I was wrong about Romney

You’re still wrong about Romney, as he's neither.

Compared to the current President, he is both.

This is a funny joke, because you realize this isnt true in any sense of the word.

whats funny about this?
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nFJDXMxXgZo]Couple recounts how Mitt Romney helped dying son - YouTube[/ame]
you got anything that Obama did like this?
when no-one was looking?

Well... I don't think they'll win... But it doesn't matter to me if they do. But if they proved it... That would make me happy.

why do you think they will lose?
They need independents and/or libertarians to win. They have shit on them. Repeatedly and in public.

the main stream media cannot hide the pain the people In Florida are feeling
Jobs are gone almost everywhere except were there drilling for gas and oil
the budget deficit is everywhere, that cannot be hidden any-more
The huge change in the house in 2010 was not a fluke, anyway that is my opinion
I agree about the house change... But then... From my standpoint a president in power that doesn't have control of congress through his party is a good thing.

with Newt and the boys and as i asses it when GWB was president until 06 we were fine
history will agree with me I think
I think the key is the GOP congress no matter the president
JRK is a neo-con.

That is all anybody needs to know to not trust him or those who think like him. The are the nazi wannabees of the far right.

Stay away from them after you take their vote. The GOP congress will have nothing to do with them this time.
Romney has a couple views I don't like, but over all I think he will make a good President and its a crucial fact that we have to get Obama outta there. We must all vote and don't fail too. We citizens have to do something for our selves and our benefit, not the Parties benefit. Its irrelevant what Party you belong too, its a clear obvious fact that Obama was wrong for the job and we are all suffering because of it. I hope Obama doesn't fool the people a second time.
I am a independent voter and Romney and Ryan have my vote
be careful, as the polls are showing your gloating maybe short lived
you might want to start now

So....no bet ????

If I have to violate the rules, no. Besides, I have a bet already with TPS. I don't welch on my bets so my leaving permanently would sort of destroy the prior arrangement.

Again, I want you around to watch me gloat.

If you are so freaking confident, then you shouldn't be worried about Welching. I'll let you stay long enough to satisfy your obligation to TPS. Then you scram.

What do you say ?

Miss tough talk.....put up or shut up.
Romney has a couple views I don't like, but over all I think he will make a good President and its a crucial fact that we have to get Obama outta there. We must all vote and don't fail too. We citizens have to do something for our selves and our benefit, not the Parties benefit. Its irrelevant what Party you belong too, its a clear obvious fact that Obama was wrong for the job and we are all suffering because of it. I hope Obama doesn't fool the people a second time.
I am a independent voter and Romney and Ryan have my vote

I have voiced my feelings on independents
but you at least have a real look at the situation as it really is
Obama has to go, this country is not even a shadow of what it was from 81-06
So....no bet ????

If I have to violate the rules, no. Besides, I have a bet already with TPS. I don't welch on my bets so my leaving permanently would sort of destroy the prior arrangement.

Again, I want you around to watch me gloat.

If you are so freaking confident, then you shouldn't be worried about Welching. I'll let you stay long enough to satisfy your obligation to TPS. Then you scram.

What do you say ?

Miss tough talk.....put up or shut up.

CC your losing face
i have bee telling you that
Being a Lib is a belief that I may not understand, but I can respect
conducting your self as others have on ignore do does no-one any good
your claim of victory comes with a price
I feel very confident Romney/Ryan wins
But I am smart enough not to over estimate the power of the manstream media and those who think voting for the minority and not the most qualified is cool
Romney has a couple views I don't like, but over all I think he will make a good President and its a crucial fact that we have to get Obama outta there. We must all vote and don't fail too. We citizens have to do something for our selves and our benefit, not the Parties benefit. Its irrelevant what Party you belong too, its a clear obvious fact that Obama was wrong for the job and we are all suffering because of it. I hope Obama doesn't fool the people a second time.
I am a independent voter and Romney and Ryan have my vote
I'm an independent... and he won't have mine.
Romney has a couple views I don't like, but over all I think he will make a good President and its a crucial fact that we have to get Obama outta there. We must all vote and don't fail too. We citizens have to do something for our selves and our benefit, not the Parties benefit. Its irrelevant what Party you belong too, its a clear obvious fact that Obama was wrong for the job and we are all suffering because of it. I hope Obama doesn't fool the people a second time.
I am a independent voter and Romney and Ryan have my vote
I'm an independent... and he won't have mine.

not sure why you woud continue to support this regime
but that is your choice
no jobs
deficits out the wazoo
not one bi partisan event

good luck with that
So....no bet ????

