I was wrong... the health of the mother is not valid for an abortion.

Not at all. Pay attention to what was said.
Black mothers' babies probably had absolute value to black mothers, just very little to so-called masters, those who labored under the delusion that people can own people.
The Nazi movement was a virtual religious cult, believing in hogwash philosophies and false 'science'. Their value system was not shared by others, and conflict resolved the situation.

No different from the mindset of those, today, who think that children have no value before birth, and that it's perfectly fine to kill them in cold blood.

What makes you think that you are any better than a Nazi or a slave owner, when you advocate the exact same mindset that leads to human rights abuses against those that you seek to dehumanize?
You are hopelessly caught up in your own terminology and projection.
When you accuse me of being a Nazi, you better be able to put up or shut up. Nothing you can find, no quotation of my words can substantiate such a thing.
You have chosen verbiage that commits you to a path in conflict with present law and majority opinion. You wish to impose your view through legislation.
The very most I've said is that this is a women's issue and women should decide. If there is a moral issue, leave it to the woman and whatever your source of morality is.
I have said abortion is something to be avoided. I have said education and aid are to be emphasized.
If you really believed abortion were murder, you would go stop it. You aren't doing that. What is the definition of hypocrisy?
If you are a Democrat, this is what you are voting for:
View attachment 311753

If you are a blind supporter of either party this is what you support also.

Civilians Killed & Wounded | Costs of War

Are you suggesting that (mostly unavoidable) war atrocities are somehow justification for an acceptance abortions?
It would seem, rather, that what is suggested is that protesting against abortion obligates protesting slaughter of civilians.

Obligates. . .


But not the other way around?

Why doesn't your (supposed) outrage over children killed in war not also "obligate" you to fight abortion?

That knife cuts both ways.
If you are a Democrat, this is what you are voting for:
View attachment 311753

If you are a blind supporter of either party this is what you support also.

Civilians Killed & Wounded | Costs of War

Are you suggesting that (mostly unavoidable) war atrocities are somehow justification for an acceptance abortions?
It would seem, rather, that what is suggested is that protesting against abortion obligates protesting slaughter of civilians.

Obligates. . .


But not the other way around?
Why would it?
If you are a Democrat, this is what you are voting for:
View attachment 311753

If you are a blind supporter of either party this is what you support also.

Civilians Killed & Wounded | Costs of War

Are you suggesting that (mostly unavoidable) war atrocities are somehow justification for an acceptance abortions?
It would seem, rather, that what is suggested is that protesting against abortion obligates protesting slaughter of civilians.

Obligates. . .


But not the other way around?

Why doesn't your (supposed) outrage over children killed in war not also "obligate" you to fight abortion?

That knife cuts both ways.
If you are a Democrat, this is what you are voting for:
View attachment 311753

If you are a blind supporter of either party this is what you support also.

Civilians Killed & Wounded | Costs of War

Are you suggesting that (mostly unavoidable) war atrocities are somehow justification for an acceptance abortions?
It would seem, rather, that what is suggested is that protesting against abortion obligates protesting slaughter of civilians.

Obligates. . .


But not the other way around?

Why doesn't your (supposed) outrage over children killed in war not also "obligate" you to fight abortion?

That knife cuts both ways.

I'll bet in a way they do. There is more than one way to fight abortion. We can address the reasons people have abortions also. That many who consider themselves "pro-life" will argue against actions that will do that is something I also do not understand.
If you are a Democrat, this is what you are voting for:
View attachment 311753

If you are a blind supporter of either party this is what you support also.

Civilians Killed & Wounded | Costs of War
View attachment 311759

Kill the unborn = bad.

Kill the born = patriotism.

I don't get it.
That's because you're not very bright.

Brilliant rebuttal. (sarcasm in case you missed that)
The anti-abortion crowd needs to learn to use their words correctly. "Infanticide" is the intentional murder of a living, breathing, infant. Not the termination of an early pregnancy.

Whatever absurd semantic games you try to play do not change the truth. Abortion is homicide. It is the intentional killing of an innocent human being. And absent circumstances to require it, comparable to circumstances under which homicide is otherwise justifiable, it is an evil act, that ought not ever be tolerated by any civilized society.
It is not a semantic game. Words have e meanings. You want arbitrarily change them.

Infant: very young child or baby. Prior to bith it is a fetus, embryo, zygote....

