Do republicans have their own reasons as to why the left wing doesn’t like Trump?

I imagine their go-to reasons like we hear a lot on this forum and elsewhere would be: “they’re snowflakes about political correctness! They can’t handle a manly man telling it like it is! They suck the government tit and Trump’s message of work ethic scares them! Finally they have to get a job! They want open borders for some reason! He’s not HILLARY Derp!”

The actual reasons liberals don’t like Trump are this:

1) He’s a fucking moron.

2) He has the emotional maturity of a 12 year old.

3) He only cares about what his supporters think and does absolutely nothing to unify the country.

4) He’s an undeniably corrupt and incompetent business man. He would be working at Carl’s Jr. right now if daddy hadn’t given him millions of dollars to start his failing businesses.

5) He is an unprecedented (unpresidented! derp) international embarrassment.
You really have to love the crazy left.
They actually voted for a person that even Comey said he would not prosecute not becuause she was not quilty but because she was not competent to understand what she had done wrong.
Then they pretend that because she had so many vote for her only because of her gender that she was a better candidate.

Then they pretend that anyone cares that the fantasy they have built up in their deranged minder fleets actual reality.
I can't speak for republicrats, but I know you bed wetting libturds hate Trump because you're treasonous parasites that seek a global collectivist nanny state.
I imagine their go-to reasons like we hear a lot on this forum and elsewhere would be: “they’re snowflakes about political correctness! They can’t handle a manly man telling it like it is! They suck the government tit and Trump’s message of work ethic scares them! Finally they have to get a job! They want open borders for some reason! He’s not HILLARY Derp!”

The actual reasons liberals don’t like Trump are this:

1) He’s a fucking moron.

2) He has the emotional maturity of a 12 year old.

3) He only cares about what his supporters think and does absolutely nothing to unify the country.

4) He’s an undeniably corrupt and incompetent business man. He would be working at Carl’s Jr. right now if daddy hadn’t given him millions of dollars to start his failing businesses.

5) He is an unprecedented (unpresidented! derp) international embarrassment.
You really have to love the crazy left.
They actually voted for a person that even Comey said he would not prosecute not becuause she was not quilty but because she was not competent to understand what she had done wrong.
Then they pretend that because she had so many vote for her only because of her gender that she was a better candidate.

Then they pretend that anyone cares that the fantasy they have built up in their deranged minder fleets actual reality.
Who cares who the left voted for? Trump is president and Hillary isn’t lol. You do know that right?
I imagine their go-to reasons like we hear a lot on this forum and elsewhere would be: “they’re snowflakes about political correctness! They can’t handle a manly man telling it like it is! They suck the government tit and Trump’s message of work ethic scares them! Finally they have to get a job! They want open borders for some reason! He’s not HILLARY Derp!”

The actual reasons liberals don’t like Trump are this:

1) He’s a fucking moron.

2) He has the emotional maturity of a 12 year old.

3) He only cares about what his supporters think and does absolutely nothing to unify the country.

4) He’s an undeniably corrupt and incompetent business man. He would be working at Carl’s Jr. right now if daddy hadn’t given him millions of dollars to start his failing businesses.

5) He is an unprecedented (unpresidented! derp) international embarrassment.
/—-/ The reason is Trump beat Hildabeast when it was her turn. Trump stopped the Obozo transformation of America dead in its tracks and is reversing it.


She is such a piece of shit.

Lol no one cares you think this.

You don’t care that the Democrat candidate for President said that anyone who doesn’t accept the results of an election is a threat to Democracy...and then she doesn’t accept the results of the election?

She called herself a threat to Democracy. :21:

What a moron.

Lol how did she not accept the results? Either way, why are we even talking about her? That’s the retarded thing you can’t seem to grasp lol. I mean you can think that way about her if you want I guess. I don’t care. What Hillary said or did during a campaign that happened three years ago doesn’t at all matter lol


She is such a piece of shit.

