I think the many reasons to not vote Trump can be narrowed down to 4 points

He repeatedly lies. He's personally declared bankruptcy multiple times. He's been divorced and remarried multiple times. He says fairly horrible things about women. He has an unhealthy obsession with Megan Kelly.

Those right there would be enough for me to say no to voting for him.
It completely blows my mind. Only republicans could be this dumb. Let's list the reasons why Trump is so awful:

1) His vocabulary is no better than a 13 year old.

2) His emotional maturity is no better than a 12 year old.

3) Psychologist say he is the poster child of narcissistic personality disorder which a disasterous trait for a president to have.

4) He rarely talks about specific policy ideas and the ones he has highlighted are overly emotional brain farts lacking any trace of nuance. A kid in middle school could come up with ideas like banning all Muslims or making Mexico pay for a goddamn border wall. Are republicans really this retarded?

IF you don't know that Hillary is the poster child for narcissism, you have done absolutely no vetting of her. As far as building a wall to curb illegal immigration, what do you propose? We are suppose to keep allowing Mexico to dump off their poorest and un-educated on us to take care of? Mexico has no incentive to improve their infrastructure and they are far from even being in the top 50 percent of poor countries. Flying in unvetted muslims and just dumping them off in towns and having the town folks to scramble to house and feed them is utter stupidity when we have this alleged "war on terrorism". Mass immigration hasn't worked out all that well in Europe. Use your head for something besides growing zits on.
Christ more illegals are leaving America than coming in. Illegals, whether you like it or not, are critical parts of many industries like agriculture in the US. Getting rid of them would greatly hinder our economy. It blows my mind you people do not bother with any basic level of research.

If, as you say, more illegals had a greater intention of leaving the United States then are coming in desiring to be citizens... Then

1) there would be no real concern to waste our time with immigration reform
2) there is no truth behind the cost in Trumps proposal for mass deportation of illegals, since more (as you say) are already leaving the country.
3) Hillary wouldn't be campaigning so hard with the promise to keep illegals here If they vote to support her, and in return she would not see them deported across the border.

So, which story concerning illegals are you going to finally settle with and stick to?

You see that's the real issue.....democrats are always great at making promises such as simply making illegals citizens, but they don't have the slightest clue on how to resolve the issue of illegal immigration gaining access in our country across open borders. The liberal base are hoping for a republican candidate that won't discuss the issue in forcing Democrats to take aim at dealing with the source of the problem, as they would much rather label and attack the republican candidate than do the harder job of confronting the issue and putting an end to it.
It completely blows my mind. Only republicans could be this dumb. Let's list the reasons why Trump is so awful:

1) His vocabulary is no better than a 13 year old.

2) His emotional maturity is no better than a 12 year old.

3) Psychologist say he is the poster child of narcissistic personality disorder which a disasterous trait for a president to have.

4) He rarely talks about specific policy ideas and the ones he has highlighted are overly emotional brain farts lacking any trace of nuance. A kid in middle school could come up with ideas like banning all Muslims or making Mexico pay for a goddamn border wall. Are republicans really this retarded?

IF you don't know that Hillary is the poster child for narcissism, you have done absolutely no vetting of her. As far as building a wall to curb illegal immigration, what do you propose? We are suppose to keep allowing Mexico to dump off their poorest and un-educated on us to take care of? Mexico has no incentive to improve their infrastructure and they are far from even being in the top 50 percent of poor countries. Flying in unvetted muslims and just dumping them off in towns and having the town folks to scramble to house and feed them is utter stupidity when we have this alleged "war on terrorism". Mass immigration hasn't worked out all that well in Europe. Use your head for something besides growing zits on.
Christ more illegals are leaving America than coming in. Illegals, whether you like it or not, are critical parts of many industries like agriculture in the US. Getting rid of them would greatly hinder our economy. It blows my mind you people do not bother with any basic level of research.

If, as you say, more illegals had a greater intention of leaving the United States then are coming in desiring to be citizens... Then

1) there would be no real concern to waste our time with immigration reform
2) there is no truth behind the cost in Trumps proposal for mass deportation of illegals, since more (as you say) are already leaving the country.
3) Hillary wouldn't be campaigning so hard with the promise to keep illegals here If they vote to support her, and in return she would not see them deported across the border.

