I Think That Trump Should Change MAGA to MABA

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
After all as I was just thinking about this but although I do believe that Trump would make things in our country better again, I don't know if it'll ever be restored to true greatness. For if and when he can pull it off and win this election the left is never going to stop rebelling and going after him. I guess that MAGA just has a better ring to it.
After all as I was just thinking about this but although I do believe that Trump would make things in our country better again, I don't know if it'll ever be restored to true greatness. For if and when he can pull it off and win this election the left is never going to stop rebelling and going after him. I guess that MAGA just has a better ring to it.
I think it should be MAAA....Make America America Again
Not to be confused with the baaa sound the Dim sheeple make.
I think it should be MAAA....Make America America Again
Not to be confused with the baaa sound the Dim sheeple make.

Yeah but will that even be possible because as I stated in my OP, the left won't ever stop even if Trump wins election. If anything they'll probably get worse with the violence and rioting and the assassination attempts will come on quicker.
Yeah but will that even be possible because as I stated in my OP, the left won't ever stop even if Trump wins election. If anything they'll probably get worse with the violence and rioting and the assassination attempts will come on quicker.
Well Trump could hire me and if anyone with a gun enters White House grounds who aren't Secret Service, they will get a sniper bullet to the heart.
Trump can't make America anything but worse. And he will start a world war in the ME because of his insanity. This why extremism is so bad. White extremists want America to return to jim crow so badly that they will destroy the country and perhaps the world to get it done.
You are lying as always.

I know far more about life than your young ass. By the time you reach my age, you will probably be a liberal. And as you read the record of this time in American history, you will wonder why and how you fell for the bs trump pulled. I guarantee that.

Muhammad Ali “A man who views the world the same at fifty as he did at twenty has wasted thirty years of his life.”― Muhammad Ali
This is a PUBLIC message board. You don’t own anything here.
The boy is 23. He can't help himself. He was probably drinking similac when 9-11 happened. When Trump took office he was in middle school or just beginning high school. He thinks he knows everything but he will learn that you don't get dumber as you get older, if it's the lords will for him to grow old.

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