I was wrong... the health of the mother is not valid for an abortion.

You do not have the right to accept the risk, and it is not a risk but an absolute.
The planet has finite resources, so there is a limit to the population it can support.
Go beyond that and all life on the planet will cease.
That is a proven fact.

I have never encountered anyone making that argument, who is willing to give up his own life for the good of the planet, and for humanity as a whole.

They always want other people to die, but not themselves.

Is there any reason to expect that you are any different?
An embryo/fetus is not a ‘baby.’

Abortion is not ‘murder.’

No babies are ‘killed.’

And increasing the size and authority of the state at the expense of individual liberty is not a ‘solution’ to the issue of abortion.

Lies do not become true from being repeated.

No matter how many times you repeat them, they are still lies, and you are still just as much a liar for persisting in repeating them.
A human embryo can be defective and produce a body that does not even have a functional brain.
It will never be a human.
When there is brain death, like Terry Schievo, there is no human.
Being a human requires having a functioning brain that is capable of being self aware.

You do not have the right to accept the risk, and it is not a risk but an absolute.
The planet has finite resources, so there is a limit to the population it can support.
Go beyond that and all life on the planet will cease.
That is a proven fact.

the lengths some go through to justify killing a child are not funny they are sad,,,

If you think an unconscious unborn is somehow aware and therefore valuable, then you would have to believe in something beyond the physical consciousness, which does not exist yet.
And that would have to be something like the soul.
But if you do believe in something like that, then the body becomes even less important.
If you abort one fetus because it is less than ideal, then that soul will get a better chance in a different body.
There is no reason to attach to a body that has not even developed consciousness yet.

no matter your excuses its still a human life,,,

Human life is not sacred.
There are defective humans who rape and kill, and then have to be killed, all the time.
How is human life that kills to eat meat, more valuable than the life of a vegetarian animal like koala bear, that never kills anything?

your excuses are truly sad,,,

Trying to control others, their bodies, their families, etc., is the worst possible thing anyone could ever do.
the lengths some go through to justify killing a child are not funny they are sad,,,

If you think an unconscious unborn is somehow aware and therefore valuable, then you would have to believe in something beyond the physical consciousness, which does not exist yet.
And that would have to be something like the soul.
But if you do believe in something like that, then the body becomes even less important.
If you abort one fetus because it is less than ideal, then that soul will get a better chance in a different body.
There is no reason to attach to a body that has not even developed consciousness yet.

no matter your excuses its still a human life,,,

Human life is not sacred.
There are defective humans who rape and kill, and then have to be killed, all the time.
How is human life that kills to eat meat, more valuable than the life of a vegetarian animal like koala bear, that never kills anything?

your excuses are truly sad,,,

Trying to control others, their bodies, their families, etc., is the worst possible thing anyone could ever do.

not when compared to killing a helpless child,,,
You do not have the right to accept the risk, and it is not a risk but an absolute.
The planet has finite resources, so there is a limit to the population it can support.
Go beyond that and all life on the planet will cease.
That is a proven fact.

I have never encountered anyone making that argument, who is willing to give up his own life for the good of the planet, and for humanity as a whole.

They always want other people to die, but not themselves.

Is there any reason to expect that you are any different?

The only way for the human race to continue existing is for people with ideas like mine to keep other who would prevent free choice from getting into power.
So I can not sacrifice myself without causing greater harm.
But if I could ensure the survival of humanity by sacrificing myself, of course I would.
Anyone would.
That is the point of then lifeboat rules of women and children first.
Anyone would do that.
It is in our DNA.
An embryo/fetus is not a ‘baby.’

Abortion is not ‘murder.’

No babies are ‘killed.’

And increasing the size and authority of the state at the expense of individual liberty is not a ‘solution’ to the issue of abortion.

Lies do not become true from being repeated.

No matter how many times you repeat them, they are still lies, and you are still just as much a liar for persisting in repeating them.

A fetus is not sentient so then is not valuable, but instead could be harmful.
If you think an unconscious unborn is somehow aware and therefore valuable, then you would have to believe in something beyond the physical consciousness, which does not exist yet.
And that would have to be something like the soul.
But if you do believe in something like that, then the body becomes even less important.
If you abort one fetus because it is less than ideal, then that soul will get a better chance in a different body.
There is no reason to attach to a body that has not even developed consciousness yet.

no matter your excuses its still a human life,,,

Human life is not sacred.
There are defective humans who rape and kill, and then have to be killed, all the time.
How is human life that kills to eat meat, more valuable than the life of a vegetarian animal like koala bear, that never kills anything?

your excuses are truly sad,,,

Trying to control others, their bodies, their families, etc., is the worst possible thing anyone could ever do.

