Do republicans have their own reasons as to why the left wing doesn’t like Trump?

If Trump were a moron how is it he won?
Because republicans are morons.
Republicans tend to be richer than Democrats and you say they are morons?

They what???

Jeff Bezos Democrat
Bill Gates - Democrat
Warren Buffet - Democrat (even endorsed Hitlery for prez)
Larry Ellison - Republican (but has donated to Democrats)
Mark Zuckerberg - Democrat

That is America's five richest Americans How far down the list do you want to go? Bear in mind that this is five richest men in America. Also, according to Wikipedia:

"Just prior to President Obama's 2014 State of the Union Address, media[7] reported that the top wealthiest 1% possess 40% of the nation's wealth; the bottom 80% own 7%; similarly, but later, the media reported, the "richest 1 percent in the United States now own more additional income than the bottom 90 percent"

Wealth inequality in the United States - Wikipedia

At least 4 out of every 5 rich guys votes for Democrats.
I imagine their go-to reasons like we hear a lot on this forum and elsewhere would be: “they’re snowflakes about political correctness! They can’t handle a manly man telling it like it is! They suck the government tit and Trump’s message of work ethic scares them! Finally they have to get a job! They want open borders for some reason! He’s not HILLARY Derp!”

The actual reasons liberals don’t like Trump are this:

1) He’s a fucking moron.

2) He has the emotional maturity of a 12 year old.

3) He only cares about what his supporters think and does absolutely nothing to unify the country.

4) He’s an undeniably corrupt and incompetent business man. He would be working at Carl’s Jr. right now if daddy hadn’t given him millions of dollars to start his failing businesses.

5) He is an unprecedented (unpresidented! derp) international embarrassment.

Is this another one of those...."billionaires are stupid, I'm smarter than billionaires...can I get some free shit" threads?
I imagine their go-to reasons like we hear a lot on this forum and elsewhere would be: “they’re snowflakes about political correctness! They can’t handle a manly man telling it like it is! They suck the government tit and Trump’s message of work ethic scares them! Finally they have to get a job! They want open borders for some reason! He’s not HILLARY Derp!”

The actual reasons liberals don’t like Trump are this:

1) He’s a fucking moron.

2) He has the emotional maturity of a 12 year old.

3) He only cares about what his supporters think and does absolutely nothing to unify the country.

4) He’s an undeniably corrupt and incompetent business man. He would be working at Carl’s Jr. right now if daddy hadn’t given him millions of dollars to start his failing businesses.

5) He is an unprecedented (unpresidented! derp) international embarrassment.

Is this another one of those...."billionaires are stupid, I'm smarter than billionaires...can I get some free shit" threads?
Oh you’re adorable. You just like to pretend I am talking about free shit when clearly nothing I said here has anything to do with that. Do you not realize how retarded you sound? It’s also so pathetic how I point out Trump just being given 10s of millions of dollars by daddy and you pretend that has nothing to do with “free shit”.
I imagine their go-to reasons like we hear a lot on this forum and elsewhere would be: “they’re snowflakes about political correctness! They can’t handle a manly man telling it like it is! They suck the government tit and Trump’s message of work ethic scares them! Finally they have to get a job! They want open borders for some reason! He’s not HILLARY Derp!”

The actual reasons liberals don’t like Trump are this:

1) He’s a fucking moron.

2) He has the emotional maturity of a 12 year old.

3) He only cares about what his supporters think and does absolutely nothing to unify the country.

4) He’s an undeniably corrupt and incompetent business man. He would be working at Carl’s Jr. right now if daddy hadn’t given him millions of dollars to start his failing businesses.

5) He is an unprecedented (unpresidented! derp) international embarrassment.

He is in their way and preventing the leftists from opening our borders, installing a one world government and shredding our constitution. That is the only reason they hate him.
I imagine their go-to reasons like we hear a lot on this forum and elsewhere would be: “they’re snowflakes about political correctness! They can’t handle a manly man telling it like it is! They suck the government tit and Trump’s message of work ethic scares them! Finally they have to get a job! They want open borders for some reason! He’s not HILLARY Derp!”

The actual reasons liberals don’t like Trump are this:

1) He’s a fucking moron.

2) He has the emotional maturity of a 12 year old.

3) He only cares about what his supporters think and does absolutely nothing to unify the country.

4) He’s an undeniably corrupt and incompetent business man. He would be working at Carl’s Jr. right now if daddy hadn’t given him millions of dollars to start his failing businesses.

