I was thinking why liberals say that it is better to kill the fetus than to starve the baby.

Liberals believe it is better to kill the black baby before it is born, than letting it live.

  • The liberals think that US conservatives dont want to pay welfare thus the child must die.

    Votes: 4 44.4%
  • Liberals think that black people arent responsible and cant get a job, thus the child must die.

    Votes: 6 66.7%
  • Liberals hate anyone and everyone, thus the child should die.

    Votes: 7 77.8%

  • Total voters
Don't you ever tell me what to say. You're untrustworthy in politics if you would rubberstamp killing an unborn American. It has become an item of betrayal of the Constitution along with the Democrats' obsession with destroying basic human freedoms America's founders considered basic to life.

I thought you were leaving. Anyway, fetuses still aren't people, much less Americans.

And your little quip "Biggest fucking hypocrites on abortion are the fucking Catholics." is untrue. When and if a good Catholic makes a mistake, they do the best they can to change by first confessing it, then taking the advice of their priest, which is not between anybody else except the person, his or her priest, and God. You have no right to call Catholics "hypocrits," because they have a long ledger of Community service to widows, orphans, healing sick people,

Yes, the Catholics have a long ledger, all right.

Pedophile Priests
Selling of indulgences
Torturing heretics or non-beleivers.

and mostly refusing to kill a fetus or to tell the world they're for killing fetuses, which would make it a common recruitment for their own young women to go against guidelines they have followed since before Roe V Wade was interpreted as something that must be solved to save 100 womens' lives per year. The current toll is an average of one million abortions per annum (some exponentially higher, some lower).

Actually, the number of abortions has been declining since the introduction of Morning After pills. BUt the problem is the Catholics consider contraception as big of a sin as abortion.

Why do you betray the lives of a million people a year by advocating their death prior to the stage of life when they leave the uterus and start breathing? Breathing isn't the start of human life. Conception is the start of human life.

That happens to be an opinion, not one that I share or the law does.

The problem with making conception the start of life is that the fetus now has more rights than the woman it is inside. You would have to investigate every miscarriage as a homicide. Forget about medical privacy! Did that woman do something to cause her fetus to miscarry?

We are already halfway there, if you read the case of one Purvi Patel, where Mike Pence's government tried her for infanticide when she miscarried.

Not a place I want to go, thanks.
Is this something you have done in that Windy City of yours, where corruption and murder are commonplace? In other cities with a trial by jury you would find that the act of killing someone who is fucking another man's wife the shooter would get off easily. Thanks for enlightening US, Joe on your immoral lifestlye.

When does this happen? Can you cite a case where someone shot his wife's lover and got away with it because he had it coming?

Sorry, man, just because some red state loser can't satisfy his white trash lady, isn't an excuse for murder.
Notice how Joe didnt denounce my accusation of him being a murder in the Windy City. Makes you wonder how this insane being who survived an abortion was allowed to walk the streets...
Lorena Bobbitt Found Innocent; Jury Cites Temporary Insanity : Law: Judge places her in custody to undergo psychiatric evaluation after she severed mate's penis.
Lorena Bobbitt Found Innocent; Jury Cites Temporary Insanity : Law: Judge places her in custody to undergo psychiatric evaluation after she severed mate’s penis.
Guy one more time Babies are babies, Abortion should not be a tax payer commodity , but one that the woman pays for out of her own money for spreading her legs for immoral actions. Maybe if you got off of welfare and got a job you too could get a tax break, but alas, dipshits like you will never amount to a hill of beans. I despise people like you...

Guy, I have a job and a business. I work 80 hours a week. Thanks for asking.

But that isn't the point here. The point is, 1) What is an desirable policy and 2) what is the best way to get there.

Now, I really don't care about abortion personally, since I will never need one. I do take a perverse glee on how much it upsets the Bible thumpers that women can end unwanted pregnancies on demand. But let's accept for the moment that less abortions would be a good thing. I can even agree with that.

Now, what is the best way to get there.

1) Outlawing it, which will just drive the activity underground, as people will openly flaunt the law and police won't really want to enforce it.


2) Offering cost-effective alternatives to abortion.

But since this isn't about the babies, this is about your misogyny...

You dipshits have been using that argument on your religion since Al Gore started it in the early 2000s. What if the world burns up because of the CO2, it will end in 10 years, 12 years, 15 years, but since you have been wrong all those times the new number is 100 years, because by then, all you dumbasses will be dead and cant be held accountable for all the falsehoods of you religious GW zelots.

Not sure how you can real equate established science with religion, but never mind. The world IS getting warmer. It is having negative effects on the environment. That SOME AGW advocates were overly alarmist is besides the point.

