I thought you were going to pick the best people?

I thought we were going to pick the best people but we ended up with Obama. It must be easy to run as a democrat because there is no presumption of appointing the "best people". Hussein had to invoke "executive privilege" to prevent his criminal IRS chief from testifying in an investigation that might have implicated him. The difference between republicans and democrats (aside from the double standard) is that republicans fire incompetent appointees. Democrats promote them.
the slimebag POTUS picked a slimebag General, and it's Obama's fault.

Fuck Trump and Team slimebag.
Can we not just talk about Trumps shitty pick? You know, the guy that had to resign within a goddamn month? Are none of you guys embarrassed? I am, and I didn't even vote for Trump..
o_O Why are you embarrassed TN? Were you the one that picked Flynn without fully vetting him?

This is just WASHINGTON, same idiotic bullshit, different dickhead in charge.
lol. I was embarrassed then too. Hell, I have been embarrassed since I was born.....

Good fucking point!
Well wtf happened?
Aint even been a month!
/---- He is picking the best people but no one with any common sense believes you get it right on the first try. Sometimes it just doesn't work out and you see things you didn't see before. Now if you ever had a job you were most likely in a 30 to 90 day probation period. Because even though you aced the interview you may crack under the pressure of the job. Picking the best is an on going process. But I think you knew that already and are just acting out because you hate Pres Trump.
Didn't the Democrats warn The Trump Administration about this VERY thing?

Nice try, but no.

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It has nothing to do with the dems. The Natl Sec. Advisor LIED to the VICE PRESIDENT who then went on the Sun talk shows and gave false statements ... unwittingly as it turned out. Pretty weird.
Well wtf happened?
Aint even been a month!

You mean like eric holder....Fast and Furious...where they let drug cartels buy guns, and led to the death of a federal agen.

You mean like susan rice, who went on all the talk shows stating the attack on Bhengazi was because of a video.....4 men died when obama refused to provide upgraded security....or his choice for Secretary of STate refused....

or lois lerner...who weaponized the IRS to target political opponents...and was never punished....

You mean like that?
Actually no, nothing like that.

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Well wtf happened?
Aint even been a month!

You mean like eric holder....Fast and Furious...where they let drug cartels buy guns, and led to the death of a federal agen.

You mean like susan rice, who went on all the talk shows stating the attack on Bhengazi was because of a video.....4 men died when obama refused to provide upgraded security....or his choice for Secretary of STate refused....

or lois lerner...who weaponized the IRS to target political opponents...and was never punished....

You mean like that?
Actually no, nothing like that.

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Of course not....because they actually broke the law and used the power of their offices to cover it up......that doesn't concern you.......but the truth, facts and reality do not concern the left.....the acquisition of power and the defeat of their enemies...the crushing of their enemies, is the only thing you nuts care about....
Well wtf happened?
Aint even been a month!

You mean like eric holder....Fast and Furious...where they let drug cartels buy guns, and led to the death of a federal agen.

You mean like susan rice, who went on all the talk shows stating the attack on Bhengazi was because of a video.....4 men died when obama refused to provide upgraded security....or his choice for Secretary of STate refused....

or lois lerner...who weaponized the IRS to target political opponents...and was never punished....

You mean like that?
Actually no, nothing like that.

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Of course not....because they actually broke the law and used the power of their offices to cover it up......that doesn't concern you.......but the truth, facts and reality do not concern the left.....the acquisition of power and the defeat of their enemies...the crushing of their enemies, is the only thing you nuts care about....
pot meet kettle
Did Obama ever have a cabinet pick who left in disgrace after 3 weeks?
Nope, all the disgraceful assholes he picked stayed for the full 8 years.
And why do you think that is?

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Because for democrats the law doesn't matter......what matters is power...power to do what they want, and allowing the law to remove their minions is not the way you accumulate and use power.
Did Obama ever have a cabinet pick who left in disgrace after 3 weeks?
Nope, all the disgraceful assholes he picked stayed for the full 8 years.
So you're guessing Don's cast of disgraceful assholes won't?
No, I'm guessing that I don't really give a flying fuck if they do, however the thing that does really concern me is that hallucination problem you seem to have regarding seeing things that weren't posted.

Ah, so you only care about "one" side's transgressions.

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Just admit it TN you're a closet progressive liberal as much as I am a closet Trump supporter!

I mean how dare you question the second coming of whatever and mock the reality of how one of his picks have already handed in their resignation!

I mean Obama, Obama, Obama is what you should be writing and screaming all hail Trump!

Oh, I just can't troll you properly so can you finish this inane response and remember to add that I am insane too!
Did Obama ever have a cabinet pick who left in disgrace after 3 weeks?
Nope, all the disgraceful assholes he picked stayed for the full 8 years.
And why do you think that is?

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Addiction to power and the politics of pull, in the halls of power of Washington D.C. , it isn't about integrity, competence or dedication to serving the citizenry, keeping your job and getting promoted is about who you know and who you blow.
Well wtf happened?
Aint even been a month!

You mean like eric holder....Fast and Furious...where they let drug cartels buy guns, and led to the death of a federal agen.

You mean like susan rice, who went on all the talk shows stating the attack on Bhengazi was because of a video.....4 men died when obama refused to provide upgraded security....or his choice for Secretary of STate refused....

or lois lerner...who weaponized the IRS to target political opponents...and was never punished....

You mean like that?
Actually no, nothing like that.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Of course not....because they actually broke the law and used the power of their offices to cover it up......that doesn't concern you.......but the truth, facts and reality do not concern the left.....the acquisition of power and the defeat of their enemies...the crushing of their enemies, is the only thing you nuts care about....
Are you suggesting that Flynn was a good guy that should still be in Office?

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Did Obama ever have a cabinet pick who left in disgrace after 3 weeks?
Nope, all the disgraceful assholes he picked stayed for the full 8 years.
And why do you think that is?

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Because for democrats the law doesn't matter......what matters is power...power to do what they want, and allowing the law to remove their minions is not the way you accumulate and use power.
That's the reason huh? And you're sticking with that?

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I never thought Flynn was a good choice to begin with. But I do have to say I'm impressed that the administration isn't trying to cover up him lying. He is found to lie and is gone.

Different and refreshing.
I never thought Flynn was a good choice to begin with. But I do have to say I'm impressed that the administration isn't trying to cover up him lying. He is found to lie and is gone.

Different and refreshing.
Come on now, Trump heard about these problems long ago, and did nothing.
I never thought Flynn was a good choice to begin with. But I do have to say I'm impressed that the administration isn't trying to cover up him lying. He is found to lie and is gone.

Different and refreshing.

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