5) He is an unprecedented (unpresidented! derp) international embarrassment.
You really have to love the crazy left.
They actually voted for a person that even Comey said he would not prosecute not becuause she was not quilty but because she was not competent to understand what she had done wrong.
Then they pretend that because she had so many vote for her only because of her gender that she was a better candidate.

Then they pretend that anyone cares that the fantasy they have built up in their deranged minder fleets actual reality.
Who cares who the left voted for? Trump is president and Hillary isn’t lol. You do know that right?
Oh I know it. Unfortunately there is an extraordinary amount on the left that are still hoping the last presidential election can somehow be reversed. They hope that by whining about who is president and every little thing that he does they can assure that he and the right do not win again. All while not realizing that they only hurt those chances not help.
I imagine their go-to reasons like we hear a lot on this forum and elsewhere would be: “they’re snowflakes about political correctness! They can’t handle a manly man telling it like it is! They suck the government tit and Trump’s message of work ethic scares them! Finally they have to get a job! They want open borders for some reason! He’s not HILLARY Derp!”

The actual reasons liberals don’t like Trump are this:

1) He’s a fucking moron.

2) He has the emotional maturity of a 12 year old.

3) He only cares about what his supporters think and does absolutely nothing to unify the country.

4) He’s an undeniably corrupt and incompetent business man. He would be working at Carl’s Jr. right now if daddy hadn’t given him millions of dollars to start his failing businesses.

5) He is an unprecedented (unpresidented! derp) international embarrassment.

He is in their way

Bingo. Our nuevo-Communists were making good progress both nationally and globally, and the election stopped it cold.
I imagine their go-to reasons like we hear a lot on this forum and elsewhere would be: “they’re snowflakes about political correctness! They can’t handle a manly man telling it like it is! They suck the government tit and Trump’s message of work ethic scares them! Finally they have to get a job! They want open borders for some reason! He’s not HILLARY Derp!”

The actual reasons liberals don’t like Trump are this:

1) He’s a fucking moron.

2) He has the emotional maturity of a 12 year old.

3) He only cares about what his supporters think and does absolutely nothing to unify the country.

4) He’s an undeniably corrupt and incompetent business man. He would be working at Carl’s Jr. right now if daddy hadn’t given him millions of dollars to start his failing businesses.

5) He is an unprecedented (unpresidented! derp) international embarrassment.

He is in their way and preventing the leftists from opening our borders, installing a one world government and shredding our constitution. That is the only reason they hate him.

LMFAO. Trump is in bed with the global elite. He is playing the right and using Hegelian Dialectics to take us toward that One World Government:

Frenemies with benefits: A brief history of the Trump-Murdoch relationship

Donald Trump and Rupert Murdoch: inside the billionaire bromance

The only thing propping Trump up is the silly ass wall issue. Trump knows full well the courts will ultimately shoot most of that down.
I imagine their go-to reasons like we hear a lot on this forum and elsewhere would be: “they’re snowflakes about political correctness! They can’t handle a manly man telling it like it is! They suck the government tit and Trump’s message of work ethic scares them! Finally they have to get a job! They want open borders for some reason! He’s not HILLARY Derp!”

The actual reasons liberals don’t like Trump are this:

1) He’s a fucking moron.

2) He has the emotional maturity of a 12 year old.

3) He only cares about what his supporters think and does absolutely nothing to unify the country.

4) He’s an undeniably corrupt and incompetent business man. He would be working at Carl’s Jr. right now if daddy hadn’t given him millions of dollars to start his failing businesses.

5) He is an unprecedented (unpresidented! derp) international embarrassment.

He is in their way and preventing the leftists from opening our borders, installing a one world government and shredding our constitution. That is the only reason they hate him.

LMFAO. Trump is in bed with the global elite. He is playing the right and using Hegelian Dialectics to take us toward that One World Government:

Frenemies with benefits: A brief history of the Trump-Murdoch relationship

Donald Trump and Rupert Murdoch: inside the billionaire bromance

The only thing propping Trump up is the silly ass wall issue. Trump knows full well the courts will ultimately shoot most of that down.

Courts will shoot what down a wall almost finished?

I imagine their go-to reasons like we hear a lot on this forum and elsewhere would be: “they’re snowflakes about political correctness! They can’t handle a manly man telling it like it is! They suck the government tit and Trump’s message of work ethic scares them! Finally they have to get a job! They want open borders for some reason! He’s not HILLARY Derp!”

The actual reasons liberals don’t like Trump are this:

1) He’s a fucking moron.

