I think the many reasons to not vote Trump can be narrowed down to 4 points

It completely blows my mind. Only republicans could be this dumb. Let's list the reasons why Trump is so awful:

1) His vocabulary is no better than a 13 year old's.

2) His emotional maturity is no better than a 12 year old's.

3) Psychologists say he is the poster child of narcissistic personality disorder which is a disasterous trait for a president to have.

4) He rarely talks about specific policy ideas and the ones he has highlighted are overly emotional brain farts lacking any trace of nuance. A kid in middle school could come up with ideas like banning all Muslims or making Mexico pay for a goddamn border wall. Are republicans really this retarded?

Please, PLEASE do NOT discourage right wingers from backing Trump....He is the very BEST of opportunities to maintain the WH and convert the senate into Dem.s hands ( not to mention the SCOTUS.)

Have you done ANY vetting about Hitlery's past at all? I wouldn't put her in charge of teaching a class of 20 second graders. She is the personification of narcissism and throw in sociopath. She is as transparent as Saran Wrap...she is all about herself and sees herself as royalty. Her treatment of those that are tasked with assisting her is well documented...she treats them like shit.....you think she will give a flying fuck about your well being?
It completely blows my mind. Only republicans could be this dumb. Let's list the reasons why Trump is so awful:

1) His vocabulary is no better than a 13 year old's.

2) His emotional maturity is no better than a 12 year old's.

3) Psychologists say he is the poster child of narcissistic personality disorder which is a disasterous trait for a president to have.

4) He rarely talks about specific policy ideas and the ones he has highlighted are overly emotional brain farts lacking any trace of nuance. A kid in middle school could come up with ideas like banning all Muslims or making Mexico pay for a goddamn border wall. Are republicans really this retarded?

Please, PLEASE do NOT discourage right wingers from backing Trump....He is the very BEST of opportunities to maintain the WH and convert the senate into Dem.s hands ( not to mention the SCOTUS.)

continue to believe that. you are in an ever shrinking minority. the hildebeast will never be president----------------------except maybe president of the lesbian association in federal prison.

Want to bet? You name the stakes. But I'll bet you that Hillary WILL be president.
It completely blows my mind. Only republicans could be this dumb. Let's list the reasons why Trump is so awful:

1) His vocabulary is no better than a 13 year old's.

2) His emotional maturity is no better than a 12 year old's.

3) Psychologists say he is the poster child of narcissistic personality disorder which is a disasterous trait for a president to have.

4) He rarely talks about specific policy ideas and the ones he has highlighted are overly emotional brain farts lacking any trace of nuance. A kid in middle school could come up with ideas like banning all Muslims or making Mexico pay for a goddamn border wall. Are republicans really this retarded?

Please, PLEASE do NOT discourage right wingers from backing Trump....He is the very BEST of opportunities to maintain the WH and convert the senate into Dem.s hands ( not to mention the SCOTUS.)

continue to believe that. you are in an ever shrinking minority. the hildebeast will never be president----------------------except maybe president of the lesbian association in federal prison.

Want to bet? You name the stakes. But I'll bet you that Hillary WILL be president.

Well, she is a CFR/Bilderburg puppet and her puppetmasters control the electronic voting machines with back-doored software that can change the results of any district so the fix may indeed be in...but it doesn't bode well for the majority of Americans...but buck up, little camper...while you are eating Raman noodles on a "gubermint" subsidy, you will have gloating rights...it's all about "winning" even if you lose.
It completely blows my mind. Only republicans could be this dumb. Let's list the reasons why Trump is so awful:

1) His vocabulary is no better than a 13 year old's.

2) His emotional maturity is no better than a 12 year old's.

3) Psychologists say he is the poster child of narcissistic personality disorder which is a disasterous trait for a president to have.

4) He rarely talks about specific policy ideas and the ones he has highlighted are overly emotional brain farts lacking any trace of nuance. A kid in middle school could come up with ideas like banning all Muslims or making Mexico pay for a goddamn border wall. Are republicans really this retarded?

Please, PLEASE do NOT discourage right wingers from backing Trump....He is the very BEST of opportunities to maintain the WH and convert the senate into Dem.s hands ( not to mention the SCOTUS.)

continue to believe that. you are in an ever shrinking minority. the hildebeast will never be president----------------------except maybe president of the lesbian association in federal prison.

Want to bet? You name the stakes. But I'll bet you that Hillary WILL be president.

Well, she is a CFR/Bilderburg puppet and her puppetmasters control the electronic voting machines with back-doored software that can change the results of any district so the fix may indeed be in...but it doesn't bode well for the majority of Americans...but buck up, little camper...while you are eating Raman noodles on a "gubermint" subsidy, you will have gloating rights...it's all about "winning" even if you lose.

You seem to be under the impression that I'm a Hillary supporter.
Please, PLEASE do NOT discourage right wingers from backing Trump....He is the very BEST of opportunities to maintain the WH and convert the senate into Dem.s hands ( not to mention the SCOTUS.)