not when compared to killing a helpless child,,,

How many tens of thousands of helpless children did we deliberately murder in Iraq, with our attack on civilian infrastructure, with "Shock and Awe"?
We knew that in a desert climate, blowing up water, sanitation, electricity, food, etc., would murder tens of thousands of children.
no matter your excuses its still a human life,,,

Human life is not sacred.
There are defective humans who rape and kill, and then have to be killed, all the time.
How is human life that kills to eat meat, more valuable than the life of a vegetarian animal like koala bear, that never kills anything?

your excuses are truly sad,,,

Trying to control others, their bodies, their families, etc., is the worst possible thing anyone could ever do.

not when compared to killing a helpless child,,,

How many tens of thousands of helpless children did we deliberately murder in Iraq, with our attack on civilian infrastructure, with "Shock and Awe"?
We knew that in a desert climate, blowing up water, sanitation, electricity, food, etc., would murder tens of thousands of children.

your excuses are truly sad,,,unless you are also OK with that,,,

are you??
These fake Christians are nowhere to be found after one of our mass shootings or whenever we invade a poor country just to amuse ourselves. Are they pro-life? Not even close. They think that a 16 year old dropout having a baby is a good idea but you`ll hear them howl when mother and child are on the welfare rolls for the next 6 or 7 decades.
Human life is not sacred.
There are defective humans who rape and kill, and then have to be killed, all the time.
How is human life that kills to eat meat, more valuable than the life of a vegetarian animal like koala bear, that never kills anything?

your excuses are truly sad,,,

Trying to control others, their bodies, their families, etc., is the worst possible thing anyone could ever do.

not when compared to killing a helpless child,,,

How many tens of thousands of helpless children did we deliberately murder in Iraq, with our attack on civilian infrastructure, with "Shock and Awe"?
We knew that in a desert climate, blowing up water, sanitation, electricity, food, etc., would murder tens of thousands of children.

your excuses are truly sad,,,unless you are also OK with that,,,

are you??

I am not ok with "Shock and Awe" because was not just a war crime, but totally unnecessary.
But if it were necessary to attack civilians in order to do something that were justified, like defending this country from an actual attack, then I might be ok with it.
Bad things can be justified if it is to stop something worse.
Abortion is way better than allowing government to control the lives of women and doctors.
your excuses are truly sad,,,

Trying to control others, their bodies, their families, etc., is the worst possible thing anyone could ever do.

not when compared to killing a helpless child,,,

How many tens of thousands of helpless children did we deliberately murder in Iraq, with our attack on civilian infrastructure, with "Shock and Awe"?
We knew that in a desert climate, blowing up water, sanitation, electricity, food, etc., would murder tens of thousands of children.

your excuses are truly sad,,,unless you are also OK with that,,,

are you??

I am not ok with "Shock and Awe" because was not just a war crime, but totally unnecessary.
But if it were necessary to attack civilians in order to do something that were justified, like defending this country from an actual attack, then I might be ok with it.
Bad things can be justified if it is to stop something worse.
Abortion is way better than allowing government to control the lives of women and doctors.

killing a helpless child is never an option for any reason,,,
Trying to control others, their bodies, their families, etc., is the worst possible thing anyone could ever do.

not when compared to killing a helpless child,,,

How many tens of thousands of helpless children did we deliberately murder in Iraq, with our attack on civilian infrastructure, with "Shock and Awe"?
We knew that in a desert climate, blowing up water, sanitation, electricity, food, etc., would murder tens of thousands of children.

your excuses are truly sad,,,unless you are also OK with that,,,

are you??

I am not ok with "Shock and Awe" because was not just a war crime, but totally unnecessary.
But if it were necessary to attack civilians in order to do something that were justified, like defending this country from an actual attack, then I might be ok with it.
Bad things can be justified if it is to stop something worse.
Abortion is way better than allowing government to control the lives of women and doctors.

killing a helpless child is never an option for any reason,,,

It is trivial to prove that is wrong.
One example is a case where the infant is born with a birth defect that will cause endless pain and death in a short time anyway. Euthanasia is then clearly preferable.
Another is when the helpless child is at and will be part of a system that threatens the life and all freedoms of millions.
Watching Schumer threaten SCOTUS judges if they rule against Roe VS Wade made me wonder about my own knowledge regarding my position... abortion OK only in case of health of money, rape or incest.
I am wrong!
Even in 1981, former Surgeon General of the United States Dr. C. Everett Koop said, “The fact of the matter is that abortion as a necessity to save the life of the mother is so rare as to be nonexistent.”

