I Wonder How Many Divorces Will Result From The Election

I have two sets of friends who worry me.

It's gotten that ugly. In both cases, they have strong family ties that pull them in certain directions. In one case....the mom is no longer interested in going to her in-laws. Her kids can't go either which I think is a damn shame. But she's been told she really isn't welcome there. It all stems from several large arguments.

Well, that is where we are at.

In 2016, it seemed we heard of divorces over the election. I wonder if people can keep it together despite the clown show we have going on now.
Politics has always been taboo but never as toxic as it is now. I know you blame the Dems but do you honestly not see the roll that Trump has played and continues to play with this horrible division?

All Trump; has done, is refuse to be intimidated by you people.
No he has done much much more than refusing to be inditmidated. That’s a rather weak statement on your part.

Hint: The hidden meanings you imagine that he is sending out with "code words", don't actually count as something HE did.

Cause it is all in your head.

Like when he said that there were "nice people" on both sides of the issue of historical statues, and the libs heard though "code words" that he "meant" ws,

that was not something Trump actually DID.

That was just insanity you people were suffering from.

ALL your complaints about him are like that. You are delusional.
I don’t lend any weight to those secret messages or dog whistles you are attributing to me. I go off the things I directly see and hear. The fact you pretend there is nothing antagonistic or divisive about the living troll we have for a president just shows how out of touch from reality you are.
This is laughable...If there are couples splitting up over politics, then there are deeper issues than that....No one that I know of splits over politics...And if they do, then they weren't meant for each other in the first place.
When things get this bad, it digs deep at relationships, family, and friends. Some might ask their wife if they believe that a woman should be killing their babies at various stages as a form of birth control ? The answers to alot of such question's can be daming to a relationship. Otherwise who wants to live with an accessory to someone murdering they babies ?
If it matters that much to them on a personal level, what another human being does with their own body, don't you think he should have asked that question long before they got married in the event that an unplanned pregnancy occurred?
I not personally aware of family or friends where there's been such political conflict. However, my wife and our daughter-in-law this morning were speculating that Melania has had enough.
This is laughable...If there are couples splitting up over politics, then there are deeper issues than that....No one that I know of splits over politics...And if they do, then they weren't meant for each other in the first place.
When things get this bad, it digs deep at relationships, family, and friends. Some might ask their wife if they believe that a woman should be killing their babies at various stages as a form of birth control ? The answers to alot of such question's can be daming to a relationship. Otherwise who wants to live with an accessory to someone murdering they babies ?
If it matters that much to them on a personal level, what another human being does with their own body, don't you think he should have asked that question long before they got married in the event that an unplanned pregnancy occurred?
No one's thinking about politic's when they are dating, and in many cases they aren't thinking it long after they marry. This politic's moving into everyone's lives is a fairly new thing, and for many they are getting surprised at how each other think after politic's invaded the dinner table conversation's.
The GOP lost their minds when Nixon was forced from office, and have been demonizing and blaming Democrats for it ever since. Bill Clinton was impeached because of Nixon. They spent 6 1/2 years on a fishing expedition of a Special Prosecutor's investigation, using a lie about a blow job to impeach Clinton, and funded the Paula Jones lawsuit to bring him down.

Republicans don't have demographics on their side. That's why Reagan made a deal with Falwell for the evangelical vote - opposition to abortion, gay rights, and women's rights, and openly encouraged the racists to vote Republican. He fanned the flames of racism and segregation, blaming the "urban" poor for high taxes and high crime. He promoted the idea that "urban poor" were lazy, and were living on "free shit" the goverment gave them.

Republicans have to lie and misrepresent the effects of their own policies, and demonize Democrats, because they have no record to run on other than cutting taxes, increasing the deficit and crashing the economy.
It appears you might be better served to take those cats in your avatar and return to your living quarters.

One of the cats belongs to one of the nighbours, and the other one got hit by a car not long after that picture was taken.

I like having a cat. Keeps the house clear of spiders, flies and the like. They don't need to be walked twice a day, and I don't have to go out at 7:00 am in winter so they can do their business or pick up after them. My neighbours never complain about the cat meowing all day when I'm gone.
I have two sets of friends who worry me.