Sounds like an oxymoron statement. Such logical fallacy.

Obama has lost nearly 70 House seats since taking office ...
thehill.com/.../223047-obama-has-lost-nearly-70-house-seats-sin...The Hill
Nov 5, 2014 - Midterm elections have been brutal for congressional Democrats in the Obama era. The party lost at least 77 seats in the midterms in 2010 and

It completely blows my mind. Only republicans could be this dumb. Let's list the reasons why Trump is so awful:

1) His vocabulary is no better than a 13 year old's.

2) His emotional maturity is no better than a 12 year old's.

3) Psychologists say he is the poster child of narcissistic personality disorder which is a disasterous trait for a president to have.

4) He rarely talks about specific policy ideas and the ones he has highlighted are overly emotional brain farts lacking any trace of nuance. A kid in middle school could come up with ideas like banning all Muslims or making Mexico pay for a goddamn border wall. Are republicans really this retarded?

Please, PLEASE do NOT discourage right wingers from backing Trump....He is the very BEST of opportunities to maintain the WH and convert the senate into Dem.s hands ( not to mention the SCOTUS.)

continue to believe that. you are in an ever shrinking minority. the hildebeast will never be president----------------------except maybe president of the lesbian association in federal prison.

Want to bet? You name the stakes. But I'll bet you that Hillary WILL be president.

Well, she is a CFR/Bilderburg puppet and her puppetmasters control the electronic voting machines with back-doored software that can change the results of any district so the fix may indeed be in...but it doesn't bode well for the majority of Americans...but buck up, little camper...while you are eating Raman noodles on a "gubermint" subsidy, you will have gloating rights...it's all about "winning" even if you lose.

You seem to be under the impression that I'm a Hillary supporter.

Pardon me for assuming as I did not take the time to look up your posting history.
Please, PLEASE do NOT discourage right wingers from backing Trump....He is the very BEST of opportunities to maintain the WH and convert the senate into Dem.s hands ( not to mention the SCOTUS.)

continue to believe that. you are in an ever shrinking minority. the hildebeast will never be president----------------------except maybe president of the lesbian association in federal prison.

Want to bet? You name the stakes. But I'll bet you that Hillary WILL be president.

Well, she is a CFR/Bilderburg puppet and her puppetmasters control the electronic voting machines with back-doored software that can change the results of any district so the fix may indeed be in...but it doesn't bode well for the majority of Americans...but buck up, little camper...while you are eating Raman noodles on a "gubermint" subsidy, you will have gloating rights...it's all about "winning" even if you lose.

You seem to be under the impression that I'm a Hillary supporter.

Pardon me for assuming as I did not take the time to look up your posting history.

It's cool, feel free to make more assumptions about me. It's always easier that way.
You seem to be under the impression that I'm a Hillary supporter.

That's what happens with candidates once a perception about them becomes spread. You have now become associated with Hillary like Trump is perceived to be racist.

Last edited:
You seem to be under the impression that I'm a Hillary supporter.

That's what happens with candidates once a perception about them becomes spread. You have now become associated with Hillary like Trump is perceived to be racist.

Oh let's be clear. I will vote for Hillary but I am in no way shape or form excited about her or trust her. But she's still better than the steaming pile of shit being offered up from Republicans.
continue to believe that. you are in an ever shrinking minority. the hildebeast will never be president----------------------except maybe president of the lesbian association in federal prison.

Want to bet? You name the stakes. But I'll bet you that Hillary WILL be president.

Well, she is a CFR/Bilderburg puppet and her puppetmasters control the electronic voting machines with back-doored software that can change the results of any district so the fix may indeed be in...but it doesn't bode well for the majority of Americans...but buck up, little camper...while you are eating Raman noodles on a "gubermint" subsidy, you will have gloating rights...it's all about "winning" even if you lose.

You seem to be under the impression that I'm a Hillary supporter.

Pardon me for assuming as I did not take the time to look up your posting history.

It's cool, feel free to make more assumptions about me. It's always easier that way.
So you believe in man-made climate change i.e it's us middle class and poor people polluting the earth? Have you heard about Geo-engineering? It has been going on since 1997....aerosol nano-particulates being sprayed in conjunction with ionospheric heaters that can manipulate weather fronts and cause anomalies that sells this junk science? You should look into it. This was something that was suggested in 1967 with the Iron Mountain Report from the late 60's. The Club of Rome (an offshoot of the U.N) used this to push their "zero growth agenda" and funded the environmental movement that liberals latched onto . I have LOTS of quotes that I can dig up if you need some convincing.
Want to bet? You name the stakes. But I'll bet you that Hillary WILL be president.

Well, she is a CFR/Bilderburg puppet and her puppetmasters control the electronic voting machines with back-doored software that can change the results of any district so the fix may indeed be in...but it doesn't bode well for the majority of Americans...but buck up, little camper...while you are eating Raman noodles on a "gubermint" subsidy, you will have gloating rights...it's all about "winning" even if you lose.

