I Think Some People Need to Remember Exactly What It Was Like During Trump

And now you know why reference to the Trump vaccine is a false label.

I know why the maladjusted personality types can't stop obsessing over Trump.
Trump has not shut his mouth fir the entire Biden residency and has been campaigning for President since Biden to office. That's why.
Trump was instrumental in allowing the pharmaceutical companies and private industry a free hand to research and innovate.

Your obvious limitations prevent you from being able to process some pretty basic principles.
Trump didn't have any other choice. The companires were doing it with or without him.
Nope, it's not false. Trump took credit for getting it to the public quicker than anyone else could have. He takes credit, he owns it.

You have a real fixation on Trump taking credit for allowing private industry and pharmaceutical companies to develop the clot shots while keeping government bureaucrats out of the process.

You're humping Trump's leg. No one wants to see you continuing with that.
Nope, it's not false. Trump took credit for getting it to the public quicker than anyone else could have. He takes credit, he owns it.
Absolutely, 100% TRUE.

It is also 100% TRUE that it is the administration of President Biden who MANDATED getting the jab and forced tens of thousands out of valuable, lifelong careers. Allowed schools to be closed made promises that the vaccine would stop the spread of the virus and prevent people from getting the disease. All false!

COVID Lessons Learned
A Retrospective After Four Years
By Scott W. Atlas, Steve H. Hanke, Philip G. Kerpen, and Casey B. Mulligan

Executive Summary

This report reviews the major policy errors and lessons learned during the COVID pandemic from a balanced perspective that includes health, economic, educational, and civil liberty considerations.

We outline ten key lessons that must be learned to avoid mistaken policy responses to future pandemics and other crises.

Lesson #1: Leaders Should Calm Public Fears, Not Stoke Them

Lesson #2: Lockdowns Do Not Work to Substantially Reduce Deaths
or Stop Viral Circulation

Lesson #3: Lockdowns and Social Isolation Had Negative Consequences that Far Outweighed Benefits

Lesson #4: Government Should Not Pay People More Not to Work

Lesson #5: Shutting Down Schools Was a Major Policy Mistake With
Tragic Effects on Children, Especially the Poor

Lesson #6: Masks Were of Little or No Value and Possibly Harmful

Lesson #7: Government Should Not Suppress Dissent or Police the Boundaries of Science

Lesson #8: The Real Hospital Story Was Underutilization

Lesson #9: Protect the Most Vulnerable

Lesson #10: Warp Speed: Deregulate But Don’t Mandate

COVID Lessons Learned

Here is a link to the entire PDF file
Lessons Learned from the COVID Pandemic: ‘There Needs to Be an Honest Discussion’
You have a real fixation on Trump taking credit for allowing private industry and pharmaceutical companies to develop the clot shots while keeping government bureaucrats out of the process.

You're humping Trump's leg. No one wants to see you continuing with that.

Nope. You prove again you're deranged. I literally posted video of Trump taking credit for expediting the vaccine to the public. You know, the vaccine YOU refer to as the "clot shot." So how many people has Trump killed with his "clot shot?" After all, it wss Trump who made the vaccines possible.
Trump didn't have any other choice. The companires were doing it with or without him.
Because, in terms of emotional maturity, you behave like children. You can't deal with it. Your miserable lives are spent consumed by Trump.
I think the party that lost the election then cried about a stolen election that didn't happen should not be talking about somebody elses emotional maturity.
I think the party that lost the election then cried about a stolen election that didn't happen should not be talking about somebody elses emotional maturity.

Democrats 2016 and Republicans 2020.
I think the party that lost the election then cried about a stolen election that didn't happen should not be talking about somebody elses emotional maturity.
Who is crying?

It is the Dems / Socialists who spend their every waking moment agonizing over Trump.
Absolutely, 100% TRUE.

It is also 100% TRUE that it is the administration of President Biden who MANDATED getting the jab and forced tens of thousands out of valuable, lifelong careers. Allowed schools to be closed made promises that the vaccine would stop the spread of the virus and prevent people from getting the disease. All false!

COVID Lessons Learned
A Retrospective After Four Years
By Scott W. Atlas, Steve H. Hanke, Philip G. Kerpen, and Casey B. Mulligan

Executive Summary

This report reviews the major policy errors and lessons learned during the COVID pandemic from a balanced perspective that includes health, economic, educational, and civil liberty considerations.

We outline ten key lessons that must be learned to avoid mistaken policy responses to future pandemics and other crises.

Lesson #1: Leaders Should Calm Public Fears, Not Stoke Them

Lesson #2: Lockdowns Do Not Work to Substantially Reduce Deaths
or Stop Viral Circulation

Lesson #3: Lockdowns and Social Isolation Had Negative Consequences that Far Outweighed Benefits

Lesson #4: Government Should Not Pay People More Not to Work

Lesson #5: Shutting Down Schools Was a Major Policy Mistake With
Tragic Effects on Children, Especially the Poor

Lesson #6: Masks Were of Little or No Value and Possibly Harmful

Lesson #7: Government Should Not Suppress Dissent or Police the Boundaries of Science

Lesson #8: The Real Hospital Story Was Underutilization

Lesson #9: Protect the Most Vulnerable

Lesson #10: Warp Speed: Deregulate But Don’t Mandate

COVID Lessons Learned

Here is a link to the entire PDF file
Lessons Learned from the COVID Pandemic: ‘There Needs to Be an Honest Discussion’
You can do retrospectives about just about anything, and they would be very critical.
From Vietnam, to the war in Iraq, huge mistakes were made.
The lying and pretending about the trump presidency has gotten to the point of absurdity. So let me post a reminder of just exactly how thnigs were, not how The gatewaypundit or Donald Trump tell you they were.

What Happened on March 26, 2020

American cases of COVID-19 exceed all other countries on this date, with 81,578 cases and 1,180 deaths

Record number of Americans file for unemployment - 3.3 million according to US Department of Labor

And this kind of incompetant "leadership" is what y ou wantto go back to?
Give me a damn break. The covid response was 100% Anthony Fauci. You know, the science guy. If Trump has not listened to Fauci, you people would have killed him for that too. The man couldn't win. Fauci dreamed up the lockdowns!
Trump didn't have any other choice. The companires were doing it with or without him.

Without President Trump working day and night to cut red tape, the COVID vaccine would have come to market...in the typical time frame of 7 to 10 years.
The lying and pretending about the trump presidency has gotten to the point of absurdity. So let me post a reminder of just exactly how thnigs were, not how The gatewaypundit or Donald Trump tell you they were.

What Happened on March 26, 2020

American cases of COVID-19 exceed all other countries on this date, with 81,578 cases and 1,180 deaths

Record number of Americans file for unemployment - 3.3 million according to US Department of Labor

And this kind of incompetant "leadership" is what y ou wantto go back to?
People caught a cold and you blame the president?

Governors and local governments nationwide shut down businesses and you blame the president for unemployment?

As always you are out of touch with reality.

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