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I want it back: it was Camelot

Kennedy's tax cut bill which became the Revenue Act of 1964 cut income tax rates across the board by approximately 20%. In addition to individual income tax cuts, the act slightly reduced corporate tax rates and introduced a minimum standard deduction among other cuts.

And yet anyone who suggests that today is accused of as being a "radical tea bagger". Yet there is the libtard Golden Boy on record as stating that cutting taxes is critical to a struggling economy.

No! - You just want the Middle Class to keep paying the highest tax rates & the rich to keep enjoying the tax subsidies. If you are for cutting income & payroll taxes on the middle class we are all for it. The Rich don't pay near the percent payroll or income tax rates & have huge loopholes. Get rid of payroll & sales taxes & make everyone pay a flat income tax rate above $25k with zero loopholes. Use "income splitting" for married couples to eliminate the marriage penalty. That will cause the Rich will lose their tax subsidy & they will cry like babies.

Where in the hell do you get that that is what I want?!? Here is what I want:

10% federal income tax rate across the board. No deductibles. No loopholes. At that point, the IRS becomes completely unnecessary so we save untold billions on that monstrosity - at the same time the economy is hitting on all cylinders thanks to this policy so there are more people to pull taxes from.

There is no downside (unless, of course, you're a greedy libtard who wants to bleed everyone dry of what they earned).
Today's better. Except for Pub 24/7 bitching and moaning, fear mongering, obstruction, and of course ruining the world 2001-9...

thanks for your ilk destroying California Frankie.....appreciate it.....before you fucking far lefties moved in this place was a nice place to live......thanx Frankie....:fu:
We are coming up fast on the fiftieth anniversary of the assassination of President Kennedy. While it is good and proper to respectfully note the assassination of any political leader in America, the establishment left in America has tried since November 1963 to bleat, blame, and badger their countrymen into accepting the false notion that Kennedy was a great president or, indeed, a good man. The assassination of his brother five years later magnified this theme.

What is the truth about JFK? How ought we to view this president in the light of what we know now?

Every new revelation about JFK since his death makes him look worse. Consider his military career. PT boats were small, fast, and nimble. Any competent skipper would have used these advantages, but Kennedy managed the remarkable feat of being the only PT skipper in the Second World War to have his boat rammed. If his name had not been "Kennedy," he might have face court martial instead of glory.

His political career was greased by Papa Joe, who had built up a fortune selling short during the Depression (gambling that stocks would drop in value), bootlegging booze with crime boss Frank Costello, and creating a corrupt political machine which stole the West Virginia Democrat primary from Humphrey and carried Illinois in the general election by winning every graveyard in Chicago by a landslide.

Much of the muck of Kennedy was concealed by those who knew the truth, and no establishment reporter exercised much energy trying to dig up Kennedy scandals. Kennedy was addicted to meth, and his behavior bordered on the psychotic as times, the New York Post reported recently.

About his sordid sex life, the putrescence began to ooze out decades ago. We learned in 1976 that Kennedy and Giancana had sex with the same woman, Judith Exner. Then, in 1988, Exner, dying of cancer, revealed that she had carried messages back and forth between the mob and President Kennedy. About the time the Exner story broke in the 1970s, America learned that President Kennedy was a serial adulterer and that both he and RFK had had sex with Marilyn Monroe, which in light of her suicide makes their roles particularly malodorous.................

Read more: Articles: The Camelot Fraud
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But the Photos !!!!!!! lol
Camelot a fraud? Camelot was a vision and the Kennedy's did a good job of spreading that vision across America, regardless of how flawed their personal life might have been. People believed in the vision which made it happen. The chains of segregation would be broken forever. We would prevail in the fight against communism. If a Catholic could be elected president, a back man could go to Ole Miss, we could go to the moon and we could accomplish anything. That was Camelot, a vision, a dream.

It is sad that we have gone from that vision that we could accomplish anything we set out to do to today's Republican meme that we can't do anything because we're broke.
It is sad that we have gone from that vision that we could accomplish anything we set out to do to today's Republican meme that we can't do anything because we're broke.

Yeah, uh, actually it's libtards who claim we can't do anything unless government does it for us.

And by the way - we went broke over 100 years ago. Now, thanks to liberals, we are teetering on the brink of total collapse (like the former U.S.S.R.). We're so far beyond "broke" and it speaks volumes as to the profound ignorance of libtards that we are $16 trillion in debt and someone has to explain to them that we are "broke" :eusa_whistle:
It is sad that we have gone from that vision that we could accomplish anything we set out to do to today's Republican meme that we can't do anything because we're broke.

"Ask NOT what you're country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country". - President John F. Kennedy

Today, his party not only only asks what the country can do for them, they demand that the country do it for them. They have become the parasite class - producing nothing, only taking.

And that is why the "dream" died (and I use that term loosely as Kennedy was a dirtbag who was laughing at the bullshit he was feeding his libtard followers who were - and still are - swallowing the shit as fast as he could feed it to them).
And yet anyone who suggests that today is accused of as being a "radical tea bagger". Yet there is the libtard Golden Boy on record as stating that cutting taxes is critical to a struggling economy.