2) He has the emotional maturity of a 12 year old.

3) He only cares about what his supporters think and does absolutely nothing to unify the country.

4) He’s an undeniably corrupt and incompetent business man. He would be working at Carl’s Jr. right now if daddy hadn’t given him millions of dollars to start his failing businesses.

5) He is an unprecedented (unpresidented! derp) international embarrassment.

He is in their way and preventing the leftists from opening our borders, installing a one world government and shredding our constitution. That is the only reason they hate him.

LMFAO. Trump is in bed with the global elite. He is playing the right and using Hegelian Dialectics to take us toward that One World Government:

Frenemies with benefits: A brief history of the Trump-Murdoch relationship

Donald Trump and Rupert Murdoch: inside the billionaire bromance

The only thing propping Trump up is the silly ass wall issue. Trump knows full well the courts will ultimately shoot most of that down.

Courts will shoot what down a wall almost finished?


The wall is nowhere near finished. You witnessed the push back when the MSM made much ado about separating families. So, take it a step further:

MILLIONS of the people in this country without papers have American relatives. There is not a snowball's chance in Hell that any court is going to support deporting and keeping out a person with American relatives over a civil misdemeanor charge of improper entry. After some punishment that foreigner will come right back because barring them from the United States would be a violation of the 8th Amendment.

IF the wallists had wanted improper entry to be a major violation of the law, they would have lobbied years ago to make what is now improper entry a felony - and maybe call it constructive intent to commit invasion or some related crime. The facts are, if a person gets into our country and immigration officials did not see it, the infraction is simply a civil violation. The United States Supreme Court ruled that being in the United States without papers is not a crime.

Trump has no wall and all spending bills originate in the House... and Trump lost control of the House in the mid term. If some strong personality decides to run for president, Trump could be denied a second term (ain't happening with the current lineup, however.)

Obama got socialized healthcare passed in the first year of his first term; Trump has nothing save of Executive Orders to boast about during his first term in office. Kamala Harris will rescind those Executive Orders after Trump leaves office if he gets a second term. Trump will have less influence on Capitol Hill in a second term than he does now. So do the math.
I imagine their go-to reasons like we hear a lot on this forum and elsewhere would be: “they’re snowflakes about political correctness! They can’t handle a manly man telling it like it is! They suck the government tit and Trump’s message of work ethic scares them! Finally they have to get a job! They want open borders for some reason! He’s not HILLARY Derp!”

The actual reasons liberals don’t like Trump are this:

1) He’s a fucking moron.

2) He has the emotional maturity of a 12 year old.

3) He only cares about what his supporters think and does absolutely nothing to unify the country.

4) He’s an undeniably corrupt and incompetent business man. He would be working at Carl’s Jr. right now if daddy hadn’t given him millions of dollars to start his failing businesses.

5) He is an unprecedented (unpresidented! derp) international embarrassment.

Is this another one of those...."billionaires are stupid, I'm smarter than billionaires...can I get some free shit" threads?
Oh you’re adorable. You just like to pretend I am talking about free shit when clearly nothing I said here has anything to do with that. Do you not realize how retarded you sound? It’s also so pathetic how I point out Trump just being given 10s of millions of dollars by daddy and you pretend that has nothing to do with “free shit”.

Aren’t you here often championing some sort of free shit policy?
How many tens of millions was Trump gifted?
How did he convert tens of millions into billions?
Why don’t all people with tens of millions become know, since a “moron” like Donny accomplished it and all?
I imagine their go-to reasons like we hear a lot on this forum and elsewhere would be: “they’re snowflakes about political correctness! They can’t handle a manly man telling it like it is! They suck the government tit and Trump’s message of work ethic scares them! Finally they have to get a job! They want open borders for some reason! He’s not HILLARY Derp!”

The actual reasons liberals don’t like Trump are this:

1) He’s a fucking moron.

2) He has the emotional maturity of a 12 year old.

3) He only cares about what his supporters think and does absolutely nothing to unify the country.

4) He’s an undeniably corrupt and incompetent business man. He would be working at Carl’s Jr. right now if daddy hadn’t given him millions of dollars to start his failing businesses.

5) He is an unprecedented (unpresidented! derp) international embarrassment.
Who gives a flying rat's patoot what somebody else thinks of the president?
I imagine their go-to reasons like we hear a lot on this forum and elsewhere would be: “they’re snowflakes about political correctness! They can’t handle a manly man telling it like it is! They suck the government tit and Trump’s message of work ethic scares them! Finally they have to get a job! They want open borders for some reason! He’s not HILLARY Derp!”

