Do republicans have their own reasons as to why the left wing doesn’t like Trump?

the election was 2016 and you are still crying/mental case/etc
Obama was the jackass divider who hates America/whites/cops
I love it !!!!!!!!

Lol yeah that’s it. Never mind this shit happened 3 years ago or that the Dems took the House since then.
Yeah, thanks to a 3 year long witch hunt.
I imagine their go-to reasons like we hear a lot on this forum and elsewhere would be: “they’re snowflakes about political correctness! They can’t handle a manly man telling it like it is! They suck the government tit and Trump’s message of work ethic scares them! Finally they have to get a job! They want open borders for some reason! He’s not HILLARY Derp!”

The actual reasons liberals don’t like Trump are this:

1) He’s a fucking moron.

2) He has the emotional maturity of a 12 year old.

3) He only cares about what his supporters think and does absolutely nothing to unify the country.

4) He’s an undeniably corrupt and incompetent business man. He would be working at Carl’s Jr. right now if daddy hadn’t given him millions of dollars to start his failing businesses.

5) He is an unprecedented (unpresidented! derp) international embarrassment.

He is in their way and preventing the leftists from opening our borders, installing a one world government and shredding our constitution. That is the only reason they hate him.

LMFAO. Trump is in bed with the global elite. He is playing the right and using Hegelian Dialectics to take us toward that One World Government:

Frenemies with benefits: A brief history of the Trump-Murdoch relationship

Donald Trump and Rupert Murdoch: inside the billionaire bromance

The only thing propping Trump up is the silly ass wall issue. Trump knows full well the courts will ultimately shoot most of that down.

Courts will shoot what down a wall almost finished?


Only liberal judges would shoot down something that protects America. Government has a duty to protect our borders. The same liberal judges support releasing dangerous convicted illegal alien murderers and rapists back into the community rather than turning them over to ICE.

OMG. Is there a Trump supporter on this board that took high school civics at all?

It does not take a liberal judge to declare a lot of Trump's solutions to be declared unconstitutional. While the government has a duty to protect the borders, the military cannot be used to enforce domestic policies. That would be a POLICE STATE in a socialist country. We are neither... not yet, officially, for now.

When you say "illegals," the issue is NOT about protecting the border, but pursuing criminals. That is something the military (and therefore Donald Trump) have no jurisdiction doing. Trump knows this and Trump is a liberal. So, he violates the Constitution, has the door closed to future generations and gives us fewer and fewer options to permanently resolve the issue. Military is military and law enforcement is law enforcement.

In some respects I agree with the OP about Trump. OTOH, Trump is a gun hating closet liberal that has hired undocumented workers in the past, has them on the payroll now and will have them working for him when he is back to civilian life. He is telling the right what they want to hear and making them look like uneducated dolts while they heap accolades on him for proposed solutions that are unconstitutional and indefensible. Trump is the best thing that ever happened for liberals. Once he's finished, the Republican Party will be gone with the wind.

OMG !!!

The president took an oath to protect the United States from enemy's forgein and domestic.finishing Bill, Bush Jr. and Obama's wall is with in his rights.

He is in their way and preventing the leftists from opening our borders, installing a one world government and shredding our constitution. That is the only reason they hate him.

LMFAO. Trump is in bed with the global elite. He is playing the right and using Hegelian Dialectics to take us toward that One World Government:

Frenemies with benefits: A brief history of the Trump-Murdoch relationship

Donald Trump and Rupert Murdoch: inside the billionaire bromance

The only thing propping Trump up is the silly ass wall issue. Trump knows full well the courts will ultimately shoot most of that down.

Courts will shoot what down a wall almost finished?


Only liberal judges would shoot down something that protects America. Government has a duty to protect our borders. The same liberal judges support releasing dangerous convicted illegal alien murderers and rapists back into the community rather than turning them over to ICE.

OMG. Is there a Trump supporter on this board that took high school civics at all?

It does not take a liberal judge to declare a lot of Trump's solutions to be declared unconstitutional. While the government has a duty to protect the borders, the military cannot be used to enforce domestic policies. That would be a POLICE STATE in a socialist country. We are neither... not yet, officially, for now.

