I want to strongly commend two members


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2013
Two fine Christian members, who wrote words that resonate strongly with me as a human being:

[MENTION=20412]JakeStarkey[/MENTION] wrote this:

As a Christian born again and washed in the blood of the lamb, I suggest quietly that when folks tell us to leave them alone or not impose our views on them, to listen to what they are saying and pray about it quietly.

To watch certain Christians trying to proselytize can be quite disturbing. Always remember the Second Great Commandment. Missionary work from witnessing in the hall way to knocking on doors has to be done with love.

And from [MENTION=40845]Jeremiah[/MENTION]:

I'm a christian evangelical that doesn't belong to the broad brush - broad road congregation. I've got many Jewish and non Christian friends / neighbors and we're not having any problems. I've never hated anyone because they weren't a christian. The exact opposite. That's about it! No dramatic stories to share. Sorry to disappoint. - Jeri

Both quotes are from this thread:


I want to commend both individuals for showing their compassion and their christian love for other people in a non-judgemental way.

If anyone wants to start a thread criticizing ideas or tenets or applications of Judaism, I am always, always, always willing to listen - for growth, I believe, comes from introspection and self-criticism and I believe that [MENTION=3135]jillian[/MENTION] intended nothing other than that on her thread.

To that end, I have opened a thread for people to place quotes of members whom they want to commend. This is the kind of stuff that warms my heart, not the judgemental stuff.


And just to show how meaningful that is, Jake once pm'd me about a formulation he found problematic. Through his well-thought choice of words and his kind manner, I have never since used that formulation. He had a positive influence on me. That is worth commending.
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Outta have a group to post nice things and positive reinforcement to members. Like the thread for posting stupid Negs, but opposite that :)
Thank you, Stat, for the nice thread. I want to commend Professor for his response on that thread also. His comment was like oil flowing down the beard of Aaron to me. Very anointed. I commend Jake for getting it that without love these "religious threads" are of no use. I would add that if they cannot control their own tongues - their religion is useless. The personal attacks by people calling themselves christians on others here who are Jewish, atheist, agnostic, etc is canceling out the possibility of anyone listening to them. It would be far better for such people to pray quietly for themselves and others rather than preach to them without love. They are doing more harm than good. I commend Hobelim for defining something as good or bad by the fruit it produces - Hobelim has remarkable insight and is a deeply spiritual person. imo. I always like reading his posts. - Jeri
Thank you, Stat, for the nice thread. I want to commend Professor for his response on that thread also. His comment was like oil flowing down the beard of Aaron to me. Very anointed. I commend Jake for getting it that without love these "religious threads" are of no use. I would add that if they cannot control their own tongues - their religion is useless. The personal attacks by people calling themselves christians on others here who are Jewish, atheist, agnostic, etc is canceling out the possibility of anyone listening to them. It would be far better for such people to pray quietly for themselves and others rather than preach to them without love. They are doing more harm than good. I commend Hobelim for defining something as good or bad by the fruit it produces - Hobelim has remarkable insight and is a deeply spiritual person. imo. I always like reading his posts. - Jeri

From the depth of your writing and the sense of strong passion within you, I get the idea you could be a minister. And that is, of course, a compliment.
Sounds like a bunch a Godless malarky

You know, you are really quite welcome to be here. On this thread is a Liberal, a Moderate, and (I believe) a Conservative. And we get along just fine with each other.

Do you think you can put aside the junky one liners long enough to actually concentrate yourself on the content of the OP of a thread? I hope you can. That would be really, really nice.
Two fine Christian members, who wrote words that resonate strongly with me as a human being:

[MENTION=20412]JakeStarkey[/MENTION] wrote this:

As a Christian born again and washed in the blood of the lamb, I suggest quietly that when folks tell us to leave them alone or not impose our views on them, to listen to what they are saying and pray about it quietly.

To watch certain Christians trying to proselytize can be quite disturbing. Always remember the Second Great Commandment. Missionary work from witnessing in the hall way to knocking on doors has to be done with love.

And from [MENTION=40845]Jeremiah[/MENTION]:

I'm a christian evangelical that doesn't belong to the broad brush - broad road congregation. I've got many Jewish and non Christian friends / neighbors and we're not having any problems. I've never hated anyone because they weren't a christian. The exact opposite. That's about it! No dramatic stories to share. Sorry to disappoint. - Jeri

Both quotes are from this thread:


I want to commend both individuals for showing their compassion and their christian love for other people in a non-judgemental way.

If anyone wants to start a thread criticizing ideas or tenets or applications of Judaism, I am always, always, always willing to listen - for growth, I believe, comes from introspection and self-criticism and I believe that [MENTION=3135]jillian[/MENTION] intended nothing other than that on her thread.

