I Wonder How Many Divorces Will Result From The Election

My significant other is a lefty loony and I've become more right-wing since watching Trump actually do what he said he would do. That said, we are doing just fine. Just keep the politics out of the bedroom and agree that each can vote their conscience during elections. What goes on in the home is what's important and never go to bed angry with each other.

How does it feel to have to suffer her stupidity?
Well, technically, her IQ of 144, doctorate and multiple letters after her name, compared with my paltry IQ of 115 and Bachelor's Degree, shows me that she has a good deal more brain matter than I do, so she's not stupid and she's probably one of the more even tempered people I have met. We just make it a point to accept that come election time, we choose who we want.
Thats unbelievable.

I saw a piece on the news today about the elderly getting hooked on FOX News and the right wing hate websites. A daughter was talking about what happened to her father. He was angry, bitter, agitated, ranting on about evil Democrats, and becoming more miserable and unhappy. Family stopped visiting him.

Then he started having mild cognitive problems and couldn't remember his passwords or get into his websites, so he unplugged and went out for a walk and started reconnecting with the real world, and real people. When he stopped logging into alt right websites, watching FOX News and got out of his right wing bubble, he recovered his mental health and stability and his personality returned to normal.

There are a lot of concerns around the brainwashing and radicalizing effects of right wing sites, on both the elderly, and the young. When the internet first became available to the public, everyone welcomed the idea of uncensored voices and lack of supression of information. Instead what we're seeing is the exploitation of the gullible, home made porn, child sex trafficking, and the enemies of democracy promoting conspiracy theories and lies.

FOX News may have trouble getting their broadcast license renewed, given their crass dishonesty and promotion of Trump's lies and conspiracy theories.

What a steaming pile of BS that is.
I have two sets of friends who worry me.

It's gotten that ugly. In both cases, they have strong family ties that pull them in certain directions. In one case....the mom is no longer interested in going to her in-laws. Her kids can't go either which I think is a damn shame. But she's been told she really isn't welcome there. It all stems from several large arguments.

Well, that is where we are at.

In 2016, it seemed we heard of divorces over the election. I wonder if people can keep it together despite the clown show we have going on now.
Politics has always been taboo but never as toxic as it is now. I know you blame the Dems but do you honestly not see the roll that Trump has played and continues to play with this horrible division?

All Trump; has done, is refuse to be intimidated by you people.
No he has done much much more than refusing to be inditmidated. That’s a rather weak statement on your part.

Hint: The hidden meanings you imagine that he is sending out with "code words", don't actually count as something HE did.

Cause it is all in your head.

Like when he said that there were "nice people" on both sides of the issue of historical statues, and the libs heard though "code words" that he "meant" ws,

that was not something Trump actually DID.

That was just insanity you people were suffering from.

ALL your complaints about him are like that. You are delusional.
I don’t lend any weight to those secret messages or dog whistles you are attributing to me. I go off the things I directly see and hear. The fact you pretend there is nothing antagonistic or divisive about the living troll we have for a president just shows how out of touch from reality you are.

Give me your best example.
Come on, this is just obvious stuff. He has crowds of thousands chanting to lock up his political opponents. That’s one out of many many thousands of disgusting divisive and completely inappropriate things for a president to do and it is pushing our country in a horrible direction

Is it divisive to tell a white person...”I’m sorry, although you are more qualified for this job your skin is just too white.”
Is it divisive to champion a “group” that implies that only the lives of those with black skin matter?
Is it divisive to throw “white privilege” in the faces of whites?

Come on man...without divisive play the party that compartmentalizes the citizenry and preys on division couldn’t exist. Link us to all your posts where you’ve denounced their standard of play.
No, yes, no. I don’t feel like digging through my past posts to prove anything to you. You aren’t worth the time and I’m not trying to convince you of anything. I will discuss issues in the here and now if you’d like.
I have two sets of friends who worry me.

It's gotten that ugly. In both cases, they have strong family ties that pull them in certain directions. In one case....the mom is no longer interested in going to her in-laws. Her kids can't go either which I think is a damn shame. But she's been told she really isn't welcome there. It all stems from several large arguments.

Well, that is where we are at.

