I think that Franken should NOT quit


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
He is a useless turd. Unproductive in Congress and reportedly a real a-hole to his staff. I would love to see him go........but not for the reason that some anonymous woman is accusing him of forcefully kissing her many years ago. Who knows who this woman really is? Maybe Franken is just apologizing because that seems to him to be the right thing to do, doesn't really prove guilt, in my opinion.

Do women lie about these things? We know they do, remember the Duke rape allegations? Should women be believed? Certainly but they also should have the moral courage to come out and face those they accuse. This back door anonymous BS taking out a US Senator is crazy.

The left screaming for his resigning proves to me that he is a number one jerk. They even want rid of him. Their desire to see him leave has absolutely nothing to do with morality or ethics, if it did then Bill Clinton would have been removed from office those many years ago. But the dems didn't care and now they pretend they do. Hypocrites.
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He is a useless turd. Unproductive in Congress and reportedly a real a-hole to his staff. I would love to see him go........but not for the reason that some anonymous woman is accusing him of forcefully kissing her many years ago. Who knows who this woman really is? Maybe Franken is just apologizing because that seems to him to be the right thing to do, doesn't really prove guilt, in my opinion.

Do women lie about these things? We know they do, remember the Duke rape allegations? Should women be believed? Certainly but they also should have the moral courage to come out and face those they accuse. This back door anonymous BS taking out a US Senator is crazy.

The left screaming for his resigning proves to me that he is a number one jerk. They even want rid of him. Their desire to see him leave has absolutely nothing to do with morality or ethics, if it did then Bill Clinton would have been removed from off those many years ago. But the dems didn't care and now they pretend they do. Hypocrites.

No, they want to sacrifice him because they believe it will give them the moral high ground and force the Republicans to vote Jones over Moore. What we don't hear enough of from the press is that unlike Franken, Moore denies the allegations, and there is no evidence to support them.
He is a useless turd. Unproductive in Congress and reportedly a real a-hole to his staff. I would love to see him go........but not for the reason that some anonymous woman is accusing him of forcefully kissing her many years ago. Who knows who this woman really is? Maybe Franken is just apologizing because that seems to him to be the right thing to do, doesn't really prove guilt, in my opinion.

Do women lie about these things? We know they do, remember the Duke rape allegations? Should women be believed? Certainly but they also should have the moral courage to come out and face those they accuse. This back door anonymous BS taking out a US Senator is crazy.

The left screaming for his resigning proves to me that he is a number one jerk. They even want rid of him. Their desire to see him leave has absolutely nothing to do with morality or ethics, if it did then Bill Clinton would have been removed from off those many years ago. But the dems didn't care and now they pretend they do. Hypocrites.

No, they want to sacrifice him because they believe it will give them the moral high ground and force the Republicans to vote Jones over Moore. What we don't hear enough of from the press is that unlike Franken, Moore denies the allegations, and there is no evidence to support them.
I have been saying that for days, the democrats are sacrificing the clown to get at the King. Don't know if that is fact but their behavior sure seems like that is what they are doing. The democrats certainly have a history of not caring about such things. Kennedy, two of them, having an affair with Monroe to the point they may have even had her killed, the democrats didn't care. Teddy commits manslaughter, and he stays. Clinton lies under oath over something as stupid as a BJ, but the democrats don't care. Franken just touches or kisses a woman and they are all up in arms? Someone left the fish out cause it sure stinks.
He is a useless turd. Unproductive in Congress and reportedly a real a-hole to his staff. I would love to see him go........but not for the reason that some anonymous woman is accusing him of forcefully kissing her many years ago. Who knows who this woman really is? Maybe Franken is just apologizing because that seems to him to be the right thing to do, doesn't really prove guilt, in my opinion.

Do women lie about these things? We know they do, remember the Duke rape allegations? Should women be believed? Certainly but they also should have the moral courage to come out and face those they accuse. This back door anonymous BS taking out a US Senator is crazy.

The left screaming for his resigning proves to me that he is a number one jerk. They even want rid of him. Their desire to see him leave has absolutely nothing to do with morality or ethics, if it did then Bill Clinton would have been removed from off those many years ago. But the dems didn't care and now they pretend they do. Hypocrites.