If I have to violate the rules, no. Besides, I have a bet already with TPS. I don't welch on my bets so my leaving permanently would sort of destroy the prior arrangement.

Again, I want you around to watch me gloat.

If you are so freaking confident, then you shouldn't be worried about Welching. I'll let you stay long enough to satisfy your obligation to TPS. Then you scram.

What do you say ?

Miss tough talk.....put up or shut up.

he he he...

Okay here is the deal TPS and I made:


The soonest your parameter could happen is 1/1/14. I'm comfortable with that but the effect is not immediate enough for me....

So I suggest we up the ante:

I'll basically give you the same deal as TPS:

So Lets confirm; loser leaves town from 11/6/12 at 11:59 PM that day until 1/20/13 at noon when the next Presidential term starts.

Then from 1/20/13 until 12/31/13....

You change your sig line to "All hail President Obama, you President, my President, our President" or I change my sig line to "All hail President Romney, your President, my President, our President"

Size 3, blue, bold face. arial font.

And then on 1/1/14; you or I leave permanently as you wish.

So; time for YOU to put up or shut up. See, my method is much more diabolical. Because for a year, you have to sing praises to Obama then after that year; you have to leave like a dog with it's tail between it's legs.
If I have to violate the rules, no. Besides, I have a bet already with TPS. I don't welch on my bets so my leaving permanently would sort of destroy the prior arrangement.

Again, I want you around to watch me gloat.

If you are so freaking confident, then you shouldn't be worried about Welching. I'll let you stay long enough to satisfy your obligation to TPS. Then you scram.

What do you say ?

Miss tough talk.....put up or shut up.

CC your losing face
i have bee telling you that
Being a Lib is a belief that I may not understand, but I can respect
conducting your self as others have on ignore do does no-one any good
your claim of victory comes with a price
I feel very confident Romney/Ryan wins
But I am smart enough not to over estimate the power of the manstream media and those who think voting for the minority and not the most qualified is cool

You're not smart enough to write in complete sentences or use standard capitalization.

Obama has an electoral lock on the Presidency. The Governor is running an amateurish campaign that is surprising for the amount of time he's devoted to the quest. His speech the other evening was uninspiring and he was overshadowed by the warm-up act, Mr. Eastwood who debated an empty chair and lost.
If I have to violate the rules, no. Besides, I have a bet already with TPS. I don't welch on my bets so my leaving permanently would sort of destroy the prior arrangement.

Again, I want you around to watch me gloat.

If you are so freaking confident, then you shouldn't be worried about Welching. I'll let you stay long enough to satisfy your obligation to TPS. Then you scram.

What do you say ?

Miss tough talk.....put up or shut up.

he he he...

Okay here is the deal TPS and I made:


The soonest your parameter could happen is 1/1/14. I'm comfortable with that but the effect is not immediate enough for me....

So I suggest we up the ante:

I'll basically give you the same deal as TPS:

So Lets confirm; loser leaves town from 11/6/12 at 11:59 PM that day until 1/20/13 at noon when the next Presidential term starts.

Then from 1/20/13 until 12/31/13....

You change your sig line to "All hail President Obama, you President, my President, our President" or I change my sig line to "All hail President Romney, your President, my President, our President"

Size 3, blue, bold face. arial font.

And then on 1/1/14; you or I leave permanently as you wish.

So; time for YOU to put up or shut up. See, my method is much more diabolical. Because for a year, you have to sing praises to Obama then after that year; you have to leave like a dog with it's tail between it's legs.


If Romney wins, you have to put "I'm a dumbassed liberal who should be spending more time in school and less time on message boards" in your sig. Then after a year, you sign off.
If you are so freaking confident, then you shouldn't be worried about Welching. I'll let you stay long enough to satisfy your obligation to TPS. Then you scram.

What do you say ?

Miss tough talk.....put up or shut up.

he he he...

Okay here is the deal TPS and I made:


The soonest your parameter could happen is 1/1/14. I'm comfortable with that but the effect is not immediate enough for me....

