I was thinking why liberals say that it is better to kill the fetus than to starve the baby.

Liberals believe it is better to kill the black baby before it is born, than letting it live.

  • The liberals think that US conservatives dont want to pay welfare thus the child must die.

    Votes: 4 44.4%
  • Liberals think that black people arent responsible and cant get a job, thus the child must die.

    Votes: 6 66.7%
  • Liberals hate anyone and everyone, thus the child should die.

    Votes: 7 77.8%

  • Total voters
DNA says otherwise, Joe.

DNA doesn't say anything. A fetus isn't viable outside the womb. You can't give a fetus more rights than the woman it is inside.

Her body. Her choice. End of discussion.
DNA says otherwise, Joe.

DNA doesn't say anything. A fetus isn't viable outside the womb. You can't give a fetus more rights than the woman it is inside.

Her body. Her choice. End of discussion.
DNA proves that at conception a genetically distinct human being has come into existence. One that has never existed before and will never exist again. It is DNA which distinguishes that human being as a specific person.

DNA is used to identify specific persons in courts of law, Joe.
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Only an idiot would make dumb excuses for an industry that lies to women.

Women know exactly what they are doing when they get abortions. Hassling them with an ultrasound is just nuts.

I knew a girl once, Asian-American, came from a religious background, well-educated.... and she got an abortion after she "forgot" to take birth control and her boyfriend wouldn't marry her. Then she hooked up with the same guy a year later and did it again. All because she didn't want her parents to know she wasn't still a virgin at 22.

Not sure what’s the matter with you. Even a near-infant being ripped apart leaves you indifferent.

Most fetuses that are aborted are the size of a kidney bean and look like a cocktail shrimp. If a woman is having a late abortion, it's because the fetus is severely deformed and putting it out of it's misery is a mercy.

When you guys stop trying to cut WIC, Food Stamps, and Head Start for ACTUAL children, I'll take you more seriously on the fetuses.
Sorry, but this individual lied to her parents, and killed her baby because she thought her "boyfriend" was worthy of her sexual favors. The life of that infant wasn't worth either reason. If a good reason to murder someone was because he or she was imperfect, this would certainly be a dead planet...
Looks like JoeB131 is talking out of his ass again. Lol

Democrat taxes, waste, and bureaucracy do not lead to economic growth.

Except we've never gotten out of a recession without an influx of government spending. Trump, Reagan and Bush all increased government spending to boost the economy out of recessions.

Many women are pressured, lied, coerced into abortion.

Actually, only someone who infantalizes women would say something so idiotic.

Many anti-religious Communist or ex-Communist countries have extremely high abortion rates, the highest in the world.

So what? Abortion is just another form of birth control.
A unique combination of DNA, a person, is murdered. "Before you were formed in the womb I knew you."
Andrea Bocelli's mother was instructed by her physician to abort him. She refused.
Recount the Chinese practice of aborting only female babies and any "feminist" (sic) will rail and curse you and the practice.
Many adults were born after botched attempts to abort them, and they are very grateful that the murderous doctors were incompetent.
Finally, fathers of babies have NO CHOICE in whether their son or daughter will be born, to have and hold and love. This abomination is blood on your evil hands.

I never again want to read another word of your vile thoughts.

My Ignore List just grew by you.

ciao brutto
Leftists believe that it's better to kill offspring of the poor.

Following the lead of racist Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, which murders unborn black babies at a rate six times that of whites. And funded by American taxpayers.
Abortions vs guns2.png
Looks like JoeB131 is talking out of his ass again. Lol

Democrat taxes, waste, and bureaucracy do not lead to economic growth.

Except we've never gotten out of a recession without an influx of government spending. Trump, Reagan and Bush all increased government spending to boost the economy out of recessions.

Many women are pressured, lied, coerced into abortion.

Actually, only someone who infantalizes women would say something so idiotic.

Many anti-religious Communist or ex-Communist countries have extremely high abortion rates, the highest in the world.

So what? Abortion is just another form of birth control.
Only an idiot would make dumb excuses for an industry that lies to women.

Not sure what’s the matter with you. Even a near-infant being ripped apart leaves you indifferent.

Only an idiot would make dumb excuses for an industry that lies to women.

Women know exactly what they are doing when they get abortions. Hassling them with an ultrasound is just nuts.

I knew a girl once, Asian-American, came from a religious background, well-educated.... and she got an abortion after she "forgot" to take birth control and her boyfriend wouldn't marry her. Then she hooked up with the same guy a year later and did it again. All because she didn't want her parents to know she wasn't still a virgin at 22.

Not sure what’s the matter with you. Even a near-infant being ripped apart leaves you indifferent.

Most fetuses that are aborted are the size of a kidney bean and look like a cocktail shrimp. If a woman is having a late abortion, it's because the fetus is severely deformed and putting it out of it's misery is a mercy.

When you guys stop trying to cut WIC, Food Stamps, and Head Start for ACTUAL children, I'll take you more seriously on the fetuses.
Providing women with information is “nuts”?!

