I want my vote to count

First of all....My first 20 years of voting was in a suburb of NYC. A high population area. My wife and I would be at the polls at 7AM and the entire process of waiting voting and drive home was 30 minutes.

Second....why is it that people are willing to wait online for 2 days for the new iphone, wait for 3 days for concert tickets, wait for an hour at a check cashing place....but for the privelage to vote? "why should I waste my valuable time"...

Its pathetic.
Think about it, those things you mentioned are usually done on their days off, weekends..... Not a work day! And they have to vote in the district they live, not where they work.

It shouldn't take more than 30 minutes to vote in person, if it takes more than that, then something is wrong, not enough voting places, or not enough poll workers or not enough working voting machines, and it turns to disenfranchising citizens, of their right to vote thru frustration, or just seeing the long lines and wait times....makes one walk.
Retired people have all day long to vote. People who work for a living have a narrow window of opportunity after work when it is getting dark and cold. It's not just lefties who find trying to vote late in the day to be an unreasonable ordeal.

The polls here are open from 6:30 until 7:00. I worked from 6:30 until 6:30. Luckily I was able to leave a little early if I worked election day but it was a half hour drive home. My window to vote was small even being able to leave early.

The advent of early voting made is far easier and there is nothing wrong with that.
The polls here are open from 6:30 until 7:00. I worked from 6:30 until 6:30. Luckily I was able to leave a little early if I worked election day but it was a half hour drive home. My window to vote was small even being able to leave early.

The advent of early voting made is far easier and there is nothing wrong with that.
I read that we as a Nation allowed early voting from the very beginning. Land owners had to make a special trip to the County Seat by horse, to vote....

Due to this, they allowed land owners to vote early, whenever they could make it there, in their busy schedules!
Most of the long lines I have heard of are in the big blue cities.

Yep, the GOP running the state election offices cut the number of places to vote down so that people have to wait in line longer. It is an effort to discourage voting.
Retired people have all day long to vote. People who work for a living have a narrow window of opportunity after work when it is getting dark and cold. It's not just lefties who find trying to vote late in the day to be an unreasonable ordeal.
Our polls are open 6-6. I voted at 7AM. I had a choice of that or around 5, where it probably would be a lot more crowded.
People are willing, but if there is a better way, why should they not take advantage of it?

You all seem to take doing things the hard way as some sort of badge of honor.

There is nothing more secure than voting in person and having to present a valid state ID. People that actually care about making sure their vote counts do so in person.
There is nothing more secure than voting in person and having to present a valid state ID. People that actually care about making sure their vote counts do so in person.

How do you know once your vote is in the machine it is being counted?

Last election when I voted by mail I had to request the ballot and it could only be mailed to the address on file when i registered to vote, then when it came it had a tracking code known only to me. I tracked it from mailbox to post office to elections office to being process to being counted. Once at the county election office the signature is checked and if it does not match you receive an email and you have till election day to fix it or your vote is thrown out.

How is what you do any more secure than what I did.
Voting in person might seem innovative these days but that's how they did it for about 200 years.

And 200 years ago we rode horses and used candles at night.

Should we go back to that also?
So, I voted in person. Took me 10 minutes to drive there, another 10 minutes to vote, and I was out of there. It was actually busier than normal. And, they asked me for my ID to make sure I was registered and I was who I said I was.

I just got back from voting. It's always so nice. Strangers greet each other with smiles, everybody is so happy, there is a feeling of unity because you have a gathering of people that actually care about their country. It's almost like that feeling you get going Christmas shopping.

I feel bad for the people that are too lazy to experience the aura of voting in person with their fellow citizens. Like you, a few minutes to get there, about ten or so minutes to vote, and when you leave, you feel like a real American.
Vote by mail and your vote will still count. No difference at all.

And you seem to have the luxury of living in a low population area. I have to wonder if you would be willing to wait in line for 2 to 3 hours to vote.
Before this present BS did you ever hear of absentee ballots? And we knew the results in a day or 2 at most. LOL
Think about it, those things you mentioned are usually done on their days off, weekends..... Not a work day! And they have to vote in the district they live, not where they work.

It shouldn't take more than 30 minutes to vote in person, if it takes more than that, then something is wrong, not enough voting places, or not enough poll workers or not enough working voting machines, and it turns to disenfranchising citizens, of their right to vote thru frustration, or just seeing the long lines and wait times....makes one walk.
So I see you never owned a business.

Try it sometime.

You will find that what you just said in your post is Bullshit
People are willing, but if there is a better way, why should they not take advantage of it?

You all seem to take doing things the hard way as some sort of badge of honor.
The easy way of getting an A is cheating.

The hard way is studying.

So there you have it.

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