policy?

What if I identify as the locally worshiped animal? Then maybe?

What if they don't let you into Mexico because of your criminal history?
I'll just sneak in bruh! But once there all is good! American liberals set the standard.

As shitty as Americans think Mexico is, believe it or not, they have high standards for expats to live there.

Well no shit!!!
They protect American enclaves for the tax bucks.
We used to go to the hill in Acuna and it was the same damn thing....except it was the cartels who owned the city for American dollars.
Whoa to any beaner that made their gringo customers uneasy,they'd end up in a shallow grave in the desert.
Yup, it's my right as a sovereign non citizen to vote in any country I like!

Wait..... it isn't you say?

Only works in the United States of Ignorant Liberal Policy?

What if I identify as the locally worshiped animal? Then maybe?

great TROLL thread; let US know how that works 4 U ....
I strive for greatness in all things. Thanks for taking note!
Please do.

So you look forward to showing dem hypocrisy?

More that he just go to Iran or Mexico. Oh while in Mexico get that wall money!

Once more in english please.

Just go to Iran and/or Mexico, go now. While in Mexico get that wall money.

Uneducated boob!!
The wall will pay for it self halfwit.
No damn wonder you morons cant make money in the market,you cant see past next weeks weed money.

No numbnuts tRumPutin said Mexico was paying for the wall and ewe fucking rubes cheered like the maroons ewe are.:21::21::21::21:
So you look forward to showing dem hypocrisy?

More that he just go to Iran or Mexico. Oh while in Mexico get that wall money!

Once more in english please.

Just go to Iran and/or Mexico, go now. While in Mexico get that wall money.

Uneducated boob!!
The wall will pay for it self halfwit.
No damn wonder you morons cant make money in the market,you cant see past next weeks weed money.

No numbnuts tRumPutin said Mexico was paying for the wall and ewe fucking rubes cheered like the maroons ewe are.:21::21::21::21:

No wonder you leftist live paycheck to paycheck.
Ya really need to start preparing for the future through investments.
How much are you worth if ya cashed it all in right now?
I really want to know,I wont bash you.
More that he just go to Iran or Mexico. Oh while in Mexico get that wall money!

Once more in english please.

Just go to Iran and/or Mexico, go now. While in Mexico get that wall money.

Uneducated boob!!
The wall will pay for it self halfwit.
No damn wonder you morons cant make money in the market,you cant see past next weeks weed money.

No numbnuts tRumPutin said Mexico was paying for the wall and ewe fucking rubes cheered like the maroons ewe are.:21::21::21::21:

No wonder you leftist live paycheck to paycheck.
Ya really need to start preparing for the future through investments.
How much are you worth if ya cashed it all in right now?
I really want to know,I wont bash you.

....Oh,and your age matters. If you're a youngster your values make a difference.
Me? I'm 53 and the Wife is 52.
So you look forward to showing dem hypocrisy?

More that he just go to Iran or Mexico. Oh while in Mexico get that wall money!

Once more in english please.

Just go to Iran and/or Mexico, go now. While in Mexico get that wall money.

Uneducated boob!!
The wall will pay for it self halfwit.
No damn wonder you morons cant make money in the market,you cant see past next weeks weed money.

No numbnuts tRumPutin said Mexico was paying for the wall and ewe fucking rubes cheered like the maroons ewe are.:21::21::21::21:

Holy Shit!!!
You really dont understand a return on investment?
What a fuken tard!
More that he just go to Iran or Mexico. Oh while in Mexico get that wall money!

Once more in english please.

Just go to Iran and/or Mexico, go now. While in Mexico get that wall money.

Uneducated boob!!
The wall will pay for it self halfwit.
No damn wonder you morons cant make money in the market,you cant see past next weeks weed money.

No numbnuts tRumPutin said Mexico was paying for the wall and ewe fucking rubes cheered like the maroons ewe are.:21::21::21::21:

No wonder you leftist live paycheck to paycheck.
Ya really need to start preparing for the future through investments.
How much are you worth if ya cashed it all in right now?
I really want to know,I wont bash you.

Hello? Is this thing on?
Heeeeeelo Aldo??
Seriously,how ready are you for retirement?
Inform yourselves instead of just believing the garbage from your favored fake news sites....

much more at link:
Right of foreigners to vote in the United States - Wikipedia

Right of foreigners to vote in the United States

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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The right of foreigners to vote in the United States[1][2] has historically been a contentious issue. A foreigner, in this context, is an alien or a person who is not a citizen of the United States.