I see you are still a compulsive liar. As we both know you just make s*** up and refuse to admit your error. Which makes you sort of a joke don’t you think?

Many prolife people support charity or government assistance.

And many Democrats reject the ghoulish abortion extremists.

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Sorry, but this individual lied to her parents, and killed her baby because she thought her "boyfriend" was worthy of her sexual favors. The life of that infant wasn't worth either reason. If a good reason to murder someone was because he or she was imperfect, this would certainly be a dead planet...

Oh, I think she made stupid choices, but they were her choices to make. The point is, according to your side, she shouldn't have done that.... She was educated, she was brought up in a very religious home. And at the end of the day, given a choice between single motherhood and having a successful life, little globby went into the sink.

Providing women with information is “nuts”?!

Information is fine. Propaganda isn't.

I see you are still a compulsive liar. As we both know you just make s*** up and refuse to admit your error. Which makes you sort of a joke don’t you think?

Naw, a joke is someone who wants to give civil rights to globs of cells because an imaginary fairy in the sky told them to.
Sorry, but this individual lied to her parents, and killed her baby because she thought her "boyfriend" was worthy of her sexual favors. The life of that infant wasn't worth either reason. If a good reason to murder someone was because he or she was imperfect, this would certainly be a dead planet...

Oh, I think she made stupid choices, but they were her choices to make. The point is, according to your side, she shouldn't have done that.... She was educated, she was brought up in a very religious home. And at the end of the day, given a choice between single motherhood and having a successful life, little globby went into the sink.

Providing women with information is “nuts”?!

Information is fine. Propaganda isn't.

I see you are still a compulsive liar. As we both know you just make s*** up and refuse to admit your error. Which makes you sort of a joke don’t you think?

Naw, a joke is someone who wants to give civil rights to globs of cells because an imaginary fairy in the sky told them to.
Lying about unborn babies makes it easier to kill them.

This is what JoeB131 said: “If a woman is having a late abortion, it's because the fetus is severely deformed and putting it out of it's misery is a mercy.”

This is a lie. JoeB131 knows it’s a lie, but he’ll keep repeating it.

JoeB131 lies in service to an industry that murders many thousands of children every year.

Why does he do it? I can’t imagine Planned Parenthood would pay him. He is much too stupid. It’s a mystery...
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Lying about unborn babies makes it easier to kill them.

No, what makes them easy to kill is that they are trapped inside a woman for 9 months... and if she doesn't want little globby inside of her, she'll find a way to get rid of him.

This is what JoeB131 said: “If a woman is having a late abortion, it's because the fetus is severely deformed and putting it out of it's misery is a mercy.”

This is a lie. JoeB131 knows it’s a lie, but he’ll keep repeating it.

Yeah, guy, do you have a source that isn't a bunch of religous nutters, I'll take you seriously.

Do you think a woman is going to put up with 8 months of Morning sickness and body distortion and then says one day, "Fuck it, I don't want the baby after all."

The reality - Third Trimester abortions are ones where the fetus was wanted, where a baby name was picked out, and something went very, very wrong.

JoeB131 lies in service to an industry that murders many thousands of children every year.

Why does he do it? I can’t imagine Planned Parenthood would pay him. He is much too stupid. It’s a mystery...

Actually, on a personal level, I don't care one way or the other. But the reality is- you guys are being played.



Why is it when Republicans are in charge, Abortion NEVER gets banned, but the rich always get their tax cuts?

When you can answer THAT question, get back to me.
Lying about unborn babies makes it easier to kill them.

No, what makes them easy to kill is that they are trapped inside a woman for 9 months... and if she doesn't want little globby inside of her, she'll find a way to get rid of him.

This is what JoeB131 said: “If a woman is having a late abortion, it's because the fetus is severely deformed and putting it out of it's misery is a mercy.”

This is a lie. JoeB131 knows it’s a lie, but he’ll keep repeating it.

Yeah, guy, do you have a source that isn't a bunch of religous nutters, I'll take you seriously.

Do you think a woman is going to put up with 8 months of Morning sickness and body distortion and then says one day, "Fuck it, I don't want the baby after all."

The reality - Third Trimester abortions are ones where the fetus was wanted, where a baby name was picked out, and something went very, very wrong.

JoeB131 lies in service to an industry that murders many thousands of children every year.

Why does he do it? I can’t imagine Planned Parenthood would pay him. He is much too stupid. It’s a mystery...

Actually, on a personal level, I don't care one way or the other. But the reality is- you guys are being played.


View attachment 472474

Why is it when Republicans are in charge, Abortion NEVER gets banned, but the rich always get their tax cuts?

When you can answer THAT question, get back to me.
Quote: But data suggest that most women seeking later terminations are not doing so for reasons of fetal anomaly or life endangerment.

Link: Error - Cookies Turned Off

Now admit your error.

Some Republican politicians are racists who want to kill off the poor & minorities via abortion.

