I thought you were going to pick the best people?

Well wtf happened?
Aint even been a month!
The problem is Trump using his biz model: chaos. Everyone with any inside knowledge has said this two headed beast of a chief of staff thing with Bannon and Prebus would be chaos, and that's what we see.

It may be that Trump knew what Flynn was up to, and approved, and was complicit in sending the VP out to lie like Susan Rice. I don't think that's anymore impeachable than was Benghazi, but of course the Trumpbots would say Obama should have been impeached or at least Clinton "locked up." It may turn out that Trump does owe money to Russians, and that might actually be a crime, and THAT would require impeachment even by a gop congress.

But Trump needs to put one person as gatekeeper. Everyone answers truthfully to that person, and ANY agendas otherwise results in immediate firing. And that person has access to the President 24/7, and has the President's best interest at heart, assuming that interest is the same as the nation's, and that is really the question at this point.

The problem for Trump is that he is closest to Bannon, Conway and Flynn ... none of whom is trustworthy. They may be loyal tot Trump, but they are parroting lies, blatant lies. And they do it at Trump's behest. He's probably going to fire Priebus and Spicer, but that is getting rid of two of the sane ones. It's a circus act reality show. His legislative agenda is in the shitter.
There's that hallucination problem rearing it's ugly head again, perhaps you should cut back on your daily straw man intake.
Run run run runaway.
Okay, whatever works for ya.....cya later. :fu:
Please bring something to the table next time.

I thought you said you were running away, what the fuck you still doing here?

No, I said you were running away from a reality based conversation.
ROFLWTIME!, Uh-Huh, a "reality based conversation" with you and all your straw man pals, next time you're looking for a "reality based conversation" how about you leave all your imaginary friends at home, K?
Hindsight is 20/20. Where were you guys the last eight years?
Did Obama ever have a cabinet pick who left in disgrace after 3 weeks? This is just the beginning, far more to follow out the door

Heck no, it's not like he was trying to accomplish much anyway, besides the weakening of the US.

They kept things quiet and circled the wagons for their administration. The media was also complicit in that as well.

Trump's going to try to find the best person for the job.

Here's a list he can pick from:

List Of Military Elite Purged And Fired Under Obama
Right, because a democrats opinion on who's best for a Republican's Presidential cabinet is the way to go.
Well wtf happened?
Aint even been a month!
The problem is Trump using his biz model: chaos. Everyone with any inside knowledge has said this two headed beast of a chief of staff thing with Bannon and Prebus would be chaos, and that's what we see.

It may be that Trump knew what Flynn was up to, and approved, and was complicit in sending the VP out to lie like Susan Rice. I don't think that's anymore impeachable than was Benghazi, but of course the Trumpbots would say Obama should have been impeached or at least Clinton "locked up." It may turn out that Trump does owe money to Russians, and that might actually be a crime, and THAT would require impeachment even by a gop congress.

But Trump needs to put one person as gatekeeper. Everyone answers truthfully to that person, and ANY agendas otherwise results in immediate firing. And that person has access to the President 24/7, and has the President's best interest at heart, assuming that interest is the same as the nation's, and that is really the question at this point.

The problem for Trump is that he is closest to Bannon, Conway and Flynn ... none of whom is trustworthy. They may be loyal tot Trump, but they are parroting lies, blatant lies. And they do it at Trump's behest. He's probably going to fire Priebus and Spicer, but that is getting rid of two of the sane ones. It's a circus act reality show. His legislative agenda is in the shitter.
Was that reported on CNN?
what does someone elses appointments have to do with trump? If Obama was so terrible, and trump is so great, why compare the two?

Arguing with trump supporters is like trying to teach a pig to dance. The pig will never learn, and you get covered with mud.
Well wtf happened?
Aint even been a month!
The problem is Trump using his biz model: chaos. Everyone with any inside knowledge has said this two headed beast of a chief of staff thing with Bannon and Prebus would be chaos, and that's what we see.

It may be that Trump knew what Flynn was up to, and approved, and was complicit in sending the VP out to lie like Susan Rice. I don't think that's anymore impeachable than was Benghazi, but of course the Trumpbots would say Obama should have been impeached or at least Clinton "locked up." It may turn out that Trump does owe money to Russians, and that might actually be a crime, and THAT would require impeachment even by a gop congress.

But Trump needs to put one person as gatekeeper. Everyone answers truthfully to that person, and ANY agendas otherwise results in immediate firing. And that person has access to the President 24/7, and has the President's best interest at heart, assuming that interest is the same as the nation's, and that is really the question at this point.