It's a semantic game when you want to use colloquial terms after birth and medical terms before, and pretend the medical terms mean "not a baby".
The fact remains that we meant to say exactly what we said,
Congratulations! Just never you mind that your word choices remain at stark odds with anything provided in a dictionary or science book.. Keep talking that made up gibberish with pride and, for dog sake, project, project, project! I take it as a compliment every time!

...scanning... oh my, and how you do love to project...
I appreciate the fact that you announced you were going to post semantic games before doing so. Saves a lot of time when you state your theme at the outset.


..Don't have a cow..


..My daughter says "Punch her in the dick!"
In countries with very restrictive abortion laws women miscarriages are investigated and can be prosecuted as possible abortions, and pregnant 11 yr olds forced to give birth. That is the end goal of the anti abortion fanatics.
Not funny in the least, I know. But given the choice between laughing or crying?...
Imagine letting the nearest adults worry about the having and raising of children.. providing only help when and where requested, not hateful judgement and impediments..

Good to know that you allowed your child to live, only to raise her to be as ignorant and trashy as you are. Says all we need to know that you're proud of this behavior.
Nope, I'm saying that life is life is life. Killing one is most certainly no more justifiable than the other but I find most who consider themselves "pro-life" will defend the slaughter of born children.

Kill the unborn = bad.

Kill the born = patriotism.

I don't get it.

You are hopelessly caught up in your own terminology and projection.
When you accuse me of being a Nazi, you better be able to put up or shut up. Nothing you can find, no quotation of my words can substantiate such a thing.

Nazis were most notorious for policies and activities which consisted of denying the humanity of large groups of human beings,and using that as an excuse to commit severe human rights abuses against those human beings—exactly the same a what you have been doing in this very thread. Seriously, how can you argue that you are any better than they?

You have chosen verbiage that commits you to a path in conflict with present law and majority opinion. You wish to impose your view through legislation.

Damn right I do. Protecting the innocent from violent crime, up to and including having their lives unjustly taken, is one of the most basic and essential of all functions of government. It takes a soulless sociopath to believe otherwise.

The very most I've said is that this is a women's issue and women should decide. If there is a moral issue, leave it to the woman and whatever your source of morality is.

So only slave owners should be allowed to decide of slavery should be legal, then? The opinions of others do not count, including the opinions of those to be enslaved?

If you really believed abortion were murder, you would go stop it. You aren't doing that. What is the definition of hypocrisy?

What do you think that I can or should be doing, that I am not already doing, to try to stop these murders? As you point out, the current body of law is not on my side, nor on the side of the innocent victims that I would like to protect; just as it was not on the side of those being enslaved and abused in that dark period of our own nation's history, nor on the side of those being subject to mass extermination in Nazi Germany.
Last edited:
There is a reason you avoided the question I asked you yesterday.

I do not know to which question you are referring, but most likely, like most things you post, it was probably not worthy of any response. If I were wise, I'd recognize that about all your postings,and not waste my time or attention. Just because I an foolish enough to waste time and attention on some of your murderous, sociopathic nonsense does not obligate me to waste time and attention on all of it.
There is a reason you avoided the question I asked you yesterday.

I do not know to which question you are referring, but most likely, like most things you post, it was probably not worthy of any response. If I were wise, I'd recognize that about all your postings,and not waste my time or attention. Just because I an foolish enough to waste time and attention on some of your murderous, sociopathic nonsense does not obligate me to waste time and attention on all of it.

There are many things we can pursue that would help a woman decide not to abort. UHC, more affordable access to higher education. A higher minimum wage. A better access to affordable day care.......I can continue.

I find a large percentage of those who call themselves "pro-life" argue against these things even though they would help a woman decide to not abort.

Why is that?
You are hopelessly caught up in your own terminology and projection.
When you accuse me of being a Nazi, you better be able to put up or shut up. Nothing you can find, no quotation of my words can substantiate such a thing.

Nazis were most notorious for policies and activities which consisted of denying the humanity of large groups of human beings,and using that as an excuse to commit severe human rights abuses against those human beings—exactly the same a what you have been doing in this very thread. Seriously, how can you argue that you are any better than they?

You have chosen verbiage that commits you to a path in conflict with present law and majority opinion. You wish to impose your view through legislation.