But as former abortionist Dr. Anthony Levatino has affirmed on the record:
During my time at Albany Medical Center I managed hundreds of such cases by “terminating” pregnancies to save mother’s lives. In all those cases, the number of unborn children that I had to deliberately kill was zero.
What Percentage of Abortions Are Medically Necessary?

But the biased MSM has never shared that with us.
Consequently since 1973 over 61,781,054 lives were destroyed.
Think about that...what baby among those 62 million could have discovered cures for cancer? Or made other fantastic contributions...all because a woman wasn't responsible enough.
Number of Abortions in US & Worldwide - Number of abortions since 1973

Just consider that: 46% of all abortions were performed on women who had one or more abortions before!
Think about it... There is an excuse for first timers... but 2nd, or 3 or more previous abortions?

Planned Parenthood Turns 99 Today: Has Killed 7 Million Babies in Abortions

Are you a male or female, I bet a male.

I was originally ok with abortions in case of mother's health, rape or incest, based on the statistics, the murder of a person
that was NOT going to affect a woman's health is wrong.
Then I find out that really DUMB women who already had a 2nd or 3rd abortion?
That is shear murder because the women couldn't say NO!
It was evidently OK for a few moments of pleasure to terminate an especially innocent baby.
That makes my sex irrelevant.
But what is more relevant is you approve of dumb women who have already had abortions? That is shear stupidity on theirs and your part!
So male. Pussy. Gullible. And male.
The only way for the human race to continue existing is for people with ideas like mine to keep other who would prevent free choice from getting into power.
So I can not sacrifice myself without causing greater harm.
But if I could ensure the survival of humanity by sacrificing myself, of course I would.
Anyone would.
That is the point of then lifeboat rules of women and children first.
Anyone would do that.
It is in our DNA.


You most certainly are not any better, nor any more important, than the others that you want to die.

If you really believe that it is necessary for humans to die, to reduce the excess population, then set the example.

You first.
not when compared to killing a helpless child,,,

How many tens of thousands of helpless children did we deliberately murder in Iraq, with our attack on civilian infrastructure, with "Shock and Awe"?
We knew that in a desert climate, blowing up water, sanitation, electricity, food, etc., would murder tens of thousands of children.

your excuses are truly sad,,,unless you are also OK with that,,,

are you??

I am not ok with "Shock and Awe" because was not just a war crime, but totally unnecessary.
But if it were necessary to attack civilians in order to do something that were justified, like defending this country from an actual attack, then I might be ok with it.
Bad things can be justified if it is to stop something worse.
Abortion is way better than allowing government to control the lives of women and doctors.

killing a helpless child is never an option for any reason,,,

It is trivial to prove that is wrong.
One example is a case where the infant is born with a birth defect that will cause endless pain and death in a short time anyway. Euthanasia is then clearly preferable.
Another is when the helpless child is at and will be part of a system that threatens the life and all freedoms of millions.
once again your excuses are just sad,,,
If you think an unconscious unborn is somehow aware and therefore valuable, then you would have to believe in something beyond the physical consciousness, which does not exist yet.
And that would have to be something like the soul.
But if you do believe in something like that, then the body becomes even less important.
If you abort one fetus because it is less than ideal, then that soul will get a better chance in a different body.
There is no reason to attach to a body that has not even developed consciousness yet.

no matter your excuses its still a human life,,,

Human life is not sacred.
There are defective humans who rape and kill, and then have to be killed, all the time.
How is human life that kills to eat meat, more valuable than the life of a vegetarian animal like koala bear, that never kills anything?

your excuses are truly sad,,,

Trying to control others, their bodies, their families, etc., is the worst possible thing anyone could ever do.

not when compared to killing a helpless child,,,
If helpless children were being killed the killers would be arrested. You could get off your ass and stop the killers yourself if you really believed your own nonsense.
no matter your excuses its still a human life,,,

Human life is not sacred.
There are defective humans who rape and kill, and then have to be killed, all the time.
How is human life that kills to eat meat, more valuable than the life of a vegetarian animal like koala bear, that never kills anything?

your excuses are truly sad,,,

Trying to control others, their bodies, their families, etc., is the worst possible thing anyone could ever do.

not when compared to killing a helpless child,,,
If helpless children were being killed the killers would be arrested. You could get off your ass and stop the killers yourself if you really believed your own nonsense.

what do you think I'm doing now???
If helpless children were being killed the killers would be arrested. You could get off your ass and stop the killers yourself if you really believed your own nonsense.

That's a lie, and you know it.

Thousands of helpless children are murdered, in this country, every day,and the law will do nothing about it. In fact, were any of us to try to intervene to stop it, the law would be turned against us. We'd be arrested, and jailed, and the children we tried to save would still be killed.

This is what pure evil looks like.

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