In 2016, it seemed we heard of divorces over the election. I wonder if people can keep it together despite the clown show we have going on now.
Politics has always been taboo but never as toxic as it is now. I know you blame the Dems but do you honestly not see the roll that Trump has played and continues to play with this horrible division?
Trump has brought likeminded families like mine together politically...he’s helped them form a tighter bond, and he’s given good real Americans hope and confidence in our government/ democracy. CNN hasn’t told you these stories have they?

Sad that my family is politically unified?
Around Trump?? Yes, that’s sad
I have two sets of friends who worry me.

It's gotten that ugly. In both cases, they have strong family ties that pull them in certain directions. In one case....the mom is no longer interested in going to her in-laws. Her kids can't go either which I think is a damn shame. But she's been told she really isn't welcome there. It all stems from several large arguments.

Well, that is where we are at.

In 2016, it seemed we heard of divorces over the election. I wonder if people can keep it together despite the clown show we have going on now.
Politics has always been taboo but never as toxic as it is now. I know you blame the Dems but do you honestly not see the roll that Trump has played and continues to play with this horrible division?
Trump has brought likeminded families like mine together politically...he’s helped them form a tighter bond, and he’s given good real Americans hope and confidence in our government/ democracy. CNN hasn’t told you these stories have they?

Sad that my family is politically unified?
Around Trump?? Yes, that’s sad

When a hardcore Leftist tells me I’m wrong, I always know I’m right.
I have two sets of friends who worry me.

It's gotten that ugly. In both cases, they have strong family ties that pull them in certain directions. In one case....the mom is no longer interested in going to her in-laws. Her kids can't go either which I think is a damn shame. But she's been told she really isn't welcome there. It all stems from several large arguments.

Well, that is where we are at.

In 2016, it seemed we heard of divorces over the election. I wonder if people can keep it together despite the clown show we have going on now.
Politics has always been taboo but never as toxic as it is now. I know you blame the Dems but do you honestly not see the roll that Trump has played and continues to play with this horrible division?

All Trump; has done, is refuse to be intimidated by you people.
No he has done much much more than refusing to be inditmidated. That’s a rather weak statement on your part.

Hint: The hidden meanings you imagine that he is sending out with "code words", don't actually count as something HE did.

Cause it is all in your head.

Like when he said that there were "nice people" on both sides of the issue of historical statues, and the libs heard though "code words" that he "meant" ws,

that was not something Trump actually DID.

That was just insanity you people were suffering from.

ALL your complaints about him are like that. You are delusional.
I don’t lend any weight to those secret messages or dog whistles you are attributing to me. I go off the things I directly see and hear. The fact you pretend there is nothing antagonistic or divisive about the living troll we have for a president just shows how out of touch from reality you are.

Give me your best example.
Come on, this is just obvious stuff. He has crowds of thousands chanting to lock up his political opponents. That’s one out of many many thousands of disgusting divisive and completely inappropriate things for a president to do and it is pushing our country in a horrible direction

Is it divisive to tell a white person...”I’m sorry, although you are more qualified for this job your skin is just too white.”
Is it divisive to champion a “group” that implies that only the lives of those with black skin matter?
Is it divisive to throw “white privilege” in the faces of whites?

Come on man...without divisive play the party that compartmentalizes the citizenry and preys on division couldn’t exist. Link us to all your posts where you’ve denounced their standard of play.
No, yes, no. I don’t feel like digging through my past posts to prove anything to you. You aren’t worth the time and I’m not trying to convince you of anything. I will discuss issues in the here and now if you’d like.

Don’t you think it’s a bit weird that you think you get to be the arbiter on what is and isn’t divisive?
What does a ternader and a deevorce have in common with a Trump supporter? Somebody always loses a trailer.
I have two sets of friends who worry me.

It's gotten that ugly. In both cases, they have strong family ties that pull them in certain directions. In one case....the mom is no longer interested in going to her in-laws. Her kids can't go either which I think is a damn shame. But she's been told she really isn't welcome there. It all stems from several large arguments.

Well, that is where we are at.

In 2016, it seemed we heard of divorces over the election. I wonder if people can keep it together despite the clown show we have going on now.
Politics has always been taboo but never as toxic as it is now. I know you blame the Dems but do you honestly not see the roll that Trump has played and continues to play with this horrible division?

All Trump; has done, is refuse to be intimidated by you people.
No he has done much much more than refusing to be inditmidated. That’s a rather weak statement on your part.

Hint: The hidden meanings you imagine that he is sending out with "code words", don't actually count as something HE did.

Cause it is all in your head.