It's gotten that ugly. In both cases, they have strong family ties that pull them in certain directions. In one case....the mom is no longer interested in going to her in-laws. Her kids can't go either which I think is a damn shame. But she's been told she really isn't welcome there. It all stems from several large arguments.

Well, that is where we are at.

In 2016, it seemed we heard of divorces over the election. I wonder if people can keep it together despite the clown show we have going on now.
Its tough , if your significant other is for the democrats , and plans to vote democrats , well dems support pedos . If they have children i would too worry if i was a republican . Democrats prove daily , you just cant trust them .
I have two sets of friends who worry me.

It's gotten that ugly. In both cases, they have strong family ties that pull them in certain directions. In one case....the mom is no longer interested in going to her in-laws. Her kids can't go either which I think is a damn shame. But she's been told she really isn't welcome there. It all stems from several large arguments.

Well, that is where we are at.

In 2016, it seemed we heard of divorces over the election. I wonder if people can keep it together despite the clown show we have going on now.
Politics has always been taboo but never as toxic as it is now. I know you blame the Dems but do you honestly not see the roll that Trump has played and continues to play with this horrible division?
Trump has brought likeminded families like mine together politically...he’s helped them form a tighter bond, and he’s given good real Americans hope and confidence in our government/ democracy. CNN hasn’t told you these stories have they?
I’ve seen enough with my eyes. I’m glad your fam gets a laugh out of our president, that’s great and all but unfortunately the negative effects that others are experience far out number the good
Trump isn't responsible for these "negative effects " these people feel. These people are in control of THEMSELVES, along with their FEELINGS AND BEHAVIORS. That's nothing but more "victim" behavior.
Exactly right..... Going against the grain in life usually brings about negative effects, and it definitely dulls the senses.
I don’t see Trump as going against the grain as much as dishonestly trolling his opponents.
Trump is going with the grain by doing his job as he promised the American people. The left is the one going against the grain by fighting with the majority of the American people.
I don’t see Trump as doing his job when he constantly lies and spin about what’s going on. True he faces a waive of opposition from the media and his political opponents but that tends to happen when those in power lie and insult instead of engage in honest discourse and communication

Trump is a braggart and uses a lot of hyperbole. That does not justify the reaction we have seen from you people.

You should look at this. It is quite funny, but makes a very valid point.

I have two sets of friends who worry me.

It's gotten that ugly. In both cases, they have strong family ties that pull them in certain directions. In one case....the mom is no longer interested in going to her in-laws. Her kids can't go either which I think is a damn shame. But she's been told she really isn't welcome there. It all stems from several large arguments.

Well, that is where we are at.

In 2016, it seemed we heard of divorces over the election. I wonder if people can keep it together despite the clown show we have going on now.
Politics has always been taboo but never as toxic as it is now. I know you blame the Dems but do you honestly not see the roll that Trump has played and continues to play with this horrible division?

All Trump; has done, is refuse to be intimidated by you people.
No he has done much much more than refusing to be inditmidated. That’s a rather weak statement on your part.

Hint: The hidden meanings you imagine that he is sending out with "code words", don't actually count as something HE did.

Cause it is all in your head.

Like when he said that there were "nice people" on both sides of the issue of historical statues, and the libs heard though "code words" that he "meant" ws,

that was not something Trump actually DID.

That was just insanity you people were suffering from.

ALL your complaints about him are like that. You are delusional.
I don’t lend any weight to those secret messages or dog whistles you are attributing to me. I go off the things I directly see and hear. The fact you pretend there is nothing antagonistic or divisive about the living troll we have for a president just shows how out of touch from reality you are.

Give me your best example.
This will make Mac1958 piss his panties....Real men are in command of their households...this shit doesn’t happen in households run by alpha males.
That's probably what they think, but the women go in the booth alone. My mom wasn't above telling dad what he wanted to hear and then voting her own way. BTW, they both voted Joe this year at 93. Asked them, "Do you still hate Trump?"; "Yes"; "Do you want to vote against him?"; "Yes"; "Sign here". Done!
My significant other is a lefty loony and I've become more right-wing since watching Trump actually do what he said he would do. That said, we are doing just fine. Just keep the politics out of the bedroom and agree that each can vote their conscience during elections. What goes on in the home is what's important and never go to bed angry with each other.

How does it feel to have to suffer her stupidity?
I have two sets of friends who worry me.