Lol no one cares you think this.

You don’t care that the Democrat candidate for President said that anyone who doesn’t accept the results of an election is a threat to Democracy...and then she doesn’t accept the results of the election?

She called herself a threat to Democracy. :21:

What a moron.

Lol how did she not accept the results? Either way, why are we even talking about her? That’s the retarded thing you can’t seem to grasp lol. I mean you can think that way about her if you want I guess. I don’t care. What Hillary said or did during a campaign that happened three years ago doesn’t at all matter lol

How did she not accept the results?

Come on man.....she wrote a motherfucking book on it.

Are you fucking serious?

How DID she accept the results of the election?

I’ll waste 2minutes and give you a quote...not sure if you are playing dumb or you are actually dumb...

Her barbs against Trump in Las Vegas were actually a notch milder than her appearance Saturday night with Bill Clinton in Los Angeles, Calif. At that event Hillary Clinton said she is advising candidates about what it is like to have an election "stolen."

"You can run the best campaign, you can even become the nominee, and you can have the election stolen from you," Clinton said at the L.A. event. Clinton's 2016 campaign was targeted by Russian interference efforts, which included stolen emails from her campaign chairman that were leaked to the public, and a social media disinformation effort.


She is such a piece of shit.

Lol no one cares you think this.

You don’t care that the Democrat candidate for President said that anyone who doesn’t accept the results of an election is a threat to Democracy...and then she doesn’t accept the results of the election?

She called herself a threat to Democracy. :21:

What a moron.

Lol how did she not accept the results? Either way, why are we even talking about her? That’s the retarded thing you can’t seem to grasp lol. I mean you can think that way about her if you want I guess. I don’t care. What Hillary said or did during a campaign that happened three years ago doesn’t at all matter lol

How did she not accept the results?

Come on man.....she wrote a motherfucking book on it.

Are you fucking serious?

How DID she accept the results of the election?

I’ll waste 2minutes and give you a quote...not sure if you are playing dumb or you are actually dumb...

Her barbs against Trump in Las Vegas were actually a notch milder than her appearance Saturday night with Bill Clinton in Los Angeles, Calif. At that event Hillary Clinton said she is advising candidates about what it is like to have an election "stolen."

"You can run the best campaign, you can even become the nominee, and you can have the election stolen from you," Clinton said at the L.A. event. Clinton's 2016 campaign was targeted by Russian interference efforts, which included stolen emails from her campaign chairman that were leaked to the public, and a social media disinformation effort.

Okay whatever dude I don’t care lol. That’s what you don’t seem to be grasping. Why we are even talking about her is bewildering but okay.


She is such a piece of shit.

Lol no one cares you think this.

You don’t care that the Democrat candidate for President said that anyone who doesn’t accept the results of an election is a threat to Democracy...and then she doesn’t accept the results of the election?

She called herself a threat to Democracy. :21:

What a moron.

Lol how did she not accept the results? Either way, why are we even talking about her? That’s the retarded thing you can’t seem to grasp lol. I mean you can think that way about her if you want I guess. I don’t care. What Hillary said or did during a campaign that happened three years ago doesn’t at all matter lol

How did she not accept the results?

Come on man.....she wrote a motherfucking book on it.

Are you fucking serious?

How DID she accept the results of the election?

I’ll waste 2minutes and give you a quote...not sure if you are playing dumb or you are actually dumb...

Her barbs against Trump in Las Vegas were actually a notch milder than her appearance Saturday night with Bill Clinton in Los Angeles, Calif. At that event Hillary Clinton said she is advising candidates about what it is like to have an election "stolen."

"You can run the best campaign, you can even become the nominee, and you can have the election stolen from you," Clinton said at the L.A. event. Clinton's 2016 campaign was targeted by Russian interference efforts, which included stolen emails from her campaign chairman that were leaked to the public, and a social media disinformation effort.