Other Republicans have passed laws that restrict abortion.

Many politicians are phonies of course. How many Democrat politicians really want to empower the poor? Lol
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Quote: But data suggest that most women seeking later terminations are not doing so for reasons of fetal anomaly or life endangerment.

Lies by bible thumpers don't impress me.

You think women are out there sharing why they have abortions. 99% of them would tell you "none of your fucking business" as they should. Since medical records are confidential, you have no idea what anomolies they were putting little blobby in the medical waste dispenser for.

Some Republican politicians are racists who want to kill off the poor & minorities via abortion.

Kermit Gosnell happened because we are okay with racism and poverty. If Gosnell was butchering white women, there wouldn't have been an issue. The ironic thing was Gosnell happened because PA had some of the strictest abortion laws, making it harder for legitimate providers to operate.

Gosnell was the norm before Roe v. Wade and he'd be the norm if you idiots ever got your way and banned abortions again.

Other Republicans have passed laws that restrict abortion.

Many politicians are phonies of course. How many Democrat politicians really want to empower the poor? Lol

Quite a few, which is why you guys shit yourselves when a black politician like Obama or Harris gets into a position of power.
Quote: But data suggest that most women seeking later terminations are not doing so for reasons of fetal anomaly or life endangerment.

Lies by bible thumpers don't impress me.

You think women are out there sharing why they have abortions. 99% of them would tell you "none of your fucking business" as they should. Since medical records are confidential, you have no idea what anomolies they were putting little blobby in the medical waste dispenser for.

Some Republican politicians are racists who want to kill off the poor & minorities via abortion.

Kermit Gosnell happened because we are okay with racism and poverty. If Gosnell was butchering white women, there wouldn't have been an issue. The ironic thing was Gosnell happened because PA had some of the strictest abortion laws, making it harder for legitimate providers to operate.

Gosnell was the norm before Roe v. Wade and he'd be the norm if you idiots ever got your way and banned abortions again.

Other Republicans have passed laws that restrict abortion.

Many politicians are phonies of course. How many Democrat politicians really want to empower the poor? Lol

Quite a few, which is why you guys shit yourselves when a black politician like Obama or Harris gets into a position of power.
This is why JoeB131 is rightly held in contempt. When caught in a lie he just lies some more. The quote I linked to comes from a peer reviewed paper not “bible thumpers”.

Kermit Gosnell happened because pro-abortion fanatics like JoeB131 are okay with racism. These fanatics are eager to kill helpless minority children via abortion.

JoeB131 where’s your evidence for your statement: “The ironic thing was Gosnell happened because PA had some of the strictest abortion laws”

Back in reality the pro-abortion fanatics embrace lax regulation. They want no limits on Planned Parenthood mass murder.

More facts for you to ignore: Back-Alley Abortion Never Ended
This is why JoeB131 is rightly held in contempt. When caught in a lie he just lies some more. The quote I linked to comes from a peer reviewed paper not “bible thumpers”.

Your "study" was a small sample, and only covered women having abortions after week 20, which is not third trimester. Do you actually read this shit before you post it?

Here's something from your article.

"Indeed, we know very little about women who seek later abortions."

Kermit Gosnell happened because pro-abortion fanatics like JoeB131 are okay with racism. These fanatics are eager to kill helpless minority children via abortion.

JoeB131 where’s your evidence for your statement: “The ironic thing was Gosnell happened because PA had some of the strictest abortion laws”

You never heard of Planned Parenthood v. Casey, where SCOTUS upheld PA's rights to restrict abortions?

Back in reality the pro-abortion fanatics embrace lax regulation. They want no limits on Planned Parenthood mass murder.

That's because the limits you guys try to put on have nothing to do with patient safety.
This is why JoeB131 is rightly held in contempt. When caught in a lie he just lies some more. The quote I linked to comes from a peer reviewed paper not “bible thumpers”.

Your "study" was a small sample, and only covered women having abortions after week 20, which is not third trimester. Do you actually read this shit before you post it?

Here's something from your article.

"Indeed, we know very little about women who seek later abortions."

Kermit Gosnell happened because pro-abortion fanatics like JoeB131 are okay with racism. These fanatics are eager to kill helpless minority children via abortion.

JoeB131 where’s your evidence for your statement: “The ironic thing was Gosnell happened because PA had some of the strictest abortion laws”

You never heard of Planned Parenthood v. Casey, where SCOTUS upheld PA's rights to restrict abortions?

Back in reality the pro-abortion fanatics embrace lax regulation. They want no limits on Planned Parenthood mass murder.

That's because the limits you guys try to put on have nothing to do with patient safety.
Was my quote accurate?

Was the paper written by “bible thumpers”?

Yes or no?

The Casey decision was in 1992. Gosnell’s House of Horrors was raided in 2010.

Please don’t be so dumb.

Check out: Facts About Louisiana's Admitting Privileges Law - Louisiana Right to Life
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