So, which story concerning illegals are you going to finally settle with and stick to?

You see that's the real issue.....democrats are always great at making promises such as simply making illegals citizens, but they don't have the slightest clue on how to resolve the issue of illegal immigration gaining access in our country across open borders. The liberal base are hoping for a republican candidate that won't discuss the issue in forcing Democrats to take aim at dealing with the source of the problem, as they would much rather label and attack the republican candidate than do the harder job of confronting the issue and putting an end to it.
I never said there weren't currently millions of undocumented immigrants here. I'm saying that currently net illegal immigration from Mexico is at zero. Only republicans feel the need to whine about our "open border". They are idiots.
It completely blows my mind. Only republicans could be this dumb. Let's list the reasons why Trump is so awful:

1) His vocabulary is no better than a 13 year old's.

2) His emotional maturity is no better than a 12 year old's.

3) Psychologists say he is the poster child of narcissistic personality disorder which is a disasterous trait for a president to have.

4) He rarely talks about specific policy ideas and the ones he has highlighted are overly emotional brain farts lacking any trace of nuance. A kid in middle school could come up with ideas like banning all Muslims or making Mexico pay for a goddamn border wall. Are republicans really this retarded?

1. Using simple vocabulary is a Persuasion technique. He is operating on a level that you cannot understand.

2. His public persona is a carefully designed tool. He is operating on a level you cannot even see.

3. Any psychologist willing to make a diagnosis without ever meeting or interviewing the subject is unethical and incompetent.

4. I've had no problem reviewing his policies on his web site. Do you need a link?
Lol man you are flat out hilarious. It amazes me you people will defend this Neanderthal no matter what. Ok sure tell me Trump's platform. In your own words tell me the specific details and nuance of his policy Ideas.
It completely blows my mind. Only republicans could be this dumb. Let's list the reasons why Trump is so awful:

1) His vocabulary is no better than a 13 year old.

2) His emotional maturity is no better than a 12 year old.

3) Psychologist say he is the poster child of narcissistic personality disorder which a disasterous trait for a president to have.

4) He rarely talks about specific policy ideas and the ones he has highlighted are overly emotional brain farts lacking any trace of nuance. A kid in middle school could come up with ideas like banning all Muslims or making Mexico pay for a goddamn border wall. Are republicans really this retarded?

IF you don't know that Hillary is the poster child for narcissism, you have done absolutely no vetting of her. As far as building a wall to curb illegal immigration, what do you propose? We are suppose to keep allowing Mexico to dump off their poorest and un-educated on us to take care of? Mexico has no incentive to improve their infrastructure and they are far from even being in the top 50 percent of poor countries. Flying in unvetted muslims and just dumping them off in towns and having the town folks to scramble to house and feed them is utter stupidity when we have this alleged "war on terrorism". Mass immigration hasn't worked out all that well in Europe. Use your head for something besides growing zits on.
Christ more illegals are leaving America than coming in. Illegals, whether you like it or not, are critical parts of many industries like agriculture in the US. Getting rid of them would greatly hinder our economy. It blows my mind you people do not bother with any basic level of research.

If, as you say, more illegals had a greater intention of leaving the United States then are coming in desiring to be citizens... Then

1) there would be no real concern to waste our time with immigration reform
2) there is no truth behind the cost in Trumps proposal for mass deportation of illegals, since more (as you say) are already leaving the country.
3) Hillary wouldn't be campaigning so hard with the promise to keep illegals here If they vote to support her, and in return she would not see them deported across the border.

So, which story concerning illegals are you going to finally settle with and stick to?

You see that's the real issue.....democrats are always great at making promises such as simply making illegals citizens, but they don't have the slightest clue on how to resolve the issue of illegal immigration gaining access in our country across open borders. The liberal base are hoping for a republican candidate that won't discuss the issue in forcing Democrats to take aim at dealing with the source of the problem, as they would much rather label and attack the republican candidate than do the harder job of confronting the issue and putting an end to it.
I never said there weren't currently millions of undocumented immigrants here. I'm saying that currently net illegal immigration from Mexico is at zero. Only republicans feel the need to whine about our "open border". They are idiots.