When you say "illegals," the issue is NOT about protecting the border, but pursuing criminals. That is something the military (and therefore Donald Trump) have no jurisdiction doing. Trump knows this and Trump is a liberal. So, he violates the Constitution, has the door closed to future generations and gives us fewer and fewer options to permanently resolve the issue. Military is military and law enforcement is law enforcement.

In some respects I agree with the OP about Trump. OTOH, Trump is a gun hating closet liberal that has hired undocumented workers in the past, has them on the payroll now and will have them working for him when he is back to civilian life. He is telling the right what they want to hear and making them look like uneducated dolts while they heap accolades on him for proposed solutions that are unconstitutional and indefensible. Trump is the best thing that ever happened for liberals. Once he's finished, the Republican Party will be gone with the wind.

OMG !!!

The president took an oath to protect the United States from enemy's forgein and domestic.finishing Bill, Bush Jr. and Obama's wall is with in his rights.


I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.
LMFAO. Trump is in bed with the global elite. He is playing the right and using Hegelian Dialectics to take us toward that One World Government:

Frenemies with benefits: A brief history of the Trump-Murdoch relationship

Donald Trump and Rupert Murdoch: inside the billionaire bromance

The only thing propping Trump up is the silly ass wall issue. Trump knows full well the courts will ultimately shoot most of that down.

Courts will shoot what down a wall almost finished?


Only liberal judges would shoot down something that protects America. Government has a duty to protect our borders. The same liberal judges support releasing dangerous convicted illegal alien murderers and rapists back into the community rather than turning them over to ICE.

OMG. Is there a Trump supporter on this board that took high school civics at all?

It does not take a liberal judge to declare a lot of Trump's solutions to be declared unconstitutional. While the government has a duty to protect the borders, the military cannot be used to enforce domestic policies. That would be a POLICE STATE in a socialist country. We are neither... not yet, officially, for now.

When you say "illegals," the issue is NOT about protecting the border, but pursuing criminals. That is something the military (and therefore Donald Trump) have no jurisdiction doing. Trump knows this and Trump is a liberal. So, he violates the Constitution, has the door closed to future generations and gives us fewer and fewer options to permanently resolve the issue. Military is military and law enforcement is law enforcement.

In some respects I agree with the OP about Trump. OTOH, Trump is a gun hating closet liberal that has hired undocumented workers in the past, has them on the payroll now and will have them working for him when he is back to civilian life. He is telling the right what they want to hear and making them look like uneducated dolts while they heap accolades on him for proposed solutions that are unconstitutional and indefensible. Trump is the best thing that ever happened for liberals. Once he's finished, the Republican Party will be gone with the wind.

OMG !!!

The president took an oath to protect the United States from enemy's forgein and domestic.finishing Bill, Bush Jr. and Obama's wall is with in his rights.


I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.
And defend her from enemies both abroad and locally.
LMFAO. Trump is in bed with the global elite. He is playing the right and using Hegelian Dialectics to take us toward that One World Government:

Frenemies with benefits: A brief history of the Trump-Murdoch relationship

Donald Trump and Rupert Murdoch: inside the billionaire bromance

The only thing propping Trump up is the silly ass wall issue. Trump knows full well the courts will ultimately shoot most of that down.

Courts will shoot what down a wall almost finished?


Only liberal judges would shoot down something that protects America. Government has a duty to protect our borders. The same liberal judges support releasing dangerous convicted illegal alien murderers and rapists back into the community rather than turning them over to ICE.

OMG. Is there a Trump supporter on this board that took high school civics at all?

It does not take a liberal judge to declare a lot of Trump's solutions to be declared unconstitutional. While the government has a duty to protect the borders, the military cannot be used to enforce domestic policies. That would be a POLICE STATE in a socialist country. We are neither... not yet, officially, for now.

When you say "illegals," the issue is NOT about protecting the border, but pursuing criminals. That is something the military (and therefore Donald Trump) have no jurisdiction doing. Trump knows this and Trump is a liberal. So, he violates the Constitution, has the door closed to future generations and gives us fewer and fewer options to permanently resolve the issue. Military is military and law enforcement is law enforcement.