So I suggest we up the ante:

I'll basically give you the same deal as TPS:

So Lets confirm; loser leaves town from 11/6/12 at 11:59 PM that day until 1/20/13 at noon when the next Presidential term starts.

Then from 1/20/13 until 12/31/13....

You change your sig line to "All hail President Obama, you President, my President, our President" or I change my sig line to "All hail President Romney, your President, my President, our President"

Size 3, blue, bold face. arial font.

And then on 1/1/14; you or I leave permanently as you wish.

So; time for YOU to put up or shut up. See, my method is much more diabolical. Because for a year, you have to sing praises to Obama then after that year; you have to leave like a dog with it's tail between it's legs.


If Romney wins, you have to put "I'm a dumbassed liberal who should be spending more time in school and less time on message boards" in your sig. Then after a year, you sign off.

Well, I already have a bet so that won't work. Nice to know you're too chickenshit to back up your talk; just like most of the other conservatives; all talk.

The challenge is before you; Put Up or Shut Up Lucy.
he he he...

Okay here is the deal TPS and I made:


The soonest your parameter could happen is 1/1/14. I'm comfortable with that but the effect is not immediate enough for me....

So I suggest we up the ante:

I'll basically give you the same deal as TPS:

And then on 1/1/14; you or I leave permanently as you wish.

So; time for YOU to put up or shut up. See, my method is much more diabolical. Because for a year, you have to sing praises to Obama then after that year; you have to leave like a dog with it's tail between it's legs.


If Romney wins, you have to put "I'm a dumbassed liberal who should be spending more time in school and less time on message boards" in your sig. Then after a year, you sign off.

Well, I already have a bet so that won't work. Nice to know you're too chickenshit to back up your talk; just like most of the other conservatives; all talk.

The challenge is before you; Put Up or Shut Up Lucy.

Are you to stupid to know you can put both in your sig. It's there....your call, asswipe.
big government conservatives:

Ryan- voted for everything Bush II put frwd: TARP

Ryan voted for the $700 billion bank bailout, the biggest Medicare expansion in U.S. history, a massive highway bill that included the “Bridge to Nowhere” and other big-ticket priorities when George W. Bush was president — going to bat for a high-spending GOP agenda that the tea party base now looks on with regret.

Read more: Paul Ryan?s voting record: Big-spending conservatism - Andrew Restuccia and Seung Min Kim - POLITICO.com

you can put lipstick on a pig but its still goin to be a pig :(

I guess he just "evolved" after Obama's election into an "austere fiscal conservative".

This probably happened at the Republican, "Plan for a one term President Rally" before Obama's inauguration.

Mitt didn't make it to that one. He had to be able to spout that laughable line ""We" wanted him to succeed"..

big government conservatives:

Ryan- voted for everything Bush II put frwd: TARP

Ryan voted for the $700 billion bank bailout, the biggest Medicare expansion in U.S. history, a massive highway bill that included the “Bridge to Nowhere” and other big-ticket priorities when George W. Bush was president — going to bat for a high-spending GOP agenda that the tea party base now looks on with regret.

Read more: Paul Ryan?s voting record: Big-spending conservatism - Andrew Restuccia and Seung Min Kim - POLITICO.com

you can put lipstick on a pig but its still goin to be a pig :(

I guess he just "evolved" after Obama's election into an "austere fiscal conservative".

This probably happened at the Republican, "Plan for a one term President Rally" before Obama's inauguration.

Mitt didn't make it to that one. He had to be able to spout that laughable line ""We" wanted him to succeed"..


Believe it or not, MANY of us who didn't vote for the anti-American colonialist in chief wanted him to succeed in leading the nation well.
The problem was, twenty minutes after his inauguration he headed out to bow to world dictators and apologize for America's arrogance at which point it became clear that Obama's success was synonymous with American failure.
I suppose in that regard Obama's been a raving success.
Last edited:

If Romney wins, you have to put "I'm a dumbassed liberal who should be spending more time in school and less time on message boards" in your sig. Then after a year, you sign off.

Well, I already have a bet so that won't work. Nice to know you're too chickenshit to back up your talk; just like most of the other conservatives; all talk.

The challenge is before you; Put Up or Shut Up Lucy.

Are you to stupid to know you can put both in your sig. It's there....your call, asswipe.

No that changes the deal and I'm not wild about the profanity. Deal breaker. But I understand that you're no where near as confident as you pretend to be. A common trait with Conservatives.

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