I wonder what its like to be white?

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Yes , your correct , I think the human race can be subdivided by skin tone ; not all the human race , but the majority of it. Yes I do think that.
Why do you think skin tone is a measure of intelligence, compassion and all the qualities that make up the best of humanity?

Yes , your correct , I think the human race can be subdivided by skin tone ; not all the human race , but the majority of it. Yes I do think that.
Why do you think skin tone is a measure of intelligence, compassion and all the qualities that make up the best of humanity?


I have NEVER in my life said that skin tone was a measure of intelligence. In fact show me where I said that in thread? I already know you can't back that up ; I never said such a thing.

Now then , In my view the human race has two major skin tones that have impressed history ; white and people of color. And can be then sub divided into those two major catagories. Look at your own chart.
I have NEVER in my life said that skin tone was a measure of intelligence. ...
Awesome. Then please expound on your comment "I think the human race can be subdivided by skin tone".

Why do you think the human race should be subdivided by skin tone? What should be done with those of different skin tones?
I have NEVER in my life said that skin tone was a measure of intelligence. ...
Awesome. Then please expound on your comment "I think the human race can be subdivided by skin tone".

Why do you think the human race should be subdivided by skin tone? What should be done with those of different skin tones?

I don't think the human race " Should be" divided by skin tone , I think they " Are" divided by skin tone. Nothing should be done to any culture that is out side of the two major skin tones ; nothing.

Look at this chart ; when you open this link , you'll see a row of about 10 children of varying skin tones ; those are the major variations on earth in my view. Basically two skin tones , that is all I meant ;

Human Skin Color Variation | The Smithsonian Institution's Human Origins Program
For me, being white is never having to wake up in the morning and even think about my race.... I just AM. I don't even realize I am white, I just somewhere deep inside, know I am, without even looking in a mirror... there's a silent, not even conscious, security of sorts... in being white, because I don't even have to think about my white race...I just AM.... I don't know how to explain it...

Bottom line, things are easier for me than a woman of color....I've done the mental experiment of... ''I wonder what it would be like, to be in Angela's shoes experiment...'' Angela is a close black girlfriend that I worked with at 2 different corporations.... and I know, even though she is just as smart as I am....I have it a little easier...an edge of security that she some times does not have....like when interviewing for a new job....she may wonder for a minute or two before going in, will this interviewer be prejudice? I've never had to think that....never even crossed my mind....
I have NEVER in my life said that skin tone was a measure of intelligence. ...
Awesome. Then please expound on your comment "I think the human race can be subdivided by skin tone".

Why do you think the human race should be subdivided by skin tone? What should be done with those of different skin tones?

I don't think the human race " Should be" divided by skin tone , I think they " Are" divided by skin tone. Nothing should be done to any culture that is out side of the two major skin tones ; nothing.

Look at this chart ; when you open this link , you'll see a row of about 10 children of varying skin tones ; those are the major variations on earth in my view. Basically two skin tones , that is all I meant ;

Human Skin Color Variation | The Smithsonian Institution's Human Origins Program
Only two? Dude, don't you see how racist that is?

FWIW, two of my grandkids. Do you really want to split us up based on skin tone?

Guess which one wants to be a pilot like me?
For me, being white is never having to wake up in the morning and even think about my race.... I just AM. I don't even realize I am white, I just somewhere deep inside, know I am, without even looking in a mirror... there's a silent, not even conscious, security of sorts... in being white, because I don't even have to think about my white race...I just AM.... I don't know how to explain it...

Bottom line, things are easier for me than a woman of color....I've done the mental experiment of... ''I wonder what it would be like, to be in Angela's shoes experiment...'' Angela is a close black girlfriend that I worked with at 2 different corporations.... and I know, even though she is just as smart as I am....I have it a little easier...an edge of security that she some times does not have....like when interviewing for a new job....she may wonder for a minute or two before going in, will this interviewer be prejudice? I've never had to think that....never even crossed my mind....

Well I wish more whites could have experienced what you have about some blacks. And listen , one reason we think about being black , is because historically , for centuries ,we were told black is ugly , dirty , demonic , evil , sinful , smelly and those are just the top of the list.

This was forced on us by an uncaring society. Why do you think our leaders had to start public self motivating slogans for us , to help us not believe those lies any more ; like " Black is beautiful" and " I'm black and I'm proud!" Because we were taught to believe what these white people were teaching us.

I remember that stuff , I lived through it. Its like a cut in your brain. A different form of rape.
I have NEVER in my life said that skin tone was a measure of intelligence. ...
Awesome. Then please expound on your comment "I think the human race can be subdivided by skin tone".

Why do you think the human race should be subdivided by skin tone? What should be done with those of different skin tones?

I don't think the human race " Should be" divided by skin tone , I think they " Are" divided by skin tone. Nothing should be done to any culture that is out side of the two major skin tones ; nothing.

Look at this chart ; when you open this link , you'll see a row of about 10 children of varying skin tones ; those are the major variations on earth in my view. Basically two skin tones , that is all I meant ;

Human Skin Color Variation | The Smithsonian Institution's Human Origins Program
Only two? Dude, don't you see how racist that is?

FWIW, two of my grandkids. Do you really want to split us up based on skin tone?
View attachment 91165
Guess which one wants to be a pilot like me?

That's not racist , its reality , and God did that ,not me. Your just blind to the reality that there are two major color groups on earth. And I cannot open your eyes.
Whites and their over indulgence in booze coupled with their latent criminal activity concerning the product is a very bad influence on other races.
Only racists believe in races. Geneticists have proven we're both more alike than different and that "races" is only important medical reasons, not social ones.
You always seem to get it wrong. Only racists believe one race is superior to another.
You mean like you?
....And listen , one reason we think about being black , is because historically , for centuries ,we were told black is ugly , dirty , demonic , evil , sinful , smelly and those are just the top of the list.....
Obviously you've never been to those countries that "historically, for centuries" talk about "white devils", "round eyes" and the like.

