I was wrong about the 2nd Amendment

I am very awake and ex military, I know a military weapon when I see one, not be a left wing nutter who listen to the Lame Stream Media.

There is not one 18 year old in the USA who needs an assault weapon unless they are in the military, in which case they are stupid for not going to school

What is your qualitative experience in the use of deadly force? What gives you the ability to have an opinion on what an individual needs to prevail in a fight for their life?

Qualified gun instructor...……………...watch him die

What is YOUR qualitative experience in the use of deadly force? What gives YOU the ability to have an opinion on what an individual needs to prevail in a fight for their life?

My right to an opinion is guaranteed by the US Constitution

Any other retarded questions

So is my right to tell you to go fuck yourself and stay out of other peoples lives
And they are much more used to kill 20+ innocent people, often children.
no they aren't
Why do you want to disarm people that could protect those children?
I want you disarmed because you are a gun bragger on the net just like the retard in Florida


So you obviously agree that no 18 year old needs an ar15 unless they are in the military, but then they would have a real weapon not a piece of shit ar15


That was the whole point of the 2nd amendment. Basically the idea was for the goverment to fear and respect the people instead of the other way around. And for the goverment to govern by the consent of the governed. The founders had just fought a revolution to overcome tyranny from a government run amok and they sought to prevent the same from happening again.
So,being neutral in this issue, I have a question. If "assault rifles" are banned because only the military should have them, and all magazines over 10 rounds were banned....does this mean that the police agencies should be forced to comply with the law? After all, they are not military organizations.

Transparency: I'm ex-law enforcement, so you should be able to figure out my answer to the question.
Actually you should wake up
I am very awake and ex military, I know a military weapon when I see one, not be a left wing nutter who listen to the Lame Stream Media.

There is not one 18 year old in the USA who needs an assault weapon unless they are in the military, in which case they are stupid for not going to school

What is your qualitative experience in the use of deadly force? What gives you the ability to have an opinion on what an individual needs to prevail in a fight for their life?

Qualified gun instructor...……………...watch him die




I thought it was outdated and we needed to be more strict with assault weapons. I didn’t have the data just what the media told me. Well I am a logical and stats oriented person and stats show I was way off. This brief video will explain why.

Amy Swearer is a member of the Heritage Foundation, a far right think tank who's in bed with the NRA.

Please, stop trying to justify military-style weapons as a consumer commodity.

There are already more mass shootings this year than days of the year.

The only other countries that have this level of gun shootings is Yemen and Mexico.

And you are a fucking liar also. Most of those Mass shootings have happened with pistols not military style weapons. Dumbass.

Most murders are with handguns dumbass. Mass murders not. You've been duped again, brainwashed functional moron.
Orlando shooter killed 50 and injured 50 and the place had armed security. One shooter.
Ban Moslems
Vegas shooter killed more.
The Vagas shooter could have been stopped all the warning signs were there. How do you get all those weapons in a room on the 32nd floor and not be noticed with all the cameras? Motel staff?
Weak gun laws allowed it.
Shitty government agency allowed it, the Muslims was watched by Obama's FBI
I thought it was outdated and we needed to be more strict with assault weapons. I didn’t have the data just what the media told me. Well I am a logical and stats oriented person and stats show I was way off. This brief video will explain why.

Amy Swearer is a member of the Heritage Foundation, a far right think tank who's in bed with the NRA.

Please, stop trying to justify military-style weapons as a consumer commodity.

There are already more mass shootings this year than days of the year.

The only other countries that have this level of gun shootings is Yemen and Mexico.

Semi auto ar15s are not military weapons

To clear up any misunderstandings AR does not mean "Assault Rifle" it is short for "ArmaLite rifle"
I am very awake and ex military, I know a military weapon when I see one, not be a left wing nutter who listen to the Lame Stream Media.

There is not one 18 year old in the USA who needs an assault weapon unless they are in the military, in which case they are stupid for not going to school

What is your qualitative experience in the use of deadly force? What gives you the ability to have an opinion on what an individual needs to prevail in a fight for their life?