Like when he said that there were "nice people" on both sides of the issue of historical statues, and the libs heard though "code words" that he "meant" ws,

that was not something Trump actually DID.

That was just insanity you people were suffering from.

ALL your complaints about him are like that. You are delusional.
I don’t lend any weight to those secret messages or dog whistles you are attributing to me. I go off the things I directly see and hear. The fact you pretend there is nothing antagonistic or divisive about the living troll we have for a president just shows how out of touch from reality you are.

Give me your best example.
Come on, this is just obvious stuff. He has crowds of thousands chanting to lock up his political opponents. That’s one out of many many thousands of disgusting divisive and completely inappropriate things for a president to do and it is pushing our country in a horrible direction

Is it divisive to tell a white person...”I’m sorry, although you are more qualified for this job your skin is just too white.”
Is it divisive to champion a “group” that implies that only the lives of those with black skin matter?
Is it divisive to throw “white privilege” in the faces of whites?

Come on man...without divisive play the party that compartmentalizes the citizenry and preys on division couldn’t exist. Link us to all your posts where you’ve denounced their standard of play.
No, yes, no. I don’t feel like digging through my past posts to prove anything to you. You aren’t worth the time and I’m not trying to convince you of anything. I will discuss issues in the here and now if you’d like.

Don’t you think it’s a bit weird that you think you get to be the arbiter on what is and isn’t divisive?
I have two sets of friends who worry me.

It's gotten that ugly. In both cases, they have strong family ties that pull them in certain directions. In one case....the mom is no longer interested in going to her in-laws. Her kids can't go either which I think is a damn shame. But she's been told she really isn't welcome there. It all stems from several large arguments.

Well, that is where we are at.

In 2016, it seemed we heard of divorces over the election. I wonder if people can keep it together despite the clown show we have going on now.

Lucky for us my wife, a democratic party voter since forever, is changing her stripes this election season to vote republican. Don't for even a moment suspect I coerced or otherwise forced her change of heart. Her own heart changed her mind. She's an amazing person. She alone changed her party affiliation after seeing, with her own eyes, the psychotic anti-human madness the democrats have been spreading across our nation and into the minds of our children. Good for her. Her parents on the other hand? They are gone; they're souls taken completely and swallowed whole by the hate America crowd. There's just no bloody hope for them . . . or her sister.

Democrats don't "hate America" and never have. They have different ideas of how to run the country, and history tells us that the ideas that Democrats espouse, lead to better outcomes for ALL of the American people, not just the rich elites that Republican policies favour.

Republicans have crashed the economy 4 times, leading to massive unemployment and extreme poverty for millions. Democrats have NEVER crashed the economy. If you look at the economic history of the USA, the economy has done much better under Democrats than Republicans.

Republicans demonize and denigrate Democrats because their own policies are toxic and an utter failure. And they lie about the results of Democratic policies to frighten fools like you into voting for them. When the only way you can get elected is to trash and demonize the other guys, it says you have no policies to run on, and no record to back up your policies.
I have two sets of friends who worry me.

It's gotten that ugly. In both cases, they have strong family ties that pull them in certain directions. In one case....the mom is no longer interested in going to her in-laws. Her kids can't go either which I think is a damn shame. But she's been told she really isn't welcome there. It all stems from several large arguments.

Well, that is where we are at.

In 2016, it seemed we heard of divorces over the election. I wonder if people can keep it together despite the clown show we have going on now.

Lucky for us my wife, a democratic party voter since forever, is changing her stripes this election season to vote republican. Don't for even a moment suspect I coerced or otherwise forced her change of heart. Her own heart changed her mind. She's an amazing person. She alone changed her party affiliation after seeing, with her own eyes, the psychotic anti-human madness the democrats have been spreading across our nation and into the minds of our children. Good for her. Her parents on the other hand? They are gone; they're souls taken completely and swallowed whole by the hate America crowd. There's just no bloody hope for them . . . or her sister.

Democrats don't "hate America" and never have. .....

Did you forget that you are not American?
I have two sets of friends who worry me.

It's gotten that ugly. In both cases, they have strong family ties that pull them in certain directions. In one case....the mom is no longer interested in going to her in-laws. Her kids can't go either which I think is a damn shame. But she's been told she really isn't welcome there. It all stems from several large arguments.

Well, that is where we are at.

