I want to know why schools are punishing young girls

Your opinion that a man can have ovaries is certainly, bizarre. And regardless if right or wrong, if you can link to one man in the 5 billion people on earth, that has ovaries, all that proves is that he was born genetically defective.

Really, the gonads are the core of what distinguishes male from female. What kind of gametes one produces. There are all manner of genetic and hormonal defects that can alter the development of other sex-related physical characteristics, but my understanding is that in mammals, the gonads are directly linked to the chromosomes—XY gonads will develop into testes, and if they become functional, they will produce sperm cells, while XX gonads will develop into ovaries, and if they become functional, they will produce ova. Any of the extra X or extra Y patterns tend to produce nonfunctional gonads.

If, out of all the things that can go wrong with the development of sex-related physical characteristics, I had to pick something that definitively defined one as a man or as a woman, that would be it. Ultimately, if one is capable of participating in the procreative process, that is what would determine whether one participated as a man, by producing sperm, or as a woman, by producing ova.

I would have to therefore say that by definition, a man cannot have ovaries, unless he's a chimera or mosaic, having both testes and ovaries, in which case he/'s not really a man or a woman, but a hermaphrodite. I don't know if such a human is possible, if such a human has ever existed. Such a person is the main character in a bizarre Robert Heinlein story, titled All You Zombies, and in the movie based on that story, titled Predestination.
I am 56 and have worked out at least 3 at least most of the time 4 to 5 times a week for no less that 1.5 hours try again! That doesn't even take into account swimming tennis and racquetball
Then there was that time you joined the Peace Corp...
Then there was that time you joined the Peace Corp...

I grew up in a small town, divorced parents, and my brothers who were 4, and 5, years older than I took turns beating my arse for kicks, at least until I started lifting, and training in Tai Kwon Do, in a class that a gentleman taught at our Church. My guess is you are a keyboard warrior, with a big mouth who weighs about 125 soaking wet, and whose mother stands behind you with bagel bites telling you how great you are, in the basement of course. I do love that movie though, Tom Tuttle from Tacoma Washington State. John Candy was one of my Favorites.
They need to know what kind of kooky loons there are out there? Obviously my is supposed to be me, you either knew that or you are really that unlearned.
Oh, so you're only semi-literate? Fits the profile you have established of yourself. Don't give up, you can improve.
.... My guess is you are a keyboard warrior, with a big mouth who weighs about 125 soaking wet, and whose mother stands behind you with bagel bites telling you how great you are, in the basement of course. ....
You're really, really bad at guessing.

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