Qualified gun instructor...……………...watch him die





so now your down to posting family pictures and vids,,,

seems the rest of your family is also suffering from mental illness
I am very awake and ex military, I know a military weapon when I see one, not be a left wing nutter who listen to the Lame Stream Media.

There is not one 18 year old in the USA who needs an assault weapon unless they are in the military, in which case they are stupid for not going to school

What is your qualitative experience in the use of deadly force? What gives you the ability to have an opinion on what an individual needs to prevail in a fight for their life?

Qualified gun instructor...……………...watch him die

What is YOUR qualitative experience in the use of deadly force? What gives YOU the ability to have an opinion on what an individual needs to prevail in a fight for their life?

My right to an opinion is guaranteed by the US Constitution

Any other retarded questions

You sound ignorant when you give an opinion of something you have no idea about.
So,being neutral in this issue, I have a question. If "assault rifles" are banned because only the military should have them, and all magazines over 10 rounds were banned....does this mean that the police agencies should be forced to comply with the law? After all, they are not military organizations.

Transparency: I'm ex-law enforcement, so you should be able to figure out my answer to the question.

All of that is moot simply because all gun laws are unconstitutional therefore are not legally enforceable.
The one and ONLY remedy is constitutional amendment according one of the four procedures outlined in the constitution itself. The four paths for an amendment: Proposal by convention of states,
ratification by state conventions (never used) Proposal by convention of states, ratification by state legislatures (never used)
Proposal by Congress, ratification by state conventions (used once)Jan 30, 2010
I thought it was outdated and we needed to be more strict with assault weapons. I didn’t have the data just what the media told me. Well I am a logical and stats oriented person and stats show I was way off. This brief video will explain why.

Amy Swearer is a member of the Heritage Foundation, a far right think tank who's in bed with the NRA.

Please, stop trying to justify military-style weapons as a consumer commodity.

There are already more mass shootings this year than days of the year.

The only other countries that have this level of gun shootings is Yemen and Mexico.

/----/ "Please, stop trying to justify military-style weapons as a consumer commodity."
How about this "military style" assault vehicle as a consumer commodity? Should they be banned too?
View attachment 283380

Any vehicle with a University of Alabama logo should not be allowed o the road, because the driver is obviously mentally handicapped. With that logo, they get to park in handicapped s[aces.
I thought it was outdated and we needed to be more strict with assault weapons. I didn’t have the data just what the media told me. Well I am a logical and stats oriented person and stats show I was way off. This brief video will explain why.

Amy Swearer is a member of the Heritage Foundation, a far right think tank who's in bed with the NRA.

Please, stop trying to justify military-style weapons as a consumer commodity.

There are already more mass shootings this year than days of the year.

The only other countries that have this level of gun shootings is Yemen and Mexico.

Do you understand that the 5 shot, pump action shotgun...is an actual military weapon currently in use by our forces all over the world? That the bolt action, deer hunting rifle that you asshats say we will be allowed to keep....is an actual military weapon, in current use around the world with our military....?

Meanwhile...the AR-15 has never been used by the military, has never been used in a war....

Do you now understand why we don't take you seriously?
I thought it was outdated and we needed to be more strict with assault weapons. I didn’t have the data just what the media told me. Well I am a logical and stats oriented person and stats show I was way off. This brief video will explain why.

Amy Swearer is a member of the Heritage Foundation, a far right think tank who's in bed with the NRA.

Please, stop trying to justify military-style weapons as a consumer commodity.

There are already more mass shootings this year than days of the year.

The only other countries that have this level of gun shootings is Yemen and Mexico.

And you are a fucking liar also. Most of those Mass shootings have happened with pistols not military style weapons. Dumbass.

Most murders are with handguns dumbass. Mass murders not. You've been duped again, brainwashed functional moron.

The most used weapon in mass public shootings is not the rifle..it is the hand gun...
British were marching to seize arms which had been stored by the local militia including essentially cannon, powder and shot

Exactly. THOSE are the weapons a militia would need to do much of anything...and they are illegal to own

Powder and shot are illegal? In what country?

A friend has a WWII anti-tank cannon.

