I thought you were going to pick the best people?

Hindsight is 20/20. Where were you guys the last eight years?
Did Obama ever have a cabinet pick who left in disgrace after 3 weeks? This is just the beginning, far more to follow out the door
You keep thumping your tiny chest expecting it to scare people. Like a little monkey in a zoo.

The Unfaithful Departed: Meet The People Who Bailed On The Obama Administration | Zero Hedge
Friday's latest resignation of yet another former Obama administration faithful - that of White House press secretary Jay Carney - got us thinking: how many people have jumped off the USS Obamic? The answer is, in short, a lot.

Below is a list (by no means complete) of the most prominent officials and advisors who have quietly exited the Obama administration stage left over the past 6 years.
Well wtf happened?
Aint even been a month!

You mean like eric holder....Fast and Furious...where they let drug cartels buy guns, and led to the death of a federal agen.

You mean like susan rice, who went on all the talk shows stating the attack on Bhengazi was because of a video.....4 men died when obama refused to provide upgraded security....or his choice for Secretary of STate refused....

or lois lerner...who weaponized the IRS to target political opponents...and was never punished....

You mean like that?
Every single point you made is an outright lie, Homer. Of course you would never mention the exact same program that Bush initiated- wide receiver.
Do you know the attack wasn't cause by a video, and what the hell difference did it make, and to say Obama refused security is a big fat lie also.
You are on a run Homer, everything wrong

Nope....that is a lie.....Bush's program ended after a few weapons were unable to be tracked......obama allowed 3,000 weapons to be sold to drug cartels with no plan on tracking them...other than when they were found at crime and murder scenes in Mexico.....

obama allowed those 4 men to die because his pick as Secretary of State did not give them enough security...and you asswipes ran that pick to be President.....so this wringing of hands of Flynn is bullshit......

I hope that Trump brings in the suspects and puts them under oath....this outing of Flynn was a major national security breach and needs to be dealt with......they need to be put under oath, arrested and put in prison.....
As long as the US insists upon occupying the middle east you can look forward to more of this regardless of who you vote for. Sorry for interjecting objective reality into your alternative facts perceptual reality.
Well wtf happened?
Aint even been a month!
At least he didn't hire a Muslim spy ring to run his IT department. Silly Dems. Always fixated on the wrong thing.

Look at you lamely attempting to change the subject. Too funny!
Just pointing out liberals don't give two fucks about national security and your silly op means nothing. When are you going to start holding Democrat leadership accountable for their massive failures? We had an issue and rectified it. Meanwhile dumb ass Dems sit around circle jerking each other about how smart they are. The stole everything from the dem leadership. It resulted in a dead navy seal. Why did you hire Muslim spies to run your IT?
Did Obama ever have a cabinet pick who left in disgrace after 3 weeks?
Nope, all the disgraceful assholes he picked stayed for the full 8 years.
So you're guessing Don's cast of disgraceful assholes won't?
No, I'm guessing that I don't really give a flying fuck if they do, however the thing that does really concern me is that hallucination problem you seem to have regarding seeing things that weren't posted.
Did Obama ever have a cabinet pick who left in disgrace after 3 weeks?
Nope, all the disgraceful assholes he picked stayed for the full 8 years.
And can you list their indictments?....

When the President and his A.G. refuse to indict, they walk away free., as holder, rice, lerner and clinton walked away....that is the difference between democrats and Republicans......
There is no difference between "democrats and Republicans", none. We always wind up at the same place, some of us just feel better being societally sodomized by one versus the other.
Well wtf happened?
Aint even been a month!

You mean like eric holder....Fast and Furious...where they let drug cartels buy guns, and led to the death of a federal agen.

You mean like susan rice, who went on all the talk shows stating the attack on Bhengazi was because of a video.....4 men died when obama refused to provide upgraded security....or his choice for Secretary of STate refused....

or lois lerner...who weaponized the IRS to target political opponents...and was never punished....

You mean like that?
Every single point you made is an outright lie, Homer. Of course you would never mention the exact same program that Bush initiated- wide receiver.
Do you know the attack wasn't cause by a video, and what the hell difference did it make, and to say Obama refused security is a big fat lie also.
You are on a run Homer, everything wrong

Nope....that is a lie.....Bush's program ended after a few weapons were unable to be tracked......obama allowed 3,000 weapons to be sold to drug cartels with no plan on tracking them...other than when they were found at crime and murder scenes in Mexico.....

obama allowed those 4 men to die because his pick as Secretary of State did not give them enough security...and you asswipes ran that pick to be President.....so this wringing of hands of Flynn is bullshit......