The actual reasons liberals don’t like Trump are this:

1) He’s a fucking moron.

2) He has the emotional maturity of a 12 year old.

3) He only cares about what his supporters think and does absolutely nothing to unify the country.

4) He’s an undeniably corrupt and incompetent business man. He would be working at Carl’s Jr. right now if daddy hadn’t given him millions of dollars to start his failing businesses.

5) He is an unprecedented (unpresidented! derp) international embarrassment.

He is in their way and preventing the leftists from opening our borders, installing a one world government and shredding our constitution. That is the only reason they hate him.

LMFAO. Trump is in bed with the global elite. He is playing the right and using Hegelian Dialectics to take us toward that One World Government:

Frenemies with benefits: A brief history of the Trump-Murdoch relationship

Donald Trump and Rupert Murdoch: inside the billionaire bromance

The only thing propping Trump up is the silly ass wall issue. Trump knows full well the courts will ultimately shoot most of that down.

Courts will shoot what down a wall almost finished?


Only liberal judges would shoot down something that protects America. Government has a duty to protect our borders. The same liberal judges support releasing dangerous convicted illegal alien murderers and rapists back into the community rather than turning them over to ICE.
I imagine their go-to reasons like we hear a lot on this forum and elsewhere would be: “they’re snowflakes about political correctness! They can’t handle a manly man telling it like it is! They suck the government tit and Trump’s message of work ethic scares them! Finally they have to get a job! They want open borders for some reason! He’s not HILLARY Derp!”

The actual reasons liberals don’t like Trump are this:

1) He’s a fucking moron.

2) He has the emotional maturity of a 12 year old.

3) He only cares about what his supporters think and does absolutely nothing to unify the country.

4) He’s an undeniably corrupt and incompetent business man. He would be working at Carl’s Jr. right now if daddy hadn’t given him millions of dollars to start his failing businesses.

5) He is an unprecedented (unpresidented! derp) international embarrassment.

He is in their way and preventing the leftists from opening our borders, installing a one world government and shredding our constitution. That is the only reason they hate him.

LMFAO. Trump is in bed with the global elite. He is playing the right and using Hegelian Dialectics to take us toward that One World Government:

Frenemies with benefits: A brief history of the Trump-Murdoch relationship

Donald Trump and Rupert Murdoch: inside the billionaire bromance

The only thing propping Trump up is the silly ass wall issue. Trump knows full well the courts will ultimately shoot most of that down.

Courts will shoot what down a wall almost finished?


Only liberal judges would shoot down something that protects America. Government has a duty to protect our borders. The same liberal judges support releasing dangerous convicted illegal alien murderers and rapists back into the community rather than turning them over to ICE.

OMG. Is there a Trump supporter on this board that took high school civics at all?

It does not take a liberal judge to declare a lot of Trump's solutions to be declared unconstitutional. While the government has a duty to protect the borders, the military cannot be used to enforce domestic policies. That would be a POLICE STATE in a socialist country. We are neither... not yet, officially, for now.

When you say "illegals," the issue is NOT about protecting the border, but pursuing criminals. That is something the military (and therefore Donald Trump) have no jurisdiction doing. Trump knows this and Trump is a liberal. So, he violates the Constitution, has the door closed to future generations and gives us fewer and fewer options to permanently resolve the issue. Military is military and law enforcement is law enforcement.

In some respects I agree with the OP about Trump. OTOH, Trump is a gun hating closet liberal that has hired undocumented workers in the past, has them on the payroll now and will have them working for him when he is back to civilian life. He is telling the right what they want to hear and making them look like uneducated dolts while they heap accolades on him for proposed solutions that are unconstitutional and indefensible. Trump is the best thing that ever happened for liberals. Once he's finished, the Republican Party will be gone with the wind.
I imagine their go-to reasons like we hear a lot on this forum and elsewhere would be: “they’re snowflakes about political correctness! They can’t handle a manly man telling it like it is! They suck the government tit and Trump’s message of work ethic scares them! Finally they have to get a job! They want open borders for some reason! He’s not HILLARY Derp!”

The actual reasons liberals don’t like Trump are this:

1) He’s a fucking moron.

2) He has the emotional maturity of a 12 year old.

3) He only cares about what his supporters think and does absolutely nothing to unify the country.

4) He’s an undeniably corrupt and incompetent business man. He would be working at Carl’s Jr. right now if daddy hadn’t given him millions of dollars to start his failing businesses.

