I want to know why schools are punishing young girls

Did you know the Second Amendment, when it was written, did not apply to semi-automatic weapons and high-capacity magazines?

Really asshole?

puckle up.png
Because bigots should shut the fuck up in decent society, that's why. 😁
How is being shy in a locker room around the opposite sex make one a bigot? You’re such a race baiting pussy. Of all the people on this site. You. I hope you and I meet someday.
Did you know the Second Amendment, when it was written, did not apply to semi-automatic weapons and high-capacity magazines?
It applied then and today to the technology of the day that any light infantrymen ought to own and possess. Today that would be semiautomatic pistols, rifles and shotguns with high capacity magazines.

Of course when the 2nd amendment was written it too did not apply to the states. Individual states were free to regulate firearm ownership anyway they thought best.

So that’s a no, right? You didn’t know the establishment clause was never intended to apply to the states.
There is usually more to these (so called) "righteous culture warrior" stories than Fox News reports on.

I doubt that this whole thing went down exactly like Father and Daughter here are trying to lead everyone to believe.

I suspect that the dad more than likely got suspended from his coaching job becsuse he can't keep his mouth shut about his political opinions at work.
He's probably been warned a fee times, then took a (ridiculous) stand, and lost.

Chances are his little bumble of joy daughter here is a case of the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, and she has most likely said a LOT more about this issue than she is reporting in this story.
And she (most likely) has not been very nice about it.
In fact, probably quite vile.

With all that being said, yeah, even as a left-of-the-left liberal I have a bit of difficulty with the whole "gender fluidity" thing.
I don't feel that it's right for individuals to foist their own personal identity crises off on others and force society to not only accept....but protect these identity crises as the "norm."
That is just MY opinion though.
And I don't make policy.

As I said there is usually more to these stories than what you are getting when you see them on Fox News.
I suspect the school district has actually bent over backwards trying to legally accomodate all parties involved in this issue.
There's a good chance this trans-gender student has it's own, partitioned off space within the locker room to change, that will afford everyone adequate privacy.....but Father and Daughter are still not satisfied with that and still want to fuss cuz it gets them publicity.

Of course....Fox would conveniently omit THAT part of the story.
It wouldn't play as well for riling up the infignant, self-righteous ire of the "culture warriors."

As for god in schools....two words.
First Amendment.
You suspect = you don’t have a clue. Thanks. Typical for you and your posts.
It kinda does. Intersexed individuals have a better case for being transgendered because they physically are. Men who feel like they are women and women who feel like they are men can’t make the same argument as an intersexed individual.
1. My point wasn't that the intersexed have a better case for being trans, in fact the most famous case of a intersexed person I know is of South African Olympic gold medalist Caster Semenya who was born with elevated testosterone levels and internal testes but identifies as a woman and competes as a woman so I'm not even aware of there being any link between trans individuals and the intersexed. My point was that women can have testes and men can have ovaries because biology isn't as limited in its possibilities as the imaginations of bigots.

2. The more we study gender dysphoria the more we learn about it. There is in fact emerging MRI evidence of gender dysphoria being discovered every day.

Research on the Transgender Brain: What You Should Know
So slavery is decent if there’s a voting majority?
According to a society that has legalized slavery? Yes. Decency is a subjective emotion so while slavery may be indecent to our subjective opinions you'd have to acknowledge, objectively, that a society that legalized slavery didn't find it indecent. No?
Like you? So in other words, you wouldn't mind me watching your daughter's undress, your wife, your mother? And I'm sure they wouldn't either! :auiqs.jpg:
Of course I would but you've made yourself a obvious perve with an obvious perve point of view. The child in this story simply wants to be able to change in the locker room she identifies with.
How is being shy in a locker room around the opposite sex make one a bigot? You’re such a race baiting pussy. Of all the people on this site. You. I hope you and I meet someday.
What makes her a bigot isn't being shy, it's going on Fox News to bitch and complain that she was forced to share a locker room with a trans girl all while never acknowledging her as a trans girl.
What makes her a bigot isn't being shy, it's going on Fox News to bitch and complain that she was forced to share a locker room with a trans girl all while never acknowledging her as a trans girl.
Trans Girl = Boy pretending to be a girl but having all the boy parts. Let’s stop playing this game, race baiter. You woke defects have zero common sense.
1. My point wasn't that the intersexed have a better case for being trans, in fact the most famous case of a intersexed person I know is of South African Olympic gold medalist Caster Semenya who was born with elevated testosterone levels and internal testes but identifies as a woman and competes as a woman so I'm not even aware of there being any link between trans individuals and the intersexed. My point was that women can have testes and men can have ovaries because biology isn't as limited in its possibilities as the imaginations of bigots.

2. The more we study gender dysphoria the more we learn about it. There is in fact emerging MRI evidence of gender dysphoria being discovered every day.
But your main point was that accommodations should be made for the transgendered, right?

In that regard an intersexed individual has material proof of their physical condition because it is literally a physical condition which can be confirmed. Not so for the vast majority of the transgendered.

So I can understand the reluctance in writing exceptions for people who’s claim can’t be backed up with physical evidence.
Of course I would
Thanks for just contradicting yourself with STUNNING blind hypocrisy.

The child in this story simply wants to be able to change in the locker room she identifies with.
A child isn't old enough yet to know how they "identify." If a boy doesn't identify with being a boy, he should seek mental counseling, not think his desires and impulses supplant the rights of those of the other 99% of society. What if tomorrow that person decides they identify with being a pedophile? Maybe the year after, they will identify with being a Nazi!
According to a society that has legalized slavery? Yes. Decency is a subjective emotion so while slavery may be indecent to our subjective opinions you'd have to acknowledge, objectively, that a society that legalized slavery didn't find it indecent. No?
So in your mind as long as the majority decided it, decency can be anything the majority wanted.

No offense, but that’s an idiotic proposition and totally incorrect.
But your main point was that accommodations should be made for the transgendered, right?
If by accommodations you mean treat them like you would every other girl or boy (depending on how they identify) then yes.
In that regard an intersexed individual has material proof of their physical condition because it is literally a physical condition which can be confirmed. Not so for the vast majority of the transgendered.

So I can understand the reluctance in writing exceptions for people who’s claim can’t be backed up with physical evidence.
I just gave you a link to objective evidence via MRI and brain scans. Were you too afraid to acknowledge and address it? Did you lose it? Would you like me to post it again? Or others?
Thanks for just contradicting yourself with STUNNING blind hypocrisy.

A child isn't old enough yet to know how they "identify." If a boy doesn't identify with being a boy, he should seek mental counseling, not think his desires and impulses supplant the rights of those of the other 99% of society. What if tomorrow that person decides they identify with being a pedophile? Maybe the year after, they will identify with being a Nazi!
You’re trying to reason with a woke defect.

Trans = pretends to be
If by accommodations you mean treat them like you would every other girl or boy (depending on how they identify) then yes.

I just gave you a link to objective evidence via MRI and brain scans. Were you too afraid to acknowledge and address it? Did you lose it? Would you like me to post it again? Or others?
Bullshit. Pure bullshit. Girls don’t want to see a penis in a locker room. Pretty simple. Yet you woke defects don’t understand this.

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