I want you to stay out of my bedroom, but pay for what goes on inside!

Birth control is used for many other reasons other than to not get pregnant from sex...

Republicants can't understand that, for some reason.
yeah 51 percent of voters are women.

keep it up white boys club

They say they are for smaller gubmint but then turn around and use the "gubmint" to tell women what they can do with their bodies, deny people who want euthanasia and to tell two people in love they can't get married.

Hypocritical fucks....no wonder they keep losing elections. :eusa_whistle:
Birth control is used for many other reasons other than to not get pregnant from sex...

Republicants can't understand that, for some reason.

Where did anyone say they didn't know the benefits of the pills?
Did you know eating a banana a day is profoundly beneficial to your health...should the government pay for those too?
I take blood pressure medicine every single day or I will die decades before I will taking them - this is WAAAYYYY more beneficial than birth control...shouldn't the gubermint pay for these for me - or do you liberals want me to die? :eek:
yeah 51 percent of voters are women.

keep it up white boys club

They say they are for smaller gubmint but then turn around and use the "gubmint" to tell women what they can do with their bodies, deny people who want euthanasia and to tell two people in love they can't get married.

Hypocritical fucks....no wonder they keep losing elections. :eusa_whistle:

Why do you assume that?

See, you fall into the same category as the woman in the picture.

By the government not paying for contraceptives, they are not telling women what they can or can't do with their bodies. They're simply telling them to pay for contraceptives themselves.

Why is that so hard to understand?

And I could be a libertarian for all you know. So your equality arguments would be pointless.
Birth control is used for many other reasons other than to not get pregnant from sex...

Republicants can't understand that, for some reason.

Where did anyone say they didn't know the benefits of the pills?
Did you know eating a banana a day is profoundly beneficial to your health...should the government pay for those too?
I take blood pressure medicine every single day or I will die decades before I will taking them - this is WAAAYYYY more beneficial than birth control...shouldn't the gubermint pay for these for me - or do you liberals want me to die? :eek:


Liberals assume that just because something is useful, the government should make it freely available to everyone. Using our own money of course.

And here's where it gets hysterical. They're sooo against big businesses, but guess who benefits the most from having the government hand out free contraceptives?

The contraceptive manufacturers. As they'd be significantly overcharging for the pills and banking on the difference. The same way the "Obamaphone" distributors are banking on selling cheap phones at ridiculously high prices to the government.
Birth control is used for many other reasons other than to not get pregnant from sex...

Republicants can't understand that, for some reason.

Where did anyone say they didn't know the benefits of the pills?
Did you know eating a banana a day is profoundly beneficial to your health...should the government pay for those too?
I take blood pressure medicine every single day or I will die decades before I will taking them - this is WAAAYYYY more beneficial than birth control...shouldn't the gubermint pay for these for me - or do you liberals want me to die? :eek:


Liberals assume that just because something is useful, the government should make it freely available to everyone. Using our own money of course.

And here's where it gets hysterical. They're sooo against big businesses, but guess who benefits the most from having the government hand out free contraceptives?

The contraceptive manufacturers. As they'd be significantly overcharging for the pills and banking on the difference. The same way the "Obamaphone" distributors are banking on selling cheap phones at ridiculously high prices to the government.

Absolutely, just like the mortgage industry and even more so college tuition. As soon as the government starts paying for it....the cost soar and the quality plummets.
So you'd prefer to pay for the benefits and welfare of many unintended children instead, since all well-to-do people will either be able to afford birth control or afford to take care of their own children?

If more people actually had to deal with the costs of caring for their own children instead of having the government swoop in and save the day, perhaps people would wait a bit longer before having sex.

So I'd be in favor of a bit more restrictions in that sense.
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Sandra Fluke wanted contraceptives to be part of her presciption drug plan. Not the government to pay for it.

She has you guys scared shitless...so nice.

She wanted the government to FORCE an employer to include it in the coverage plan they chose and they partially pay for, even if it was against their beliefs or stance for whatever reason... Nothing stopped Slutty McMuffin from going and buying her birth control all on her own

So she didn't want the government to pay for it. Point proven. Thanks.

She simply wanted the government to mandate an employer to pay/provide for something they may not agree with.