It's gotten that ugly. In both cases, they have strong family ties that pull them in certain directions. In one case....the mom is no longer interested in going to her in-laws. Her kids can't go either which I think is a damn shame. But she's been told she really isn't welcome there. It all stems from several large arguments.

Well, that is where we are at.

In 2016, it seemed we heard of divorces over the election. I wonder if people can keep it together despite the clown show we have going on now.
Politics has always been taboo but never as toxic as it is now. I know you blame the Dems but do you honestly not see the roll that Trump has played and continues to play with this horrible division?
Trump has brought likeminded families like mine together politically...he’s helped them form a tighter bond, and he’s given good real Americans hope and confidence in our government/ democracy. CNN hasn’t told you these stories have they?

Given how vile and toxic your racism and hate is on this board, I don't see that as a good thing.

He told me the other day that he's a graduate school drop out. I literally had the beverage I was drinking come out of my nose.

You should see a doctor about that problem.
Couples should get to know one another on ALL levels. Doesn't mean it always happens that way. I grew up in a very liberal environment, yet now, Conservative on most views. Each party should be respectful towards one another, as in any relationship.

Totally agree.

But it did happen in 2016.

Trump presidency is NOT destroying marriages. Liberal self centeredness is destroying marriages. Leftists have to grow up. They continually give ultimatums. Damn spoiled brats
I have two sets of friends who worry me.

It's gotten that ugly. In both cases, they have strong family ties that pull them in certain directions. In one case....the mom is no longer interested in going to her in-laws. Her kids can't go either which I think is a damn shame. But she's been told she really isn't welcome there. It all stems from several large arguments.

Well, that is where we are at.

In 2016, it seemed we heard of divorces over the election. I wonder if people can keep it together despite the clown show we have going on now.
Politics has always been taboo but never as toxic as it is now. I know you blame the Dems but do you honestly not see the roll that Trump has played and continues to play with this horrible division?

All Trump; has done, is refuse to be intimidated by you people.
No he has done much much more than refusing to be inditmidated. That’s a rather weak statement on your part.

Hint: The hidden meanings you imagine that he is sending out with "code words", don't actually count as something HE did.

Cause it is all in your head.

Like when he said that there were "nice people" on both sides of the issue of historical statues, and the libs heard though "code words" that he "meant" ws,

that was not something Trump actually DID.

That was just insanity you people were suffering from.

ALL your complaints about him are like that. You are delusional.
I don’t lend any weight to those secret messages or dog whistles you are attributing to me. I go off the things I directly see and hear. The fact you pretend there is nothing antagonistic or divisive about the living troll we have for a president just shows how out of touch from reality you are.

Give me your best example.
Come on, this is just obvious stuff. He has crowds of thousands chanting to lock up his political opponents. That’s one out of many many thousands of disgusting divisive and completely inappropriate things for a president to do and it is pushing our country in a horrible direction
I have two sets of friends who worry me.

It's gotten that ugly. In both cases, they have strong family ties that pull them in certain directions. In one case....the mom is no longer interested in going to her in-laws. Her kids can't go either which I think is a damn shame. But she's been told she really isn't welcome there. It all stems from several large arguments.

Well, that is where we are at.

In 2016, it seemed we heard of divorces over the election. I wonder if people can keep it together despite the clown show we have going on now.
Politics has always been taboo but never as toxic as it is now. I know you blame the Dems but do you honestly not see the roll that Trump has played and continues to play with this horrible division?
Trump has brought likeminded families like mine together politically...he’s helped them form a tighter bond, and he’s given good real Americans hope and confidence in our government/ democracy. CNN hasn’t told you these stories have they?
I’ve seen enough with my eyes. I’m glad your fam gets a laugh out of our president, that’s great and all but unfortunately the negative effects that others are experience far out number the good
Trump isn't responsible for these "negative effects " these people feel. These people are in control of THEMSELVES, along with their FEELINGS AND BEHAVIORS. That's nothing but more "victim" behavior.
Exactly right..... Going against the grain in life usually brings about negative effects, and it definitely dulls the senses.
I don’t see Trump as going against the grain as much as dishonestly trolling his opponents.
Trump is going with the grain by doing his job as he promised the American people. The left is the one going against the grain by fighting with the majority of the American people.
I don’t see Trump as doing his job when he constantly lies and spin about what’s going on. True he faces a waive of opposition from the media and his political opponents but that tends to happen when those in power lie and insult instead of engage in honest discourse and communication

Trump is a braggart and uses a lot of hyperbole. That does not justify the reaction we have seen from you people.