In 2016, it seemed we heard of divorces over the election. I wonder if people can keep it together despite the clown show we have going on now.
Politics has always been taboo but never as toxic as it is now. I know you blame the Dems but do you honestly not see the roll that Trump has played and continues to play with this horrible division?

All Trump; has done, is refuse to be intimidated by you people.
No he has done much much more than refusing to be inditmidated. That’s a rather weak statement on your part.

Hint: The hidden meanings you imagine that he is sending out with "code words", don't actually count as something HE did.

Cause it is all in your head.

Like when he said that there were "nice people" on both sides of the issue of historical statues, and the libs heard though "code words" that he "meant" ws,

that was not something Trump actually DID.

That was just insanity you people were suffering from.

ALL your complaints about him are like that. You are delusional.
I don’t lend any weight to those secret messages or dog whistles you are attributing to me. I go off the things I directly see and hear. The fact you pretend there is nothing antagonistic or divisive about the living troll we have for a president just shows how out of touch from reality you are.

Give me your best example.
Come on, this is just obvious stuff. He has crowds of thousands chanting to lock up his political opponents. That’s one out of many many thousands of disgusting divisive and completely inappropriate things for a president to do and it is pushing our country in a horrible direction

The way that Hillary was given a pass for criminal behavior was a valid political issue.

That is not divisive. THat does not slander a whole group of the population or set them against another group.

That was a valid political issue. PARTISANS, might have been upset at their leader being targeted but saying something about Hillary is not slandering tens of millions of Americans, like when you guys pretend that anyone who opposes you must be an ist of a phobe of some sort.
I have two sets of friends who worry me.

It's gotten that ugly. In both cases, they have strong family ties that pull them in certain directions. In one case....the mom is no longer interested in going to her in-laws. Her kids can't go either which I think is a damn shame. But she's been told she really isn't welcome there. It all stems from several large arguments.

Well, that is where we are at.

In 2016, it seemed we heard of divorces over the election. I wonder if people can keep it together despite the clown show we have going on now.
Politics has always been taboo but never as toxic as it is now. I know you blame the Dems but do you honestly not see the roll that Trump has played and continues to play with this horrible division?
Trump has brought likeminded families like mine together politically...he’s helped them form a tighter bond, and he’s given good real Americans hope and confidence in our government/ democracy. CNN hasn’t told you these stories have they?
I’ve seen enough with my eyes. I’m glad your fam gets a laugh out of our president, that’s great and all but unfortunately the negative effects that others are experience far out number the good
Trump isn't responsible for these "negative effects " these people feel. These people are in control of THEMSELVES, along with their FEELINGS AND BEHAVIORS. That's nothing but more "victim" behavior.
Exactly right..... Going against the grain in life usually brings about negative effects, and it definitely dulls the senses.
I don’t see Trump as going against the grain as much as dishonestly trolling his opponents.
Trump is going with the grain by doing his job as he promised the American people. The left is the one going against the grain by fighting with the majority of the American people.
I don’t see Trump as doing his job when he constantly lies and spin about what’s going on. True he faces a waive of opposition from the media and his political opponents but that tends to happen when those in power lie and insult instead of engage in honest discourse and communication

Trump is a braggart and uses a lot of hyperbole. That does not justify the reaction we have seen from you people.

You should look at this. It is quite funny, but makes a very valid point.

There have been a lot of unjustified overreactions to Trump. There have also been very justified reactions that call him out when he lies which is pretty much all the time. Either way none of that justifies how he conducts himself, the effects of which are his responsibility

The vast majority of his "lies" are harmless hyperbole, not intended to mislead anyone AND, "lying" is not something new.

Far worse "lies" have been told, than bragging about the size of a crowd, or about just how good an economy is/was.

PRETENDING that he is a ws, or an Authoritarian, or a freaking Russian Agent, those a lies designed to deceive people and to set large portions of the population against each other.

And they have succeeded, as we seen in the op, or in the streets with violent mobs killing each other.

Trump is not responsible for any of that. Your side's reactions is.
If you are willing to let politics come between yourself and a loved one, I'd say your relationship wasn't very strong to start with, either that, or you are being brainwashed by listening to left wing media all day.

If you see that its getting to that point, its time to turn the news off. And yes, it is a liberal problem. So many of these people are listening to lefr wing media all day and that is why this is happening. They listen to these hard-core liberal talk shows that pound it in their head that all conservatives are hateful racists that want to destroy the country.