5) He is an unprecedented (unpresidented! derp) international embarrassment.

He is in their way and preventing the leftists from opening our borders, installing a one world government and shredding our constitution. That is the only reason they hate him.

LMFAO. Trump is in bed with the global elite. He is playing the right and using Hegelian Dialectics to take us toward that One World Government:

Frenemies with benefits: A brief history of the Trump-Murdoch relationship

Donald Trump and Rupert Murdoch: inside the billionaire bromance

The only thing propping Trump up is the silly ass wall issue. Trump knows full well the courts will ultimately shoot most of that down.

Courts will shoot what down a wall almost finished?


Only liberal judges would shoot down something that protects America. Government has a duty to protect our borders. The same liberal judges support releasing dangerous convicted illegal alien murderers and rapists back into the community rather than turning them over to ICE.

OMG. Is there a Trump supporter on this board that took high school civics at all?

It does not take a liberal judge to declare a lot of Trump's solutions to be declared unconstitutional. While the government has a duty to protect the borders, the military cannot be used to enforce domestic policies. That would be a POLICE STATE in a socialist country. We are neither... not yet, officially, for now.

When you say "illegals," the issue is NOT about protecting the border, but pursuing criminals. That is something the military (and therefore Donald Trump) have no jurisdiction doing. Trump knows this and Trump is a liberal. So, he violates the Constitution, has the door closed to future generations and gives us fewer and fewer options to permanently resolve the issue. Military is military and law enforcement is law enforcement.

In some respects I agree with the OP about Trump. OTOH, Trump is a gun hating closet liberal that has hired undocumented workers in the past, has them on the payroll now and will have them working for him when he is back to civilian life. He is telling the right what they want to hear and making them look like uneducated dolts while they heap accolades on him for proposed solutions that are unconstitutional and indefensible. Trump is the best thing that ever happened for liberals. Once he's finished, the Republican Party will be gone with the wind.
It is not against the constitution to use the military to defend against a foreign invasion.
I imagine their go-to reasons like we hear a lot on this forum and elsewhere would be: “they’re snowflakes about political correctness! They can’t handle a manly man telling it like it is! They suck the government tit and Trump’s message of work ethic scares them! Finally they have to get a job! They want open borders for some reason! He’s not HILLARY Derp!”

The actual reasons liberals don’t like Trump are this:

1) He’s a fucking moron.

2) He has the emotional maturity of a 12 year old.

3) He only cares about what his supporters think and does absolutely nothing to unify the country.

4) He’s an undeniably corrupt and incompetent business man. He would be working at Carl’s Jr. right now if daddy hadn’t given him millions of dollars to start his failing businesses.

5) He is an unprecedented (unpresidented! derp) international embarrassment.
3) He only cares about what his supporters think and does absolutely nothing to unify the country.
he carried on what Bush and Obama started....
I imagine their go-to reasons like we hear a lot on this forum and elsewhere would be: “they’re snowflakes about political correctness! They can’t handle a manly man telling it like it is! They suck the government tit and Trump’s message of work ethic scares them! Finally they have to get a job! They want open borders for some reason! He’s not HILLARY Derp!”

The actual reasons liberals don’t like Trump are this:

1) He’s a fucking moron.

2) He has the emotional maturity of a 12 year old.

3) He only cares about what his supporters think and does absolutely nothing to unify the country.

4) He’s an undeniably corrupt and incompetent business man. He would be working at Carl’s Jr. right now if daddy hadn’t given him millions of dollars to start his failing businesses.

5) He is an unprecedented (unpresidented! derp) international embarrassment.

Thanks for posting all the usual Dim rationalizations. It's convenient to see them all in a single post.
I imagine their go-to reasons like we hear a lot on this forum and elsewhere would be: “they’re snowflakes about political correctness! They can’t handle a manly man telling it like it is! They suck the government tit and Trump’s message of work ethic scares them! Finally they have to get a job! They want open borders for some reason! He’s not HILLARY Derp!”

The actual reasons liberals don’t like Trump are this:

1) He’s a fucking moron.

2) He has the emotional maturity of a 12 year old.

3) He only cares about what his supporters think and does absolutely nothing to unify the country.

4) He’s an undeniably corrupt and incompetent business man. He would be working at Carl’s Jr. right now if daddy hadn’t given him millions of dollars to start his failing businesses.

5) He is an unprecedented (unpresidented! derp) international embarrassment.

Because they lost 2016. They hate this country to the core.

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