Only an idiot would only offer the promise of citizenship of illegals, without any plan to stop the flow of thousands more illegal immigrants from sneaking across the border. You do realize we had a mass amnesty of illegals during President Reagan in becoming citizens, and what did that solve today exactly? So now we have millions that came over since the 80s. yet democrats see simply a fast track to citizenship as the only viable solution. This only proves democrats are great at making promises during an election year, but they have proven to not have the slightest clue how to solve the problem from repeating itself and put and end to the illegal border crossing issue. If you honestly believe as the democrats do, then that would make you the proven idiot here Billy.
It completely blows my mind. Only republicans could be this dumb. Let's list the reasons why Trump is so awful:

1) His vocabulary is no better than a 13 year old.

2) His emotional maturity is no better than a 12 year old.

3) Psychologist say he is the poster child of narcissistic personality disorder which a disasterous trait for a president to have.

4) He rarely talks about specific policy ideas and the ones he has highlighted are overly emotional brain farts lacking any trace of nuance. A kid in middle school could come up with ideas like banning all Muslims or making Mexico pay for a goddamn border wall. Are republicans really this retarded?

IF you don't know that Hillary is the poster child for narcissism, you have done absolutely no vetting of her. As far as building a wall to curb illegal immigration, what do you propose? We are suppose to keep allowing Mexico to dump off their poorest and un-educated on us to take care of? Mexico has no incentive to improve their infrastructure and they are far from even being in the top 50 percent of poor countries. Flying in unvetted muslims and just dumping them off in towns and having the town folks to scramble to house and feed them is utter stupidity when we have this alleged "war on terrorism". Mass immigration hasn't worked out all that well in Europe. Use your head for something besides growing zits on.
Christ more illegals are leaving America than coming in. Illegals, whether you like it or not, are critical parts of many industries like agriculture in the US. Getting rid of them would greatly hinder our economy. It blows my mind you people do not bother with any basic level of research.

If, as you say, more illegals had a greater intention of leaving the United States then are coming in desiring to be citizens... Then

1) there would be no real concern to waste our time with immigration reform
2) there is no truth behind the cost in Trumps proposal for mass deportation of illegals, since more (as you say) are already leaving the country.
3) Hillary wouldn't be campaigning so hard with the promise to keep illegals here If they vote to support her, and in return she would not see them deported across the border.

So, which story concerning illegals are you going to finally settle with and stick to?

You see that's the real issue.....democrats are always great at making promises such as simply making illegals citizens, but they don't have the slightest clue on how to resolve the issue of illegal immigration gaining access in our country across open borders. The liberal base are hoping for a republican candidate that won't discuss the issue in forcing Democrats to take aim at dealing with the source of the problem, as they would much rather label and attack the republican candidate than do the harder job of confronting the issue and putting an end to it.
I never said there weren't currently millions of undocumented immigrants here. I'm saying that currently net illegal immigration from Mexico is at zero. Only republicans feel the need to whine about our "open border". They are idiots.

Really? Black democrats are tiotally pissed about the open border and seeing how freely the Barrypuppet has opened our nation's wallet to secure them lodging, bus fare and an indefinite stipend while they struggle to make ends meet....they are not Republican....looks like you just got your ass kicked yet again.... (snicker)
It completely blows my mind. Only republicans could be this dumb. Let's list the reasons why Trump is so awful:

1) His vocabulary is no better than a 13 year old.

2) His emotional maturity is no better than a 12 year old.

3) Psychologist say he is the poster child of narcissistic personality disorder which a disasterous trait for a president to have.

4) He rarely talks about specific policy ideas and the ones he has highlighted are overly emotional brain farts lacking any trace of nuance. A kid in middle school could come up with ideas like banning all Muslims or making Mexico pay for a goddamn border wall. Are republicans really this retarded?
So are these the reasons you are supporting him?
Lol this is a pretty pathetic attempt at being witty.
No. I would think someone with a child's vocabulary and low emotional maturity would be your guy. You're just like him. Stupid, ignorant, condescending--an embarrasment to others around you.
Do you not like Trump's position to implement single payer healthcare?
Oh really? So you being a pathetic, homophobic, racist, and glaring religious hypocrite is any better?

