Zone1 I think Trump loosely organized the raid on his own home

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Hard for me to believe that Garland was able to keep it totally quiet for an amount of time without one Trump person finding out.

Trump purposely gave them back pieces of docs at a time. He purposely kept all the Crossfire docs and all incriminating evidence on Obama and Ashley's father and stopped there. They would never be given up. He had back up copies anyway knowing they might come for them.

I bet Trump had his own special master verify every piece of paper beforehand because the FBI would plant stuff for sure once they got them.

Why didn't Trump call for a special master right away? He wanted to see if the FBI would dirty up the files and had everything verified and notarized, just in case. Lol

They knew Trump was busy with another sham against him in NY and they bit on it

Now a special master will declare they are mostly Crossfire Hurricane docs.

Whatever happens, it will be hilarious no matter what.

What do you think?
No you just couldn't get a little boner without your hate for Trump. When he is re--elected I can't wait to see all the snivelin, whinin and blubberin you fags do.
Hard for me to believe that Garland was able to keep it totally quiet for an amount of time without one Trump person finding out.

Trump purposely gave them back pieces of docs at a time. He purposely kept all the Crossfire docs and all incriminating evidence on Obama and Ashley's father and stopped there. They would never be given up. He had back up copies anyway knowing they might come for them.

I bet Trump had his own special master verify every piece of paper beforehand because the FBI would plant stuff for sure once they got them.

Why didn't Trump call for a special master right away? He wanted to see if the FBI would dirty up the files and had everything verified and notarized, just in case. Lol

They knew Trump was busy with another sham against him in NY and they bit on it

Now a special master will declare they are mostly Crossfire Hurricane docs.

Whatever happens, it will be hilarious no matter what.

What do you think?
Durham has all the cross fire hurricane stuff, for his investigation, I thought?
Durham has all the cross fire hurricane stuff, for his investigation, I thought?
Hard to tell much about Durham. He was last seen throwing his hands up and saying "I give up. There is nothing to find" and just wandering off mumbeling to himself.
Hard to tell much about Durham. He was last seen throwing his hands up and saying "I give up. There is nothing to find" and just wandering off mumbeling to himself.
Yep. But he still had access to ALL of the cross fire hurricane documents....which means trump doesn't have them or just has copies.... So, if Trump thought he could erase history by taking them, he's mistaken!
Hard for me to believe that Garland was able to keep it totally quiet for an amount of time without one Trump person finding out.

Trump purposely gave them back pieces of docs at a time. He purposely kept all the Crossfire docs and all incriminating evidence on Obama and Ashley's father and stopped there. They would never be given up. He had back up copies anyway knowing they might come for them.

I bet Trump had his own special master verify every piece of paper beforehand because the FBI would plant stuff for sure once they got them.

Why didn't Trump call for a special master right away? He wanted to see if the FBI would dirty up the files and had everything verified and notarized, just in case. Lol

They knew Trump was busy with another sham against him in NY and they bit on it

Now a special master will declare they are mostly Crossfire Hurricane docs.

Whatever happens, it will be hilarious no matter what.

What do you think?
The main evidence for that theory is the thought that 'the DOJ can't really be this dumb. Trump must have tricked them.'

Maybe. Not a bad theory.

Or maybe it actually is possible that the Affirmative Action for Obama/Clinton Donors program has filled the upper ranks of our "justice" system with people who don't need to be tricked to act this foolishly.
No you just couldn't get a little boner without your hate for Trump. When he is re--elected I can't wait to see all the snivelin, whinin and blubberin you fags do.
My hate for Trump????...lololol

Did you think I was someone else???
Spied on? Just how would it verify that? Current unsubstantiated rumor is that he was ratted out by one of his trusted insiders again. You just can't get good help anymore. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Yes. Actually spied on. Using the NSA's greatest spy machine and FOREIGN assets to attack Trump associates when they were abroad. How did you miss all the news about FISA applications that LIED to FISA court?