The thing is, we can prove AGW. We can't prove heaven.
Not sure how you can real equate established science with religion,
A consensus of corrupt scientists do not make science established. Keep proving you are a mental retard Joe.
Cons are very much against welfare. They do not care if a child, white, pink, or brown needs food as the parents do not make enough to pay the mortgage and all the other expenses and buy food. I have worked as a security man at health clinics and know first hand the hardships women go through having children.
At some point people will refuse to pay for all of this. The fact is, this is tiresome. All of this Prog talk of being enlightened and people seem to be acting more primal then ever.
Cons are very much against welfare. They do not care if a child, white, pink, or brown needs food as the parents do not make enough to pay the mortgage and all the other expenses and buy food. I have worked as a security man at health clinics and know first hand the hardships women go through having children.
At some point people will refuse to pay for all of this. The fact is, this is tiresome. All of this Prog talk of being enlightened and people seem to be acting more primal then ever.
Did you notice the queer(tax man) not mentioning the woman who had hardships having children, but where were the men? Liberal men fuck like rabbits and give no thought of their actions, unless the woman they fuck wants to keep the baby. Like with Ed Kennedy when it was found out, the woman and child were aborted by drowning..
A few days ago, one of our members posted scripture, from the book of Numbers, regarding abortion.... that I was actually shocked to read.... I did not know this topic even existed in the Bible...

In this passage, if you believe the Bible is God written, or the Word of God, written down by Man....

God's Law, is advocating abortion in the case of marital infidelity, or perceived marital infidelity by the wife with another man....

If the husband suspects the wife had sexual intercourse with another man and is overcome with jealousy, then he was suppose to bring his wife, before the Priest, and the Priest gave her a concoction to drink called Bitter Water, that forced a Miscarriage on her.


This blew my mind! I found myself contemplating why would God, give permission for this alleged pregnant woman.... being forced in to killing her baby to be, just because it could have been, another father, not even known for certain that the wife was cheating, or the baby was not the husband's child?

And why would God have the Priest, use an abortion concoction of Bitter Water, on this woman, and this baby to be.... if it were MURDER? Or killing a baby? Was it not considered a human life yet? was it not considered a baby yet?

What was the purpose of this forced miscarriage, abortion?

Was it because the husband should not be forced to financially take care of this child that is possibly not his, until adulthood? Was it because the child would be hated by the husband and not be given a healthy and stable childhood?

I am baffled! :(

Numbers 5:11-31 New International Version (NIV)
The Test for an Unfaithful Wife
11 Then the Lord said to Moses, 12 “Speak to the Israelites and say to them: ‘If a man’s wife goes astray and is unfaithful to him 13 so that another man has sexual relations with her, and this is hidden from her husband and her impurity is undetected (since there is no witness against her and she has not been caught in the act), 14 and if feelings of jealousy come over her husband and he suspects his wife and she is impure—or if he is jealous and suspects her even though she is not impure— 15 then he is to take his wife to the priest. He must also take an offering of a tenth of an ephaha]">[a] of barley flour on her behalf. He must not pour olive oil on it or put incense on it, because it is a grain offering for jealousy, a reminder-offering to draw attention to wrongdoing.

16 “‘The priest shall bring her and have her stand before the Lord. 17 Then he shall take some holy water in a clay jar and put some dust from the tabernacle floor into the water. 18 After the priest has had the woman stand before the Lord, he shall loosen her hair and place in her hands the reminder-offering, the grain offering for jealousy, while he himself holds the bitter water that brings a curse. 19 Then the priest shall put the woman under oath and say to her, “If no other man has had sexual relations with you and you have not gone astray and become impure while married to your husband, may this bitter water that brings a curse not harm you. 20 But if you have gone astray while married to your husband and you have made yourself impure by having sexual relations with a man other than your husband”— 21 here the priest is to put the woman under this curse—“may the Lord cause you to become a curseb]">[b] among your people when he makes your womb miscarry and your abdomen swell. 22 May this water that brings a curse enter your body so that your abdomen swells or your womb miscarries.”

“‘Then the woman is to say, “Amen. So be it.”

23 “‘The priest is to write these curses on a scroll and then wash them off into the bitter water. 24 He shall make the woman drink the bitter water that brings a curse, and this water that brings a curse and causes bitter suffering will enter her. 25 The priest is to take from her hands the grain offering for jealousy, wave it before the Lord and bring it to the altar. 26 The priest is then to take a handful of the grain offering as a memorialc]">[c] offering and burn it on the altar; after that, he is to have the woman drink the water. 27 If she has made herself impure and been unfaithful to her husband, this will be the result: When she is made to drink the water that brings a curse and causes bitter suffering, it will enter her, her abdomen will swell and her womb will miscarry, and she will become a curse. 28 If, however, the woman has not made herself impure, but is clean, she will be cleared of guilt and will be able to have children.

