I Think Some People Need to Remember Exactly What It Was Like During Trump

Does your doctor know you are off your medications?
You know I realize the truth. At least more than you if you are legit. Anyone would know that if the top dog of the world returned top dog ways would be richer.
The lying and pretending about the trump presidency has gotten to the point of absurdity. So let me post a reminder of just exactly how thnigs were, not how The gatewaypundit or Donald Trump tell you they were.

What Happened on March 26, 2020

American cases of COVID-19 exceed all other countries on this date, with 81,578 cases and 1,180 deaths

Record number of Americans file for unemployment - 3.3 million according to US Department of Labor

And this kind of incompetant "leadership" is what y ou wantto go back to?
No toilet paper!!!
You know I realize the truth. At least more than you if you are legit. Anyone would know that if the top dog of the world returned top dog ways would be richer.
Guy, I'm just being honest, most of your posts are all over the map and border on the paranoid. Usually, I skip by your posts, unless you say something particularly crazy, which would be on any day that ends in "Y".
You mean the vaccine that didn’t stop you from getting covid, spreading covid or dying from covid?
You're FOS.
That vaccine?
YES, THAT vaccine.

In a new public service announcement campaign, four former presidents are urging Americans to do their part to curb the COVID-19 pandemic by getting vaccinated.

Former Presidents Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama appear in the ads. The only living ex-president who did not participate was Donald Trump.

“This vaccine means hope,” Obama says in one of the two ads. “It will protect you and those you love from this dangerous and deadly disease.”

PROTECT........NOT prevent.

Seat belts will protect a person in an accident, from injury, they won't prevent you FROM injury.
The lying and pretending about the trump presidency has gotten to the point of absurdity. So let me post a reminder of just exactly how thnigs were, not how The gatewaypundit or Donald Trump tell you they were.

What Happened on March 26, 2020

American cases of COVID-19 exceed all other countries on this date, with 81,578 cases and 1,180 deaths

Record number of Americans file for unemployment - 3.3 million according to US Department of Labor

And this kind of incompetant "leadership" is what y ou wantto go back to?

Black racist known as IM2...

No dispute Trump is a scummy human being. But dems are far worse pos, bub.

biden illegals.jpg

Do you think I'd ever vote to confiscate my guns, turn America into Mehico and collapse the USA??

Black racist known as IM2...

biden shit.jpg
I remember America’s best citizens were unified like never before
I remember leftist heads exploding daily as they felt compelled to be and do better
I remember $2 fuel
I remember 3.5% interest rates
I remember cheap groceries
I remember Trump taught dark people how to lace up work-boots
I remember a record high stock market
I remember sky-rocketing home values
I remember a tightly sealed border
I remember a remain in Mexico policy
I remember 10 million less brown cockroaches from our south
I remember no wars being fought and peace in the Middle East
I remember jungle savages looting Nike stores and burning down their own shitholes
And then 2020
10.8% unemployment
A recession w/ -6% GDP
400,000 American deaths.
You're FOS.

YES, THAT vaccine.

In a new public service announcement campaign, four former presidents are urging Americans to do their part to curb the COVID-19 pandemic by getting vaccinated.

Former Presidents Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama appear in the ads. The only living ex-president who did not participate was Donald Trump.

“This vaccine means hope,” Obama says in one of the two ads. “It will protect you and those you love from this dangerous and deadly disease.”

PROTECT........NOT prevent.

Seat belts will protect a person in an accident, from injury, they won't prevent you FROM injury.

So you’re claiming the jab stops you from getting covid? From spreading Covid? Or dying from Covid? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

The cult is strong in this one!
i do have it figured out....the difference?....i dont have a party telling me whats what or who is who.....time for you to figure that out....
On every subject I seem to agree with the Democrats. Name the issue. Gun legislation, abortion, unions, global warming,

And any time they disappoint me, tell me what the alternative's position is on the subject.

And I don't care about trannies.
Worst to best in my lifetime


Technically, JFK and LBJ were within my lifetime, but I am too young to remember them. I recall RFK's funeral being televised.
Biden really has done a lot of New Deal type things for the ungrateful poor. Obama too via Obamacare.
PROTECT........NOT prevent.

Seat belts will protect a person in an accident, from injury, they won't prevent you FROM injury.
Just like a bulletproof vest.
It doesn't stop you from getting shot.
It was designed to prevent shots at vital organs from penetrating.
As I stated before, there are prerequisites for every job.
AND ongoing safety rules.
Just like long ago...............Hardhats?
"I'm not wearing one of those"..............they are untested.
According to.........YOU?
See ya'
geezus what have you been smoking?....a hardhat equals losing your job?....
The lying and pretending about the trump presidency has gotten to the point of absurdity. So let me post a reminder of just exactly how thnigs were, not how The gatewaypundit or Donald Trump tell you they were.

What Happened on March 26, 2020

American cases of COVID-19 exceed all other countries on this date, with 81,578 cases and 1,180 deaths

Record number of Americans file for unemployment - 3.3 million according to US Department of Labor

And this kind of incompetant "leadership" is what y ou wantto go back to?
Every year is 100,000 Americans die from the common flu. Coronavirus was a bad flu.

The middle-class was much better under Trump. The average price of a home has doubled under Biden. Interest interest rates on loans have tripled under Biden. Middle-class Americans can’t afford a home in this country.

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