No, they want to sacrifice him because they believe it will give them the moral high ground and force the Republicans to vote Jones over Moore. What we don't hear enough of from the press is that unlike Franken, Moore denies the allegations, and there is no evidence to support them.
Exactly. Conyers and Franken are expendables from the Democrat's perspective. An old geezer and a lame ass comedian are the perfect sacrificial lambs for the cause. It's the old "When they go low, we go high" bullshit.
He is a useless turd. Unproductive in Congress and reportedly a real a-hole to his staff. I would love to see him go........but not for the reason that some anonymous woman is accusing him of forcefully kissing her many years ago. Who knows who this woman really is? Maybe Franken is just apologizing because that seems to him to be the right thing to do, doesn't really prove guilt, in my opinion.

Do women lie about these things? We know they do, remember the Duke rape allegations? Should women be believed? Certainly but they also should have the moral courage to come out and face those they accuse. This back door anonymous BS taking out a US Senator is crazy.

The left screaming for his resigning proves to me that he is a number one jerk. They even want rid of him. Their desire to see him leave has absolutely nothing to do with morality or ethics, if it did then Bill Clinton would have been removed from off those many years ago. But the dems didn't care and now they pretend they do. Hypocrites.

No, they want to sacrifice him because they believe it will give them the moral high ground and force the Republicans to vote Jones over Moore. What we don't hear enough of from the press is that unlike Franken, Moore denies the allegations, and there is no evidence to support them.
I have been saying that for days, the democrats are sacrificing the clown to get at the King. Don't know if that is fact but their behavior sure seems like that is what they are doing. The democrats certainly have a history of not caring about such things. Kennedy, two of them, having an affair with Monroe to the point they may have even had her killed, the democrats didn't care. Teddy commits manslaughter, and he stays. Clinton lies under oath over something as stupid as a BJ, but the democrats don't care. Franken just touches or kisses a woman and they are all up in arms? Someone left the fish out cause it sure stinks.

Also the Congressional Black Caucus was whining that Conyers was hustled out but it seemed the white boy was being given a pass.
He is a useless turd. Unproductive in Congress and reportedly a real a-hole to his staff. I would love to see him go........but not for the reason that some anonymous woman is accusing him of forcefully kissing her many years ago. Who knows who this woman really is? Maybe Franken is just apologizing because that seems to him to be the right thing to do, doesn't really prove guilt, in my opinion.

Do women lie about these things? We know they do, remember the Duke rape allegations? Should women be believed? Certainly but they also should have the moral courage to come out and face those they accuse. This back door anonymous BS taking out a US Senator is crazy.

The left screaming for his resigning proves to me that he is a number one jerk. They even want rid of him. Their desire to see him leave has absolutely nothing to do with morality or ethics, if it did then Bill Clinton would have been removed from off those many years ago. But the dems didn't care and now they pretend they do. Hypocrites.

No, they want to sacrifice him because they believe it will give them the moral high ground and force the Republicans to vote Jones over Moore. What we don't hear enough of from the press is that unlike Franken, Moore denies the allegations, and there is no evidence to support them.
I have been saying that for days, the democrats are sacrificing the clown to get at the King. Don't know if that is fact but their behavior sure seems like that is what they are doing. The democrats certainly have a history of not caring about such things. Kennedy, two of them, having an affair with Monroe to the point they may have even had her killed, the democrats didn't care. Teddy commits manslaughter, and he stays. Clinton lies under oath over something as stupid as a BJ, but the democrats don't care. Franken just touches or kisses a woman and they are all up in arms? Someone left the fish out cause it sure stinks.

Also the Congressional Black Caucus was whining that Conyers was hustled out but it seemed the white boy was being given a pass.
It almost is a win-win, if Franken makes a stand then that is a win, in my opinion, against frivolous allegations. And if both of them are forced out that is really a win for the country.
He is a useless turd. Unproductive in Congress and reportedly a real a-hole to his staff. I would love to see him go........but not for the reason that some anonymous woman is accusing him of forcefully kissing her many years ago. Who knows who this woman really is? Maybe Franken is just apologizing because that seems to him to be the right thing to do, doesn't really prove guilt, in my opinion.

