Zone1 " I was a stranger, and ye took me in:" What does this mean to you ?

Depends if I think he's a danger to us. IOW, I apply common sense to the situation. If he's bleeding from a wild animal attack, for one example, I would certainly not make him stay out in the snow.
That's not what you said. You said if he is in need you should take him in.

But you wouldn't. Everyone knows you wouldn't. No one would.
Who cares who pays?
The person who ends up with the bill, Sherlock.
Did you forget your 20-year white wing talking point?
WTF is a “white wing” talking point? Racist much?
"We don't need universal health insurance, because anyone can get medical treatment, if they need it."
I never said that. I believe Marxist wealth redistribution is theft, in the sheep’s clothing of compassion, and universal health insurance is just that. No one owes you care just because you’re too incompetent to pay for it.
Is it something that you support or do you have a different belief ?
If all one did was to endorse acts of kindness and charity but never performed acts of kindness and and charity, then no, it's not Christian, it's lip service.
Your op clearly placed your thread within the subject of immigration policy. Muslims are the major portion of your immigrants.

Islam is the only Theocracy with any chance of ruling over the U.K., so it is entirely relevant.
The majority of our immigrants are Ukranian. I am happy to welcome them.
It's what you can expect from this member.
Nothing like putting up an obvious troll thread in Zone 1 - just so you can be protected from being called out.
If you are going to have a Zone 1, then the created threads need to show validity.
It is super obvious this thread is intellectually dishonest, crafted to attempt to use one's belief against them to make a strawman argument.
Why is the question difficult for you ?
This was recently quoted in parliament by the Archbishop of Canterbury. In the context of immigration policy.
What does this mean to you as a Christian ? Is it something that you support or do you have a different belief ? Are the scriptures wrong ?
It means atheists think they’re clever when they quote Scripture
So what does it mean to you ?
It has nothing whatsoever with ushering in hoards from one culture seeking to impose their own values on those who took them in as unwisely as they did. My opinion does not matter.

You framed this as an immigration issue, after all.
This was recently quoted in parliament by the Archbishop of Canterbury. In the context of immigration policy.
What does this mean to you as a Christian ? Is it something that you support or do you have a different belief ? Are the scriptures wrong ?
Another Biblical Point: “I tell you the truth, anyone who sneaks over the wall of a sheepfold, rather than going through the gate, must surely be a thief and a robber."

Anyone who legally enters a country qualifies as a stranger, new to the area. Illegal entry means that person is a robber and a thief--and, 'alien' not 'stranger', better describes that person.

When a new student enrolls in school, he is welcomed into the classroom. However, no one can just walk in and join a class without enrolling.

If someone new is invited to a social event, people do welcome that stranger, but people off the street rushing a wedding reception to get to the cake and other food are thieves and robbers. Calling them a "stranger" and then scolding the bride and groom for not welcoming them is not what Jesus meant. Recall Jesus said people should also be attired properly. In the case of immigrants, this means proper admission and a means of support.
This was recently quoted in parliament by the Archbishop of Canterbury. In the context of immigration policy.
What does this mean to you as a Christian ? Is it something that you support or do you have a different belief ? Are the scriptures wrong ?
did he open his doors for them?
This was recently quoted in parliament by the Archbishop of Canterbury. In the context of immigration policy.
What does this mean to you as a Christian ? Is it something that you support or do you have a different belief ? Are the scriptures wrong ?

It means "strangers" asked to be let in. They didn't thieve their way into your home and demand housing, food, and all the rights of family.

All the difference in the world.

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