No! - You just want the Middle Class to keep paying the highest tax rates & the rich to keep enjoying the tax subsidies. If you are for cutting income & payroll taxes on the middle class we are all for it. The Rich don't pay near the percent payroll or income tax rates & have huge loopholes. Get rid of payroll & sales taxes & make everyone pay a flat income tax rate above $25k with zero loopholes. Use "income splitting" for married couples to eliminate the marriage penalty. That will cause the Rich will lose their tax subsidy & they will cry like babies.

Where in the hell do you get that that is what I want?!? Here is what I want:

10% federal income tax rate across the board. No deductibles. No loopholes. At that point, the IRS becomes completely unnecessary so we save untold billions on that monstrosity - at the same time the economy is hitting on all cylinders thanks to this policy so there are more people to pull taxes from.

There is no downside (unless, of course, you're a greedy libtard who wants to bleed everyone dry of what they earned).

Why do you want to keep the payroll taxes to punish the middle class & subsidize the rich? Payroll taxes make employing people here in the USA more expensive than foreigners. So our workers get fired & foreigners get hired. Those payroll taxes have to go. Federal revenue has averaged 18% of GDP & we still run deficits. We have to eliminate payroll tax & make the flat tax rate 18% unless you want more debt & rampant inflation. Starve the beast is insanely stupid & caused insane inflation & a credit downgrade. If you don't have the balls to stop spending, then don't be a pussy & refuse to pay your bills.
No! - You just want the Middle Class to keep paying the highest tax rates & the rich to keep enjoying the tax subsidies. If you are for cutting income & payroll taxes on the middle class we are all for it. The Rich don't pay near the percent payroll or income tax rates & have huge loopholes. Get rid of payroll & sales taxes & make everyone pay a flat income tax rate above $25k with zero loopholes. Use "income splitting" for married couples to eliminate the marriage penalty. That will cause the Rich will lose their tax subsidy & they will cry like babies.

Where in the hell do you get that that is what I want?!? Here is what I want:

10% federal income tax rate across the board. No deductibles. No loopholes. At that point, the IRS becomes completely unnecessary so we save untold billions on that monstrosity - at the same time the economy is hitting on all cylinders thanks to this policy so there are more people to pull taxes from.

There is no downside (unless, of course, you're a greedy libtard who wants to bleed everyone dry of what they earned).

Why do you want to keep the payroll taxes to punish the middle class & subsidize the rich? Payroll taxes make employing people here in the USA more expensive than foreigners. So our workers get fired & foreigners get hired. Those payroll taxes have to go. Federal revenue has averaged 18% of GDP & we still run deficits. We have to eliminate payroll tax & make the flat tax rate 18% unless you want more debt & rampant inflation. Starve the beast is insanely stupid & caused insane inflation & a credit downgrade. If you don't have the balls to stop spending, then don't be a pussy & refuse to pay your bills.

I'm not arguing - get rid of the payroll tax. I support that 100%.
Those are Mexicans, dimwit, and they're here because Megarich Pubs love em and refuse a good SS ID card, FOREVER!

Bullshit Frankie....there have always been Mexicans here.....and your buddies,those Far Left Liberals who have come here from other States over the last 30 years i was telling you about?.....they wont let anyone do ANYTHING about Illegal Immigration.....if you try something.....you get called a RACIST......thanx Frankie....your kind of people SUCK the life out of things....
I want people back that I knew as Democrats. I want good men and women who believed in chasing a dream. I want my liberals back.

I want Camelot not Communist dreams. I want real hope and change not dime store bullies from Chicago.

I want the real deal.


Don't romanticize it TD - liberals built their entire platform over 100 years ago on Karl Marx's teachings. Woodrow Wilson and FDR did ungodly damage to this nation which will most likely never be repaired. The dumbocrats have been a bunch of anti-constitutional cancers since the beginning of their twisted socialist ideology.

By the why, JFK cheated on his lovely wife 24x7 with literally hundreds of whores from around the nation. And he got elected because his daddy - who bootlegged alcohol for the mafia during prohibition - promised the mafia they would have their "own man in the White House" if they would deliver him the victory. Sam Giancana promptly rigged the Illinois election (which was the state that put Kennedy over the top in the closest race in U.S. history).

Glad you were able to compact so much ignorance in one post.
I want people back that I knew as Democrats. I want good men and women who believed in chasing a dream. I want my liberals back.

I want Camelot not Communist dreams. I want real hope and change not dime store bullies from Chicago.

I want the real deal.


I would like the entire 60s back. It is not going to happen. Get over it.
Personally, it was a time when I still believed my actions could make a difference. I believed in the politicians I worked for - Dick Lamm, Pat Schroeder, Dave Nolan. I actually believed that if people knew about hunger in our country, nothing could stop them from ending it.

The truth is, we don't live in the Donna Reed Show and there never was a Camelot because money is and always will be the driving force behind most people's actions.