I hope that Trump brings in the suspects and puts them under oath....this outing of Flynn was a major national security breach and needs to be dealt with......they need to be put under oath, arrested and put in prison.....
As long as the US insists upon occupying the middle east you can look forward to more of this regardless of who you vote for. Sorry for interjecting objective reality into your alternative facts perceptual reality.

Wow....you took a double dose of stupid pills this morning....

Terrrific rebuttal. Denial.
Well wtf happened?
Aint even been a month!
At least he didn't hire a Muslim spy ring to run his IT department. Silly Dems. Always fixated on the wrong thing.

Look at you lamely attempting to change the subject. Too funny!
Just pointing out liberals don't give two fucks about national security and your silly op means nothing. When are you going to start holding Democrat leadership accountable for their massive failures? We had an issue and rectified it. Meanwhile dumb ass Dems sit around circle jerking each other about how smart they are. The stole everything from the dem leadership. It resulted in a dead navy seal. Why did you hire Muslim spies to run your IT?

TN isn't a liberal. Did you know O.O. Howard was flanked at the Battle of Chancellorsville? lol
Did Obama ever have a cabinet pick who left in disgrace after 3 weeks?
Nope, all the disgraceful assholes he picked stayed for the full 8 years.
So you're guessing Don's cast of disgraceful assholes won't?
No, I'm guessing that I don't really give a flying fuck if they do, however the thing that does really concern me is that hallucination problem you seem to have regarding seeing things that weren't posted.

Ah, so you only care about "one" side's transgressions.
Did Obama ever have a cabinet pick who left in disgrace after 3 weeks?
Nope, all the disgraceful assholes he picked stayed for the full 8 years.
So you're guessing Don's cast of disgraceful assholes won't?
No, I'm guessing that I don't really give a flying fuck if they do, however the thing that does really concern me is that hallucination problem you seem to have regarding seeing things that weren't posted.

Ah, so you only care about "one" side's transgressions.
There's that hallucination problem rearing it's ugly head again, perhaps you should cut back on your daily straw man intake.
Well wtf happened?
Aint even been a month!
At least he didn't hire a Muslim spy ring to run his IT department. Silly Dems. Always fixated on the wrong thing.

Look at you lamely attempting to change the subject. Too funny!
Just pointing out liberals don't give two fucks about national security and your silly op means nothing. When are you going to start holding Democrat leadership accountable for their massive failures? We had an issue and rectified it. Meanwhile dumb ass Dems sit around circle jerking each other about how smart they are. The stole everything from the dem leadership. It resulted in a dead navy seal. Why did you hire Muslim spies to run your IT?
OK, THAT time I am laughing at you :lol:
Did Obama ever have a cabinet pick who left in disgrace after 3 weeks?
Nope, all the disgraceful assholes he picked stayed for the full 8 years.
So you're guessing Don's cast of disgraceful assholes won't?
No, I'm guessing that I don't really give a flying fuck if they do, however the thing that does really concern me is that hallucination problem you seem to have regarding seeing things that weren't posted.

Ah, so you only care about "one" side's transgressions.
There's that hallucination problem rearing it's ugly head again, perhaps you should cut back on your daily straw man intake.
Run run run runaway.
Well wtf happened?
Aint even been a month!
At least he didn't hire a Muslim spy ring to run his IT department. Silly Dems. Always fixated on the wrong thing.

Look at you lamely attempting to change the subject. Too funny!
Just pointing out liberals don't give two fucks about national security and your silly op means nothing. When are you going to start holding Democrat leadership accountable for their massive failures? We had an issue and rectified it. Meanwhile dumb ass Dems sit around circle jerking each other about how smart they are. The stole everything from the dem leadership. It resulted in a dead navy seal. Why did you hire Muslim spies to run your IT?
OK, THAT time I am laughing at you :lol:

That's b/c you're a flag burning lolberal prick! :mad:
Can any of you idiots explain why you hired a Muslim spy ring to run your IT? The stole select intelligence committee info, among other things. When will you hold your leaders accountable?
Nope, all the disgraceful assholes he picked stayed for the full 8 years.
So you're guessing Don's cast of disgraceful assholes won't?
No, I'm guessing that I don't really give a flying fuck if they do, however the thing that does really concern me is that hallucination problem you seem to have regarding seeing things that weren't posted.

Ah, so you only care about "one" side's transgressions.
There's that hallucination problem rearing it's ugly head again, perhaps you should cut back on your daily straw man intake.
Run run run runaway.
Okay, whatever works for ya.....cya later. :fu:
Can any of you idiots explain why you hired a Muslim spy ring to run your IT? The stole select intelligence committee info, among other things. When will you hold your leaders accountable?
Oh please, hold leaders accountable in america? That's not what america is, never has been. The other guy's leaders? Yeah, we want them held accountable, sure.

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