Much of the time, they actually spout that all trump supporters are racist and all conservatives are racist. This is what they tell people all day every day.

This guy actually has a segment on his show where he asks callers who are having problems with, or have left friends, family, and spouses to call in and tell their story.

He encourages people to to call in and never suggests they try to work it out. So, in my view, he is encouraging it.

This is why all this nonsense is happening.
Thats unbelievable.

I saw a piece on the news today about the elderly getting hooked on FOX News and the right wing hate websites. A daughter was talking about what happened to her father. He was angry, bitter, agitated, ranting on about evil Democrats, and becoming more miserable and unhappy. Family stopped visiting him.

Then he started having mild cognitive problems and couldn't remember his passwords or get into his websites, so he unplugged and went out for a walk and started reconnecting with the real world, and real people. When he stopped logging into alt right websites, watching FOX News and got out of his right wing bubble, he recovered his mental health and stability and his personality returned to normal.

There are a lot of concerns around the brainwashing and radicalizing effects of right wing sites, on both the elderly, and the young. When the internet first became available to the public, everyone welcomed the idea of uncensored voices and lack of supression of information. Instead what we're seeing is the exploitation of the gullible, home made porn, child sex trafficking, and the enemies of democracy promoting conspiracy theories and lies.

FOX News may have trouble getting their broadcast license renewed, given their crass dishonesty and promotion of Trump's lies and conspiracy theories.
See, I'm the opposite, I get more angry listening to left wing radio. The stuff on sirius xm progress and urban view spouts more hate than any right wing radio or fox News ever could.

I actually listen to right wing radio and find it to be more calming because they are not accusing people of racism and hatred all day, and screaming and cursing at their callers (and yes, these lefty hosts are not shy about telling their right wing callers to F themselves and using all kinds of profanity to berate their callers that they don't agree with. You never hear that on right wing talk radio)
I have two sets of friends who worry me.

It's gotten that ugly. In both cases, they have strong family ties that pull them in certain directions. In one case....the mom is no longer interested in going to her in-laws. Her kids can't go either which I think is a damn shame. But she's been told she really isn't welcome there. It all stems from several large arguments.

Well, that is where we are at.

In 2016, it seemed we heard of divorces over the election. I wonder if people can keep it together despite the clown show we have going on now.
Politics has always been taboo but never as toxic as it is now. I know you blame the Dems but do you honestly not see the roll that Trump has played and continues to play with this horrible division?

All Trump; has done, is refuse to be intimidated by you people.
No he has done much much more than refusing to be inditmidated. That’s a rather weak statement on your part.

Hint: The hidden meanings you imagine that he is sending out with "code words", don't actually count as something HE did.

Cause it is all in your head.

Like when he said that there were "nice people" on both sides of the issue of historical statues, and the libs heard though "code words" that he "meant" ws,

that was not something Trump actually DID.

That was just insanity you people were suffering from.

ALL your complaints about him are like that. You are delusional.
I don’t lend any weight to those secret messages or dog whistles you are attributing to me. I go off the things I directly see and hear. The fact you pretend there is nothing antagonistic or divisive about the living troll we have for a president just shows how out of touch from reality you are.

Give me your best example.
Come on, this is just obvious stuff. He has crowds of thousands chanting to lock up his political opponents. That’s one out of many many thousands of disgusting divisive and completely inappropriate things for a president to do and it is pushing our country in a horrible direction

The way that Hillary was given a pass for criminal behavior was a valid political issue.

That is not divisive. THat does not slander a whole group of the population or set them against another group.

That was a valid political issue. PARTISANS, might have been upset at their leader being targeted but saying something about Hillary is not slandering tens of millions of Americans, like when you guys pretend that anyone who opposes you must be an ist of a phobe of some sort.
I’m not talking about Hillary. His crowds right now are chanting to lock up Whitmer and also the Biden family who Trump is now calling a criminal enterprise. The dude is just pathetic.
I have two sets of friends who worry me.

It's gotten that ugly. In both cases, they have strong family ties that pull them in certain directions. In one case....the mom is no longer interested in going to her in-laws. Her kids can't go either which I think is a damn shame. But she's been told she really isn't welcome there. It all stems from several large arguments.

Well, that is where we are at.