Since enactment of the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996, federal law has prohibited noncitizens from voting in federal elections, punishing them by fines, imprisonment, inadmissibility, and deportation.[3][4][5] Exempt from punishment is any noncitizen who "reasonably believed at the time of voting ... that he or she was a citizen of the United States," had a parent who is or was a citizen, and began permanently living in the United States before turning 16 years old.[3] The federal law does not prohibit noncitizens from voting in state or local elections, but no state has allowed noncitizens to vote in state elections since Arkansas became the last state to outlaw noncitizen voting in 1926.[6] However, in some states, local governments have the power to allow noncitizens to vote in local elections. Presently, eleven local governments, ten of them in Maryland, allow noncitizens to vote in their local elections.[7] San Francisco allows noncitizen parents to vote in School Board elections.[8]

Historically, over 40 states or territories, including colonies before the Declaration of Independence, have at some time given at least some aliens voting rights in some or all elections.[9][10][11][12] For example, in 1875, the Supreme Court in Minor v. Happersett noted that "citizenship has not in all cases been made a condition precedent to the enjoyment of the right of suffrage. Thus, in Missouri, persons of foreign birth, who have declared their intention to become citizens of the United States, may under certain circumstances vote."[13]

By 1900, nearly half of the states and territories had some experience with voting by aliens, and for some the experience lasted more than half a century.[14] At the turn of the twentieth century, anti-immigration feeling ran high, and Alabama stopped allowing aliens to vote by way of a constitutional change in 1901; Colorado followed suit in 1902, Wisconsin in 1908, and Oregon in 1914.[15] Just as the nationalism unleashed by the War of 1812 helped to reverse the alien suffrage policies inherited from the late eighteenth century, World War I caused a sweeping retreat from the progressive alien suffrage policies of the late nineteenth century.[16] In 1918, Kansas, Nebraska, and South Dakota all changed their constitutions to purge alien suffrage, and Texas ended the practice of noncitizen voting in primary elections by statute.[15] Indiana and Texas joined the trend in 1921, followed by Mississippi in 1924 and, finally, Arkansas in 1926.[17] In 1931, political scientist Leon Aylsworth noted that "[f]or the first time in over a hundred years, a national election was held in 1928 in which no alien in any state had the right to cast a vote for a candidate for any office – national, state, or local."[18]
Inform yourselves instead of just believing the garbage from your favored fake news sites....

much more at link:
Right of foreigners to vote in the United States - Wikipedia

Right of foreigners to vote in the United States

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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The right of foreigners to vote in the United States[1][2] has historically been a contentious issue. A foreigner, in this context, is an alien or a person who is not a citizen of the United States.

Since enactment of the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996, federal law has prohibited noncitizens from voting in federal elections, punishing them by fines, imprisonment, inadmissibility, and deportation.[3][4][5] Exempt from punishment is any noncitizen who "reasonably believed at the time of voting ... that he or she was a citizen of the United States," had a parent who is or was a citizen, and began permanently living in the United States before turning 16 years old.[3] The federal law does not prohibit noncitizens from voting in state or local elections, but no state has allowed noncitizens to vote in state elections since Arkansas became the last state to outlaw noncitizen voting in 1926.[6] However, in some states, local governments have the power to allow noncitizens to vote in local elections. Presently, eleven local governments, ten of them in Maryland, allow noncitizens to vote in their local elections.[7] San Francisco allows noncitizen parents to vote in School Board elections.[8]

Historically, over 40 states or territories, including colonies before the Declaration of Independence, have at some time given at least some aliens voting rights in some or all elections.[9][10][11][12] For example, in 1875, the Supreme Court in Minor v. Happersett noted that "citizenship has not in all cases been made a condition precedent to the enjoyment of the right of suffrage. Thus, in Missouri, persons of foreign birth, who have declared their intention to become citizens of the United States, may under certain circumstances vote."[13]

By 1900, nearly half of the states and territories had some experience with voting by aliens, and for some the experience lasted more than half a century.[14] At the turn of the twentieth century, anti-immigration feeling ran high, and Alabama stopped allowing aliens to vote by way of a constitutional change in 1901; Colorado followed suit in 1902, Wisconsin in 1908, and Oregon in 1914.[15] Just as the nationalism unleashed by the War of 1812 helped to reverse the alien suffrage policies inherited from the late eighteenth century, World War I caused a sweeping retreat from the progressive alien suffrage policies of the late nineteenth century.[16] In 1918, Kansas, Nebraska, and South Dakota all changed their constitutions to purge alien suffrage, and Texas ended the practice of noncitizen voting in primary elections by statute.[15] Indiana and Texas joined the trend in 1921, followed by Mississippi in 1924 and, finally, Arkansas in 1926.[17] In 1931, political scientist Leon Aylsworth noted that "[f]or the first time in over a hundred years, a national election was held in 1928 in which no alien in any state had the right to cast a vote for a candidate for any office – national, state, or local."[18]

Anything they're not told by the cheeto is fake news to them. You know better.

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