You seem to be under the impression that I'm a Hillary supporter.

Pardon me for assuming as I did not take the time to look up your posting history.

It's cool, feel free to make more assumptions about me. It's always easier that way.
So you believe in man-made climate change i.e it's us middle class and poor people polluting the earth? Have you heard about Geo-engineering? It has been going on since 1997....aerosol nano-particulates being sprayed in conjunction with ionospheric heaters that can manipulate weather fronts and cause anomalies that sells this junk science? You should look into it. This was something that was suggested in 1967 with the Iron Mountain Report from the late 60's. The Club of Rome (an offshoot of the U.N) used this to push their "zero growth agenda" and funded the environmental movement that liberals latched onto . I have LOTS of quotes that I can dig up if you need some convincing.

There is nothing to "believe". Do you believe in gravity? Man made global warming is a fact and anyone who tells you otherwise has a hidden agenda.
You seem to be under the impression that I'm a Hillary supporter.

That's what happens with candidates once a perception about them becomes spread. You have now become associated with Hillary like Trump is perceived to be racist.

Oh let's be clear. I will vote for Hillary but I am in no way shape or form excited about her or trust her. But she's still better than the steaming pile of shit being offered up from Republicans.
I wouldn't vote nor support a Fabian socialist even if a gun was pointed at my head. The odds of me slitting the throat of a liberal are better than me ever throwing my support behind......guaran-fucking-tee you on that one.
You seem to be under the impression that I'm a Hillary supporter.

That's what happens with candidates once a perception about them becomes spread. You have now become associated with Hillary like Trump is perceived to be racist.

Oh let's be clear. I will vote for Hillary but I am in no way shape or form excited about her or trust her. But she's still better than the steaming pile of shit being offered up from Republicans.
I wouldn't vote nor support a Fabian socialist even if a gun was pointed at my head. The odds of me slitting the throat of a liberal are better than me ever throwing my support behind......guaran-fucking-tee you on that one.

Good for you. You seem nice.
It completely blows my mind. Only republicans could be this dumb. Let's list the reasons why Trump is so awful:

1) His vocabulary is no better than a 13 year old's.

2) His emotional maturity is no better than a 12 year old's.

Wouldn't you think the left would stay away from psychological profiles with such a vulnerable candidate? While they make wild unfounded accusations about Trump they are stuck with the old commie or a woman who clearly traded her self respect for political power. Hillary must have known that the DNA on Monica's dress belonged to her husband. She must have known about rape charges from a credible victim and dozens of abuses that her husband committed against innocent women but she forced herself to blame the victims or a conspiracy that didn't exist. That's a perfect example of a psychological disorder.
It completely blows my mind. Only republicans could be this dumb. Let's list the reasons why Trump is so awful:

1) His vocabulary is no better than a 13 year old's.

2) His emotional maturity is no better than a 12 year old's.

3) Psychologists say he is the poster child of narcissistic personality disorder which is a disasterous trait for a president to have.

4) He rarely talks about specific policy ideas and the ones he has highlighted are overly emotional brain farts lacking any trace of nuance. A kid in middle school could come up with ideas like banning all Muslims or making Mexico pay for a goddamn border wall. Are republicans really this retarded?
I can name one reason he will likely get my vote & probably millions of others.

1. He's not Hillary
It completely blows my mind. Only republicans could be this dumb. Let's list the reasons why Trump is so awful:

1) His vocabulary is no better than a 13 year old's.

2) His emotional maturity is no better than a 12 year old's.

3) Psychologists say he is the poster child of narcissistic personality disorder which is a disasterous trait for a president to have.

4) He rarely talks about specific policy ideas and the ones he has highlighted are overly emotional brain farts lacking any trace of nuance. A kid in middle school could come up with ideas like banning all Muslims or making Mexico pay for a goddamn border wall. Are republicans really this retarded?
I can name one reason he will likely get my vote & probably millions of others.

1. He's not Hillary

Let's say Sanders somehow wins the nomination and it's him vs. Trump. What then?
It completely blows my mind. Only republicans could be this dumb. Let's list the reasons why Trump is so awful:

1) His vocabulary is no better than a 13 year old's.

2) His emotional maturity is no better than a 12 year old's.

3) Psychologists say he is the poster child of narcissistic personality disorder which is a disasterous trait for a president to have.

4) He rarely talks about specific policy ideas and the ones he has highlighted are overly emotional brain farts lacking any trace of nuance. A kid in middle school could come up with ideas like banning all Muslims or making Mexico pay for a goddamn border wall. Are republicans really this retarded?
I can name one reason he will likely get my vote & probably millions of others.

1. He's not Hillary

Let's say Sanders somehow wins the nomination and it's him vs. Trump. What then?
Sanders is a full blown loon. The only reason he is in the race is the youth vote. The man is just like Matthew. A broken record who brings up one topic over & over & over.
I would have considered Webb. But rational adults are not allowed in the Democratic primary

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