I want to know why schools are punishing young girls

transgender women, hahahahahahahaha they are men. dude, you can shout it until you die, but guess what, he's a man. got him a penis, no ovaries, can't get pregnant, and just is a man. Psssst, you can't change that.

You don't have to be a trans man to have ovaries, you can be a intersexed man and have ovaries instead of testicles. Even biology and nature are more open minded and fluid than you are. 😄
I'm a man. An actual one. You can tell because I'm not as frightened as you cowards and don't feel the need to talk about how I'd assault teenagers because they're different than I am. 😄

Nah, I got your number. I can tell by your last sentence that makes no sense.
You don't have to be a trans man to have ovaries, you can be a intersexed man and have ovaries instead of testicles. Even biology and nature are more open minded and fluid than you are. 😄
Are all transgenders intersexed?
It's not OK. Never has been, and never will.

When we forced God out of public schools, we invited Satan in in His place. What we are now seeing is a direct result.
There is usually more to these (so called) "righteous culture warrior" stories than Fox News reports on.

I doubt that this whole thing went down exactly like Father and Daughter here are trying to lead everyone to believe.

I suspect that the dad more than likely got suspended from his coaching job becsuse he can't keep his mouth shut about his political opinions at work.
He's probably been warned a fee times, then took a (ridiculous) stand, and lost.

Chances are his little bumble of joy daughter here is a case of the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, and she has most likely said a LOT more about this issue than she is reporting in this story.
And she (most likely) has not been very nice about it.
In fact, probably quite vile.

With all that being said, yeah, even as a left-of-the-left liberal I have a bit of difficulty with the whole "gender fluidity" thing.
I don't feel that it's right for individuals to foist their own personal identity crises off on others and force society to not only accept....but protect these identity crises as the "norm."
That is just MY opinion though.
And I don't make policy.

As I said there is usually more to these stories than what you are getting when you see them on Fox News.
I suspect the school district has actually bent over backwards trying to legally accomodate all parties involved in this issue.
There's a good chance this trans-gender student has it's own, partitioned off space within the locker room to change, that will afford everyone adequate privacy.....but Father and Daughter are still not satisfied with that and still want to fuss cuz it gets them publicity.

Of course....Fox would conveniently omit THAT part of the story.
It wouldn't play as well for riling up the infignant, self-righteous ire of the "culture warriors."

As for god in schools....two words.
First Amendment.
Are all transgenders intersexed?
I don't even know if any trans individuals are intersexed. That's got to be like hitting the Powerball twice with the same numbers.
I’m pretty sure bigotry is Darwinian. Why else would it exist in the first place if it’s not?
I'm sure it is too, just like greed and plunder. That doesn't mean it should be tolerated in decent society.
There is usually more to these (so called) "righteous culture warrior" stories than Fox News reports on.

I doubt that this whole thing went down exactly like Father and Daughter here are trying to lead everyone to believe.

I suspect that the dad more than likely got suspended from his coaching job becsuse he can't keep his mouth shut about his political opinions at work.
He's probably been warned a fee times, then took a (ridiculous) stand, and lost.

Chances are his little bumble of joy daughter here is a case of the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, and she has most likely said a LOT more about this issue than she is reporting in this story.
And she (most likely) has not been very nice about it.
In fact, probably quite vile.

With all that being said, yeah, even as a left-of-the-left liberal I have a bit of difficulty with the whole "gender fluidity" thing.
I don't feel that it's right for individuals to foist their own personal identity crises off on others and force society to not only accept....but protect these identity crises as the "norm."
That is just MY opinion though.
And I don't make policy.

As I said there is usually more to these stories than what you are getting when you see them on Fox News.
I suspect the school district has actually bent over backwards trying to legally accomodate all parties involved in this issue.
There's a good chance this trans-gender student has it's own, partitioned off space within the locker room to change, that will afford everyone adequate privacy.....but Father and Daughter are still not satisfied with that and still want to fuss cuz it gets them publicity.

Of course....Fox would conveniently omit THAT part of the story.
It wouldn't play as well for riling up the infignant, self-righteous ire of the "culture warriors."

As for god in schools....two words.
First Amendment.
Did you know the first Amendment - when it was written - did not apply to the states?
I don't even know if any trans individuals are intersexed. That's got to be like hitting the Powerball twice with the same numbers.
I suspect that some are and that they are the exception and not the rule. In other words, most probably aren’t.
I'm sure it is too, just like greed and plunder. That doesn't mean it should be tolerated in decent society.
Now you are making a moral argument which is no different than what your opposition is doing. Who defines what’s decent in a decent society?
Which really doesn't affect my point at all.
It kinda does. Intersexed individuals have a better case for being transgendered because they physically are. Men who feel like they are women and women who feel like they are men can’t make the same argument as an intersexed individual.
It was a conversation I had with some peers in French class that landed me in trouble with the officials at Randolph Union High School in Vermont. Someone overheard me telling my friends that a dude doesn’t belong in the girls’ locker room, and they reported me

The Left have created a new generation of SNITCHES lacking all common sense who receive rewards for being good dhimmis to the State.

Who could disagree that boys do not belong in a girls locker-room?

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