The problem for Trump is that he is closest to Bannon, Conway and Flynn ... none of whom is trustworthy. They may be loyal tot Trump, but they are parroting lies, blatant lies. And they do it at Trump's behest. He's probably going to fire Priebus and Spicer, but that is getting rid of two of the sane ones. It's a circus act reality show. His legislative agenda is in the shitter.
Was that reported on CNN?
Why would you want to know? LOL
Well wtf happened?
Aint even been a month!
The problem is Trump using his biz model: chaos. Everyone with any inside knowledge has said this two headed beast of a chief of staff thing with Bannon and Prebus would be chaos, and that's what we see.

It may be that Trump knew what Flynn was up to, and approved, and was complicit in sending the VP out to lie like Susan Rice. I don't think that's anymore impeachable than was Benghazi, but of course the Trumpbots would say Obama should have been impeached or at least Clinton "locked up." It may turn out that Trump does owe money to Russians, and that might actually be a crime, and THAT would require impeachment even by a gop congress.

But Trump needs to put one person as gatekeeper. Everyone answers truthfully to that person, and ANY agendas otherwise results in immediate firing. And that person has access to the President 24/7, and has the President's best interest at heart, assuming that interest is the same as the nation's, and that is really the question at this point.

The problem for Trump is that he is closest to Bannon, Conway and Flynn ... none of whom is trustworthy. They may be loyal tot Trump, but they are parroting lies, blatant lies. And they do it at Trump's behest. He's probably going to fire Priebus and Spicer, but that is getting rid of two of the sane ones. It's a circus act reality show. His legislative agenda is in the shitter.
Was that reported on CNN?
Why would you want to know? LOL
It was a long winded hyper partisan conglomeration of assertions backed up by opinion and supported by conclusions. Seemed right.
Can any of you idiots explain why you hired a Muslim spy ring to run your IT? The stole select intelligence committee info, among other things. When will you hold your leaders accountable?

They will hold their leadership accountable about the same time you admit Trump and some of his picks are pathetic!

FYI: The op'er might be a toe tapping glory hole loving Republican but he is as Liberal as your or my responses are sane!

So please stop with how he supported Obama because he loves Obama as much as you love Clinton and the thing is TN is not using Obama to excuse Trump stupidity!
Did Obama ever have a cabinet pick who left in disgrace after 3 weeks?
Nope, all the disgraceful assholes he picked stayed for the full 8 years.
And can you list their indictments?....

When the President and his A.G. refuse to indict, they walk away free., as holder, rice, lerner and clinton walked away....that is the difference between democrats and Republicans......
You mean, the difference is all those indicted AND convicted people in Republican administrations, right?

You mean the fact that obama refused to indict the criminals in his own administration? It is hard to indict someone when the people who do the indicting are protecting the criminals....but that day is over......
Can we not just talk about Trumps shitty pick? You know, the guy that had to resign within a goddamn month? Are none of you guys embarrassed? I am, and I didn't even vote for Trump..
Well wtf happened?
Aint even been a month!
/---- He is picking the best people but no one with any common sense believes you get it right on the first try. Sometimes it just doesn't work out and you see things you didn't see before. Now if you ever had a job you were most likely in a 30 to 90 day probation period. Because even though you aced the interview you may crack under the pressure of the job. Picking the best is an on going process. But I think you knew that already and are just acting out because you hate Pres Trump.
Didn't the Democrats warn The Trump Administration about this VERY thing?

Nice try, but no.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Well wtf happened?
Aint even been a month!
/---- He is picking the best people but no one with any common sense believes you get it right on the first try. Sometimes it just doesn't work out and you see things you didn't see before. Now if you ever had a job you were most likely in a 30 to 90 day probation period. Because even though you aced the interview you may crack under the pressure of the job. Picking the best is an on going process. But I think you knew that already and are just acting out because you hate Pres Trump.
Didn't the Democrats warn The Trump Administration about this VERY thing?

Nice try, but no.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Lol, like anyone would listen to a Dem
Can we not just talk about Trumps shitty pick? You know, the guy that had to resign within a goddamn month? Are none of you guys embarrassed? I am, and I didn't even vote for Trump..
o_O Why are you embarrassed TN? Were you the one that picked Flynn without fully vetting him?

This is just WASHINGTON, same idiotic bullshit, different dickhead in charge.

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