I want to know why schools are punishing young girls

We don't have to prove that sex segregated bathrooms are safer for girls. That's already a well established fact.

It's not about making bathrooms safer. Intelligent people don't think would be rapists are deterred by the possibility of having to tresspass.
We don't have to prove that sex segregated bathrooms are safer for girls. That's already a well established fact.
They know that. One hundred percent they know that.

Pretending they don't is another example of what I call the Little Lie. That's where they deny an obvious fact knowing that you know they're lying and that you know that they know they're lying.

It's not intended to be a persuasive argument. It would persuade no one. it's intended to shut debate down by stalling it.

It's not about making bathrooms safer. Intelligent people don't think would be rapists are deterred by the possibility of having to tresspass.
What a dumb fuck. Rapists may not go into a bathroom with the intention of rape, but the desire often arises with a lot of half dressed women walking around.

You obviously know nothing abut human behavior. Would you support coed bathrooms in prisons?
Of course you don't. You're such a fucking moron that you think someone intent on committing the crime of rape would be deterred by a bathroom sign.
No I didn't, shit for brains, I'm saying when confronted with dozens of defenseless, half dressed women, rape may seem like an attractive proposition to a lot of guys.
What a dumb fuck. Rapists may not go into a bathroom with the intention of rape, but the desire often arises with a lot of half dressed women walking around.
Okay so what is this scenario you're envisioning? A trans woman goes into a bathroom to pee and is overcome by sexual urges because of all the nude women taking a shit or piss that they can't help themselves? Did you submit this fanfic to Penthouse forums yet? 😄
bripat9643 said:
You obviously know nothing abut human behavior. Would you support coed bathrooms in prisons?
Can you think of any important differences between bathrooms in prisons and bathrooms in regular society? 😄
Okay so what is this scenario you're envisioning? A trans woman goes into a bathroom to pee and is overcome by sexual urges because of all the nude women taking a shit or piss that they can't help themselves? Did you submit this fanfic to Penthouse forums yet? 😄

Can you think of any important differences between bathrooms in prisons and bathrooms out regular society? 😄
What is a fanfic?

For your information, dumbfuck many women have been sexually assault by transexuals using the women's bathroom

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