You should look at this. It is quite funny, but makes a very valid point.

There have been a lot of unjustified overreactions to Trump. There have also been very justified reactions that call him out when he lies which is pretty much all the time. Either way none of that justifies how he conducts himself, the effects of which are his responsibility
I have two sets of friends who worry me.

It's gotten that ugly. In both cases, they have strong family ties that pull them in certain directions. In one case....the mom is no longer interested in going to her in-laws. Her kids can't go either which I think is a damn shame. But she's been told she really isn't welcome there. It all stems from several large arguments.

Well, that is where we are at.

In 2016, it seemed we heard of divorces over the election. I wonder if people can keep it together despite the clown show we have going on now.
Politics has always been taboo but never as toxic as it is now. I know you blame the Dems but do you honestly not see the roll that Trump has played and continues to play with this horrible division?

All Trump; has done, is refuse to be intimidated by you people.
No he has done much much more than refusing to be inditmidated. That’s a rather weak statement on your part.

Hint: The hidden meanings you imagine that he is sending out with "code words", don't actually count as something HE did.

Cause it is all in your head.

Like when he said that there were "nice people" on both sides of the issue of historical statues, and the libs heard though "code words" that he "meant" ws,

that was not something Trump actually DID.

That was just insanity you people were suffering from.

ALL your complaints about him are like that. You are delusional.
I don’t lend any weight to those secret messages or dog whistles you are attributing to me. I go off the things I directly see and hear. The fact you pretend there is nothing antagonistic or divisive about the living troll we have for a president just shows how out of touch from reality you are.

Give me your best example.
Come on, this is just obvious stuff. He has crowds of thousands chanting to lock up his political opponents. That’s one out of many many thousands of disgusting divisive and completely inappropriate things for a president to do and it is pushing our country in a horrible direction
Is it “divisive” to denigrate Caucasians daily, to tell 70% of the population that it’s “systemically” racicist?
Is it divisive to detest our nations history, traditions, value system and the like?
Is it divisive to tell our citizens they must allow Mexico to invade?
Is it divisive to force our citizens to pay for Mexico’s healthcare?
Is it divisive to force our citizens to wait in line behind illegal trespassers for education, healthcare and public services?

Come on man...do you only notice “divisiveness” when it originates on one side of the isle?
I have two sets of friends who worry me.

It's gotten that ugly. In both cases, they have strong family ties that pull them in certain directions. In one case....the mom is no longer interested in going to her in-laws. Her kids can't go either which I think is a damn shame. But she's been told she really isn't welcome there. It all stems from several large arguments.

Well, that is where we are at.

In 2016, it seemed we heard of divorces over the election. I wonder if people can keep it together despite the clown show we have going on now.
Politics has always been taboo but never as toxic as it is now. I know you blame the Dems but do you honestly not see the roll that Trump has played and continues to play with this horrible division?

All Trump; has done, is refuse to be intimidated by you people.
No he has done much much more than refusing to be inditmidated. That’s a rather weak statement on your part.

Hint: The hidden meanings you imagine that he is sending out with "code words", don't actually count as something HE did.

Cause it is all in your head.

Like when he said that there were "nice people" on both sides of the issue of historical statues, and the libs heard though "code words" that he "meant" ws,

that was not something Trump actually DID.

That was just insanity you people were suffering from.

ALL your complaints about him are like that. You are delusional.
I don’t lend any weight to those secret messages or dog whistles you are attributing to me. I go off the things I directly see and hear. The fact you pretend there is nothing antagonistic or divisive about the living troll we have for a president just shows how out of touch from reality you are.

Give me your best example.
Come on, this is just obvious stuff. He has crowds of thousands chanting to lock up his political opponents. That’s one out of many many thousands of disgusting divisive and completely inappropriate things for a president to do and it is pushing our country in a horrible direction

Is it divisive to tell a white person...”I’m sorry, although you are more qualified for this job your skin is just too white.”
Is it divisive to champion a “group” that implies that only the lives of those with black skin matter?
Is it divisive to throw “white privilege” in the faces of whites?

