I Was Wrong About Hillary


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
The other day, one of our Patriotic contributors started a thread about the Hillary Foundation and how it spent a remarkably small portion of it's money on actual charity work.

I responded with something like, "I don't think that's true" and that they spent 88% on charity.

Well, guess what people?

I was lied to by dimocraps and I was stupid enough to believe it.

Sorry. Won't happen again. My bad. I should have known better

dimocraps ALWAYS lie. Always. Everything they do is a lie.

In 2013, The Clinton Foundation Only Spent 10 Percent Of Its Budget On Charitable Grants
Hillary Clinton's non-profit spent more on office supplies and rent than it did on charitable grants
APRIL 27, 2015 By Sean Davis

After a week of being attacked for shady bookkeeping and questionable expenditures, the Clinton Foundation is fighting back. In a tweet posted last week, the Clinton Foundation claimed that 88 percent of its expenditures went “directly to [the foundation’s] life-changing work.”

Clinton FoundationVerified account‏@ClintonFdn
More than 88% of our expenditures go directly to our life-changing work: http://wjcf.co/1b1BjMR

There’s only one problem: that claim is demonstrably false. And it is false not according to some partisan spin on the numbers, but because the organization’s own tax filings contradict the claim.


In order for the 88 percent claim to be even remotely close to the truth, the words “directly” and “life-changing” have to mean something other than “directly” and “life-changing.” For example, the Clinton Foundation spent nearly $8.5 million–10 percent of all 2013 expenditures–on travel. Do plane tickets and hotel accommodations directly change lives? Nearly $4.8 million–5.6 percent of all expenditures–was spent on office supplies. Are ink cartridges and staplers “life-changing” commodities?

Those two categories alone comprise over 15 percent of all Clinton Foundation expenses in 2013, and we haven’t even examined other spending categories like employee fringe benefits ($3.7 million), IT costs ($2.1 million), rent ($4 million) or conferences and conventions ($9.2 million). Yet, the tax-exempt organization claimed in its tweet that no more than 12 percent of its expenditures went to these overhead expenses.

How can both claims be true? Easy: they’re not. The claim from the Clinton Foundation that 88 percent of all expenditures go directly to life-changing work is demonstrably false. Office chairs do not directly save lives. The internet connection for the group’s headquarters does not directly change lives.


But what if those employees and those IT costs and those travel expenses indirectly save lives, you might ask. Sure, it’s overhead, but what if it’s overhead in the service of a larger mission? Fair question. Even using the broadest definition of “program expenses” possible, however, the 88 percent claim is still false. How do we know? Because the IRS 990 forms submitted by the Clinton Foundation include a specific and detailed accounting of these programmatic expenses. And even using extremely broad definitions–definitions that allow office supply, rent, travel, and IT costs to be counted as programmatic costs–the Clinton Foundation fails its own test.

According to 2013 tax forms filed by the Clinton Foundation, a mere 80 percent of the organization’s expenditures were characterized as functional programmatic expenses. That’s a far cry from the 88 percent claimed by the organization just last week.


If you take a narrower, and more realistic, view of the tax-exempt group’s expenditures by excluding obvious overhead expenses and focusing on direct grants to charities and governments, the numbers look much worse. In 2013, for example, only 10 percent of the Clinton Foundation’s expenditures were for direct charitable grants. The amount it spent on charitable grants–$8.8 million–was dwarfed by the $17.2 million it cumulatively spent on travel, rent, and office supplies. Between 2011 and 2013, the organization spent only 9.9 percent of the $252 million it collected on direct charitable grants.

While some may claim that the Clinton Foundation does its charity by itself, rather than outsourcing to other organizations in the form of grants, there appears to be little evidence of that activity in 2013. In 2008, for example, the Clinton Foundation spent nearly $100 million purchasing and distributing medicine and working with its care partners. In 2009, the organization spent $126 million on pharmaceutical and care partner expenses. By 2011, those activities were virtually non-existent. The group spent nothing on pharmaceutical expenses and only $1.2 million on care partner expenses. In 2012 and 2013, the Clinton Foundation spent $0. In just a few short years, the Clinton’s primary philanthropic project transitioned from a massive player in global pharmaceutical distribution to a bloated travel agency and conference organizing business that just happened to be tax-exempt.

The Clinton Foundation announced last week that it would be refiling its tax returns for the last five years because it had improperly failed to disclose millions of dollars in donations from foreign sources while Hillary Clinton was serving as Secretary of State.
Fact: Democrats lie about nearly everything. The only time they don't lie is when they think the mic is turned off.
Looks like an accounting firm, BKD, may have 'cooked the books' for the Clintons........