Do women lie about these things? We know they do, remember the Duke rape allegations? Should women be believed? Certainly but they also should have the moral courage to come out and face those they accuse. This back door anonymous BS taking out a US Senator is crazy.

The left screaming for his resigning proves to me that he is a number one jerk. They even want rid of him. Their desire to see him leave has absolutely nothing to do with morality or ethics, if it did then Bill Clinton would have been removed from off those many years ago. But the dems didn't care and now they pretend they do. Hypocrites.

No, they want to sacrifice him because they believe it will give them the moral high ground and force the Republicans to vote Jones over Moore. What we don't hear enough of from the press is that unlike Franken, Moore denies the allegations, and there is no evidence to support them.
I have been saying that for days, the democrats are sacrificing the clown to get at the King. Don't know if that is fact but their behavior sure seems like that is what they are doing. The democrats certainly have a history of not caring about such things. Kennedy, two of them, having an affair with Monroe to the point they may have even had her killed, the democrats didn't care. Teddy commits manslaughter, and he stays. Clinton lies under oath over something as stupid as a BJ, but the democrats don't care. Franken just touches or kisses a woman and they are all up in arms? Someone left the fish out cause it sure stinks.

Also the Congressional Black Caucus was whining that Conyers was hustled out but it seemed the white boy was being given a pass.
Could be, maybe the democrats are tired of both of them.
I am having the time of my life watching the liberals

taking it up the ass.......

President Donald J. Trump is driving them crazier

than what they are......

They don't know whether to Shit or Bake a Cake:dance:

Bye Bye al...... :fu:
BTW he is not in congress he is in the Senate and on two committees of importance within the Senate and everyone on those committees say he has worked really hard since he has been there...

But I personally have no idea why they are asking him to resign for forcing kisses on to adult women..... I can not tell you how many men have tried to kiss me, that should not have even thought for a nano second of trying to.....

but I certainly would never in a million years have thought of asking for the resignation of that person....AS LONG AS they did not try to do such again and they were clear on where I stood.

Though let me say, I haven't had a chance to read about all of the different women's complaints so I retract him not resigning until I get a chance to read them....

but taking a picture with a woman who asked for one with her husband taking the picture and him grabbing her butt right when the flash was going off seemed to be a part of his comedy act...? Am I wrong? I still think it was way wrong of him....but I don't see the sexual harassment of an employee by someone in power kind of thing that others are resigning for?

Not in one instance yet has there been a woman that worked under him where he could affect their career unless they slept with him or put up with some kind of continual abuse???

Yes, us women should not have to worry about these kind of things happening to us....but some comedian simply trying to cop a kiss? A kiss with no sexual expectation at all, nor in a setting where anything sexual could have possibly happen?

In yesteryear, at least in the movies, an unwanted kiss or pinch on the butt was handled by the woman..... by her slapping the face of the man.....?

I am glad things are changing and men are now thinking twice about plopping a kiss on a coworker or subordinate...but there is a difference in my humble opinion between a Harvy Weinstein, who used his money and power to mend or end careers if sexual relations/intercourse with him did not happen....

or a Bill Cosby who did the same with women only he also drugged them for the sex....

I don't think all of these cases should be lumped together as some one size fits all...cuz in my opinion, it is not a one size fits all, each person is an individual case and should be treated as such...

God gave us "reason" and logic for a ''reason'', and also demanded in the Bible that we treat EACH CRIME for what the crime entailed and how bad it is....or the evil intent of it.....

An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.... etc.
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Why have Franken resign? He and Moore can swap stories about their exploits as sex offenders after the conservatives in Alabama send Moore to the Senate.
BTW he is not in congress he is in the Senate and on two committees of importance within the Senate and everyone on those committees say he has worked really hard since he has been there...

But I personally have no idea why they are asking him to resign for forcing kisses on to adult women..... I can not tell you how many men have tried to kiss me, that should not have even thought for a nano second of trying to.....

but I certainly would never in a million years have thought of asking for the resignation of that person....AS LONG AS they did not try to do such again and they were clear on where I stood.