Okay whatever dude I don’t care lol. That’s what you don’t seem to be grasping. Why we are even talking about her is bewildering but okay.

/——/ Hildabeast is on the campaign trail for 2020. That makes her fair game no matter how much you wish she slithers away.
Lol no one cares you think this.

You don’t care that the Democrat candidate for President said that anyone who doesn’t accept the results of an election is a threat to Democracy...and then she doesn’t accept the results of the election?

She called herself a threat to Democracy. :21:

What a moron.
Lol how did she not accept the results? Either way, why are we even talking about her? That’s the retarded thing you can’t seem to grasp lol. I mean you can think that way about her if you want I guess. I don’t care. What Hillary said or did during a campaign that happened three years ago doesn’t at all matter lol

How did she not accept the results?

Come on man.....she wrote a motherfucking book on it.

Are you fucking serious?

How DID she accept the results of the election?

I’ll waste 2minutes and give you a quote...not sure if you are playing dumb or you are actually dumb...

Her barbs against Trump in Las Vegas were actually a notch milder than her appearance Saturday night with Bill Clinton in Los Angeles, Calif. At that event Hillary Clinton said she is advising candidates about what it is like to have an election "stolen."

"You can run the best campaign, you can even become the nominee, and you can have the election stolen from you," Clinton said at the L.A. event. Clinton's 2016 campaign was targeted by Russian interference efforts, which included stolen emails from her campaign chairman that were leaked to the public, and a social media disinformation effort.
Okay whatever dude I don’t care lol. That’s what you don’t seem to be grasping. Why we are even talking about her is bewildering but okay.
/——/ Hildabeast is on the campaign trail for 2020. That makes her fair game no matter how much you wish she slithers away.
She can slither away or not slither away. I don’t at all care lol
I imagine their go-to reasons like we hear a lot on this forum and elsewhere would be: “they’re snowflakes about political correctness! They can’t handle a manly man telling it like it is! They suck the government tit and Trump’s message of work ethic scares them! Finally they have to get a job! They want open borders for some reason! He’s not HILLARY Derp!”

The actual reasons liberals don’t like Trump are this:

1) He’s a fucking moron.

2) He has the emotional maturity of a 12 year old.

3) He only cares about what his supporters think and does absolutely nothing to unify the country.

4) He’s an undeniably corrupt and incompetent business man. He would be working at Carl’s Jr. right now if daddy hadn’t given him millions of dollars to start his failing businesses.

5) He is an unprecedented (unpresidented! derp) international embarrassment.
No. its because he beat Hillary.
I love it when they do a list of the reasons why they hate POTUS... It makes me so happy... :5_1_12024:
And that is all you have.

No it is not all I have... Thank you so much for asking...

Billy000 :fu:

Billy listed some reasons why liberals don't like Trump, and you immediately changed "don't like" to "hate".

That's a common thing with Trump supporters, and with Trump himself. Dumb Donald chants "Lock her up" about Hillary Clinton every day for years at his rallies, and he still keeps trying to get his AG to investigate her, and yet he has a hissy fit when Nancy Pelosi, in a private meeting said she doesn't want to see Trump impeached, she wants to see him in prison. She's a vindictive nasty woman.

My money's on Nancy in a knife fight.
I love it when they do a list of the reasons why they hate POTUS... It makes me so happy... :5_1_12024:
And that is all you have.

No it is not all I have... Thank you so much for asking...

Billy000 :fu:

Billy listed some reasons why liberals don't like Trump, and you immediately changed "don't like" to "hate".

That's a common thing with Trump supporters, and with Trump himself. Dumb Donald chants "Lock her up" about Hillary Clinton every day for years at his rallies, and he still keeps trying to get his AG to investigate her, and yet he has a hissy fit when Nancy Pelosi, in a private meeting said she doesn't want to see Trump impeached, she wants to see him in prison. She's a vindictive nasty woman.

My money's on Nancy in a knife fight.
My money is on Nancy in any fight with Trump.

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