I want to know why schools are punishing young girls

They both have vaginas
A little white girl is not supposed to be uncomfortable getting undressed next to a 6'2" guy with a 9 inch erection. But, suppose it's not a little white girl. Suppose it's a little black girl who says "Daddy, the girl with the next locker needs a shave and is always touching herself when she looks at me."

Black Daddy says "Don't be a bigot I'm sure she just wants to be friends."
Then we're back to deciding how much we care about the feelings of bigots. If a little white girl is uncomfortable sharing a locker with a little black girl is that the little black girls problem?
Thats not the same as young girls in the same room with a naked dude and you fucking know it.
Wrong. Judge Kavanaugh was simply accused by one person and we were told to believe her. We're simply supposed to bend over and accept whatever you fucked up ignorant pawns say.

Why would you pick an example where the result wasn't believed by enough people to stop his ascension to the highest Court in the land?
And it's their vaginas that necessitates separate facilities? Are you able to use the same toilet as the women in your house or was it only designed for vaginas? 😄
I am to old, I don't even remember what it's was like,
All I will say once again if I get a phone call from my granddaughter I will be there, pissed off in fighting mode
youre the one calling men studs for banging a bunch of sluts not me,, I never said it was just women,,

so why dont you answer why you call men studs and not sluts??

No, I didn't. You said the girls should be slut shamed. You didn't say the boys should receive the same treatment. Shouldn't fuck boys be mocked for only thinking with their dicks??????
A little white girl is not supposed to be uncomfortable getting undressed next to a 6'2" guy with a 9 inch erection. But, suppose it's not a little white girl. Suppose it's a little black girl who says "Daddy, the girl with the next locker needs a shave and is always touching herself when she looks at me."

Black Daddy says "Don't be a bigot I'm sure she just wants to be friends."
I don't get what you're saying, they both have vaginas
The problem is that while any typical girl would of course be uncomfortable with a dude watching them change and maki g inappropriate comments, many will put up with it as the price for playing sports.

It is up to men and women to make sure that is not the choice they have to make.
That is because The New World Order and The Marxist Fascist Pigs in the NEA teach Compliance, not Independence.
Toilets in people's private homes are not open to the public. If the toilet in your house is a public toilet you have more problems than who has a vagina.
No, I didn't. You said the girls should be slut shamed. You didn't say the boys should receive the same treatment. Shouldn't fuck boys be mocked for only thinking with their dicks??????
They can't help it, you know that
No, I didn't. You said the girls should be slut shamed. You didn't say the boys should receive the same treatment. Shouldn't fuck boys be mocked for only thinking with their dicks??????
now youre just a lying slut,, I never said girls and you did say men are studs,,

of course I said they should be treated the same,,

post my comment and prove me wrong,,
Thats not the same as young girls in the same room with a naked dude and you fucking know it.
1. I'm not sure anyone is fully naked in a high-school locker room. No one got fully naked in my high-school locker room and I think a few people would of been uncomfortable if they had.

2. It would be a naked trans girl and that girl is probably going to be more embarrassed about her body than the other girls are. That's the nature of gender dysphoria.

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