I Think Some People Need to Remember Exactly What It Was Like During Trump

I know you want them to because that is your language .....
Because it is the dominant language in this country, and mastery of it is essential to success in America on many levels. Doesn't mean people can't or shouldn't speak whatever language they want with families, friends, etc. at home or in public, but the ability to communicate effectively in English is a necessary skill.
What’s happening is even worse. Well-qualified Americans are being rejected from excellent jobs because they don’t speak Spanish.
That's like saying someone is rejected from a job that requires typing skills because they can't type.
Because it is the dominant language in this country, and mastery of it is essential to success in America on many levels. Doesn't mean people can't or shouldn't speak whatever language they want with families, friends, etc. at home or in public, but the ability to communicate effectively in English is a necessary skill.
Three of my grandparents came from Norway and one from Denmark. This was before the turn of the last century. All four learned English and were proud of their accomplishments. That isn't to say that at the huge dinners and parties when the Aquavit flowed, Norwegian wasn't the norm. As a tyke living in Chicago, I spoke as much Norwegian and Danish (very similar) as I did English. My parents were both first-generation Americans.

Like millions, they needed a sponsor and came through Ellis Island. All became naturalized Americans and couldn't be more proud. Those were the days...
That's like saying someone is rejected from a job that requires typing skills because they can't type.
Nope. It’s completely unfair to introduce a NEW skill requirement to Americans in their 50s because illegal aliens won’t learn English. They are costing Americans in so many ways - lowered property values, poor caliber of schools, job opportunities, higher taxes to support them, you name it.

When my grandparents came over (legally), they didn‘t demand that Americans born here learn Yiddish or risk losing their jobs. When you come to a country, you are supposed to make it better - not worse - for the citizens of that country.
Three of my grandparents came from Norway and one from Denmark. This was before the turn of the last century. All four learned English and were proud of their accomplishments. That isn't to say that at the huge dinners and parties when the Aquavit flowed, Norwegian wasn't the norm. As a tyke living in Chicago, I spoke as much Norwegian and Danish (very similar) as I did English. My parents were both first-generation Americans.

Like millions, they needed a sponsor and came through Ellis Island. All became naturalized Americans and couldn't be more proud. Those were the days...
My family’s experience exactly (except for the Norwegian part).
Nope. It’s completely unfair to introduce a NEW skill requirement to Americans in their 50s because illegal aliens won’t learn English. ....
That makes NO sense on many levels.

Facility in at least one foreign language has been an advantage in hiring for a very long time. More and more so with each passing year.

"Americans in their 50s" can acquire a new language if they are dedicated to doing so.

None of this has anything to do with you imagining illegal aliens "won't learn English."
Immigrants of previous generations did not walk off the gangplank and magically speak fluent English. It took 2-3 generations for English to become the home language of those immigrant families just as it does today. There are some wannabe Know-Nothings today who lose their shit when they hear a word spoken in a language they don't understand. This attitude would be no less impatient or intolerant for the ancestors of some posting here. Make no mistake. Maybe think for a moment of your Swedish or Yiddish speaking ancestors when you curl your lip at immigrants today going through exactly the same process your own family did.

When my grandparents came over (legally), they didn‘t demand that Americans born here learn Yiddish or risk losing their jobs. ...
Quit yer bitching. I'm pretty sure your own ancestors didn't waste a lot of time crying and moaning like children.

If you were applying for a job with an import-export company that did business with clients in Germany, would it make sense to give the job to you or to someone who spoke German, all other things being equal? Does that mean someone is "demanding" you learn German, or that the other applicant had an advantageous skill that you lack?
Give me a damn break. The covid response was 100% Anthony Fauci. You know, the science guy. If Trump has not listened to Fauci, you people would have killed him for that too. The man couldn't win. Fauci dreamed up the lockdowns!

Since when doesn't the buck stop at the president's desk?

Without President Trump working day and night to cut red tape, the COVID vaccine would have come to market...in the typical time frame of 7 to 10 years.

Posted this before but will again....

I remember it well! I miss President Trump.

The lying and pretending about the trump presidency has gotten to the point of absurdity. So let me post a reminder of just exactly how thnigs were, not how The gatewaypundit or Donald Trump tell you they were.

What Happened on March 26, 2020

American cases of COVID-19 exceed all other countries on this date, with 81,578 cases and 1,180 deaths

Record number of Americans file for unemployment - 3.3 million according to US Department of Labor

And this kind of incompetant "leadership" is what y ou wantto go back to?
But this testifies against both sides


Biden was horrible during swine flul

“It is purely a fortuity that this isn’t one of the great mass casualty events in American history,” Ron Klain, who was Biden’s chief of staff at the time, said of H1N1 in 2019. “It had nothing to do with us doing anything right. It just had to do with luck. If anyone thinks that this can’t happen again, they don’t have to go back to 1918, they just have to go back to 2009, 2010 and imagine a virus with a different lethality, and you can just do the math on that.”
Oh, yeah, they are fantastically stupid.

The fact that we have millions of undocumented immigrants is proof of that.
Because of politically motivated democrats
Catch and release sanctuary cities fucking numbnuts

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