How about this thread? There is plenty to complain about if you have any respect for real political discourse.

But, what really stands out is the liberal knee-jerk interjection of "RACIST" and "HOMOPHOBE" by the dumb-ass liberal loon.

Where did that come from? The answer is that it came from a leftist dumb-ass who was out of any other responses...never mind that nothing about race or sexuality had even been discussed.

Don't you left wing loons ever get tired of looking like fools?
It completely blows my mind. Only republicans could be this dumb. Let's list the reasons why Trump is so awful:

1) His vocabulary is no better than a 13 year old.

2) His emotional maturity is no better than a 12 year old.

3) Psychologist say he is the poster child of narcissistic personality disorder which a disasterous trait for a president to have.

4) He rarely talks about specific policy ideas and the ones he has highlighted are overly emotional brain farts lacking any trace of nuance. A kid in middle school could come up with ideas like banning all Muslims or making Mexico pay for a goddamn border wall. Are republicans really this retarded?
So are these the reasons you are supporting him?
Lol this is a pretty pathetic attempt at being witty.
No. I would think someone with a child's vocabulary and low emotional maturity would be your guy. You're just like him. Stupid, ignorant, condescending--an embarrasment to others around you.
Do you not like Trump's position to implement single payer healthcare?
Oh really? So you being a pathetic, homophobic, racist, and glaring religious hypocrite is any better?

How about this thread? There is plenty to complain about if you have any respect for real political discourse.

But, what really stands out is the liberal knee-jerk interjection of "RACIST" and "HOMOPHOBE" by the dumb-ass liberal loon.

Where did that come from? The answer is that it came from a leftist dumb-ass who was out of any other responses...never mind that nothing about race or sexuality had even been discussed.

Don't you left wing loons ever get tired of looking like fools?
Lol any lack of context and you people go nuts. I wasn't generalizing Rightwingers. I was specifically talking about Rabbi who has proven time and time again to be a racist and a homophobe.
It completely blows my mind. Only republicans could be this dumb. Let's list the reasons why Trump is so awful:

1) His vocabulary is no better than a 13 year old.

2) His emotional maturity is no better than a 12 year old.

3) Psychologist say he is the poster child of narcissistic personality disorder which a disasterous trait for a president to have.

4) He rarely talks about specific policy ideas and the ones he has highlighted are overly emotional brain farts lacking any trace of nuance. A kid in middle school could come up with ideas like banning all Muslims or making Mexico pay for a goddamn border wall. Are republicans really this retarded?

IF you don't know that Hillary is the poster child for narcissism, you have done absolutely no vetting of her. As far as building a wall to curb illegal immigration, what do you propose? We are suppose to keep allowing Mexico to dump off their poorest and un-educated on us to take care of? Mexico has no incentive to improve their infrastructure and they are far from even being in the top 50 percent of poor countries. Flying in unvetted muslims and just dumping them off in towns and having the town folks to scramble to house and feed them is utter stupidity when we have this alleged "war on terrorism". Mass immigration hasn't worked out all that well in Europe. Use your head for something besides growing zits on.
Christ more illegals are leaving America than coming in. Illegals, whether you like it or not, are critical parts of many industries like agriculture in the US. Getting rid of them would greatly hinder our economy. It blows my mind you people do not bother with any basic level of research.

If, as you say, more illegals had a greater intention of leaving the United States then are coming in desiring to be citizens... Then

1) there would be no real concern to waste our time with immigration reform
2) there is no truth behind the cost in Trumps proposal for mass deportation of illegals, since more (as you say) are already leaving the country.
3) Hillary wouldn't be campaigning so hard with the promise to keep illegals here If they vote to support her, and in return she would not see them deported across the border.

So, which story concerning illegals are you going to finally settle with and stick to?

