I want to know why schools are punishing young girls

It predicts what is going on today. Don't really care what you think of me, if the rapture happened now. I won't be here to suffer, will you?
Rapture? Where is that in the Bible? Hint: it's not and you are simply delusional. Few true Christians believe in that malarkey!

You must be a fundamentalist, i.e. someone who makes things up to justify your beliefs.

I want to know why schools are punishing young girls​

Because they are naughty

Not a chance in hell you've logged even half the hours in one that I have, big mouth.
I am 56 and have worked out at least 3 at least most of the time 4 to 5 times a week for no less that 1.5 hours try again! That doesn't even take into account swimming tennis and racquetball
I am 56 and have worked out at least 3 at least most of the time 4 to 5 times a week for no less that 1.5 hours try again! That doesn't even take into account swimming tennis and racquetball
Drop in the bucket, hobbyist. Not even a quarter. Keep gassing on, big mouth.
Drop in the bucket, hobbyist. Not even a quarter. Keep gassing on, big mouth.
Not possible as I have you at about age 15. By the way more than that and you are over training but you do you! People aften peg me as being 15 years younger than I am boy. Oh by the way that was since I was about 13
...That doesn't even take into account swimming tennis and racquetball
You must have been quite the badass of your country club, Buffy. "More shrimp cocktails and Shirley Temples or I am going to rage out rather energetically, Jeeves!"
You must have been quite the badass of your country club, Buffy. "More shrimp cocktails and Shirley Temples or I am going to rage out rather energetically, Jeeves!"
You can do better than that, we used the country clubbers as punching bags, then stole their girls!
1. My point wasn't that the intersexed have a better case for being trans, in fact the most famous case of a intersexed person I know is of South African Olympic gold medalist Caster Semenya who was born with elevated testosterone levels and internal testes but identifies as a woman and competes as a woman so I'm not even aware of there being any link between trans individuals and the intersexed. My point was that women can have testes and men can have ovaries because biology isn't as limited in its possibilities as the imaginations of bigots.

2. The more we study gender dysphoria the more we learn about it. There is in fact emerging MRI evidence of gender dysphoria being discovered every day.

Research on the Transgender Brain: What You Should Know
Your link is to an editorial? You are basing your opinion on an editorial? Why would you do that, did you even read what you link to. There is nothing there but opinion.

Your opinion that a man can have ovaries is certainly, bizarre. And regardless if right or wrong, if you can link to one man in the 5 billion people on earth, that has ovaries, all that proves is that he was born genetically defective.

Either way, pretending boys are girls, simply because of genetic defects, is a piss poor way to legislate society.

And your bizarre example, has nothing to do with the OP. Men or boys have no business to being a girls locker room. Those that think they should be, should be studied by your psychologists in a hospital

Now how about posting to a real study, instead of an opinion piece.

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