Though let me say, I haven't had a chance to read about all of the different women's complaints so I retract him not resigning until I get a chance to read them....

but taking a picture with a woman who asked for one with her husband taking the picture and him grabbing her butt right when the flash was going off seemed to be a part of his comedy act...? Am I wrong? I still think it was way wrong of him....but I don't see the sexual harassment of an employee by someone in power kind of thing that others are resigning for?

Not in one instance yet has there been a woman that worked under him where he could affect their career unless they slept with him or put up with some kind of continual abuse???

Yes, us women should not have to worry about these kind of things happening to us....but some comedian simply trying to cop a kiss? A kiss with no sexual expectation at all, nor in a setting where anything sexual could have possibly happen?

In yesteryear, at least in the movies, an unwanted kiss or pinch on the butt was handled by the woman..... by her slapping the face of the man.....?

I am glad things are changing and men are now thinking twice about plopping a kiss on a coworker or subordinate...but there is a difference in my humble opinion between a Harvy Weinstein, who used his money and power to mend or end careers if sexual relations/intercourse with him did not happen....

or a Bill Cosby who did the same with women only he also drugged them for the sex....

I don't think all of these cases should be lumped together as some one size fits all...cuz in my opinion, it is not a one size fits all, each person is an individual case and should be treated as such...

God gave us "reason" and logic for a reason, and also demanded in the bible that we treat EACH CRIME for what the crime entailed and how bad it is...

an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.... etc.

I have to give credence to most of what

you say with the exception of what you

say about al....
He is a useless turd. Unproductive in Congress and reportedly a real a-hole to his staff. I would love to see him go........but not for the reason that some anonymous woman is accusing him of forcefully kissing her many years ago. Who knows who this woman really is? Maybe Franken is just apologizing because that seems to him to be the right thing to do, doesn't really prove guilt, in my opinion.

Do women lie about these things? We know they do, remember the Duke rape allegations? Should women be believed? Certainly but they also should have the moral courage to come out and face those they accuse. This back door anonymous BS taking out a US Senator is crazy.

The left screaming for his resigning proves to me that he is a number one jerk. They even want rid of him. Their desire to see him leave has absolutely nothing to do with morality or ethics, if it did then Bill Clinton would have been removed from office those many years ago. But the dems didn't care and now they pretend they do. Hypocrites.

You are correct. I didn't care if Clinton had a consusual fling with who ever he wanted.
and how long has he been a senator for? can anyone name at least 3 of his major accomplishments?
What kind of major accomplishment are you looking for?

Can you give an example of a ''major accomplishment'' of any other Senator as an example that would clarify what you mean?
I agree 100%

If putting your arm around someone as you take a photo is sexual assault then 90% of men and 40% of women are fucked.

Since when is taking a picture of grabbing someone's chest "putting your arm around someone"?
Why have Franken resign? He and Moore can swap stories about their exploits as sex offenders after the conservatives in Alabama send Moore to the Senate.

I am loving it....

franken is as good as gone and Moore is going

to win the Senate race........

Life is good.......

Thank you President Donald J. Trump....
I agree 100%

If putting your arm around someone as you take a photo is sexual assault then 90% of men and 40% of women are fucked.

Since when is taking a picture of grabbing someone's chest "putting your arm around someone"?
STOP LYING Avatar....he DID NOT grab her breasts, he pretended to grab her breasts for a picture..... for goodness sake....how hard is it for people to actually tell the truth around here....?

And yes, I saw the picture, he is NOT grabbing her breasts, but he is pretending like he is.....(you can see he is not actually touching her) which is bad, but not as bad as actually molesting her.....

Please be HONEST!
BTW he is not in congress he is in the Senate and on two committees of importance within the Senate and everyone on those committees say he has worked really hard since he has been there...

But I personally have no idea why they are asking him to resign for forcing kisses on to adult women..... I can not tell you how many men have tried to kiss me, that should not have even thought for a nano second of trying to.....

but I certainly would never in a million years have thought of asking for the resignation of that person....AS LONG AS they did not try to do such again and they were clear on where I stood.