In some respects I agree with the OP about Trump. OTOH, Trump is a gun hating closet liberal that has hired undocumented workers in the past, has them on the payroll now and will have them working for him when he is back to civilian life. He is telling the right what they want to hear and making them look like uneducated dolts while they heap accolades on him for proposed solutions that are unconstitutional and indefensible. Trump is the best thing that ever happened for liberals. Once he's finished, the Republican Party will be gone with the wind.

OMG !!!

The president took an oath to protect the United States from enemy's forgein and domestic.finishing Bill, Bush Jr. and Obama's wall is with in his rights.


I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

Domestic not military huh???

World War II: German Saboteurs Invade America in 1942

Roosevelt realized that neither the death penalty nor secrecy could be guaranteed in a civilian trial, so he issued a proclamation that established a military tribunal consisting of seven generals, the first to be convened in the United States since Lincoln’s assassination
I imagine their go-to reasons like we hear a lot on this forum and elsewhere would be: “they’re snowflakes about political correctness! They can’t handle a manly man telling it like it is! They suck the government tit and Trump’s message of work ethic scares them! Finally they have to get a job! They want open borders for some reason! He’s not HILLARY Derp!”

The actual reasons liberals don’t like Trump are this:

1) He’s a fucking moron.

2) He has the emotional maturity of a 12 year old.

3) He only cares about what his supporters think and does absolutely nothing to unify the country.

4) He’s an undeniably corrupt and incompetent business man. He would be working at Carl’s Jr. right now if daddy hadn’t given him millions of dollars to start his failing businesses.

5) He is an unprecedented (unpresidented! derp) international embarrassment.

It was her turn. But more than that she would have been the firming up of the concrete foundation of long term state control of peoples lives, that was origionally dreamt up on an acid trip at Woodstock, man.

There was a whole lot more than just a good time with rock and roll going on, there was plotting and planning, with ideas that "if we take over the schools and the "news", we can indoctrinate people with left wing ideology and they'll slowly but surely start to demand it at the polls", which is what they did, because "propaganda and indoctrination is OK when WE do it".

Barry turned the heat way up on the frogs and most people wouldn't have gotten away with that but because every utterance of an objection to him was RACIST objection, no one said nothing, which was exactly what her smugness would have done for the next 8 years, any objections would be mysogonistic objections until her time was up and we got our first transblowmo president, with 8 years of no objections allowed.

TrumpCo is in there not only not giving them what they wanted, what they expected, what was in the bag for them, TrumpCo is tearing that MF-ing floor up, and I LOVE it just as much as lefty hates it, because it's not just that it was her turn, so much more was supposed to be firming up right about now, rather than being pushed back on, because people are waking back up to the idea they are ALLOWED to have a differing opinion, the same thing that let lefty take over the schools to begin with which is a glaring hypocrisy.

The minute lefty took over college campuses they shut down the very avenue they used to gain power back in the 60's, because now that THEY'RE in power, they don't want to hear differing opinions, only one is nessasary, theirs, the peices of shit.

So lefty is hating it, it's a wide awake living nightmare, and lefty cant wake up from it, LOL........just, LOL

He is in their way and preventing the leftists from opening our borders, installing a one world government and shredding our constitution. That is the only reason they hate him.

LMFAO. Trump is in bed with the global elite. He is playing the right and using Hegelian Dialectics to take us toward that One World Government:

Frenemies with benefits: A brief history of the Trump-Murdoch relationship

Donald Trump and Rupert Murdoch: inside the billionaire bromance

The only thing propping Trump up is the silly ass wall issue. Trump knows full well the courts will ultimately shoot most of that down.

Courts will shoot what down a wall almost finished?


Only liberal judges would shoot down something that protects America. Government has a duty to protect our borders. The same liberal judges support releasing dangerous convicted illegal alien murderers and rapists back into the community rather than turning them over to ICE.

OMG. Is there a Trump supporter on this board that took high school civics at all?