Clinton Foundation May Have an Enron Problem - Amy Ridenour s National Center Blog - A Conservative Blog

I think what's going on is the scumbag douche reported contributions WHILE she was Sec State as coming from individuals rather than from Foreign (Often hostile) Countries to avoid complying with the Memorandum of Understanding she signed with the Liar in Chief.

dimocraps are lying scum. What else is new? :dunno:
I recommend forum members become familiar with FCPA the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.
Ohhhh! Ha ha! You got me with hat title! You are one clever nutbag!

I wonder why nutters never learn to allow the chips to fall before making their dopey pronouncements?
Fact: Democrats lie about nearly everything. The only time they don't lie is when they think the mic is turned off.
How dare you suppress the Mic's voice...
Everything the Clintons do is a scam to enrich themselves.
What wealthy person does not?


A twofer!!

Not only is it small enough to fit on a Bumper Sticker, it's a useless moral equivalency and an informal logic fallacy of the adolescent variety
Show us more of your dimocrat logic there Aurelius...
Look, I am absolutely no fan of the clintons. Never voted for one, never will. But this piece is manipulating the numbers pretty hard. A conference with a former POTUS can be a life-changing experience. still a lot of waste but not quite as bad as this article paints.

BTW - how much did the clintons keep to "enrich themselves"?
I am, as usual, waiting to learn what actually happened. It is possible that something shady was done. It is also possible that nothing shady was done.

If you have made up your mind about that.....you are a person who can be easily manipulated.
Some may find it interesting that government requires private sector companies to avoid conflicts of interest both actual and in appearance. Should government officials be immune from the very standards they place on the private sector? If anything government officials should be held at least to the same standard if not higher.
Ohhhh! Ha ha! You got me with hat title! You are one clever nutbag!

I wonder why nutters never learn to allow the chips to fall before making their dopey pronouncements?

What "hat" title? Couldn't resist picking on the typo since libs around here are famous for that.

I notice that you didn't say a word about the subject. Just more insulting the right instead of commenting on the dishonesty in the Clinton foundation.

They took in a lot of money and apparently a great deal came from questionable sources. Then they failed to spend much on actual charities. It's reasonable to ask what the real goal of the foundation really is and who is actually benefitting from it.

Wasn't there also a great deal of money unaccounted for in the State Dept. under Hillary? Bad bookkeeping was blamed for no one knowing where a substantial amount went. Perhaps it went to the Clinton Foundation. We'll never know, will we? Paper trails have always had a funny way of disappearing when it came to the Clinton's dealings.
Some may find it interesting that government requires private sector companies to avoid conflicts of interest both actual and in appearance. Should government officials be immune from the very standards they place on the private sector? If anything government officials should be held at least to the same standard if not higher.

they aren't immune and in fact there are laws about what they do.....but that takes a Justice Dept. that isn't in bed with the crooks..........
I'm betting that when Bubba used Foundation Funds to fly to an Orgy Island full of Teenage Girls, he thought he was providing a Life Changing service to them.
Ohhhh! Ha ha! You got me with hat title! You are one clever nutbag!

I wonder why nutters never learn to allow the chips to fall before making their dopey pronouncements?

What "hat" title? Couldn't resist picking on the typo since libs around here are famous for that.

I notice that you didn't say a word about the subject. Just more insulting the right instead of commenting on the dishonesty in the Clinton foundation.

They took in a lot of money and apparently a great deal came from questionable sources. Then they failed to spend much on actual charities. It's reasonable to ask what the real goal of the foundation really is and who is actually benefitting from it.

Wasn't there also a great deal of money unaccounted for in the State Dept. under Hillary? Bad bookkeeping was blamed for no one knowing where a substantial amount went. Perhaps it went to the Clinton Foundation. We'll never know, will we? Paper trails have always had a funny way of disappearing when it came to the Clinton's dealings.

Ya dumb bitch. Nobody cares about typos. Intelligent people want to communicate with other intelligent people. It isn't typos that annoy....it's retards who never learned basic English writing skills.

You...being one who actually writes fairly well....shouldn't get butthurt about it. But.....you are a professional victim....so you can't help it.

On the "subject":

One can ask leading, accusing questions about shit until the cows come home. That isn't what reasonable people do. Reasonable people ask reasonable questions.

You have used words like "apparently" and "perhaps"....indicating that you don't have evidence.......but you insist that other "comment on the dishonesty in the Clinton Foundation" as if you have some evidence.

That's what losers do.
Hey does this mean my prayers have been answered and the Democrats will have to run someone else?

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