Lush, don't you have an AA meeting to attend?
I thought it was outdated and we needed to be more strict with assault weapons. I didn’t have the data just what the media told me. Well I am a logical and stats oriented person and stats show I was way off. This brief video will explain why.

Amy Swearer is a member of the Heritage Foundation, a far right think tank who's in bed with the NRA.

Please, stop trying to justify military-style weapons as a consumer commodity.

There are already more mass shootings this year than days of the year.

The only other countries that have this level of gun shootings is Yemen and Mexico.

She was only reading facts? Regardless of bias, facts are facts?

Fact: a single shooter with an AR type rifle can quickly kill 20+ people even with armed security. Why arm killers so well?

why are you giving killers guns???

lets not forget you can kill 20+ bad guys with an AR,,,thats true equality,,,

And they are much more used to kill 20+ innocent people, often children.

Virginia Tech....32 killed with 2 pistols.

Luby's Cafe....24 killed with 2 pistols....

Russian Polytechnic school shooting, 20 killed, 40 injured, 5 shot, tube fed, pump action shotgun...

Rental Truck in Nice, France, 86 killed, 435 injured...

You are a doofus.
Orlando shooter killed 50 and injured 50 and the place had armed security. One shooter.
Ban Moslems
Vegas shooter killed more.

The Orlando shooter scared off the one security guard who ran away to get help, leaving 300 people unarmed and defenseless in the face of the shooter.

And from actual survivors from inside the Night Club, had they been allowed to carry guns, the shooter would have been killed several times over......the show "Active Shooter" on Showtime or STars talked to the actual survivors.....again, had they been allowed to have guns, he would have been stopped...

Armed Citizens Are Successful 94% Of The Time At Active Shooter Events [FBI]

Of all the active shooter events there were 33 at which an armed citizen was present. Of those, Armed Citizens were successful at stopping the Active shooter 75.8% of the time (25 incidents) and were successful in reducing the loss of life in an additional 18.2% (6) of incidents. In only 2 of the 33 incidents (6.1%) was the Armed Citizen(s) not helpful in any way in stopping the active shooter or reducing the loss of life.

Thus the headline of our report that Armed Citizens Are Successful 94% Of The Time At Active Shooter Events.

In the 2 incidents at which the armed citizen “failed” to stop or slow the active shooter, one is the previously mentioned incident with hunters. The other is an incident in which the CCWer was shot in the back in a Las Vegas Walmart when he failed to identify that there were 2 Active Shooters involved in the attack. He neglected to identify the one that shot him in the back while he was trying to ambush the other perpetrator.

We also decided to look at the breakdown of events that took place in gun free zones and the relative death toll from events in gun free zones vs non-gun-free zones.

Of the 283 incidents in our data pool, we were unable to identify if the event took place in a gun-free zone in a large number (41%) of the events. Most of the events took place at a business, church, home, or other places at which as a rule of law it is not a gun free zone but potentially could have been declared one by the property owner. Without any information in the FBI study or any indication one way or the other from the news reports, we have indicated that event with a question mark.

If you look at all of the Active Shooter events (pie chart on the top) you see that for those which we have the information, almost twice as many took place in gun free zones than not; but realistically the vast majority of those for which we have no information (indicated as ?) are probably NOT gun free zones.

If you isolate just the events at which 8 or more people were killed the data paints a different picture (pie chart on the bottom). In these incidents, 77.8% took place in a gun-free zone suggesting that gun free zones lead to a higher death rate vs active shooter events in general


One of the final metrics we thought was important to consider is the potential tendency for armed citizens to injure or kill innocent people in their attempt to “save the day.” A common point in political discussions is to point out the lack of training of most armed citizens and the decrease in safety inherent in their presence during violent encounters.

As you can see below, however, at the 33 incidents at which Armed Citizens were present, there were zero situations at which the Armed Citizen injured or killed an innocent person. It never happened.
Orlando shooter killed 50 and injured 50 and the place had armed security. One shooter.
Ban Moslems
Vegas shooter killed more.
The Vagas shooter could have been stopped all the warning signs were there. How do you get all those weapons in a room on the 32nd floor and not be noticed with all the cameras? Motel staff?

It's called "luggage". Perhaps you have heard of it!

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