That's so much better

So you'd prefer to pay for the benefits and welfare of many unintended children instead, since all well-to-do people will either be able to afford birth control or afford to take care of their own children?

If more people actually had to deal with the costs of caring for their own children instead of having the government swoop in and save the day, people may perhaps wait a bit longer before having sex.

So I'd be in favor of a bit more restrictions in that sense.

Right again...as I say all the time: Give people something for nothing and they will thank you, give it to them again and they will expect it again. Give it to them again and they will demand it for life.
Have you guys noticed the liberals have scattered from this thread once we started comparative arguments??
Where did anyone say they didn't know the benefits of the pills?
Did you know eating a banana a day is profoundly beneficial to your health...should the government pay for those too?
I take blood pressure medicine every single day or I will die decades before I will taking them - this is WAAAYYYY more beneficial than birth control...shouldn't the gubermint pay for these for me - or do you liberals want me to die? :eek:


Liberals assume that just because something is useful, the government should make it freely available to everyone. Using our own money of course.

And here's where it gets hysterical. They're sooo against big businesses, but guess who benefits the most from having the government hand out free contraceptives?

The contraceptive manufacturers. As they'd be significantly overcharging for the pills and banking on the difference. The same way the "Obamaphone" distributors are banking on selling cheap phones at ridiculously high prices to the government.

Absolutely, just like the mortgage industry and even more so college tuition. As soon as the government starts paying for it....the cost soar and the quality plummets.

And unfortunately, most liberals will not accept those facts and continue down the path of ignorance.
Endometriosis is a debilitatingly painful condition. I should know, I had a severe case of it when I was young. BC pills helped immensely, and are still the main medication perscribed for this. Viagra is not a real medication for a real medical problem. Impotence is not a painful medical condition that affects your life, won't let you function or go to school and work - so what if old men can't get it up anymore - is that a crisis? No, it isn't, yet IT was covered long before BC pills were.

Who says insurers should be required to pay for Viagra?
Have you guys noticed the liberals have scattered from this thread once we started comparative arguments??

Because they know what we're saying is true. But accepting it would put a hole in their image as champions of the poor. Because in reality they're only helping those large corporations they hate so much get even bigger and richer. But at least they feel self-righteous because they're giving something away for free.

And their arguments of us being racist and misinformed backfired, so they really have nothing more to say.
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Sandra Fluke wanted contraceptives to be part of her presciption drug plan. Not the government to pay for it.

She has you guys scared shitless...so nice.

Thank you for interjecting a little FACT into this.

But, that won't stop the lies from being repeated and repeated and repeated.
Have you guys noticed the liberals have scattered from this thread once we started comparative arguments??

Because they know what we're saying is true. But accepting it would put a hole in their image as champions of the poor. Because in reality they're only helping those large corporations they hate so much get even bigger and richer. But at least they feel self-righteous because they're giving something away for free.

And their arguments of us being racist and misinformed backfired, so they really have nothing more to say.

Nothing more to say once FACTS are mentioned because the rw's are allergic to FACTS.

The OP is nothing nore than a uninformed opinion. No link, no truth, no facts.

IOW, SSDD from the right.

Tell the truth. Then we'll talk.
Have you guys noticed the liberals have scattered from this thread once we started comparative arguments??

Because they know what we're saying is true. But accepting it would put a hole in their image as champions of the poor. Because in reality they're only helping those large corporations they hate so much get even bigger and richer. But at least they feel self-righteous because they're giving something away for free.

And their arguments of us being racist and misinformed backfired, so they really have nothing more to say.

Nothing more to say once FACTS are mentioned because the rw's are allergic to FACTS.

The OP is nothing nore than a uninformed opinion. No link, no truth, no facts.

IOW, SSDD from the right.

Tell the truth. Then we'll talk.

So you're saying you don't think contraceptives should be freely handed out by the government?

Good. I agree.
perhaps people would wait a bit longer before having sex.

So I'd be in favor of a bit more restrictions in that sense.

We already have one of the lowest birth and fertility rates. You will never stop people from having sex, no matter what restrictions there are.

Can we cut money from other things first though? Like 2 billion dollar oil company subsidies?


Also you dodged the issue of would you rather pay to care for impoverished children instead?
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