I was wrong... the health of the mother is not valid for an abortion.

Watching Schumer threaten SCOTUS judges if they rule against Roe VS Wade made me wonder about my own knowledge regarding my position... abortion OK only in case of health of money, rape or incest.
I am wrong!
Even in 1981, former Surgeon General of the United States Dr. C. Everett Koop said, “The fact of the matter is that abortion as a necessity to save the life of the mother is so rare as to be nonexistent.”

But as former abortionist Dr. Anthony Levatino has affirmed on the record:
During my time at Albany Medical Center I managed hundreds of such cases by “terminating” pregnancies to save mother’s lives. In all those cases, the number of unborn children that I had to deliberately kill was zero.
What Percentage of Abortions Are Medically Necessary?

But the biased MSM has never shared that with us.
Consequently since 1973 over 61,781,054 lives were destroyed.
Think about that...what baby among those 62 million could have discovered cures for cancer? Or made other fantastic contributions...all because a woman wasn't responsible enough.
Number of Abortions in US & Worldwide - Number of abortions since 1973

Just consider that: 46% of all abortions were performed on women who had one or more abortions before!
Think about it... There is an excuse for first timers... but 2nd, or 3 or more previous abortions?

Planned Parenthood Turns 99 Today: Has Killed 7 Million Babies in Abortions

I know of a guy who asked a woman this kind of Q. She was single but carrying her (can't recall but) 2nd or 3rd "illegitimate" pregnancy. She had NOT aborted any of her children but he was morally aghast that she was having 3 children or so w/o being married. Well, the long story short was that she couldn't seem to get along w/ the father... it happens. So why was she having children when she couldn't get along w/ the father?

I don't know, but at least she wasn't killing them. People need to stop judging others by their own standards... Life is different for everyone. Again... at least she wasn't killing them.

Anyway, I love this thread you have started. I am so glad you came to reason on this serious serious issue

Watching Schumer threaten SCOTUS judges if they rule against Roe VS Wade made me wonder about my own knowledge regarding my position... abortion OK only in case of health of money, rape or incest.
I am wrong!
Even in 1981, former Surgeon General of the United States Dr. C. Everett Koop said, “The fact of the matter is that abortion as a necessity to save the life of the mother is so rare as to be nonexistent.”

But as former abortionist Dr. Anthony Levatino has affirmed on the record:
During my time at Albany Medical Center I managed hundreds of such cases by “terminating” pregnancies to save mother’s lives. In all those cases, the number of unborn children that I had to deliberately kill was zero.
What Percentage of Abortions Are Medically Necessary?

But the biased MSM has never shared that with us.
Consequently since 1973 over 61,781,054 lives were destroyed.
Think about that...what baby among those 62 million could have discovered cures for cancer? Or made other fantastic contributions...all because a woman wasn't responsible enough.
Number of Abortions in US & Worldwide - Number of abortions since 1973

Just consider that: 46% of all abortions were performed on women who had one or more abortions before!
Think about it... There is an excuse for first timers... but 2nd, or 3 or more previous abortions?

Planned Parenthood Turns 99 Today: Has Killed 7 Million Babies in Abortions

Here's another thought, it's not up to you, it's up to the woman. You had your say when you impregnated her. She's got the ball from here because it's in her body. You should have picked a woman who shares your values. You made your choice
7 months? So premature babies born at 6 months aren't "viable"? What is your definition of "viable"? Should premature babies be killed?
A child is viable once it can live outside of a woman’s body.
pknopp is still working on after they are born, like her lack of support for children who are sent across the Southern Border by Mexican drug cartels into slavery and sex trafficking and thousands just end up dead
I see little actual concern for migrant children period unless it serves a political purpose.
I see little actual concern for migrant children period unless it serves a political purpose.

That's because you're full of hate and you assume that others are like you are. You can't back this up because you are full of shit and made it up, that's what hate does to people
pknopp is still working on after they are born, like her lack of support for children who are sent across the Southern Border by Mexican drug cartels into slavery and sex trafficking and thousands just end up dead

Not a her but other than that I have no clue what you are rambling about.
Not a her but other than that I have no clue what you are rambling about.

Now that women have dicks I can't keep track.

And I've long given up on teaching reading comprehension to leftists, let's just go with what we have
That's because you're full of hate and you assume that others are like you are. You can't back this up because you are full of shit and made it up, that's what hate does to people
I think the ones filled with hate are those who actively supported an abusive policy designed to “deter” illegal immigration by forceably taking their children, warehousing them in detention centers and then deporting the parents without their children. That those people could so hate migrants they are willing punish innocent children seems to me to be filled with hate.
Seems a personal issue and you should probably keep it to yourself.

Which is nothing.

pknopp said: Duuuhhh, duhhhhh, darrrrrr, duhhhh, darrrrr, I don't know what you're referring to, kaz, duhhhhhh duhhhhhh

Democrats are the stupidest fucking people
I think the ones filled with hate are those who actively supported an abusive policy designed to “deter” illegal immigration by forceably taking their children, warehousing them in detention centers and then deporting the parents without their children. That those people could so hate migrants they are willing punish innocent children seems to me to be filled with hate.

You know nothing about the southern border, you just recognize a threat to your meal ticket

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