It does not take a liberal judge to declare a lot of Trump's solutions to be declared unconstitutional. While the government has a duty to protect the borders, the military cannot be used to enforce domestic policies. That would be a POLICE STATE in a socialist country. We are neither... not yet, officially, for now.

When you say "illegals," the issue is NOT about protecting the border, but pursuing criminals. That is something the military (and therefore Donald Trump) have no jurisdiction doing. Trump knows this and Trump is a liberal. So, he violates the Constitution, has the door closed to future generations and gives us fewer and fewer options to permanently resolve the issue. Military is military and law enforcement is law enforcement.

In some respects I agree with the OP about Trump. OTOH, Trump is a gun hating closet liberal that has hired undocumented workers in the past, has them on the payroll now and will have them working for him when he is back to civilian life. He is telling the right what they want to hear and making them look like uneducated dolts while they heap accolades on him for proposed solutions that are unconstitutional and indefensible. Trump is the best thing that ever happened for liberals. Once he's finished, the Republican Party will be gone with the wind.
It is not against the constitution to use the military to defend against a foreign invasion.

Here is your problem:

Committing a federal civil misdemeanor like improper entry and invasion are covered under different Titles in the United States Code (the official laws of the United States.)

When you make your campaign about alleged "illegal" activity, it is not within the jurisdiction of the military. The Executive Department (i.e. Donald Trump) does not enforce domestic policy. I'm telling you what the United States Supreme Court clearly RULED.
He is in their way and preventing the leftists from opening our borders, installing a one world government and shredding our constitution. That is the only reason they hate him.

LMFAO. Trump is in bed with the global elite. He is playing the right and using Hegelian Dialectics to take us toward that One World Government:

Frenemies with benefits: A brief history of the Trump-Murdoch relationship

Donald Trump and Rupert Murdoch: inside the billionaire bromance

The only thing propping Trump up is the silly ass wall issue. Trump knows full well the courts will ultimately shoot most of that down.

Courts will shoot what down a wall almost finished?


Only liberal judges would shoot down something that protects America. Government has a duty to protect our borders. The same liberal judges support releasing dangerous convicted illegal alien murderers and rapists back into the community rather than turning them over to ICE.

OMG. Is there a Trump supporter on this board that took high school civics at all?

It does not take a liberal judge to declare a lot of Trump's solutions to be declared unconstitutional. While the government has a duty to protect the borders, the military cannot be used to enforce domestic policies. That would be a POLICE STATE in a socialist country. We are neither... not yet, officially, for now.

When you say "illegals," the issue is NOT about protecting the border, but pursuing criminals. That is something the military (and therefore Donald Trump) have no jurisdiction doing. Trump knows this and Trump is a liberal. So, he violates the Constitution, has the door closed to future generations and gives us fewer and fewer options to permanently resolve the issue. Military is military and law enforcement is law enforcement.

In some respects I agree with the OP about Trump. OTOH, Trump is a gun hating closet liberal that has hired undocumented workers in the past, has them on the payroll now and will have them working for him when he is back to civilian life. He is telling the right what they want to hear and making them look like uneducated dolts while they heap accolades on him for proposed solutions that are unconstitutional and indefensible. Trump is the best thing that ever happened for liberals. Once he's finished, the Republican Party will be gone with the wind.

OMG !!!

The president took an oath to protect the United States from enemy's forgein and domestic.finishing Bill, Bush Jr. and Obama's wall is with in his rights.


No it isn't. Spending bills originate in the House of Representatives. That's high school civics 101. If you believe that a National Emergency exists, then you petition Congress for a Declaration of War. Donald Trump is not authorized to enforce domestic policies. So, you have to choose. Either you have a "legal" issue or you have a military issue.
Courts will shoot what down a wall almost finished?


Only liberal judges would shoot down something that protects America. Government has a duty to protect our borders. The same liberal judges support releasing dangerous convicted illegal alien murderers and rapists back into the community rather than turning them over to ICE.

OMG. Is there a Trump supporter on this board that took high school civics at all?