Dude, no "race", no human culture, has a monopoly on hate. You're passing it along yourself with this thread. You're actively dividing human beings into "whites" and everyone else. That's racism, pure and simple. You think you are right, you think you are justified, but the fact remains you are part of the problem. You are a racist who is continuing to subdivide the human race into groups based solely on skin tone.
That's not racist , its reality , and God did that ,not me. Your just blind to the reality that there are two major color groups on earth. And I cannot open your eyes.
You are free to your prejudices and hatreds, but don't blame God for it. You're doing it all on your own.
That's not racist , its reality , and God did that ,not me. Your just blind to the reality that there are two major color groups on earth. And I cannot open your eyes.
You are free to your prejudices and hatreds, but don't blame God for it. You're doing it all on your own.

I have no hatred ,I do have prejudices and I am racist to a point. And I do believe humanity can be divided into two basic skin tones ; already are.

Peace on your journey.

Now , white is one major group on earth , and I think its the most talented group to use its racism in such blind unconscious prejudice. As I think many whites commenting on this thread have shown; they just don't get it. They can't see it , and you can't show it to them.

But I will show it to them on thread anyway. Why will I do it?

I got nothing better to do.
I have no hatred ,I do have prejudices and I am racist to a point. And I do believe humanity can be divided into two basic skin tones ; already are.

Peace on your journey.

Now , white is one major group on earth , and I think its the most talented group to use its racism in such blind unconscious prejudice. As I think many whites commenting on this thread have shown; they just don't get it. They can't see it , and you can't show it to them.

But I will show it to them on thread anyway. Why will I do it?

I got nothing better to do.
Dude, being a racist is being hateful.
I have no hatred ,I do have prejudices and I am racist to a point. And I do believe humanity can be divided into two basic skin tones ; already are.

Peace on your journey.

Now , white is one major group on earth , and I think its the most talented group to use its racism in such blind unconscious prejudice. As I think many whites commenting on this thread have shown; they just don't get it. They can't see it , and you can't show it to them.

But I will show it to them on thread anyway. Why will I do it?

I got nothing better to do.
Dude, being a racist is being hateful.

I know you won't understand this , because your locked in on locking me in ; I never have hated anyone ,I have hated how they think , talk , and do things. My racism does not go to hate of a person, and I could care less if you believe that. It does not go to violence , unless forced on me. Being a racist is not being hateful ; it depends on the racist. That is how I see it. My racism is less than 50% of my consciousness. Less than half of me is racist. I got about 20% white blood in me;

I think I am about 20% racist.
...My racism does not go to hate of a person, and I could care less if you believe that. It does not go to violence , unless forced on me. Being a racist is not being hateful ; it depends on the racist. That is how I see it. My racism is less than 50% of my consciousness. Less than half of me is racist. I got about 20% white blood in me;

I think I am about 20% racist.
Disagreed about hate, but we can agree that just because a person hates doesn't mean they will turn violent. Most racists are pathetic idiots who just want feel better about themselves by looking down on others.
...My racism does not go to hate of a person, and I could care less if you believe that. It does not go to violence , unless forced on me. Being a racist is not being hateful ; it depends on the racist. That is how I see it. My racism is less than 50% of my consciousness. Less than half of me is racist. I got about 20% white blood in me;

I think I am about 20% racist.
Disagreed about hate, but we can agree that just because a person hates doesn't mean they will turn violent. Most racists are pathetic idiots who just want feel better about themselves by looking down on others.

Well yes ,I have only turned violent 4 times in my life ; each time it was a reaction to someone hitting me first or wanting to hit me and came toward me to do that ; I am 61 years old , each of these events happened in my twenties ; they were two whites , one latino and one black man. I admit they only got in one blow , and they received several blows from me. I could have seriously hurt them , but I did not ; something inside of me was merciful , even then I had a spirit that did not want to hurt people. So only 4 fights in my life , no more since I was in my 20"s.

I was very foolish when I was young.
I was very foolish when I was young.
Most of us were.

Well yes , that is true. As I have stated , I think violence is a spirit that enters our consciousness , just like racism or hatred , even emotion or temptations , those spirits are there ; like air is there but cannot be seen. But they have access to our consciousness as we give in to those temptations. They enter as much as we allow ; and I think when people go crazy or do incredible crazy things , like fly planes into the world trade center , or boys killing fellow kids in a school , or planting bombs ; evil spirits just took them over , or flooded their consciousness , or locked them into whatever purpose they now had in their minds.

So then , it is a combination of spirits and our willingness to do things. The thought goes up and enters the mind , or the consciousness ; we then entertain the thought , the spirit powers the thought , or makes it stronger, and then we react. Lust is exactly like this! Hate is exactly like this. Even Love is like this. Love is a spirit. This is WHY I like the bible , this is explained in James 1:14-15 , " But every man is tempted when he is " Drawn away" of his own lust and enticed. Then when lust has conceived it brings forth sin, and sin when it is finished , brings forth death. This is a time table , it means death can eventually come , if the person continues in their pattern. Notice the " Drawn away and enticed."

Drawn away by what? Well a spirit , that spirit entices you , meaning it attracts you or arouses you; like how we lure a fish to the fishing rod , with bait. The bait is always there, Waiting to entice the consciousness.
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What is it like to have a white consciousness? For your mind to be steered in a direction just because of your race and culture ? For the spirit in you to influence you just because of the color of your skin?

I think this is a fascinating thing , yet a revolting development.
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