I told you all months ago - Impeachment

Obama's days were numbered due to this. I told you months ago. Do you believe me now?

Go for it. I've been double dog daring chickenshit republicans to do it for months now. And laughing at the stunning lack of a backbone between them in their refusal to do it.

Don't talk about it. Don't babble. Don't give us snivelling excuses why you're not impeaching.

Impeach already.

Republicans won't, of course. But fuck, its fun to point at them and laugh at their empty bravado.

I would have no problem doing this and would have already done it years ago. Hell I would have actually done it under the basis that he is black. However, this republican congress isn't racist, so that reason isn't good enough...

Uh-huh. That's why republicans are still giving us pathetic, snivelling excuses for why they WON'T impeach. Because they really, really want to.

Ah, I love mocking them mercilessly for their lack of conviction, fortitude and will. Either they don't actually believe half the bullshit they say about Obama. Or they're just gutless yellow turds without an iota of moral courage among them.

Impeach already, chickenshits. I double dog dare you.

What a great response that bears repeating every time one of these asshole Rethugs trot out the ole "we're gonna impeach Obama........again.

How many times do you get to impeach the same President?
Top reasons for impeachment:

1. Teleprompter reading
2. Excessive golf
3. Bowing
4. Hating America
5. Not being Republican
Just a heads up some dems are siding with the GOP on the abuse of the potential EO, which is constitutional allowed with the broad forign powers article II allows the President on Forigh affairs, as long as it's an EO. Not good for Obama. Not good at all. This means everybody is finding the extreme acts by this president without the congress involved troubling. Not to mention what it involves..



That's your thesis for this thread - as to Obama being impeached?

That's all that is needed. ;) Clinton was impeached due to an affair by the house, and he lied about it under oath in the senate, but it was only an affair. See my point? publically humiliate the guy and he goes away.

Bill Clinton hasn't "gone away". He finished his term with very high approval ratings, led his party to victory in the midterms during his impeachment, and now sits as an uniformly loved Democrat elder statesmen.
Wow what love for pedo Bill.
Top reasons for impeachment:

1. Teleprompter reading
2. Excessive golf
3. Bowing
4. Hating America
5. Not being Republican

Excessive golf is the big one. And don't forget he has big ears.
I think Ike destroyed the golf charge, they have even published a book about Ike spending so much time on the course. I still think the best charge would be where Republicans started, birth certificate. They must have a major investment in birth certificate research by now and it would be a shame to let all that money and research go to waste.
No law need be broken, the House charges and the Senate conducts the trial, but it is not a trial for a broken law. One of the charges the House levied against Johnson was that he yelled at the Congress. If a law has been broken that trial can take place after the impeachment in a regular court.



you should be shot at dawn ....you know what I mean

all our hopes are so high...that the Indonesian Muslim in Chief has been impeached...

then we come here and read its all a lie?????

sad sad sad!
Why does Skye turn me on...no matter what she says?
You're obviously attracted to stupidity.
Skye is awesome...she is trapped in the 50's/ 60's. I want to take her to an old timed themed party one day.
1850s, 60s.
Lemme give you a hint......


Now can you see your chain that's been repeatedly pulled for a full day?
Sorry bout that,

No grounds for impeachment.

Never has been.

Also, Junior is an idiot who said he pees on his mother's bathroom floor.

Sorry bout that,

1. No its bad, very bad, when you find out what he has offered Iran.


Don't you mean what the Repubs offered Iran? As in, 'go ahead with your weapons plans, the Republicans have your back'.

Isn't that what you meant to write?

Your comments are uncalled for.
We're having civil and serious discussion here. Step aside....And if you've nothing substantive to add, stay out of it.


This is a "serious discussion" to you?

There's nothing "serious" about this.

Not sure I could use that descriptive for anything involving a person whose comments habitually follow a numeric bullet point format of incomprehensible sentence fragments, beginning with "Sorry bout that" and signed "Sir James of Texas."

1. Wait till you actually hear and see what Obama is offering, its really really bad for American interests.
2. And Israelis.
3. And Netanyahu is aware of it and was warned not to say what it is before his speech before the Senate.
4. This is just about to blow the fuck up the Obama Administration, and will more than likely get Biden as well, it looks like Boehner will be President soon folks.
5. One main reason we need to get Boehner out!
6. Boehner will pardon both Obama and Biden.
7. And we as a Nation don't need that to happen.


You're going to have to show me a link to this agreement. I've looked for the text of it and it's not on line. Maybe because it's not even an agreement yet. All they're doing is negotiating. No one has agreed to anything.

So you're going to have to come up with some proof of this. If you can't. then I'm right to believe you're full of garbage.
I double dog dare the House Republicans to introduce an impeachment resolution and vote on it!
I double dog dare the House Republicans to introduce an impeachment resolution and vote on it!

Oh yeah? I TRIPLE dog dare the House Republicans to introduce an impeachment resolutions and vote on it!

Those low down, lily livered lollygaggers.

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