It does not take a liberal judge to declare a lot of Trump's solutions to be declared unconstitutional. While the government has a duty to protect the borders, the military cannot be used to enforce domestic policies. That would be a POLICE STATE in a socialist country. We are neither... not yet, officially, for now.

When you say "illegals," the issue is NOT about protecting the border, but pursuing criminals. That is something the military (and therefore Donald Trump) have no jurisdiction doing. Trump knows this and Trump is a liberal. So, he violates the Constitution, has the door closed to future generations and gives us fewer and fewer options to permanently resolve the issue. Military is military and law enforcement is law enforcement.

In some respects I agree with the OP about Trump. OTOH, Trump is a gun hating closet liberal that has hired undocumented workers in the past, has them on the payroll now and will have them working for him when he is back to civilian life. He is telling the right what they want to hear and making them look like uneducated dolts while they heap accolades on him for proposed solutions that are unconstitutional and indefensible. Trump is the best thing that ever happened for liberals. Once he's finished, the Republican Party will be gone with the wind.

OMG !!!

The president took an oath to protect the United States from enemy's forgein and domestic.finishing Bill, Bush Jr. and Obama's wall is with in his rights.


I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

Domestic not military huh???

World War II: German Saboteurs Invade America in 1942

Roosevelt realized that neither the death penalty nor secrecy could be guaranteed in a civilian trial, so he issued a proclamation that established a military tribunal consisting of seven generals, the first to be convened in the United States since Lincoln’s assassination

German saboteurs and migrant workers accepting jobs willingly offered are WORLDS apart.
I imagine their go-to reasons like we hear a lot on this forum and elsewhere would be: “they’re snowflakes about political correctness! They can’t handle a manly man telling it like it is! They suck the government tit and Trump’s message of work ethic scares them! Finally they have to get a job! They want open borders for some reason! He’s not HILLARY Derp!”

The actual reasons liberals don’t like Trump are this:

1) He’s a fucking moron.

2) He has the emotional maturity of a 12 year old.

3) He only cares about what his supporters think and does absolutely nothing to unify the country.

4) He’s an undeniably corrupt and incompetent business man. He would be working at Carl’s Jr. right now if daddy hadn’t given him millions of dollars to start his failing businesses.

5) He is an unprecedented (unpresidented! derp) international embarrassment.

He is in their way and preventing the leftists from opening our borders, installing a one world government and shredding our constitution. That is the only reason they hate him.

LMFAO. Trump is in bed with the global elite. He is playing the right and using Hegelian Dialectics to take us toward that One World Government:

Frenemies with benefits: A brief history of the Trump-Murdoch relationship

Donald Trump and Rupert Murdoch: inside the billionaire bromance

The only thing propping Trump up is the silly ass wall issue. Trump knows full well the courts will ultimately shoot most of that down.

Courts will shoot what down a wall almost finished?


Only liberal judges would shoot down something that protects America. Government has a duty to protect our borders. The same liberal judges support releasing dangerous convicted illegal alien murderers and rapists back into the community rather than turning them over to ICE.

OMG. Is there a Trump supporter on this board that took high school civics at all?

It does not take a liberal judge to declare a lot of Trump's solutions to be declared unconstitutional. While the government has a duty to protect the borders, the military cannot be used to enforce domestic policies. That would be a POLICE STATE in a socialist country. We are neither... not yet, officially, for now.

When you say "illegals," the issue is NOT about protecting the border, but pursuing criminals. That is something the military (and therefore Donald Trump) have no jurisdiction doing. Trump knows this and Trump is a liberal. So, he violates the Constitution, has the door closed to future generations and gives us fewer and fewer options to permanently resolve the issue. Military is military and law enforcement is law enforcement.
I imagine their go-to reasons like we hear a lot on this forum and elsewhere would be: “they’re snowflakes about political correctness! They can’t handle a manly man telling it like it is! They suck the government tit and Trump’s message of work ethic scares them! Finally they have to get a job! They want open borders for some reason! He’s not HILLARY Derp!”

The actual reasons liberals don’t like Trump are this:

1) He’s a fucking moron.

2) He has the emotional maturity of a 12 year old.

3) He only cares about what his supporters think and does absolutely nothing to unify the country.

