I thought you were going to pick the best people?

no shit. I wrote the OP genius. But im not disingenuous. This shit actually pisses me off. It only pisses off partisans depending on who done it..

What I would say about Hillary is that I have zero problems with her being prosecuted. However, if the federal agencies felt they could succeed in prosecuting her, they'd have already done so. She was not well-liked, and there are many within the FBI especially who enjoy taking down corrupt politicians.
that whole fucking thing was bullshit. The first and second time.
Didn't comey say if it was anyone else they would be prosecuted?
Nope, he never said that
face consequences, whatever it was
Trump was warned about Flynn by the Justice department before his confirmation. Trump did nothing. Is this what he calls his extreme vetting

dont stick your head in the sand, look it up

How about you pull your head out of your ass and stop posting juvenile idiocy. You have no idea what you're talking about because you don't know anything, were never taught anything useful. You sit here trying to convince us you know your ass from up about national security matters...it was funny for a short while, now it's just pathetic.
that whole fucking thing was bullshit. The first and second time.
Didn't comey say if it was anyone else they would be prosecuted?

What I understood him to say was that she was dumb, not criminal. And that if they had a case, they'd have taken it to trial.
Trump was warned about Flynn by the Justice department before his confirmation. Trump did nothing. Is this what he calls his extreme vetting

dont stick your head in the sand, look it up

How about you pull your head out of your ass and stop posting juvenile idiocy. You have no idea what you're talking about because you don't know anything, were never taught anything useful. You sit here trying to convince us you know your ass from up about national security matters...it was funny for a short while, now it's just pathetic.

I thought you were going to pick the best people?
Well wtf happened?
Aint even been a month!

Maybe next time Trump won't appoint a Democrat.
who is the democrat?

Flynn is. Try to keep up.

Oh boy...this is going to be kind of awkward for you....

On April 17, 2012, President Barack Obama nominated Flynn to be the 18th director of the Defense Intelligence Agency.[23][24] Flynn took command of the DIA in July 2012.

Michael T. Flynn - Wikipedia
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Avatar4321 TNHarley

This is a very interesting timeline of events.

The fall of Michael Flynn: A timeline
After 30 some needless investigations of Bhengazi, now the republicans are refusing to investigate Flynn. They just want to forget all about it, and pretend it never happened

Who died because of flynns phone call and lie yo the VP?
Well, that is one question.

As Fighting Escalates in Ukraine, Attention Focuses on Donald Trump

Nolan Peterson: Russian Troops Man Ukraine Rebels' Front Line
no shit. I wrote the OP genius. But im not disingenuous. This shit actually pisses me off. It only pisses off partisans depending on who done it..

What I would say about Hillary is that I have zero problems with her being prosecuted. However, if the federal agencies felt they could succeed in prosecuting her, they'd have already done so. She was not well-liked, and there are many within the FBI especially who enjoy taking down corrupt politicians.
that whole fucking thing was bullshit. The first and second time.
Didn't comey say if it was anyone else they would be prosecuted?
Nope, he never said that

Yeah he did
Avatar4321 TNHarley

This is a very interesting timeline of events.

The fall of Michael Flynn: A timeline
After 30 some needless investigations of Bhengazi, now the republicans are refusing to investigate Flynn. They just want to forget all about it, and pretend it never happened

Who died because of flynns phone call and lie yo the VP?
Well, that is one question.

As Fighting Escalates in Ukraine, Attention Focuses on Donald Trump

Nolan Peterson: Russian Troops Man Ukraine Rebels' Front Line

And this wouldn't have happened if Flynn didn't talk to the Russians about sanctions and lie to VP pence?
Avatar4321 TNHarley

This is a very interesting timeline of events.

The fall of Michael Flynn: A timeline
After 30 some needless investigations of Bhengazi, now the republicans are refusing to investigate Flynn. They just want to forget all about it, and pretend it never happened
Sorry, Flynn is gone, lets not spend our time & money on him. lets pay attention and fully vet people put up for important jobs. we seem to relax and feel safe when our party of choice is in power. its our job to pay attention & get people who work for what's best for America, that requires working together.
Did Obama ever have a cabinet pick who left in disgrace after 3 weeks?
Nope, all the disgraceful assholes he picked stayed for the full 8 years.
And why do you think that is?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Because for democrats the law doesn't matter......what matters is power...power to do what they want, and allowing the law to remove their minions is not the way you accumulate and use power.
That's the reason huh? And you're sticking with that?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

It is the truth.....lois lerner should have been in jail.....she used the IRS against Americans.......eric holder, should have been fired......and clinton should have been in jail as well for breaking federal law......but when you control the A.G.....and the A.G. is meeting with the husband of the subject of the investigation...you can't expect justice...
Trump was warned about Flynn by the Justice department before his confirmation. Trump did nothing. Is this what he calls his extreme vetting

dont stick your head in the sand, look it up

You made the statement. It's up to you to prove your veracity. Flynn lied, he is gone. Those are the facts.

and now the guys who leaked the information......and that is a very small circle of people who had access to that high level information....will now be hunted down and jailed......they committed crimes and burned sources and methods simply to embarrass the President...
Did Obama ever have a cabinet pick who left in disgrace after 3 weeks?
Nope, all the disgraceful assholes he picked stayed for the full 8 years.
And why do you think that is?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Because for democrats the law doesn't matter......what matters is power...power to do what they want, and allowing the law to remove their minions is not the way you accumulate and use power.
That's the reason huh? And you're sticking with that?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

It is the truth.....lois lerner should have been in jail.....she used the IRS against Americans.......eric holder, should have been fired......and clinton should have been in jail as well for breaking federal law......but when you control the A.G.....and the A.G. is meeting with the husband of the subject of the investigation...you can't expect justice...
What law did Clinton break?
What should Holder have been fired for?
Trump was warned about Flynn by the Justice department before his confirmation. Trump did nothing. Is this what he calls his extreme vetting

dont stick your head in the sand, look it up

You made the statement. It's up to you to prove your veracity. Flynn lied, he is gone. Those are the facts.

and now the guys who leaked the information......and that is a very small circle of people who had access to that high level information....will now be hunted down and jailed......they committed crimes and burned sources and methods simply to embarrass the President...
It doesn't take much to embarrass this guy

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