To that end, I have opened a thread for people to place quotes of members whom they want to commend. This is the kind of stuff that warms my heart, not the judgemental stuff.


And just to show how meaningful that is, Jake once pm'd me about a formulation he found problematic. Through his well-thought choice of words and his kind manner, I have never since used that formulation. He had a positive influence on me. That is worth commending.

Now if you can just get conservatives to shut the hell up as well you will have your utopia. :lol:
Two fine Christian members, who wrote words that resonate strongly with me as a human being:

[MENTION=20412]JakeStarkey[/MENTION] wrote this:

As a Christian born again and washed in the blood of the lamb, I suggest quietly that when folks tell us to leave them alone or not impose our views on them, to listen to what they are saying and pray about it quietly.

To watch certain Christians trying to proselytize can be quite disturbing. Always remember the Second Great Commandment. Missionary work from witnessing in the hall way to knocking on doors has to be done with love.

And from [MENTION=40845]Jeremiah[/MENTION]:

I'm a christian evangelical that doesn't belong to the broad brush - broad road congregation. I've got many Jewish and non Christian friends / neighbors and we're not having any problems. I've never hated anyone because they weren't a christian. The exact opposite. That's about it! No dramatic stories to share. Sorry to disappoint. - Jeri

Both quotes are from this thread:


I want to commend both individuals for showing their compassion and their christian love for other people in a non-judgemental way.

If anyone wants to start a thread criticizing ideas or tenets or applications of Judaism, I am always, always, always willing to listen - for growth, I believe, comes from introspection and self-criticism and I believe that [MENTION=3135]jillian[/MENTION] intended nothing other than that on her thread.

To that end, I have opened a thread for people to place quotes of members whom they want to commend. This is the kind of stuff that warms my heart, not the judgemental stuff.


And just to show how meaningful that is, Jake once pm'd me about a formulation he found problematic. Through his well-thought choice of words and his kind manner, I have never since used that formulation. He had a positive influence on me. That is worth commending.

Now if you can just get conservatives to shut the hell up as well you will have your utopia. :lol:

Not true at all. I love it when Conservatives open their mouths and actually contribute something other than "Libturds suck" or "friggin commies" to the conversation.

Good things happen, commendable. People post positive messages. After being fired from my job of 20 years attending to the elderly dying folks and watching the light fade, I am all for being positive and that fleeting sense of happiness. Go for it, kids. This Is as good at it gets.
Jake was lying. He simply told you what he wanted you to hear.

He fully supports the use of force to get he beliefs followed.

If he's actually a christian, I'm shocked.
Jake was lying. He simply told you what he wanted you to hear.

He fully supports the use of force to get he beliefs followed.

If he's actually a christian, I'm shocked.

Class bespeaks itself.

I never question another person's faith, ever. Their walk with G-d is theirs, not mine.
Sounds like a bunch a Godless malarky

You know, you are really quite welcome to be here. On this thread is a Liberal, a Moderate, and (I believe) a Conservative. And we get along just fine with each other.

Do you think you can put aside the junky one liners long enough to actually concentrate yourself on the content of the OP of a thread? I hope you can. That would be really, really nice.

I concentrate on the Word of God. What little time we have on this mortal world is too short for the content of OP's
On my way back from White Springs to Tallahassee today I passed a Church with what's gotta be my all time favorite Church sign. It said, "Radical Right Wing Christians Welcome".

My favorite sign of all time was hanging over the register at the check out of a cafe in White Springs, it said, "If You Don't Like Our Town, Get The Hell Out!"

I say, If you don't like our Country, get the hell out! And yes, I'm talking about all you sorry bastards who think the Constitution is a living, evolving Document that changes with the generations. Leave......now.........or be doomed!

And No I'm not Racist, I hate all Democrats equally, regardless of Race, Religion, or color!
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On my way back from White Springs to Tallahassee today I passed a Church with what's gotta be my all time favorite Church sign. It said, "Radical Right Wing Christians Welcome".

My favorite sign of all time was hanging over the register at the check out of a cafe in White Springs, it said, "If You Don't Like Our Town, Get The Hell Out!"

I say, If you don't like our Country, get the hell out! And yes, I'm talking about all you sorry bastards who think the Constitution is a living, evolving Document that changes with the generations. Leave......now.........or be doomed!

And No I'm not Racist, I hate all Democrats equally, regardless of Race, Religion, or color!

Oh, sorry, you landed in the wrong place. The psychologist you needs is two more rooms down the floor and on the left!!

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