29 “‘This, then, is the law of jealousy when a woman goes astray and makes herself impure while married to her husband, 30 or when feelings of jealousy come over a man because he suspects his wife. The priest is to have her stand before the Lord and is to apply this entire law to her. 31 The husband will be innocent of any wrongdoing, but the woman will bear the consequences of her sin.’”
Cons are very much against welfare. They do not care if a child, white, pink, or brown needs food as the parents do not make enough to pay the mortgage and all the other expenses and buy food. I have worked as a security man at health clinics and know first hand the hardships women go through having children.

So your fine education qualifies you to be... "a security man." How very impressive. Everyone should listen to the "security man" because he is, after all, so very well educated and refined and brilliant that he stands around watching everyone "at health clinics" where the OTHER well educated and brilliant people congregate.

In fact it is Leftists who give FAR LESS of their money, FAR LESS of their time, FAR LESS of even their blood than conservatives, as thoroughly documented in Who Really Cares by Arthur C. Brooks, a former Leftist, like you still are.

You MOUTHE your generosity and demand that the GOVERNMENT be generous when in fact you are NOT.

Cons are very much against welfare. They do not care if a child, white, pink, or brown needs food as the parents do not make enough to pay the mortgage and all the other expenses and buy food. I have worked as a security man at health clinics and know first hand the hardships women go through having children.

So your fine education qualifies you to be... "a security man." How very impressive. Everyone should listen to the "security man" because he is, after all, so very well educated and refined and brilliant that he stands around watching everyone "at health clinics" where the OTHER well educated and brilliant people congregate.

In fact it is Leftists who give FAR LESS of their money, FAR LESS of their time, FAR LESS of even their blood than conservatives, as thoroughly documented in Who Really Cares by Arthur C. Brooks, a former Leftist, like you still are.

You MOUTHE your generosity and demand that the GOVERNMENT be generous when in fact you are NOT.

I volunteered to be a security guard. As for aborting an unwanted dependent I can understand the concept.
Bwaaaaahhhaaaaa....Right. I didnt know McDonalds was a military complex.

You work for McDonalds? That explains much.

But yes when I went in the military to get skills, sure but then I was under poverty levels, but didnt bitch and moan about it, just did my job, keep this country safe, so dick heads like you wouldn't be living in a Communist country where you wouldn't be able to speak your mind and have 1 house, 1 car, 1 TV, with 1 channel showing MSN (PRAVDA) all day and all night.

Funny thing. I came from a middle class union household (in the good old days when we still had those), but I joined the military because I felt defending the country was important. Then I got older and realized that the enemy wasn't some poor guy in Minsk just trying to get by, it's the guys in corner offices who spend their entire lives trying to figure out ways to make the rest of us poorer.

Again, you liberal hate US because we dont play your sorry ass game anymore, by rolling over and playing nice, now we are getting down and dirty, using your own Rules for Radicals against you and you just whine again, and again....

Naw, guy, I was pretty conservative up until 2008, when the THIRD Republican recession after I left the Army set me back years on my hard work. I looked at my busted 401K, my underwater mortgage and a shitload of medical debt I was left with because Cigna did its level best to cheat me, and I realized who the REAL enemy was. Abortion is just one of those things they use to keep stupid people upset.

So you didn't answer my question- Why is it abortion never gets banned, but the rich ALWAYS get their tax cuts?

Shame blacks dont see how evil you dicks are, for having them kill many of their babies, they might of been 50% of the population by now, but thanks to people like you, they are now less than the illegals that come into this country....

Actually, that would be unlikely, because it implies that blacks would have more kids if abortion wasn't a thing. The problem with this whole line of thinking is NO ONE has an abortion that doesn't want one. There aren't abortion vans driving down the streets, grabbing women off the corner and forcing them to have abortions.

Nope. These women find out they are pregnant, the get a phone book or go on line, they make an appointment, they pay the nice doctor and the unwanted fetus is tossed into a medical waste bin.

Now, if you guys were truly serious about wanting to reduce the number of abortions, there are ways to do that. Single Payer Health Care, Paid Family Medical Leave, Comprehensive, religion-free sex education and distribution of contraception. This is why white women have less abortions than women of color, because they have access to this sort of thing.
Looks like JoeB131 is talking out of his ass again. Lol

Democrat taxes, waste, and bureaucracy do not lead to economic growth.

Cigna and other such companies bribe Democrats as much as Republicans for favors.

Many women are pressured, lied, coerced into abortion.

Many anti-religious Communist or ex-Communist countries have extremely high abortion rates, the highest in the world.