You see that's the real issue.....democrats are always great at making promises such as simply making illegals citizens, but they don't have the slightest clue on how to resolve the issue of illegal immigration gaining access in our country across open borders. The liberal base are hoping for a republican candidate that won't discuss the issue in forcing Democrats to take aim at dealing with the source of the problem, as they would much rather label and attack the republican candidate than do the harder job of confronting the issue and putting an end to it.
I never said there weren't currently millions of undocumented immigrants here. I'm saying that currently net illegal immigration from Mexico is at zero. Only republicans feel the need to whine about our "open border". They are idiots.

Only an idiot would only offer the promise of citizenship of illegals, without any plan to stop the flow of thousands more illegal immigrants from sneaking across the border. You do realize we had a mass amnesty of illegals during President Reagan in becoming citizens, and what did that solve today exactly? So now we have millions that came over since the 80s. yet democrats see simply a fast track to citizenship as the only viable solution. This only proves democrats are great at making promises during an election year, but they have proven to not have the slightest clue how to solve the problem from repeating itself and put and end to the illegal border crossing issue. If you honestly believe as the democrats do, then that would make you the proven idiot here Billy.
Oh Christ accept facts for what they are. Net illegal immigration from Mexico is at zero. How hard is this?
IF you don't know that Hillary is the poster child for narcissism, you have done absolutely no vetting of her. As far as building a wall to curb illegal immigration, what do you propose? We are suppose to keep allowing Mexico to dump off their poorest and un-educated on us to take care of? Mexico has no incentive to improve their infrastructure and they are far from even being in the top 50 percent of poor countries. Flying in unvetted muslims and just dumping them off in towns and having the town folks to scramble to house and feed them is utter stupidity when we have this alleged "war on terrorism". Mass immigration hasn't worked out all that well in Europe. Use your head for something besides growing zits on.
Christ more illegals are leaving America than coming in. Illegals, whether you like it or not, are critical parts of many industries like agriculture in the US. Getting rid of them would greatly hinder our economy. It blows my mind you people do not bother with any basic level of research.

If, as you say, more illegals had a greater intention of leaving the United States then are coming in desiring to be citizens... Then

1) there would be no real concern to waste our time with immigration reform
2) there is no truth behind the cost in Trumps proposal for mass deportation of illegals, since more (as you say) are already leaving the country.
3) Hillary wouldn't be campaigning so hard with the promise to keep illegals here If they vote to support her, and in return she would not see them deported across the border.

So, which story concerning illegals are you going to finally settle with and stick to?

You see that's the real issue.....democrats are always great at making promises such as simply making illegals citizens, but they don't have the slightest clue on how to resolve the issue of illegal immigration gaining access in our country across open borders. The liberal base are hoping for a republican candidate that won't discuss the issue in forcing Democrats to take aim at dealing with the source of the problem, as they would much rather label and attack the republican candidate than do the harder job of confronting the issue and putting an end to it.
I never said there weren't currently millions of undocumented immigrants here. I'm saying that currently net illegal immigration from Mexico is at zero. Only republicans feel the need to whine about our "open border". They are idiots.

Only an idiot would only offer the promise of citizenship of illegals, without any plan to stop the flow of thousands more illegal immigrants from sneaking across the border. You do realize we had a mass amnesty of illegals during President Reagan in becoming citizens, and what did that solve today exactly? So now we have millions that came over since the 80s. yet democrats see simply a fast track to citizenship as the only viable solution. This only proves democrats are great at making promises during an election year, but they have proven to not have the slightest clue how to solve the problem from repeating itself and put and end to the illegal border crossing issue. If you honestly believe as the democrats do, then that would make you the proven idiot here Billy.
Oh Christ accept facts for what they are. Net illegal immigration from Mexico is at zero. How hard is this?

20 million of them are over here and that is a conservative estimate and you are fine with that??
Christ more illegals are leaving America than coming in. Illegals, whether you like it or not, are critical parts of many industries like agriculture in the US. Getting rid of them would greatly hinder our economy. It blows my mind you people do not bother with any basic level of research.