In 2016, it seemed we heard of divorces over the election. I wonder if people can keep it together despite the clown show we have going on now.
Politics has always been taboo but never as toxic as it is now. I know you blame the Dems but do you honestly not see the roll that Trump has played and continues to play with this horrible division?
Trump has brought likeminded families like mine together politically...he’s helped them form a tighter bond, and he’s given good real Americans hope and confidence in our government/ democracy. CNN hasn’t told you these stories have they?
I’ve seen enough with my eyes. I’m glad your fam gets a laugh out of our president, that’s great and all but unfortunately the negative effects that others are experience far out number the good
Trump isn't responsible for these "negative effects " these people feel. These people are in control of THEMSELVES, along with their FEELINGS AND BEHAVIORS. That's nothing but more "victim" behavior.
Exactly right..... Going against the grain in life usually brings about negative effects, and it definitely dulls the senses.
I don’t see Trump as going against the grain as much as dishonestly trolling his opponents.
Trump is going with the grain by doing his job as he promised the American people. The left is the one going against the grain by fighting with the majority of the American people.
I don’t see Trump as doing his job when he constantly lies and spin about what’s going on. True he faces a waive of opposition from the media and his political opponents but that tends to happen when those in power lie and insult instead of engage in honest discourse and communication

Trump is a braggart and uses a lot of hyperbole. That does not justify the reaction we have seen from you people.

You should look at this. It is quite funny, but makes a very valid point.

There have been a lot of unjustified overreactions to Trump. There have also been very justified reactions that call him out when he lies which is pretty much all the time. Either way none of that justifies how he conducts himself, the effects of which are his responsibility

The vast majority of his "lies" are harmless hyperbole, not intended to mislead anyone AND, "lying" is not something new.

Far worse "lies" have been told, than bragging about the size of a crowd, or about just how good an economy is/was.

PRETENDING that he is a ws, or an Authoritarian, or a freaking Russian Agent, those a lies designed to deceive people and to set large portions of the population against each other.

And they have succeeded, as we seen in the op, or in the streets with violent mobs killing each other.

Trump is not responsible for any of that. Your side's reactions is.

I disagree. I’ve never seen anybody in leadership be as dishonest and provocative as Trump. He is responsible for much of the chaos we are seeing in our society IMO
I have two sets of friends who worry me.

It's gotten that ugly. In both cases, they have strong family ties that pull them in certain directions. In one case....the mom is no longer interested in going to her in-laws. Her kids can't go either which I think is a damn shame. But she's been told she really isn't welcome there. It all stems from several large arguments.

Well, that is where we are at.

In 2016, it seemed we heard of divorces over the election. I wonder if people can keep it together despite the clown show we have going on now.
Politics has always been taboo but never as toxic as it is now. I know you blame the Dems but do you honestly not see the roll that Trump has played and continues to play with this horrible division?

All Trump; has done, is refuse to be intimidated by you people.
No he has done much much more than refusing to be inditmidated. That’s a rather weak statement on your part.

Hint: The hidden meanings you imagine that he is sending out with "code words", don't actually count as something HE did.

Cause it is all in your head.

Like when he said that there were "nice people" on both sides of the issue of historical statues, and the libs heard though "code words" that he "meant" ws,

that was not something Trump actually DID.

That was just insanity you people were suffering from.

ALL your complaints about him are like that. You are delusional.
I don’t lend any weight to those secret messages or dog whistles you are attributing to me. I go off the things I directly see and hear. The fact you pretend there is nothing antagonistic or divisive about the living troll we have for a president just shows how out of touch from reality you are.

Give me your best example.
Come on, this is just obvious stuff. He has crowds of thousands chanting to lock up his political opponents. That’s one out of many many thousands of disgusting divisive and completely inappropriate things for a president to do and it is pushing our country in a horrible direction

The way that Hillary was given a pass for criminal behavior was a valid political issue.

That is not divisive. THat does not slander a whole group of the population or set them against another group.

That was a valid political issue. PARTISANS, might have been upset at their leader being targeted but saying something about Hillary is not slandering tens of millions of Americans, like when you guys pretend that anyone who opposes you must be an ist of a phobe of some sort.
I’m not talking about Hillary. His crowds right now are chanting to lock up Whitmer and also the Biden family who Trump is now calling a criminal enterprise. The dude is just pathetic.

Divisive is about setting groups of people against each other.

Targeting political players is not setting groups of people against one another.

Whitmer, is targeted based on her actions in office and the alleged violations of the law.

What group is being demonized or set against others in that example?
I have two sets of friends who worry me.

