I want to know why schools are punishing young girls

1. I'm not sure anyone is fully naked in a high-school locker room. No one got fully naked in my high-school locker room and I think a few people would of been uncomfortable if they had.

2. It would be a naked trans girl and that girl is probably going to be more embarrassed about her body than the other girls are. That's the nature of gender dysphoria.
There is no such thing as a Trans anything. There is also no such thing as Gender Dysphoria. There is only Gender Dysphoria Programming which is mental and psychological confusion caused by indoctrination at the hands of The Alphabet Pedo Hair Sniffing Grooming Lobby's presence in our schools.
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1. I'm not sure anyone is fully naked in a high-school locker room. No one got fully naked in my high-school locker room and I think a few people would of been uncomfortable if they had.

2. It would be a naked trans girl and that girl is probably going to be more embarrassed about her body than the other girls are. That's the nature of gender dysphoria.
All girls think there body sucks,you do know that right? It's up to us guys to say they are beautiful
There is no such thing as a Trans anything. There is also not such thing as Gender Dysphoria. There is only Gender Dysphoria Programming which is mental and psychological confusion caused by indoctrination at the hands of The Alphabet Pedo Hair Sniffing Grooming Lobby's presence in our schools.
Did you learn that in Bible school? 😄
There is no such thing as a Trans anything. There is also not such thing as Gender Dysphoria. There is only Gender Dysphoria Programming which is mental and psychological confusion caused by indoctrination at the hands of The Alphabet Pedo Hair Sniffing Grooming Lobby's presence in our schools.

There actually is gender dysphoria, but true cases are very rare. What we are seeing now is other mental issues being thought of as symptoms of gender conflict, as well as being non gender conforming as the new counter-culture thing.

If limited to cosplay it's basically the new goth thing. The issue is using drugs and surgery on underage kids.
now youre just a lying slut,, I never said girls and you did say men are studs,,

of course I said they should be treated the same,,

post my comment and prove me wrong,,

No I didn't. I asked why the boys are celebrated as studs for the same behaviour that the girls are shamed for. I didn't say they ARE studs.

Your reading comprehension skills are seriously deficient. This isn't the first time you've taken something I posted and claimed it said something it didn't, and then responded to what you claimed I said, instead of what I really said.
No I didn't. I asked why the boys are celebrated as studs for the same behaviour that the girls are shamed for. I didn't say they ARE studs.

Your reading comprehension skills are seriously deficient. This isn't the first time you've taken something I posted and claimed it said something it didn't, and then responded to what you claimed I said, instead of what I really said.

Other girls are far more likely to use shame against other girls than boys using it. After all boys are getting the benefits of a girl with lower sexual inhibitions.
To be fair even if they have had the bottom surgery, they still don't have a vagina, just a pathetic replica of one.
True but trans mtf with bottom surgery isn't the problem. It's treating intact men as women. Because the men lie. They get a benefit from claiming they are women. They get access to women, they can take sports from women. Male prisoners get housed with women.
No I didn't. I asked why the boys are celebrated as studs for the same behaviour that the girls are shamed for. I didn't say they ARE studs.

Your reading comprehension skills are seriously deficient. This isn't the first time you've taken something I posted and claimed it said something it didn't, and then responded to what you claimed I said, instead of what I really said.
Do you support boys who identify as female in the girls locker room?
No I didn't. I asked why the boys are celebrated as studs for the same behaviour that the girls are shamed for. I didn't say they ARE studs.

Your reading comprehension skills are seriously deficient. This isn't the first time you've taken something I posted and claimed it said something it didn't, and then responded to what you claimed I said, instead of what I really said.
well you took something I said and lied about it,, when you did refer to men as studs when I didnt,,

slut shaming is good and helps those that are sluts stop doing it,,

I understand its to late for you but we can save future people from becoming sluts like you,,
True but trans mtf with bottom surgery isn't the problem. It's treating intact men as women. Because the men lie. They get a benefit from claiming they are women. They get access to women, they can take sports from women. Male prisoners get housed with women.

If it involves underage kids, it's a problem. It's also a problem at any age if it's sold as something remotely like the genuine article.

The whole situation is a problem.
The left is training us for the day when they can disregard gender so we can all be housed together before marching us to the gas house.
When does what end? Society grappling with conflicting philosophies? Never. Or, for as long as there are human beings.
I am ok so are you,but once again what do we do about the young girls who want to dress alone?

I get that society has to deal with transgender girls but why can't they use a different bathroom, why the girls,they are built different
The left is training us for the day when they can disregard gender so we can all be housed together before marching us to the gas house.
Why would that be necessary to do before hypothetically marching you to the gas house? 😄

You're over thinking it.

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