Damn right I do. Protecting the innocent from violent crime, up to and including having their lives unjustly taken, is one of the most basic and essential of all functions of government. It takes a soulless sociopath to believe otherwise.

The very most I've said is that this is a women's issue and women should decide. If there is a moral issue, leave it to the woman and whatever your source of morality is.

So only slave owners should be allowed to decide of slavery should be legal, then? The opinions of others do not count, including the opinions of those to be enslaved?

If you really believed abortion were murder, you would go stop it. You aren't doing that. What is the definition of hypocrisy?

What do you think that I can or should be doing, that I am not already doing, to try to stop these murders? As you point out, the current body of law is not on my side, nor on the side of the innocent victims that I would like to protect; just as it was not on the side of those being enslaved and abused in that dark period of our own nation's history, nor on the side of those being subject to mass extermination in Nazi Germany.
You obviously are incapable of comprehending English.
Show where any statement by me denigrated anyone. People like you toss around this kind of accusation and think it sticks. Well, the only thing it does is stink and the scent is on you.
The Nazis permitted no protest, no dissent. You can go to any town square or any street corner and attempt to persuade people to adopt your opinion.
You don't even have the courage to do that.
You claim abortion is murder and you knowingly allow it to continue, making you worse than the person performing the abortion who does not believe as you do.
Stop making calumnious accusations on the Internet and put your convictions on the line.
This is my last response to you.
There is a reason you avoided the question I asked you yesterday.

I do not know to which question you are referring, but most likely, like most things you post, it was probably not worthy of any response. If I were wise, I'd recognize that about all your postings,and not waste my time or attention. Just because I an foolish enough to waste time and attention on some of your murderous, sociopathic nonsense does not obligate me to waste time and attention on all of it.

There are many things we can pursue that would help a woman decide not to abort. UHC, more affordable access to higher education. A higher minimum wage. A better access to affordable day care.......I can continue.

I find a large percentage of those who call themselves "pro-life" argue against these things even though they would help a woman decide to not abort.

Why is that?

Again, that knife cuts both ways.

If you sincerely have empathy in all tjose situations you just lisyed. . .

Why no empathy for the childten being aborted too?
If you are a Democrat, this is what you are voting for:
View attachment 311753

If you are a blind supporter of either party this is what you support also.

Civilians Killed & Wounded | Costs of War

Are you suggesting that (mostly unavoidable) war atrocities are somehow justification for an acceptance abortions?
It would seem, rather, that what is suggested is that protesting against abortion obligates protesting slaughter of civilians.

Obligates. . .


But not the other way around?
Why would it?

Weren't you the one that first tied the two issues together and introduced the word "obligation?"
There is a reason you avoided the question I asked you yesterday.

I do not know to which question you are referring, but most likely, like most things you post, it was probably not worthy of any response. If I were wise, I'd recognize that about all your postings,and not waste my time or attention. Just because I an foolish enough to waste time and attention on some of your murderous, sociopathic nonsense does not obligate me to waste time and attention on all of it.

There are many things we can pursue that would help a woman decide not to abort. UHC, more affordable access to higher education. A higher minimum wage. A better access to affordable day care.......I can continue.

I find a large percentage of those who call themselves "pro-life" argue against these things even though they would help a woman decide to not abort.

Why is that?

Again, that knife cuts both ways.

If you sincerely have empathy in all tjose situations you just lisyed. . .

Why no empathy for the childten being aborted too?

I'm pro-life.......I don't just pretend to be.
There is a reason you avoided the question I asked you yesterday.

I do not know to which question you are referring, but most likely, like most things you post, it was probably not worthy of any response. If I were wise, I'd recognize that about all your postings,and not waste my time or attention. Just because I an foolish enough to waste time and attention on some of your murderous, sociopathic nonsense does not obligate me to waste time and attention on all of it.

There are many things we can pursue that would help a woman decide not to abort. UHC, more affordable access to higher education. A higher minimum wage. A better access to affordable day care.......I can continue.

I find a large percentage of those who call themselves "pro-life" argue against these things even though they would help a woman decide to not abort.

Why is that?

Again, that knife cuts both ways.

If you sincerely have empathy in all tjose situations you just lisyed. . .

Why no empathy for the childten being aborted too?

I'm pro-life.......I don't just pretend to be.

I call.

Are you a defender of basic human rights even for the most basic human beings of all?

Do you vote accordingly?

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