It's gotten that ugly. In both cases, they have strong family ties that pull them in certain directions. In one case....the mom is no longer interested in going to her in-laws. Her kids can't go either which I think is a damn shame. But she's been told she really isn't welcome there. It all stems from several large arguments.

Well, that is where we are at.

In 2016, it seemed we heard of divorces over the election. I wonder if people can keep it together despite the clown show we have going on now.
Politics has always been taboo but never as toxic as it is now. I know you blame the Dems but do you honestly not see the roll that Trump has played and continues to play with this horrible division?
Trump has brought likeminded families like mine together politically...he’s helped them form a tighter bond, and he’s given good real Americans hope and confidence in our government/ democracy. CNN hasn’t told you these stories have they?
I’ve seen enough with my eyes. I’m glad your fam gets a laugh out of our president, that’s great and all but unfortunately the negative effects that others are experience far out number the good
Trump isn't responsible for these "negative effects " these people feel. These people are in control of THEMSELVES, along with their FEELINGS AND BEHAVIORS. That's nothing but more "victim" behavior.
Exactly right..... Going against the grain in life usually brings about negative effects, and it definitely dulls the senses.
I don’t see Trump as going against the grain as much as dishonestly trolling his opponents.
Trump is going with the grain by doing his job as he promised the American people. The left is the one going against the grain by fighting with the majority of the American people.
I don’t see Trump as doing his job when he constantly lies and spin about what’s going on. True he faces a waive of opposition from the media and his political opponents but that tends to happen when those in power lie and insult instead of engage in honest discourse and communication

Trump is a braggart and uses a lot of hyperbole. That does not justify the reaction we have seen from you people.

You should look at this. It is quite funny, but makes a very valid point.

There have been a lot of unjustified overreactions to Trump. There have also been very justified reactions that call him out when he lies which is pretty much all the time. Either way none of that justifies how he conducts himself, the effects of which are his responsibility

The vast majority of his "lies" are harmless hyperbole, not intended to mislead anyone AND, "lying" is not something new.

Far worse "lies" have been told, than bragging about the size of a crowd, or about just how good an economy is/was.

PRETENDING that he is a ws, or an Authoritarian, or a freaking Russian Agent, those a lies designed to deceive people and to set large portions of the population against each other.

And they have succeeded, as we seen in the op, or in the streets with violent mobs killing each other.

Trump is not responsible for any of that. Your side's reactions is.

I disagree. I’ve never seen anybody in leadership be as dishonest and provocative as Trump. He is responsible for much of the chaos we are seeing in our society IMO

Except I explained my conclusion and you not only failed to explain yours, you failed to challenge mine.

Here it is, for you to try. I can see why you did not try though, it is pretty brilliant and well thought out.

Far worse "lies" have been told, than bragging about the size of a crowd, or about just how good an economy is/was.

PRETENDING that he is a ws, or an Authoritarian, or a freaking Russian Agent, those a lies designed to deceive people and to set large portions of the population against each other.

And they have succeeded, as we seen in the op, or in the streets with violent mobs killing each other.

Trump is not responsible for any of that. Your side's reactions is.
Thats unbelievable.

I saw a piece on the news today about the elderly getting hooked on FOX News and the right wing hate websites. A daughter was talking about what happened to her father. He was angry, bitter, agitated, ranting on about evil Democrats, and becoming more miserable and unhappy. Family stopped visiting him.

Then he started having mild cognitive problems and couldn't remember his passwords or get into his websites, so he unplugged and went out for a walk and started reconnecting with the real world, and real people. When he stopped logging into alt right websites, watching FOX News and got out of his right wing bubble, he recovered his mental health and stability and his personality returned to normal.

There are a lot of concerns around the brainwashing and radicalizing effects of right wing sites, on both the elderly, and the young. When the internet first became available to the public, everyone welcomed the idea of uncensored voices and lack of supression of information. Instead what we're seeing is the exploitation of the gullible, home made porn, child sex trafficking, and the enemies of democracy promoting conspiracy theories and lies.

FOX News may have trouble getting their broadcast license renewed, given their crass dishonesty and promotion of Trump's lies and conspiracy theories.

What a steaming pile of BS that is.

He forgot the part at the end...

"And then I woke up."
Cultist family members who severe ties over voting for the best president in history I say good bye to. Don't let the door hit you in the ass.

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