If, as you say, more illegals had a greater intention of leaving the United States then are coming in desiring to be citizens... Then

1) there would be no real concern to waste our time with immigration reform
2) there is no truth behind the cost in Trumps proposal for mass deportation of illegals, since more (as you say) are already leaving the country.
3) Hillary wouldn't be campaigning so hard with the promise to keep illegals here If they vote to support her, and in return she would not see them deported across the border.

So, which story concerning illegals are you going to finally settle with and stick to?

You see that's the real issue.....democrats are always great at making promises such as simply making illegals citizens, but they don't have the slightest clue on how to resolve the issue of illegal immigration gaining access in our country across open borders. The liberal base are hoping for a republican candidate that won't discuss the issue in forcing Democrats to take aim at dealing with the source of the problem, as they would much rather label and attack the republican candidate than do the harder job of confronting the issue and putting an end to it.
I never said there weren't currently millions of undocumented immigrants here. I'm saying that currently net illegal immigration from Mexico is at zero. Only republicans feel the need to whine about our "open border". They are idiots.

Only an idiot would only offer the promise of citizenship of illegals, without any plan to stop the flow of thousands more illegal immigrants from sneaking across the border. You do realize we had a mass amnesty of illegals during President Reagan in becoming citizens, and what did that solve today exactly? So now we have millions that came over since the 80s. yet democrats see simply a fast track to citizenship as the only viable solution. This only proves democrats are great at making promises during an election year, but they have proven to not have the slightest clue how to solve the problem from repeating itself and put and end to the illegal border crossing issue. If you honestly believe as the democrats do, then that would make you the proven idiot here Billy.
Oh Christ accept facts for what they are. Net illegal immigration from Mexico is at zero. How hard is this?

20 million of them are over here and that is a conservative estimate and you are fine with that??
Libtards don't give a shit.
It completely blows my mind. Only republicans could be this dumb. Let's list the reasons why Trump is so awful:

1) His vocabulary is no better than a 13 year old's.

2) His emotional maturity is no better than a 12 year old's.

3) Psychologists say he is the poster child of narcissistic personality disorder which is a disasterous trait for a president to have.

4) He rarely talks about specific policy ideas and the ones he has highlighted are overly emotional brain farts lacking any trace of nuance. A kid in middle school could come up with ideas like banning all Muslims or making Mexico pay for a goddamn border wall. Are republicans really this retarded?

Yeah, but he tells it like it is.
It completely blows my mind. Only republicans could be this dumb. Let's list the reasons why Trump is so awful:

1) His vocabulary is no better than a 13 year old's.

2) His emotional maturity is no better than a 12 year old's.

3) Psychologists say he is the poster child of narcissistic personality disorder which is a disasterous trait for a president to have.

4) He rarely talks about specific policy ideas and the ones he has highlighted are overly emotional brain farts lacking any trace of nuance. A kid in middle school could come up with ideas like banning all Muslims or making Mexico pay for a goddamn border wall. Are republicans really this retarded?

Yeah, but he tells it like it is.
Even if he did, why is that enough to make him qualified to be president?
It completely blows my mind. Only republicans could be this dumb. Let's list the reasons why Trump is so awful:

1) His vocabulary is no better than a 13 year old's.

2) His emotional maturity is no better than a 12 year old's.

3) Psychologists say he is the poster child of narcissistic personality disorder which is a disasterous trait for a president to have.

4) He rarely talks about specific policy ideas and the ones he has highlighted are overly emotional brain farts lacking any trace of nuance. A kid in middle school could come up with ideas like banning all Muslims or making Mexico pay for a goddamn border wall. Are republicans really this retarded?

Yeah, but he tells it like it is.
Even if he did, why is that enough to make him qualified to be president?

What qualifies the Hidebeast to be president? What has she ever touched that hasn't eventually turned to shit? Oh wait, maybe she is qualified.
It completely blows my mind. Only republicans could be this dumb. Let's list the reasons why Trump is so awful:

1) His vocabulary is no better than a 13 year old's.

2) His emotional maturity is no better than a 12 year old's.

3) Psychologists say he is the poster child of narcissistic personality disorder which is a disasterous trait for a president to have.