Though let me say, I haven't had a chance to read about all of the different women's complaints so I retract him not resigning until I get a chance to read them....

but taking a picture with a woman who asked for one with her husband taking the picture and him grabbing her butt right when the flash was going off seemed to be a part of his comedy act...? Am I wrong? I still think it was way wrong of him....but I don't see the sexual harassment of an employee by someone in power kind of thing that others are resigning for?

Not in one instance yet has there been a woman that worked under him where he could affect their career unless they slept with him or put up with some kind of continual abuse???

Yes, us women should not have to worry about these kind of things happening to us....but some comedian simply trying to cop a kiss? A kiss with no sexual expectation at all, nor in a setting where anything sexual could have possibly happen?

In yesteryear, at least in the movies, an unwanted kiss or pinch on the butt was handled by the woman..... by her slapping the face of the man.....?

I am glad things are changing and men are now thinking twice about plopping a kiss on a coworker or subordinate...but there is a difference in my humble opinion between a Harvy Weinstein, who used his money and power to mend or end careers if sexual relations/intercourse with him did not happen....

or a Bill Cosby who did the same with women only he also drugged them for the sex....

I don't think all of these cases should be lumped together as some one size fits all...cuz in my opinion, it is not a one size fits all, each person is an individual case and should be treated as such...

God gave us "reason" and logic for a ''reason'', and also demanded in the Bible that we treat EACH CRIME for what the crime entailed and how bad it is....or the evil intent of it.....

An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.... etc.

Newsflash to the bimbo dressed like Xena:

Congress is made up of two houses: They are the House of Representatives and the Senate.

We call Representatives "Congressman/woman", but members of the Senate, we call "Senators".

They are both technically Congressman/women as they are both members of Congress.

Now, go find a good high school government textbook and you will find I am correct.

Know what the difference in pay is between a Senator and a Representative? Zero.

Have a nice day! :D
BTW he is not in congress he is in the Senate and on two committees of importance within the Senate and everyone on those committees say he has worked really hard since he has been there...

But I personally have no idea why they are asking him to resign for forcing kisses on to adult women..... I can not tell you how many men have tried to kiss me, that should not have even thought for a nano second of trying to.....

but I certainly would never in a million years have thought of asking for the resignation of that person....AS LONG AS they did not try to do such again and they were clear on where I stood.

Though let me say, I haven't had a chance to read about all of the different women's complaints so I retract him not resigning until I get a chance to read them....

but taking a picture with a woman who asked for one with her husband taking the picture and him grabbing her butt right when the flash was going off seemed to be a part of his comedy act...? Am I wrong? I still think it was way wrong of him....but I don't see the sexual harassment of an employee by someone in power kind of thing that others are resigning for?

Not in one instance yet has there been a woman that worked under him where he could affect their career unless they slept with him or put up with some kind of continual abuse???

Yes, us women should not have to worry about these kind of things happening to us....but some comedian simply trying to cop a kiss? A kiss with no sexual expectation at all, nor in a setting where anything sexual could have possibly happen?

In yesteryear, at least in the movies, an unwanted kiss or pinch on the butt was handled by the woman..... by her slapping the face of the man.....?

I am glad things are changing and men are now thinking twice about plopping a kiss on a coworker or subordinate...but there is a difference in my humble opinion between a Harvy Weinstein, who used his money and power to mend or end careers if sexual relations/intercourse with him did not happen....

or a Bill Cosby who did the same with women only he also drugged them for the sex....

I don't think all of these cases should be lumped together as some one size fits all...cuz in my opinion, it is not a one size fits all, each person is an individual case and should be treated as such...

God gave us "reason" and logic for a ''reason'', and also demanded in the Bible that we treat EACH CRIME for what the crime entailed and how bad it is....or the evil intent of it.....

An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.... etc.

I'm sorry. . . it's just too difficult to read your stuff when you come across as not knowing basic things educated folks know.

In fact, I did not read much past the first paragraph as it appears you do not have much of an education past the sixth grade.

Here, let me educate you with some sixth grade resources.

Al Franken IS indeed part of congress. You see, congress is composed of TWO parts, the House, and the Senate.

This is pretty basic stuff for someone posting on a political forum. Go back to grade school.

"Congress has two chambers: Senate and House of Representatives."
Bicameral Structure of Congress
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