Today is the anniversary of Robert Kennedy's assassination. Think of how different it might have been if he had won the election instead of Tricky Dicky.

At least we got the good legislation of Edward Kennedy's.
Oh bullshit.

Reagan engaged in treason when he made deals with the Iranians to get back the hostages in exchange for weapons.

And used that money to equip death squads in Central America.

Real pop tart.

Saying garbage like that should be considered treason.
It is sad that we have gone from that vision that we could accomplish anything we set out to do to today's Republican meme that we can't do anything because we're broke.

"Ask NOT what you're country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country". - President John F. Kennedy

Today, his party not only only asks what the country can do for them, they demand that the country do it for them. They have become the parasite class - producing nothing, only taking.

And that is why the "dream" died (and I use that term loosely as Kennedy was a dirtbag who was laughing at the bullshit he was feeding his libtard followers who were - and still are - swallowing the shit as fast as he could feed it to them).

You are not even smart enough to know what JFK's 'Ask not' was about.

It was a call to public service. That is the legacy of the whole Kennedy family. Every Kennedy has made a dedication to public service; a commitment to serve the Great Republic as President Kennedy called for.


College President Calvin Plimpton ’39, U.S. President John F. Kennedy,
and J. Alfred Guest ’33, Secretary of theBoard of Trustees, at the
Presidential Convocationand Groundbreaking for the Robert Frost Library,
October 26, 1963

Remarks at Amherst College, October 26, 1963


"Privilege is here, and with privilege goes responsibility. There is inherited wealth in this country and also inherited poverty. And unless the graduates of this college and other colleges like it who are given a running start in life--unless they are willing to put back into our society, those talents, the broad sympathy, the understanding, the compassion--unless they are willing to put those qualities back into the service of the Great Republic, then obviously the presuppositions upon which our democracy are based are bound to be fallible.

The problems which this country now faces are staggering, both at home and abroad. We need the service, in the great sense, of every educated man or woman to find 10 million jobs in the next 2 1/2 years, to govern our relations--a country which lived in isolation for 150 years, and is now suddenly the leader of the free world--to govern our relations with over 100 countries, to govern those relations with success so that the balance of power remains strong on the side of freedom, to make it possible for Americans of all different races and creeds to live together in harmony, to make it possible for a world to exist in diversity and freedom. All this requires the best of all of us.

Therefore, I am proud to come to this college, whose graduates have recognized this obligation and to say to those who are now here that the need is endless, and I am confident that you will respond.

Robert Frost said:

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

I hope that road will not be the less traveled by, and I hope your commitment to the Great Republic's interest in the years to come will be worthy of your long inheritance since your beginning.

I look forward to a great future for America, a future in which our country will match its military strength with our moral restraint, its wealth with our wisdom, its power with our purpose. I look forward to an America which will not be afraid of grace and beauty, which will protect the beauty of our natural environment, which will preserve the great old American houses and squares and parks of our national past, and which will build handsome and balanced cities for our future.

I look forward to an America which will reward achievement in the arts as we reward achievement in business or statecraft. I look forward to an America which will steadily raise the standards of artistic accomplishment and which will steadily enlarge cultural opportunities for all of our citizens. And I look forward to an America which commands respect throughout the world not only for its strength but for its civilization as well. And I look forward to a world which will be safe not only for democracy and diversity but also for personal distinction.

Robert Frost was often skeptical about projects for human improvement, yet I do not think he would disdain this hope. As he wrote during the uncertain days of the Second War:

Take human nature altogether since time
began . . .
And it must be a little more in favor of
Say a fraction of one percent at the very
least . . .
Our hold on this planet wouldn't have so

Because of Mr. Frost's life and work, because of the life and work of this college, our hold on this planet has increased."
I saw JFK at a campaign rally in 1960....middle of the night at an airport.....he had a HUGE head...out of proportion to his body.....reminded me of Alfred E. Neuman:

I want people back that I knew as Democrats. I want good men and women who believed in chasing a dream. I want my liberals back.

I want Camelot not Communist dreams. I want real hope and change not dime store bullies from Chicago.

I want the real deal.


The times were great in the early 60's - if you were white and male at least.
Personally, it was a time when I still believed my actions could make a difference. I believed in the politicians I worked for - Dick Lamm, Pat Schroeder, Dave Nolan. I actually believed that if people knew about hunger in our country, nothing could stop them from ending it.

The truth is, we don't live in the Donna Reed Show and there never was a Camelot because money is and always will be the driving force behind most people's actions.

Today is the anniversary of Robert Kennedy's assassination. Think of how different it might have been if he had won the election instead of Tricky Dicky.

At least we got the good legislation of Edward Kennedy's.

RFK did not like at all how his party,especially Mayor Daley handled the demonstrators at the Chicago Convention in 69.....so yea i am sure there would have been some changes....
I saw JFK at a campaign rally in 1960....middle of the night at an airport.....he had a HUGE head...out of proportion to his body.....reminded me of Alfred E. Neuman:


your brain seems like it may be smaller than normal.....so whats your point?....

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