Those are the KEYS to the 702 Spy machine that was TURNED on US citizens. Not the use that was intended by the Patriot Act.

ALL the documents the FBI want from Mar-a-lago are RELATED to their lying and treasonous activities before/during/after the 2016 election. They contain proof that the FBI KNEW their submissions to the FISA court were based on falsehoods. As well as the extent to which the FBI mislead the public during that period with their "leaking" to media of disinformation.
Yes. Actually spied on. Using the NSA's greatest spy machine and FOREIGN assets to attack Trump associates when they were abroad. How did you miss all the news about FISA applications that LIED to FISA court?

Those are the KEYS to the 702 Spy machine that was TURNED on US citizens. Not the use that was intended by the Patriot Act.

ALL the documents the FBI want from Mar-a-lago are RELATED to their lying and treasonous activities before/during/after the 2016 election. They contain proof that the FBI KNEW their submissions to the FISA court were based on falsehoods. As well as the extent to which the FBI mislead the public during that period with their "leaking" to media of disinformation.
That's amazing. If what you say is true, that new master they have will see what is happening and expose the entire thing in the next few days. When should we expect that bombshell? Monday? Wednesday? You think it will take until Next Friday to expose what you claim?
Hard for me to believe that Garland was able to keep it totally quiet for an amount of time without one Trump person finding out.

Trump purposely gave them back pieces of docs at a time. He purposely kept all the Crossfire docs and all incriminating evidence on Obama and Ashley's father and stopped there. They would never be given up. He had back up copies anyway knowing they might come for them.

I bet Trump had his own special master verify every piece of paper beforehand because the FBI would plant stuff for sure once they got them.

Why didn't Trump call for a special master right away? He wanted to see if the FBI would dirty up the files and had everything verified and notarized, just in case. Lol

They knew Trump was busy with another sham against him in NY and they bit on it

Now a special master will declare they are mostly Crossfire Hurricane docs.

Whatever happens, it will be hilarious no matter what.

What do you think?

I think you have a wild imagination and give Trump far too much credit.
Yes. Actually spied on. Using the NSA's greatest spy machine and FOREIGN assets to attack Trump associates when they were abroad. How did you miss all the news about FISA applications that LIED to FISA court?

Those are the KEYS to the 702 Spy machine that was TURNED on US citizens. Not the use that was intended by the Patriot Act.

ALL the documents the FBI want from Mar-a-lago are RELATED to their lying and treasonous activities before/during/after the 2016 election. They contain proof that the FBI KNEW their submissions to the FISA court were based on falsehoods. As well as the extent to which the FBI mislead the public during that period with their "leaking" to media of disinformation.
If there is some connection between NSA, FISA court submission and the valid search warrant search conducted and Mar-a-Lago, I am indeed unaware of it.
I actually have not seen that in releases of what those documents comprised, though have heard it rumored. If it is fact, I am highly surprised Trump did not declassify those, during his presidency, rather than sticking them in a box to be whisked off to his golf course. A don't and say you did without witness is pretty weak, if that is in fact what is being asserted. From what I understand, it is not be asserted by his lawyers on legal pleadings, only outside of legal judicial channels, much like the assertions in the post election court proceedings.
If there is some connection between NSA, FISA court submission and the valid search warrant search conducted and Mar-a-Lago, I am indeed unaware of it.

It's perfectly clear since the ONLY documents that Trump ordered declassified and ANNOUNCED to the public that they being declassified -- and ordered his Chief of Staff and Bill Barr, his AG to accomplish -- WERE the FBI documents that have been withheld on "crossfire hurricane" which was the FBI EFFORT to discredit Trump for being a "stooge of Putin". And they INCLUDE WHAT DETAILS the FBI KNEW and LIED about to the FISA court to get the keys to the World's Greatest Spy Machine to spy on Trump and his campaign people and then his staff while in office. The FBI KNEW that the Clinton/DNC "Steele dossier" was rubbish BEFORE they requested the spying warrants.