4) He’s an undeniably corrupt and incompetent business man. He would be working at Carl’s Jr. right now if daddy hadn’t given him millions of dollars to start his failing businesses.

5) He is an unprecedented (unpresidented! derp) international embarrassment.
it doesn't matter with right wingers; they imply whatever they want.
I imagine their go-to reasons like we hear a lot on this forum and elsewhere would be: “they’re snowflakes about political correctness! They can’t handle a manly man telling it like it is! They suck the government tit and Trump’s message of work ethic scares them! Finally they have to get a job! They want open borders for some reason! He’s not HILLARY Derp!”

The actual reasons liberals don’t like Trump are this:

1) He’s a fucking moron.

2) He has the emotional maturity of a 12 year old.

3) He only cares about what his supporters think and does absolutely nothing to unify the country.

4) He’s an undeniably corrupt and incompetent business man. He would be working at Carl’s Jr. right now if daddy hadn’t given him millions of dollars to start his failing businesses.

5) He is an unprecedented (unpresidented! derp) international embarrassment.

Actual reason Democrats hate Trump........He beat Hillary.
It's not the 'left wing' that hates Trump so much as 'facts and science'...and we all know that facts and science have a natural left-wing bias...ergo...


She is such a piece of shit.

Lol no one cares you think this.

You don’t care that the Democrat candidate for President said that anyone who doesn’t accept the results of an election is a threat to Democracy...and then she doesn’t accept the results of the election?

She called herself a threat to Democracy. :21:

What a moron.

You know there is a special thread for all your "BUT HILLARY" rants, don't you?
I imagine their go-to reasons like we hear a lot on this forum and elsewhere would be: “they’re snowflakes about political correctness! They can’t handle a manly man telling it like it is! They suck the government tit and Trump’s message of work ethic scares them! Finally they have to get a job! They want open borders for some reason! He’s not HILLARY Derp!”

The actual reasons liberals don’t like Trump are this:

1) He’s a fucking moron.

2) He has the emotional maturity of a 12 year old.

3) He only cares about what his supporters think and does absolutely nothing to unify the country.

4) He’s an undeniably corrupt and incompetent business man. He would be working at Carl’s Jr. right now if daddy hadn’t given him millions of dollars to start his failing businesses.

5) He is an unprecedented (unpresidented! derp) international embarrassment.

Actual reason Democrats hate Trump........He beat Hillary.

Actually Trump hated that. He didn't want to be president.
Very confusing thread title oh self-proclaimed critical thought one. But I can guess your meaning......So here it goes.

I imagine their go-to reasons like we hear a lot on this forum and elsewhere would be: “they’re snowflakes about political correctness! They can’t handle a manly man telling it like it is! They suck the government tit and Trump’s message of work ethic scares them! Finally they have to get a job! They want open borders for some reason! He’s not HILLARY Derp!”...............Wow, you really got us a good one. Can't wait to read a meaningful point.

The actual reasons liberals don’t like Trump are this: OH BOY!

1) He’s a fucking moron. Interesting. That moron worked over the Republicans, surely your Democrats, and DC. He works you guys over daily. More than that he's accomplished far more than the last three POTUS combined. Maybe you're the moron? Yeah think?

2) He has the emotional maturity of a 12 year old. By some measure true. Makes him all that more effective.

3) He only cares about what his supporters think and does absolutely nothing to unify the country. Nope, he's righting the ship. It was Obama and progs who threw us into a spin. They teach us to question everything, such as your gender, your patriotism, what constitutes a citizen etc. etc. Someone has to put you in your place, best be a person in a leadership capacity.

4) He’s an undeniably corrupt and incompetent business man. He would be working at Carl’s Jr. right now if daddy hadn’t given him millions of dollars to start his failing businesses. Anyone figure this is worth a response? It's code for the OP has already run out of material. Can't wait to read the next one.

5) He is an unprecedented (unpresidented! derp) international embarrassment. Why, because foreigners take our country far more seriously now, or because your media tells you so?
One more point oh self-described critical though one. All of your points are emotionally subjective. What a surprise.

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