'I will destroy leftism in America': DeSantis makes confident 2024 prediction

So we can spend all day debating one little point, or you can disprove the other 82 items on the list.

They are your claims.

I will be happy to wait while you provide a link to each of them supporting your claims.
Sure....... they were fake during Obama's term.
REAL under Trump, then FAKE under Biden.
Teabaggers are idiots.

They were fake regardless of who was president. I'm no loyalist to any politician or party. I've stated this same thing to both democrats and republicans.

Trumpbots and Bidenbots brag about how many jobs their president created. And I advise them that presidents don't create jobs. Customers do.
Fiscal Conservatism and free market capitalism (not crony capitalism) built this country.
Fiscal conservatism and free market capitalism made this country great because it allowed the majority of people to expand their business. It allowed small companies to flourish.

Too bad we have not elected a Fiscally Conservative president since 1923.
Think what you want. But I think you have not thought this through. Immigration was never a major issue unless the economy is in bad shape.

Fact: Companies outsource to places like China and Mexico because it simply cost less to produce their product.

Yes, to increase their stock prices on Wall Street.

Here's the math. 1 company with 500 employee's, only adding the 40 week. No benefits.

America: Average hourly wages.

$25hr X 40 hours X 500 employees = $500,000 per week. Or 50 weeks = $25,000,000 per year.

China: $6.50 hr (in USD) is the average.

$6.50 X 40 X 500 employees = $130,000 per week. Or 50 weeks = $6,500,000 per year.

$25,000,000 American
$ 6,500,000 China

That's saving the company $18,500,000 in just wages alone.
That's a LOT of savings just from wages alone.

Take it one step deeper and add in the saving the company would get from buying their raw materials or parts to build their product from an American company who's also paying $25 per employee vs one that's paying their employee's $6.50 per hour.

It's a no brainer as to why American companies choose to outsource. The USD has been in the crapper since at least Reagan.

Because Wall Street is everything now. Downturn in the economy? Pump the presses to boost them. Banks doing bad? Bail them out.
I don't know about anyone else. But DeSantis having such a mind set on domestic issues, is refreshing. Especially with this woke nightmare. It's been troublesome for so many people, companies and now it's invaded our military.
Plus DeSantis is advocating that we stop using the Federal Reserve like an unlimited credit card.

Two of our most troublesome issues in the USA. And DeSantis has a good record on both issues.

P.S. I'm not loyal to any politician. And I do have my eyes open, keeping pretty close tabs on Ron. One major slip up, and I'm out. But so far so good. he's the only GOP candidate ATM that has my support.
As a Floridian I know what a great job DeSantis did and is doing.

For instance, my nine year old granddaughter is performing at and above grade level because DeSantis did not shut down the schools like the filthy Democrats wanted him to do during the Pandemic. Neither my son or my Daughter in Law lost their jobs during the Pandemic because DeSantis kept the economy opened even though the filthy Democrats wanted everything shut down.

I absolutely love his war on Wokeness. It is about time we had a leader than wasn't afraid to stand up to the Wokeness destruction.

However, he ain't perfect. He signed the bill enacting the infamous Internet sales tax after running on a platform of no new taxes. He also did not strongly champion open carry in the Constitutional carry bill.

I would love for DeSantis to be President and I will vote for him if he is on the ballot. However, I think the 2024 race is going to be a clusterfuck. Trump will be like a bull in a china shop and I suspect the Democrats will steal that election like they did the 2020. I am thinking that DeSantis would be better to sit this one out and run in 2028. Hopefully by then we can have election reform that will prevent the Democrats from stealing again. If we don't then this country is really screwed.
Biden can't win again. Here's the winning ticket for Democrats.
And they did it all within budget and still had a surplus.
So.............$12,000 for a one way flight ticket?
Even after the tax cuts and eliminating some taxes. Cutting their toll road fee's for FL citizens.
DURING the hurricane before and after.

Then the retard wants to impose more toll roads and more taxes.

DeSantis: I'll kill Reedy Creek deal, consider hotel tax, tolls ...​

Orlando Sentinel
https://www.orlandosentinel.com › 2023/04/07 › desa...

Apr 7, 2023 — DeSantis says he will void the Reedy Creek deal that stripped the new board of its power and consider new hotel taxes and tolls on Disney World.

After the wage increases for teacher and first responders. After having to battle in court the woke mobs over the K thru 3rd grade gender gender crap.

The legal bills for DeSantis' culture wars cost $17 million​

Miami Herald
https://www.miamiherald.com › news › article270290952

Dec 22, 2022 — Ron DeSantis' political strategy focused on culture war policies has ... how much taxpayer money they have to spend defending it in court.

This is what happens when you cut out wasteful spending like Trump, Ryan and Pelosi refused to do. So much wasteful spending they increased the debt ceiling twice and suspended it for 2 years.
$8.7 trillion added to the debt?
S151 million on golf?

Trump's election fraud falsehoods have cost taxpayers ...​

The Seattle Times
https://www.seattletimes.com › nation-world › trumps-ele...

Feb 6, 2021 — Trump's election fraud falsehoods have cost taxpayers $519 million – and counting. Feb. 6, 2021 at 4:08 pm Updated March 8, 2021 at 5:10 pm.

What It Costs Taxpayers for the President To Go on Vacation​

https://www.yahoo.com › now › costs-taxpayers-presi...

Jan 7, 2021 — Donald Trump's Vacation Costs. Estimated vacation costs (so far): $154.8 million. President Donald Trump claimed during the 2016 campaign that ...

Trump on pace to surpass 8 years of Obama's travel ...​

https://www.cnn.com › donald-trump-obama-travel-costs

Apr 11, 2017 — Donald Trump's travel to his private club in Florida has cost over an estimated $20 million in his first 80 days as president.

As a private citizen, Donald Trump repeatedly criticized President Barack Obama throughout his eight years in office for taking too many vacations, indulging in too many rounds of golf and playing fast and loose with taxpayer dollars during his downtime.

Trump trotted out the criticism on the campaign trail as well, promising voters that, if elected, “I’m going to be working for you, I’m not going to have time to go play golf.”
I'm surprised that you are so stupid. If illegals are on US soil they are subject to US jurisdiction.

Nope. Fuck 'em and feed 'em fish heads. Deport every one of the little bastards and their crotch fruit.
Do your own damn homework, son.

They are your claims, it is your responsibly to support them.

But since you just copied and pasted from somewhere else you are not capable of doing so
They are your claims, it is your responsibly to support them.

But since you just copied and pasted from somewhere else you are not capable of doing so

@Golfing Gator

Told you already, I complied that list myself, starting from day 1 of Biden. Only an idiot wouldn't know that those things happened. You must really be one of those.

Let's start with number 1: Promised on several occasions that he would "end fossil fuels"

Did he or did he not?
Told you already, I complied that list myself, starting from day 1 of Biden. Only an idiot wouldn't know that those things happened. You must really be one of those.

I do not believe you.

Let's start with number 1: Promised on several occasions that he would "end fossil fuels"

Did he or did he not?

He did, and then he failed miserably like he does with most thing. The US is now experiencing record oil and NG production as well as record exports of both.
I do not believe you.

He did, and then he failed miserably like he does with most thing. The US is now experiencing record oil and NG production as well as record exports of both.

Golfing Gator

2. Later stated “We’re going to need oil for at least another decade”

Yes or no?

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