Come on man...without divisive play the party that compartmentalizes the citizenry and preys on division couldn’t exist. Link us to all your posts where you’ve denounced their standard of play.
I have two sets of friends who worry me.

It's gotten that ugly. In both cases, they have strong family ties that pull them in certain directions. In one case....the mom is no longer interested in going to her in-laws. Her kids can't go either which I think is a damn shame. But she's been told she really isn't welcome there. It all stems from several large arguments.

Well, that is where we are at.

In 2016, it seemed we heard of divorces over the election. I wonder if people can keep it together despite the clown show we have going on now.
Politics has always been taboo but never as toxic as it is now. I know you blame the Dems but do you honestly not see the roll that Trump has played and continues to play with this horrible division?
Trump has brought likeminded families like mine together politically...he’s helped them form a tighter bond, and he’s given good real Americans hope and confidence in our government/ democracy. CNN hasn’t told you these stories have they?
I have two sets of friends who worry me.

It's gotten that ugly. In both cases, they have strong family ties that pull them in certain directions. In one case....the mom is no longer interested in going to her in-laws. Her kids can't go either which I think is a damn shame. But she's been told she really isn't welcome there. It all stems from several large arguments.

Well, that is where we are at.

In 2016, it seemed we heard of divorces over the election. I wonder if people can keep it together despite the clown show we have going on now.
Politics has always been taboo but never as toxic as it is now. I know you blame the Dems but do you honestly not see the roll that Trump has played and continues to play with this horrible division?
Trump has brought likeminded families like mine together politically...he’s helped them form a tighter bond, and he’s given good real Americans hope and confidence in our government/ democracy. CNN hasn’t told you these stories have they?

Sad that my family is politically unified?
I have two sets of friends who worry me.

It's gotten that ugly. In both cases, they have strong family ties that pull them in certain directions. In one case....the mom is no longer interested in going to her in-laws. Her kids can't go either which I think is a damn shame. But she's been told she really isn't welcome there. It all stems from several large arguments.

Well, that is where we are at.

In 2016, it seemed we heard of divorces over the election. I wonder if people can keep it together despite the clown show we have going on now.
Can those 2016 Trump supporters seek "do overs" by apologizing?
I have two sets of friends who worry me.

It's gotten that ugly. In both cases, they have strong family ties that pull them in certain directions. In one case....the mom is no longer interested in going to her in-laws. Her kids can't go either which I think is a damn shame. But she's been told she really isn't welcome there. It all stems from several large arguments.

Well, that is where we are at.

In 2016, it seemed we heard of divorces over the election. I wonder if people can keep it together despite the clown show we have going on now.
Politics has always been taboo but never as toxic as it is now. I know you blame the Dems but do you honestly not see the roll that Trump has played and continues to play with this horrible division?

All Trump; has done, is refuse to be intimidated by you people.
No he has done much much more than refusing to be inditmidated. That’s a rather weak statement on your part.

Hint: The hidden meanings you imagine that he is sending out with "code words", don't actually count as something HE did.

Cause it is all in your head.

Like when he said that there were "nice people" on both sides of the issue of historical statues, and the libs heard though "code words" that he "meant" ws,

that was not something Trump actually DID.

That was just insanity you people were suffering from.

ALL your complaints about him are like that. You are delusional.
I don’t lend any weight to those secret messages or dog whistles you are attributing to me. I go off the things I directly see and hear. The fact you pretend there is nothing antagonistic or divisive about the living troll we have for a president just shows how out of touch from reality you are.

Give me your best example.
Come on, this is just obvious stuff. He has crowds of thousands chanting to lock up his political opponents. That’s one out of many many thousands of disgusting divisive and completely inappropriate things for a president to do and it is pushing our country in a horrible direction
Is it “divisive” to denigrate Caucasians daily, to tell 70% of the population that it’s “systemically” racicist?
Is it divisive to detest our nations history, traditions, value system and the like?
Is it divisive to tell our citizens they must allow Mexico to invade?
Is it divisive to force our citizens to pay for Mexico’s healthcare?
Is it divisive to force our citizens to wait in line behind illegal trespassers for education, healthcare and public services?

Come on man...do you only notice “divisiveness” when it originates on one side of the isle?
Yes, yes, yes, no, yes, no, I notice divisiveness where ever I see it.

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