Also consider: Study Finds Fewer Babies Being Killed in Abortions Because of the Coronavirus
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Looks like JoeB131 is talking out of his ass again. Lol

Democrat taxes, waste, and bureaucracy do not lead to economic growth.

Except we've never gotten out of a recession without an influx of government spending. Trump, Reagan and Bush all increased government spending to boost the economy out of recessions.

Many women are pressured, lied, coerced into abortion.

Actually, only someone who infantalizes women would say something so idiotic.

Many anti-religious Communist or ex-Communist countries have extremely high abortion rates, the highest in the world.

So what? Abortion is just another form of birth control.
A consensus of corrupt scientists do not make science established. Keep proving you are a mental retard Joe.

Hey, funny thing about science. It's still true even if you don't believe it.. .Unlike religion.
Religion and science are tools. Tools are neither true nor false ---- they simply exists due to man's investigative nature. Christianity in its truest form isn't a religion but a relationship instigated by GOD and HIS compunction to love. Religion is man's desire to reach out to GOD on man's terms. Christianity is GOD reaching down to man to provide a way.
Looks like JoeB131 is talking out of his ass again. Lol

Democrat taxes, waste, and bureaucracy do not lead to economic growth.

Except we've never gotten out of a recession without an influx of government spending. Trump, Reagan and Bush all increased government spending to boost the economy out of recessions.

Many women are pressured, lied, coerced into abortion.

Actually, only someone who infantalizes women would say something so idiotic.

Many anti-religious Communist or ex-Communist countries have extremely high abortion rates, the highest in the world.

So what? Abortion is just another form of birth control.
Only an idiot would make dumb excuses for an industry that lies to women.

Not sure what’s the matter with you. Even a near-infant being ripped apart leaves you indifferent.


And by the way you shouldn’t forget the many crimes of atheists.

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Only an idiot would make dumb excuses for an industry that lies to women.

Women know exactly what they are doing when they get abortions. Hassling them with an ultrasound is just nuts.

I knew a girl once, Asian-American, came from a religious background, well-educated.... and she got an abortion after she "forgot" to take birth control and her boyfriend wouldn't marry her. Then she hooked up with the same guy a year later and did it again. All because she didn't want her parents to know she wasn't still a virgin at 22.

Not sure what’s the matter with you. Even a near-infant being ripped apart leaves you indifferent.

Most fetuses that are aborted are the size of a kidney bean and look like a cocktail shrimp. If a woman is having a late abortion, it's because the fetus is severely deformed and putting it out of it's misery is a mercy.

When you guys stop trying to cut WIC, Food Stamps, and Head Start for ACTUAL children, I'll take you more seriously on the fetuses.
Only an idiot would make dumb excuses for an industry that lies to women.

Women know exactly what they are doing when they get abortions. Hassling them with an ultrasound is just nuts.

I knew a girl once, Asian-American, came from a religious background, well-educated.... and she got an abortion after she "forgot" to take birth control and her boyfriend wouldn't marry her. Then she hooked up with the same guy a year later and did it again. All because she didn't want her parents to know she wasn't still a virgin at 22.

Not sure what’s the matter with you. Even a near-infant being ripped apart leaves you indifferent.

Most fetuses that are aborted are the size of a kidney bean and look like a cocktail shrimp. If a woman is having a late abortion, it's because the fetus is severely deformed and putting it out of it's misery is a mercy.

When you guys stop trying to cut WIC, Food Stamps, and Head Start for ACTUAL children, I'll take you more seriously on the fetuses.
What about the 10% that are aborted using the D&E procedure?
What about the 10% that are aborted using the D&E procedure?

What about them? Not that the number is that high.

99% of abortions are preformed before the 20th week, when the fetus isn't viable.

But here's why Abortion is fine. It really pisses off the religious assholes.
What about the 10% that are aborted using the D&E procedure?

What about them? Not that the number is that high.

99% of abortions are preformed before the 20th week, when the fetus isn't viable.

But here's why Abortion is fine. It really pisses off the religious assholes.
What about them? You don't know they pull the baby apart into pieces?

At which point in the development cycle do you think D&E's are performed.
What about them? You don't know they pull the baby apart into pieces?

At which point in the development cycle do you think D&E's are performed.

Before birth, so not a person...

And again, pisses off the religious assholes, that makes it good.
What about them? You don't know they pull the baby apart into pieces?

At which point in the development cycle do you think D&E's are performed.

Before birth, so not a person...

And again, pisses off the religious assholes, that makes it good.
Eleven percent of abortions in the United States take place after the first trimester, and national estimates suggest that D&E accounts for roughly 95% of these procedures.


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