Trump had actively sought to SUE EVERYONE involved in his false persecution for 5 years. His initial case was "tossed out" last spring because it was TOO BROAD. There ARE DOZENS of people who deserve to be punished and the DECEPTION that the dossier and the FBI USED involved MANY PEOPLE.

The fired and disgraced Peter Strok guy in that article was the LEAD FBI on Crossfire Hurricane and has admitted that "without the dossier, we have no solid case" -- and THAT was BEFORE they had issued the 2nd, 3rd and 4th spying warrants to the FISA and got them approved. YET -- the "dossier" was almost TOTALLY all the evidence on the warrants.

Just glad that you "might allow" that our most trusted law enforcement agency in the country ILLEGALLY used the Big Brother "knows all and sees all" domestic spying machine to INFLUENCE AN ELECTION and hobble an incumbent Pres for the entire duration of his term in office. THIS transcends party politics. And ANYONE claiming to be a fan of Civil Rights and honest justice is LYING to themselves if they ignore what was done.
Hard for me to believe that Garland was able to keep it totally quiet for an amount of time without one Trump person finding out.

Trump purposely gave them back pieces of docs at a time. He purposely kept all the Crossfire docs and all incriminating evidence on Obama and Ashley's father and stopped there. They would never be given up. He had back up copies anyway knowing they might come for them.

I bet Trump had his own special master verify every piece of paper beforehand because the FBI would plant stuff for sure once they got them.

Why didn't Trump call for a special master right away? He wanted to see if the FBI would dirty up the files and had everything verified and notarized, just in case. Lol

They knew Trump was busy with another sham against him in NY and they bit on it

Now a special master will declare they are mostly Crossfire Hurricane docs.

Whatever happens, it will be hilarious no matter what.

What do you think?
Well that might be a stretch, but then again, maybe not. Trump is a master at baiting a dishonest media and a corrupt DOJ or other politicians. Then when they take the bait and all the 'woke' folk rub their hands together in glee that 'we've got him this time', I think he really enjoys watching them hang themselves by their own petards.

I really miss some of his tweets on Twitter. He was amazingly brilliant at knowing exactly what innocuous phrase to use to trigger his opponents and make them look like idiots. :)
It's perfectly clear since the ONLY documents that Trump ordered declassified and ANNOUNCED to the public that they being declassified -- and ordered his Chief of Staff and Bill Barr, his AG to accomplish -- WERE the FBI documents that have been withheld on "crossfire hurricane" which was the FBI EFFORT to discredit Trump for being a "stooge of Putin". And they INCLUDE WHAT DETAILS the FBI KNEW and LIED about to the FISA court to get the keys to the World's Greatest Spy Machine to spy on Trump and his campaign people and then his staff while in office. The FBI KNEW that the Clinton/DNC "Steele dossier" was rubbish BEFORE they requested the spying warrants.

Trump had actively sought to SUE EVERYONE involved in his false persecution for 5 years. His initial case was "tossed out" last spring because it was TOO BROAD. There ARE DOZENS of people who deserve to be punished and the DECEPTION that the dossier and the FBI USED involved MANY PEOPLE.

The fired and disgraced Peter Strok guy in that article was the LEAD FBI on Crossfire Hurricane and has admitted that "without the dossier, we have no solid case" -- and THAT was BEFORE they had issued the 2nd, 3rd and 4th spying warrants to the FISA and got them approved. YET -- the "dossier" was almost TOTALLY all the evidence on the warrants.