4) He rarely talks about specific policy ideas and the ones he has highlighted are overly emotional brain farts lacking any trace of nuance. A kid in middle school could come up with ideas like banning all Muslims or making Mexico pay for a goddamn border wall. Are republicans really this retarded?

Please, PLEASE do NOT discourage right wingers from backing Trump....He is the very BEST of opportunities to maintain the WH and convert the senate into Dem.s hands ( not to mention the SCOTUS.)

continue to believe that. you are in an ever shrinking minority. the hildebeast will never be president----------------------except maybe president of the lesbian association in federal prison.

Want to bet? You name the stakes. But I'll bet you that Hillary WILL be president.

OK, $500. send me your $500. If the hildebeast wins I'll send it back with $500 more. If she loses I keep it. Deal?
It completely blows my mind. Only republicans could be this dumb. Let's list the reasons why Trump is so awful:

1) His vocabulary is no better than a 13 year old's.

2) His emotional maturity is no better than a 12 year old's.

3) Psychologists say he is the poster child of narcissistic personality disorder which is a disasterous trait for a president to have.

4) He rarely talks about specific policy ideas and the ones he has highlighted are overly emotional brain farts lacking any trace of nuance. A kid in middle school could come up with ideas like banning all Muslims or making Mexico pay for a goddamn border wall. Are republicans really this retarded?

1. Using simple vocabulary is a Persuasion technique. He is operating on a level that you cannot understand.

2. His public persona is a carefully designed tool. He is operating on a level you cannot even see.

3. Any psychologist willing to make a diagnosis without ever meeting or interviewing the subject is unethical and incompetent.

4. I've had no problem reviewing his policies on his web site. Do you need a link?
Lol man you are flat out hilarious. It amazes me you people will defend this Neanderthal no matter what. Ok sure tell me Trump's platform. In your own words tell me the specific details and nuance of his policy Ideas.

To much typing when I know you don't give a fuck.

YOu want details? Go to his site yourself.
It completely blows my mind. Only republicans could be this dumb. Let's list the reasons why Trump is so awful:

1) His vocabulary is no better than a 13 year old's.

2) His emotional maturity is no better than a 12 year old's.

3) Psychologists say he is the poster child of narcissistic personality disorder which is a disasterous trait for a president to have.

4) He rarely talks about specific policy ideas and the ones he has highlighted are overly emotional brain farts lacking any trace of nuance. A kid in middle school could come up with ideas like banning all Muslims or making Mexico pay for a goddamn border wall. Are republicans really this retarded?

Yeah, but he tells it like it is.
Even if he did, why is that enough to make him qualified to be president?

Yes, any more questions?
You seem to be under the impression that I'm a Hillary supporter.

That's what happens with candidates once a perception about them becomes spread. You have now become associated with Hillary like Trump is perceived to be racist.

Oh let's be clear. I will vote for Hillary but I am in no way shape or form excited about her or trust her. But she's still better than the steaming pile of shit being offered up from Republicans.

she is a liar, a fraud, and a female version of Obama. She is the worst possible person to be president.
It completely blows my mind. Only republicans could be this dumb. Let's list the reasons why Trump is so awful:

1) His vocabulary is no better than a 13 year old's.

2) His emotional maturity is no better than a 12 year old's.

3) Psychologists say he is the poster child of narcissistic personality disorder which is a disasterous trait for a president to have.

4) He rarely talks about specific policy ideas and the ones he has highlighted are overly emotional brain farts lacking any trace of nuance. A kid in middle school could come up with ideas like banning all Muslims or making Mexico pay for a goddamn border wall. Are republicans really this retarded?

Please, PLEASE do NOT discourage right wingers from backing Trump....He is the very BEST of opportunities to maintain the WH and convert the senate into Dem.s hands ( not to mention the SCOTUS.)

continue to believe that. you are in an ever shrinking minority. the hildebeast will never be president----------------------except maybe president of the lesbian association in federal prison.

Want to bet? You name the stakes. But I'll bet you that Hillary WILL be president.

OK, $500. send me your $500. If the hildebeast wins I'll send it back with $500 more. If she loses I keep it. Deal?

Sure, send me your address.

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