Just glad that you "might allow" that our most trusted law enforcement agency in the country ILLEGALLY used the Big Brother "knows all and sees all" domestic spying machine to INFLUENCE AN ELECTION and hobble an incumbent Pres for the entire duration of his term in office. THIS transcends party politics. And ANYONE claiming to be a fan of Civil Rights and honest justice is LYING to themselves if they ignore what was done.
I am aware of "Trump wrote. "I determined that the materials in that binder should be declassified to the maximum extent possible. In response, and as part of the iterative process of the declassification review, under a cover letter dated January 17, 2021, the Federal Bureau of Investigation noted its continuing objection to any further declassification of the materials in the binder and also, on the basis of a review that included Intelligence Community equities, identified the passages that it believed it was most crucial to keep from public disclosure. I have determined to accept the redactions proposed for continued classification by the FBI in that January 17 submission."
"I hereby declassify the remaining materials in the binder." Quoted from the memo.

I know what I call a binder and I also know that I have never seen a classified top secret folder, packed with other classified top secret folders within. That just isn't how top secret compartmentalized information is handled, and certainly not stored, or in that many boxes and in boxes of other unclassified information or document. Therefore, there is no way to say, he was on the up and up, and neither can you. Could crossfire Hurricane be a part of it? Sure, but nowhere near all of. We shall see what we shall see.
I am aware of "Trump wrote. "I determined that the materials in that binder should be declassified to the maximum extent possible. In response, and as part of the iterative process of the declassification review, under a cover letter dated January 17, 2021, the Federal Bureau of Investigation noted its continuing objection to any further declassification of the materials in the binder and also, on the basis of a review that included Intelligence Community equities, identified the passages that it believed it was most crucial to keep from public disclosure. I have determined to accept the redactions proposed for continued classification by the FBI in that January 17 submission."
"I hereby declassify the remaining materials in the binder." Quoted from the memo.

I know what I call a binder and I also know that I have never seen a classified top secret folder, packed with other classified top secret folders within. That just isn't how top secret compartmentalized information is handled, and certainly not stored, or in that many boxes and in boxes of other unclassified information or document. Therefore, there is no way to say, he was on the up and up, and neither can you. Could crossfire Hurricane be a part of it? Sure, but nowhere near all of. We shall see what we shall see.

The public announcement came WAY before the date you quoted. Trump even TWEETED the announcement. I think around summer of 2020. The stuff YOU POSTED is simply the LATEST attempt by the FBI to hide that material. RussiaGate is over. "No American" was colluding with Russians" -- says the Mueller report. ALL of it implicates the wrong-doing that needs to be published.

You need to remember that the residence at Mar-a-Lago was and STILL IS guarded by Secret Service and HAD (maybe still exists, but decommissioned) SCIF or tank for the convenience of the President to WORK at the residence. THIS is standard practice. And if you're referring to the ONE PHOTO the FBI leaked of documents carelessly strewn across an oriental rug -- that is PROPAGANDA for the media to feast on. It was STAGED. NOBODY does that. And MIXES random highly classified docs. This is the way the FBI rolls now. To LEAK shit like that and allow elitist media snobs to comment on "how dreadfully the former Prez treats Top Secrets".

NOBODY believes that picture wasn't staged for effect. Not even former top Intel advisors.
it may bite him this time.

Bite HIM? If true, then he has the goods on proving another giant government conspiracy out to get him on top of crossfire hurricane, Chris Steele, Hillary's fake dossier slipped through FISA, Comey, Russiagate, the J6 committee and everything else!

If anyone might be bit, I would most be concerned if I were Biden, Garland, and the FBI. Trump does nothing by half-measures.
White 6

I could go into details as to evidence the FBI staged that photo -- but I can't. NOBODY KNOWS from that photo that ANY classified docs -- "are strewn haphazardly on the floor".
Bite HIM? If true, then he has the goods on proving another giant government conspiracy out to get him on top of crossfire hurricane, Chris Steele, Hillary's fake dossier slipped through FISA, Comey, Russiagate, the J6 committee and everything else!

If anyone might be bit, I would most be concerned if I were Biden, Garland, and the FBI. Trump does nothing by half-measures.

+1 to you for NOT forgetting. Read my sigline about Hillary that I STILL keep in my poster footer and will forever. Because national security has NEVER been a game to me -- politically or otherwise.
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